Lama Yulu Rinpoche

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Lama Yulu Tulku Rinpoche was born in 1962 in eastern Tibet, in a small village called
Choney. At the age of 20 he decided to become a monk at the Choney Comce Monastery,
where he stayed for about three years gaining the respect of villagers thanks to his
miraculous healings.
From 1988 to 1992 Yulu Rinpoche studied Buddhist philosophy with Geshe Yeshe
Wangchuk in the Sera Mey Monastery in Lhasa, Tibet. He then moved to the Ganden
Monastery in India, where in 1994 he was officially recognised by His Holiness the 14th
Dalai Lama as the 7th reincarnation of the 6th Lama Yulu Hototu Rinpoche, abbot of the
Choney Comce Monastery. Tulku enthronement ceremonies were in fact prohibited in
Tibet by the Chinese government.
In 1998 Lama Yulu Rinpoche joined several friends and Lamas - including His Holiness
Kyabje Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche and His Eminence Gonsar Tulku Rinpoche - in
Two years later he finally arrived in Milan, Italy, his home-country to date. In December of
the same year, he visited for the first time the UNESCO World Heritage Site and Stupa of
Borobudur in Central Java, Indonesia, together with His Eminence Lama Gangchen
Rinpoche, monks and disciples.
Back in Italy, Yulu Rinpoche settled down in Urbino, in the Marche region, where he
stayed until 2016 and set up the Choney Yulu Hototu Tara Meditation Centre in the nearby
town of Fano.
Lama Yulu Rinpoche is nicknamed by his Italian friends the ‘Smile Lama' or the 'Rainbow
Lama' because of his joyful and humble attitude. According to him, the first step towards
happiness is smiling to life, as laughers release positive energy and send away negative
thoughts. He enjoys being close to people, with an extremely simple approach.
Lama Yulu now travels between Italy and Asia, performing group and private healing
sessions upon invitation. His dream is to bring the power of healing all over the world.

Miracles and Visions

Through Europe, China, Tibet, Malesia, Singapore and India, Yulu Rinpoche has many
disciples - he prefers to call them 'friends' - who follow and respect him for his Buddhist
teachings but especially for his miracles and visions.
At the age of 23, when he was not yet officially recognised as Tulku - the reincarnation of
Lama Yulu Hototu Rinpoche, he felt it was important to clarify any doubts about his
identity, in particular with his brother who was rather skeptical about miracles. He led him
to a cave situated in the surroundings of Choney and well-known for a carving with the 100
syllables of the AH mantra appeared in ancient times. Along the trip they were joined by a
group of nomads, who witnessed the event. At the entrance of the cave, Lama Yulu threw
a khata (a traditional ceremonial scarf) on the highest tip of the rock. As soon as the khata
touched it, the ground trembled and several pieces of rock fell down. People got extremely
scared so Yulu Rinpoche waved his kashaya (monk robe) three times upwards and the
earthquake stopped.
Later the same year, in 1985, some locals sought his advice regarding a conflict arose
between neighbouring villages. Borders between the two lands were marked on a rock
about 150 years earlier, but it unfortunately got lost. After a deep meditation, Lama Yulu
saw where the rock was buried, went on the spot together with other people and brought it
back to light. The borders were indeed carved in ancient Tibetan language and the event
established new peace among the villagers.
The echo of his miracles was so wide-spread that, in India, he was invited by a Tibetan
Community who live in an arid area with no water source. Thanks to the power of his
prayers and meditation, a spring came to surface, and is still there.
During his first visit at Lama Gangchen’s Albagnano Healing Meditation Center, in
Northern Italy in year 2000, Yulu Rinpoche had a truthful vision: he forecasted the arrival
of a golden stupa and clearly saw it with Lama Gangchen Rinpoche. From 2004 to 2007,
in fact, Buddha’s relics arrived from Burma, Thailand and Sri Lanka in a golden stupa.
They were first brought to Albagnano and Milano, and Lama Gangchen later took them in
a 15 countries international tour, held in the same container. Relics are now at the United
Nations in New York City.
That same year in Albagnano, Lama Yulu also foresaw a sad event for the world, that
unfortunately came true: the fires and wars of the Arab Spring in Muslim countries.
In March 2017, during a retreat with Lama Gangchen Rinpoche at the Borobudur Stupa in
Indonesia, Yulu Rinpoche was asked by the monks to perform a miracle on the monsoon
weather that was threatening an important outdoor Fire Puja. He blew on the clouds and
stopped the rain until the end of the ritual.

Healing and other practices

Lama Yulu Rinpoche is a so-called Lama Healer, who works with Buddha Amithaba’s
Cosmic energy and with the vibration of the 5 elements. He is well-known for his strong
connection with Tara’s energy.
Yulu Rinpoche also has the gift of divination, karmic mapping and view on past
lives. Friends often rely on his precious advice regarding all matters.

Lama Yulu maintains the bond with his origins and financially supports needy children and
families of Choney, Tibet.

Lama Yulu Rinpoche's quotes (English/Italian)

If you change yourself, you also change the rest. One for all, all for one.
Cambi te, cambi tutto. Uno per tutti, tutti per uno.

Simplicity is the absence of worrying and means purity.

Semplicità è assenza di preoccupazione e significa purezza.

When you love yourself, every place becomes Shambala - the pure land.
Quando hai amore per te stesso qualsiasi posto diventa Shambala - la terra pura.

As in a mala the string keeps the beads together, the breath keeps life together.
Come nel mala il filo tiene insieme le palline, il respiro tiene insieme la vita.

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