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1. SYNOPSIS 1. Title of the Project  The title of the project should clearly define and justify the project.
 Whimsical and metaphorically articulated title should be avoided and will not be
 A sub-title may be mentioned related to the design theme if applicable.

Example: Amusement Park at Bhubaneswar – Role of landscape in generating

passive environment within intense activity zone.
2. Abstract A write-up of not more than 500 words, describing the the project, the project status
(live or hypothetical), the design theme (if thought of) and the location.
(To be provided only Justification for doing the project (need & importance) citing present scenario & data.
in Report)  The envisaged outcome of the project and possible knowledge contribution.
3. Aim  The aim should be in clear words stating the intent of the project.
4. Objective Objectives are break-up of the aim.
 Basically, objectives should estimate the various points those are envisaged, proposed
and required to be accomplished to achieve the aim.
5. Scope & Limitation Scopes delineate the amount of work to be done – qualitatively (user specifications,
approach, etc) & quantitatively (scale).

Ex.: User specifications: user groups, age group, gender, ethnicity etc.; approach: green,
vernacular, cost effective, etc.; scale: number of users, rise & spread, proposed built-up
 Limitations may describe the work that is not to be done – the works beyond the scope
of the project. It shall encompass even the predictable hurdles & impossibilities
associated with the project.
6. Detailed Methodology shall clearly and sequentially enumerate the step-by-step procedure of
Methodology the work and mention the deliverables of the project.
A firm & detailed timeline envisaging the work progress schedule should accompany
the methodology.
7. Design Ideas Design Ideas should include basic ideas of design and approach, and outline non-
descriptively thought process regarding the nature of work.
It shall also make reference to innovative inclusions if any.

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2. Data collection, 1. Data Collection Literature & Internet Case Study
Interpretation thro’ Literature,  The Literature study shall include:
and Inference. Internet & Live Case
Preliminary Study incl. Site Standards:
outcome of analysis  To refer to Standards related to architectural practices like:
 Time Saver Standards, Neufert Architect’s Data, Graphics Standard, etc.

Pertinent references:
It is pertinent to follow certain by-laws and regulations set forth by Statutory
Authorities like:
 Urban Development Authority By-laws or Municipal By-laws,
 National Building Code (NBC) of the National Building Organisation (NBO),
 Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Norms,
 ASI Heritage Regulation Norms, and
 Any other regulations whatsoever applicable, dependent upon site and its

 Other literatures may include but not limited to, any of the the following:
 Books including e-books & Journals,
 Articles including internet based articles and blogs, web pages & newspapers etc.

Spatial parameters
Anthropometric studies in Indian context for finding out amenities & space
 Physical & spatial requirements for barrier free design considerations as an integral part
of the design,
 Technical details at micro-level if required for the project

(ex.: building automation, green building techniques, new concepts, material uses etc.),
 Concepts related findings, current issues, development & works done in the related

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Live Case Studies

 Case studies shall be based on the notion of achieving basic ideas of the design
theme whereby it should include,
 Study of similar live cases by personal visit and situation studies.

(Appropriate cases may be taken up for study in consultation with the guide, to
develop design ideas where similar projects have already been completed. The
following methodology shall be adopted to analyse such cases:
 Client details, architect, need stated by the client and architect’s interpretations.
In the absence of similar projects for full fledged case study partial studies and
analysis, may be made, of similar cases relevant to the design project.
If the study is of more than one case, then the preferred way of presentation shall
be in a tabulated format showing comparative analysis, historic significance if any,
landmark value, target visitors/customers/users, immediate surrounding and its

Climatic considerations – orientation, voids and perforations, shading devices, shadow

angles, green building aspects adopted, measures to generate micro-climate comfort,
site usage and activity distribution.
Zoning divisions, their inter-relationships and visual linkages, both horizontally as well as
vertically – detailed plan sections shall be required at this stage.
Accessibility and movement modes, their placement and linkages to different internal
and external spaces – staircases, steps, elevators, corridors and passageways, escalators,
entrance ways, openings, etc.
Drawings showing support services can be put in reduced scales as suitable for
information and documentation sake unless the design topic demands analysis of such
Users’ perspective: interviewing the users to get feedbacks of their comfort, ease in
usage, clarity in perception of the various zones, reachability, etc.)
Signage and barrier-free aspects.
 Building aesthetics: colours, materials, elements, scale and proportions, visibility through
different spaces and frames generated for appreciation

Case study from literary sources

In cases where, live case study is not possible due to any reason, study of projects
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from soft or hard media (books, journals, magazines, internet, etc.) is allowed.
 The following methodology shall be adopted to analyse such cases:
 All the points mentioned above shall be relevant.
 Additionally, the student shall need to analyse such cases through their own
interpretation to the maximum possible level that they can achieve.

Part case studies

 These are special considerations for the students who opt for themes which are not
present at reachable limits for visits of if the themes that are sole representations of
complete newness.
 The following methodology shall be adopted to analyse such cases:
In consultation with the guide a student has to break down the various
components of their design to find out individual cases that are accessible and
 All the points mentioned above shall be relevant.
 Finally, such part case studies have to be integrated to generate a comprehensive

Situation analysis

For topics addressing to public spaces or spaces within the urban realm students need
to study the prevailing situation of similarly done projects by long duration personal visits.
The following methodology shall be adopted to analyse such cases:
The students shall have to find similarly done projects within reachable limits and
study the prevailing situations.
The situation can also be partly found in some other places which may not be
directly related to the theme, in which case, again it shall be called as part study.
If at all, there aren’t any situations available within reachable limits then Literature
sources may be referred in addition to studying existing conditions of similar live situations
even without any improvement measures been undertaken.

 City level analysis:

 Key Plan showing location, its geographical importance and its connectivity with
other important destinations, nodes and public places within the city.
Accessibility and hierarchy of importance for city level users.
Landmark potential.
Sector level analysis:
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Topographical studies
Surrounding land use and figure ground studies (density, open space linkages, ground
coverage of built spaces)
Built characteristics (building heights, types of buildings)
Movement hierarchy
Associated people (residents, class of people, age group, passerby’s)
Concentrated and distribution of activities.
Land prices and real estate evaluation.
Precinct/ Street level analysis:
Accessibility and entrance nodes.
Built character and urban aesthetics.
Physical elements of the precinct.
Threshold or immediate edge characteristics.
User groups and their classification (class, age, gender, literacy, etc.).
Types of activities, their distribution and visual linkages.
Special features if any.
Users’ response (through interviewing).

Site Analysis

 Following describe the methodology of Site Analysis:

 Site Selection criteria
 Site and surrounding potentials: (location, accessibility, surrounding Land uses and
activities, services, consideration, vegetation cover on and off the site, etc.)
 Area and shape of the site.
 SWOT Analysis.
 Zoning studies: (Climatic impact, environmental impact - noise, vision, etc.,
geometric / grid based divisions, activity spread, active and passive zones, parking
and pedestrian zones, building heights, etc.)
Interpretation & Inference
Students shall interpret, in their own terms, data collected from case-study, literature &
Internet study as well as site visit and site analysis.
Students shall present interpretation and Inference, on data so collected, only in
graphical and tabulated manner through sketches, maps, plans, charts etc.
 Subjective descriptions are to be avoided.

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Preliminary Outcome of Proposal

 Following describe the methodology of Preliminary Outcome of Proposal :

 This part of the review has to be presented in conjunction with the first part drawing
reference from the first part to establish itself and shall include:
 Description of design theme & design considerations,
 Concept development with priority chart,
 Preliminary site development (zoning, site layout etc).

3. Design Site Layout with site Following describe the methodology of Design Development - 1 :
Development -1 sections (as many  The students shall present the initial site plan, in scale, corroborated with the zoning
reqd.), Building Floor and preliminary site layout presented in the previous review or any changes thereafter.
Plans, Sections &  The block or building plans, in scale. Should be presented along with detailed
Elevations facilitation like furniture layout, etc.
 Critical sections in scale, through both longitudinal & cross direction, required to
explain the design.
 Technical drawings of plans and sections may be justified using sketches, photographs,
etc. as to explain their evolution or development.
4. Design Final form all Following describe the methodology of Final Form of drawings & documents:
Development- 2 drawings & The students are required to present the final site plan, in proper scale.
& Design documents including  All final floor plans of building block or blocks (with facilitation), in appropriate scale.
Finalization 3D views  Scaled elevations and sections of the building/buildings. 3D views & walk through
along with physical models, sketches, figures, photographs etc. may also be presented
to explain the design, in better manner.
5. Pre - Final Final form of all The students shall present herein the final sheets of the thesis, with all the necessary
Presentation drawings & docs. drawings and information, as to be presented in the final jury.
corrected based on  3d views are a must from convenient camera angles to clearly depict the project.
panel criticism 
6. Final Thesis Jury Same as above Same as above with all corrected & necessary incorporation made from comments
made in Pre-final submission & scaled physical model of Project.



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