Doterra Living Article 2019

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Living Article: Men, Stress Less

Career, relationships, school, errands, chores, personal improvement, side projects—the list of
intense, time-consuming demands too often goes on and on. Dealing with everything that must
be done can lead to increased stress—that sinking feeling, like you’re being dragged down by
quicksand. There’s not enough time or energy to handle everything required of you; at least, it
can feel that way.

Studies have significantly linked overall happiness and satisfaction with stress management. You
may not be able to eliminate all the causes of stress, but symptoms can be addressed, alleviating
many of the negative effects stress can bring about. These simple steps will help you better
manage your stress and bring relief to your daily life, making you happier and more wholesome
in the end.

Get Offline and Outside

It’s a cliché, but it’s also a truth: a little fresh air does the body (and mind and emotions) good. A
modern addendum to getting outside is getting offline. Social media—especially YouTube for
guys—is addictive and engaging, so prying yourself away from your screen can be difficult.
Doing so, however, can lower stress and rumination levels. So take time frequently to get away
from the computer, phone, and game system and go on a favorite adventure outdoors.

Staying offline for a little while doesn’t just apply to the fun, distracting stuff; it also applies to
work. Stress hormones increase when work—emails, notifications, stats, and so on—barges in on
your life outside of it, forcing you to multitask your responsibilities. Do your best to keep work
where it belongs and stick to those boundaries. When you’re not at the workspace, be where you
are and enjoy it.

Master Your Time and Body

You have complete authority over a select few things, two of primary importance being your
time and your body—and how you control both—so schedule your day and hit the gym. Studies
have found that those who exercise can better handle stressful situations throughout the day,
reducing anxiety over an extended period of time. Whatever form it takes—hiking, running, rock
climbing, or wailing on a punching bag—let out that stressful energy and let it cool down your
emotions. And don’t forget to apply Deep Blue® Rub, the best soothing blend, to assist with the
recovery afterward.

It can be difficult to make the time for such activities, but you are the master of your hours in a
given day. Arrange your schedule and control how much time you spend on what. Those who
plan tend to be far less stressed, as they know what must be completed, tackling difficult tasks
and projects promptly. Fight the stress early and master your time every day and your physical

Take a Moment for You

Somehow, this vital part of stress management seems to be the first that’s cast aside. Taking time
for yourself, when there’s so much that needs to get done? But it’s incredibly necessary. Go on a
vacation, meditate, spend an hour on a hobby, or simply take some deep breaths of Adaptiv™
Calming Blend and just slow down for a few minutes. These kinds of personal activities lead to
better health, increased energy and productivity, and—of course—lower stress.

It’s impossible to go full speed all day every day, so give yourself a little slack and set the
necessary time aside to help you recharge before getting back to the grind. Do what you love,
giving yourself the rejuvenate focus and power to do what’s needed.

Of course, there’s more that can be done, but these basic steps will make it easier to bear all the
stressful burdens that press on your shoulders. Stress can eat at you from the inside, so take
initiative and master this difficult part of life rather than be reactionary and subservient to it. The
time to de-stress is now.

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