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In a jungle there were two best

friends a sheep and rabbit.One fine

day on seeing the birds rabbit also
wanted to fly like them because he
can see the mountains very closely.
He also know the fact that he can't fly
like them .He started thinking that he
is waste and went on crying.Sheep
asked him the reason for his crying
and came to know the matter.Sheep
decided to make the rabbit happy .He
asked the rabbit to sit on him. The
sheep is running faster and taking a
big leap at regular intervals.As a
result of that big leap the rabbit
remained in air for few seconds.In
this way for every big leap it stood in
air for few seconds.They both jumped
above a nest and all the bird's chicks
were terrified.The bird was also
shocked to see both of them
flying.Rabbit was very happy as it
viewed the moutains.Sheep told to
rabbit that "every animal has its own
identity,a bird can't run like you and
you can't fly like a bird know your
strengths and improvise them to be
happy".Rabbit understood this,
realised and became happy.

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