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1012812017 ‘Three Pepper Chicken Recipe w alrecipest ee 2 couashetctonvcon a ome Wfirtrnasouce-ecipe breaerumblrefringlé900:4referingcontentyperecipeclehé-recipereadrumb 1} Recipes eclpsintemasource-recpebreadcrumblretring as . es Bg. BB 2 Three Pepper Chicken, tht “Tmadeit | 20reviews | 3 photos/recine/3001/three-pepper-chicken/phots/1012378)) Recipe by: MONADESS "Ring my bell (pepper Theis a quick healthy recipe tat servstwo persons. A goad way to use up the plentiful ell pepper inthe fall that we are bested with dowssffigemy Pt osePen ic, heathy recip persons. good way tuse up the a ep 1 (prin? swe 0 a a recipeType=Recipetservngs-2isMet Ingredients hp:latrecipes.comirocipa/9001ithvee-pepper-chickerd 18 1012812017 ‘Three Pepper Chicken Recipe Onsale so 00 Hm. eooks te these ingredients re'tonsle ody om “+r RUIN REAPE ERB? ingredients onsale 1/2 waspon alan seasoning Find the closes stores “+ 2nd, boneless chicken breasts 4+) Wecupengsubstiute 4+) Reuploaded bel pepper 4+) Reap julienned yetow bell pepper 4+) Reap tenes ree bel pepper 4+ small onion cut ito wedges 4+ Aelove crushed gai 4) TR eablepoonsbuter 4+ Reapehckentroth 4+) YRablespoon al purpose four Addalingedients to ist Directions (orig recpeTyperRecpetservingekisMeticralze) Prep Cook —Resaytn ° am smth Ina shallow dish or bowl, mixtogether cracker crumbs and seasoning. Putegg substitute ina Separate dish or bow Dip each chicken breast inthe gg, substitute then cat with cracker mitre, Set aside, Ina large silt saute bell peppers, onion and gariin butte or margarine over medium heat, unjust rsp and tener. Remove pepper mixture ‘rom skillet and set aside, keeping warm, Inthe same skillet, saute coated chicken breast in remaining butter or margarine until browned on beth sides. Remove browned chicken breasts ‘rom skillet and keep warm, ‘Combine the chicken broth and flour and mixtogether Pourbroth micure inta pan drigpings and heat through unt mixture thickens and begins ta bol Strin bell pepper mixture and heat through string together. I desired, serve by pacing chicken breast on abe of het cooked pasta and pouring bell pepper misture ver the top. hp:latrecipes.comirocipa!900 1th 2s

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