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This book is the written and hidden Rites for the outer court of Selene
Despoina. It is my goal to bring to light this old tradition in the modern
day. All spells, rites, and rituals have been tested and approved for the
outer court. Since the spells and rituals were give by the Goddess herself
those secrets are held by the Inner Order and will be revealed when the
mastery of the basics has be achieved Nothing is to be changed in any way
without the written permission of the High Tribune. Everything you find
within this work is based solely on the written words of the goddess herself
and has been approved for use by all members of the High Tribune and
follows along the current of the goddess. This handbook is a guide for the 1st
degree and should be kept secret for those not involved in the order. A level
of mastery of this work gives the member a chance to apply to the Inner
Circle where more mysteries of the tradition will be revealed as time passes.


The path working of the Goddess is a Pranic tradition. It is by this that the
Goddess receives offerings and gives offerings to her worshipers. Through the
offering of prana or energy we feed the goddess who in turn returns some of
her divine energy back onto her followers. With this divine prana one can
begin a long a deep connection with the goddess and her mysteries.


The Goddess Selene appears on the back of a large Gray Wolf. She in her
physical form is what some may call a “vampire” however this is not to be
looked at as a negative aspect of her. She does have the ability to shapeshift
and in that form she takes the image of a wolf. Her skin is as pale as the
moon. Her body soft and perfect as if carved from stone. Her lips are a blood
red and her hair as black as night and is as soft as the finest silk. She
wears a silver crown circle atop her head and a purple see through dress
with a silver rope belt. She has also been know to appear as a purple mist
and even just a feeling of warmth and comfort to her followers. The goddess
embodies all aspects of loving kindness and sensuality. A driving force of
protection and as a motherly guide. Any of these traits can be called upon
for the benefit of others. The goddess colors are Purple, Red, Black, and
Silver. She can be called on in both the day and night as the user see fit
with need but it is best to call her when the moon is in its most full and
bright state since she is a form of moon goddess.


The sigil of Salene is cast on the square of Venus and it appears as such
And this is how it looks without the square.

The sigil should be cast on a disc of wood or carved into the earth when doing rituals. It may
also be cast into the air with the wand thinking of a purple light coming from the tip of your
wand as you draw it. Many who are dedicated to the goddess will place this sigil on their body
as a sign of respect to the goddess.


The altar set up of the goddess is a simple and clean work area without to much clutter that can
be taken down if need be. It includes the following

altar candle
incense burner
bowl of water
flowers (in the goddess colors )
an image of the goddess or goddess candle

The altar cloth can be any of the colors of the goddess. The altar candle
should be white and placed in the middle of the altar surrounded by
flowers in her colors. The flowers should be fresh but if this can not
happen a nice made arrangement of plastic flowers will work. The goddess
image should be the image of the triple goddess as this is we have found to
be the best image to represent her. If though your using the goddess candle it
should be purple and at the back of the altar, if purple is not available
then white will also work. The incense burner is set to the right of the altar
and the water to the left. The wand is in the front closest to the practitioner
If a ritual is to be done outdoors then the earth works well as the altar as
this adds grounding to the magick.


The wand is the most important tool of the path as this helps to guide the
prana to and from the goddess as well as spellwork. It is best to have the
wand made of willow as this is the goddess tree essence however you can
make it from any wood and still have wonderful results. The wand can be
carved into any shape you like as this puts your lifeforce into it and once
work begins with the goddess some of her energy will go into it as well.
Remember that the wand is a channel to the goddess energy and so therefor
it should not be handled by anyone but you.


The incense of the goddess is truly of nature. The Goddess Incense is a recipe
made by the practitioner from the elements. The incense is made from wood
and dry tree leaves and is as follows. This recipe is from the mouth of the
goddess herself and if used should be kept to.

“ By the light of day, go forth and acquire fresh green cedar that has fallen
from a tree and one pine cone or pine needles. This you will mix together
with drops of the essence of sage and the dried leaves of the oak or maple
tree, a most purifying scent. Then the petals of a rose are to be added and
then allowed to sit outside under the full moon. Keep it uncovered so that
the dew of the morning dawn may come upon it charging it with its powers
of the sun as well as the essence of the moon”

This is how the goddess has stated that her scent be made however she has
also added later this part.

“ if above all the scent can not be formed then an offering of rose is as
equally pleasing in my eyes, as all people should be able to come to me ”

So as you can see from the words of the goddess she has given a way for all .


The rites of the goddess are meant to be kept simple and flowing. Many have asked of the ritual
dress and how one should approach the work and the goddess herself has said this.

“When you approach me you should do so as yourself, with pure heart and intent. You may
dress as you see fit, yet all I ask is that you come to me a member of the silver sash with my
seal open and seen, if this is not possible come to me with the tri colored braid, If this is not
possible come to me with my sign on thy arm”

The sash the goddess speaks of is just that, a silver sash or rope, tied off and draped over the
right shoulder going right to left. If one can not find this then a braid of purple and silver can be
made an worn on the wrist. This is done by making three pieces of rope braids using nine
pieces of string forming two purple rope braids and one silver. Once that is done three knots are
tied into the string and then tied around the right wrist. We have also seen this made out of
colored wire. Also you may draw her sign on your right arm in one of the colors of the goddess.
Her seal is cast on a wooden disc in one of her colors and is worn around the neck with a piece
of purple cord and your name cast on the back in any form of magical writing you choose.

Goddess herself has also given us but a few spells to work with and they are closely guarded to
protect the purity of the spells however she has said this.

“All spells written from the heart in devotion to me, are as if they were
spoken from my lips and as such contain the essence of my being”

So with those words the goddess has given us right to write on her behalf,
however this does not come without her own set of rules.

“Should any choose to cast out evil in my name they will feel the full force
of my wrath”

There are , even though she is a bringer of love, darker sides to the goddess
and those dark sides can be released onto the person who would try to do
harm or evil. Now this does not mean that one can not call the goddess to
protect them from enemies however if the person were to ask for the goddess
to bring about suffering on someone who was undeserving then the spell
wold backfire..or worse. So with that cautionary out of the way we turn to
the Goddess own words as to how we are to give devotion.

“To call upon me is one of the many blessings I have given you. When in
need of safety call upon my name and I will be there, when it comes to
matters of the heart I am with you always. If your to seek your deepest
sexual desires call on my name and I will come. If ever your just in need of
your divine mothers embrace ask and it will be so. If your in need of
healing I am there to help”

So as you can see she does have a foundation current with which she works
in. That current is based on love, and so that is the essence we should tap
into. We have learned that it is best to use free flowing words within the
spells and rituals since this is the best way to place you heart and energy
into your work since it is coming directly from you. The spells that the
Goddess left us is a much guarded secret within the order and is only
available to the inner members, but keeping true to the goddess words

“ Keep my most inner secrets safe, yet give all a means to come to me.”

The dedication to the goddess is as easy as the rituals themselves and was
given to us by the goddess with these words.

“To dedicate oneself to me,go to a place in nature where you feel most safe
with the wand and incense Bring with you a small offering of wine or
juice. Light the incense and with wand and glass raised to the sky call out
my name. Come to me as a friend with pure heart and speak to me as such
in this form or one of your own devise.

Goddess Selene
Pure of heart
It is me your follower ( here say your name)
I ask for your blessings
Shine down your divine light
And enter my life

After this you should drink of the wine leaving enough to offer to the earth.
Take dust from the earth to rub on the wand connecting with my life force.
After this take a few moments to feel the energy all around you and within
you. When you are ready offer thanks and leave the site knowing at that
point I am with you always “


The current of the goddess is 58. In this current is the path of freedom and
adventure. It allows you to be who you are, it also has the path of
leadership as well and this is good for making the right choices within the
order and your life as a whole. There is also the path of 13 in the current.
13 being a lucky number but there is more to it then that. The symbolic
meaning of number thirteen deals with moon associations such as:
IN a numerological perspective, we see the presence of the three. The
meaning of number three is vast and powerful. At its simplest, the symbolic
meaning of the number three deals with:
We then see the presence of the number one, which precedes the number
three. This amplifies the preexisting meaning of the number one, which
deals with:
Singly, these individual number meanings put together tell a story of a
path that is just beginning (number one), and will lead to greatness in the
expression of the union of opposites (number three).
Adding and reducing the single numbers, is a common practice in
numerology. Do this, we receive another symbolic meaning of the number
thirteen... 4 .1+3=4. Fours lend a grounding effect to the high-pitch energy
of 13. The energy of number four brings the thirteen down to a level where
we can begin to rationalize its meaning more clearly. The reduction to four
is a message that at its core, the thirteen is a means to an end and this
numeric energy will always return us to the calm root or source which is
ultimately our cosmic home.

With that being said you can see how the Goddess fits into all things and
you have a better understanding of her as a whole.

So here it is in it's most pure and simple form , the workings of the Goddess
Selene. As this is the first part of a larger text it is offered to you as a gift of
love so that all may come to the Goddess and kneel at her throne. As was
said at the start this is only the beginning, and for the seeker who will
choose to follow this path more of the mysteries will be reveled to them as a
mastery of the basic art is achieved The path is long, but for those of heart
the reward is great.

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