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Nomograph Liquid Sizing i LIQUID SIZING NOMOGRAPH Fold out for instructions and nomegraph Instructions Use this nomograph to determine liquid capacity ofall Fisher valve bodies. It's based on the flow of water at 60°F, When assembling data, all units must correspond to those shown on the nomograph, A. To Find Valve Size 1. If the specific gravity of the liquid is 1.0, omit this step. For a specific gravity other than 1.0, cortect the flow rate as follows: 2. Lay a straight edge on the flow rate on Q scale and the liquid specific gravity on G scale. Mark intersection with index tine ', Pivot the straight edge at this point of intersection with index line to 2 specific gravity of 1.0 on G scale. Read the corrected flow rate on Q scale. 2. Lay a straight edge on the pressure drop on AP scale ‘and the corrected flow rate on Q scale, Read required valve sizing coefficient on C, scale. 3. Go the the liquid sizing coefficient table for desired valve body type and valve plug style in Section 1 of this Catalog. Locate the coefficient equal to or higher than the equited coefficient to obtain the valve body size and the ercent of total travel required to pass the flow. B. To Determine Flow Rate 1. Solect C, value from the proper liquid sizing coefficient tablo in Section 1 of this catalog for the valve style and size being considered, 2. Lay a straight edge on the pressure drop on AP scale ‘and the C, value on C, scale, Read the flow rate on Q scale, 3. Ifthe specific gravity of the liquid is 1.0, omit this step, For a specific gravity other than 1,0, correct the flow rate as follows: (GSHER CATALOGUE 10 GEC-EMott Control Valves Limited Nomograph Liquid'Sizing a. Lay a straight edge on the flow rate on Q scale and a specific gravity of 1.0 on G scale, Mark intersection with index line. b. Pivot the:straight edge at this point of inersection with index line to the liquid specific geavity on G scale. Read the corrected flow rate on Q scale ©. To Determine Pressure Drop 1, Select C, value from the proper liquid sizing costticient table in Section 1 of this catalog for the valve style and size being considered. 2. Correct the given flow rate for specific gravity, if neces sary. Follow procedure given in Step 1 of Section A (To Find Valve Size). 3. Lay a straight edge on the Mow rate (corrected, if necessary) on Q scale and the C, value on C, scale. Read the pressure drop on AP scale. Note Viscous, flashing, and cavitating liquids must be given special consideration in valve sizing procedures. We have included on pages 2-23 ‘thru 2-28 a viscosity correction nomograph with instructions. To handle flashing and cavitation conditions, we have included a valve recovery Coefficient. Ky, at maximum travel in each liquid: Sizing coefficient table in Section 1 of this catalog. K,, iS used to establish the maximum allowable pressure drop that is effective in producing flow. Often the pressure drop has to be limited to avoid cavitation or to obtain an accurate prediction of flow with flashing liquids, See page 2-9 for information and procedures for handling flashing and cavitating liquids. Page:2:15 Pima gh, 8 2000 3000 4000 5000 IN.~ INLET MINUS OUTLET PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL— LBS. PER SQ oe 03 ‘95 2 08 20 200 300 400 500 809. 800 1090 2 FLOW RATE— GALLONS PER MINUTE SP. GR=! INDEX 200 300 400 ‘800 600 800 1000 2000 3000 Nomograph Liquid Sizing Nomograph Equation one Cy = Liquid Sizing Coefficient & = Flow Rate in gpm = Specific Gravity (Water at 60°F = 1.0) ‘AP = Body Differential Pressure, psi ° Page 2-16/ 2.97 VISCOSITY CORRECTION NOMOGRAPH FOR NEWTONIAN FLUIDS Nomogray Viscosity Correcti pr Instructions Use this nomograph in liquid sizing to correct for the effects of viscosity. When assembling data, all units must cor ‘pond to'those shown on the nomograph. For the Design "U" ‘Voo-Ball® valves (both 150 Ib. and 300 Ib.) and the Design V25 Hi-Ball® valves, use the liquid flow rate Q scale for single ported valves. For butterfly valves, use the liquid flow rate Q scale for double ported valves. Noto the use of the terms Cy, and C, in the following procedures. It was necessary to distinguish between a celculated coefficient (Cj, and 2 required coefficient (C,,), but reference back to any other part of this catalog will simply be to the liquid sizing coefficient, C,. A. To Find Valve Sizo Yaleulate the sizing coeticiant,C,q, using the formula: a c VERS where Q is flow rate in gpm, AP is pressure drop in psi, and G is liquid specific gravity. C,, can also be determined from the liquid sizing nomograph on pages 2-15 thru 2-20. 2, Determine Reynolds number, N,, and the C, correction factor, Fy, fram the nomograph. Follow procedure given on ‘nomograph. 3, Calculate the required liquid sizing coefficient, Cy, using the formula: (Coe (Fed 4, Go to the liquid sizing coefficient table for the desired body type and valve plug style in Section 1 of this Jog. Locate the coefficient equal to or higher than the required coefficient, C,,, to"obtain the valve body size end the percent of total travel required to pass the flow. To Predict Flow Rate 1. Select the liquid sizing coefficient, C,,, fromthe proper , table in Section 1 of this catalog for the valve style and size being considered. s (CGR CATAIOCIIE 10 GRR Eiintt Canton! Unhene i ienitasd Pana 2.92 3 Nomograph Viscosity Correction 2, Calculate the maximum flow rate, Ones in gpm (assuming no viscosity correction required} using the follow: ing formula or the liquid sizing nomograph on pages 2-15 thu 2-20, nae = Cup VERTIS 3. Determine Reynolds numbor, Ny, and the Cy cor- tection factor, Fy. from the nomograph. Follow procedure given on nomograph. 4, Calculate the predicted flow rate, Qpege using the formula: C. To Predict Pressure Drop 1. Select the liquid sizing coefficient, C,,. from the proper G, table in Section 1 of this catalog for the valve style end size being considered. 2, Determine Reynolds number, Np, and the C, correction factor, F,, from the nomograph. Follow procedure given on omograph. 3, Calculate the sizing coefficient, C,., using the formule: Le a Coe 4, Calculate the predicted pressure drop, AP yay using the formula: a\ LP one = (2) LiQuIO. FLOW COEFFICIENT -cy 2 aesses BH8S88 EE QUID FLOW RATE GPM (SINGLE-PORTED ONLY? U a cenes pusene ge 888 § $8 G88 eS okabeg seaee HH'5%S Ssscss SESE § HG THE Berra. B EEERE: bb gp. gE GRP EEE HEE RE (QUI FLOW RATE GPM (DOUBLE PORTED ONLY) Nomogray Viscosity Correctic * y CORRECTION FACTOR. Fon Sevect¥Na valve. sie: KINEMATIC. VISCOSITY ‘Veg ~ CENTISTOKES REYNOLDS NUMBER -Nq VISCOSITY ~ SAYBOLT SECONDS UNIVERSAL Procedure 1. Lay a straight edge on the liquid sizing coefficient on C,, scple and flow rate on Q scale. Mark intersection with index : For Procedure A, use value of C,. for Procedures B and 1° 16, use value of C,, 2. Pivot the st ht edge from this point of intersection ‘with index line to liquid viscosity on proper + scale. Read Reynolds number on Ny scale oxostare evsrons 3. Proceed horizontally from intersection on Ny scale to 'atctreeee murs: 5; {proper curve, and then vertically upward or downward to F, ; wR H ‘sae _ 7 eee Cy CORRECTION FACTOR - Fy. terme ig oo wg, EPL Read C, correction factor on F, scale. i Page 2-24/ UNIVERSAL NOMOGRAPH FOR SIZING COMPRESSIBLE FLUIDS Nomograph Compressible Fluld Sizing " " 2, Determine the flow rate as follows: a. Lay a straight edge on the inlet pressure on P, scale thorzontal scale) and the pressure drop on AP scale. Mark intersection wiih AP/P, scale. b. Proceed vertically from intersection with AP/P, scale and mark intersection with proper C, curve. (Interpo- late if C, value falls betwoon labeled curves.) c. Proceed honzontally from intersection with C, curve and mark intersection with F scale, 6. Lay a straight edge on intersection with F scale and the intet pressure on P, scale [vertical scale). Mark intersec- jon wath |, ndox line. ‘e. Pivot the straight edge at this point of intersection with |, index line to the C, value on C,:C, scale. Read the flow rate at the intersection with Q scale. 3. I the steam 1s saturated, omit this step. If the steam is superheated, correct the flow rate as follows: a. Lay a sttaight edge on the flow rate on Q scale and the saturated index (0—SAT) on Tyy scale. Mark point of intersection with I index fine. 'b. Pivot the straight edge at this point of intersection with |, index line to the degrees of superheat (difference between actual steam temperature and saturated steam temperature) on T,, scale. Read the corrected flow rate on scale, C. To Determine Pressure Drop 1. Select C, and C, values from the proper steam sizing” cosfficient table in Section 1 of this catalog for the valve style and size being considered. 2. Correct the flow rate if steam is superheated, Follow procedure given in step 1 of Section A (To Find Valve Size). 3. Lay a straight edge on the flow rate (corrected, if neces- sary) on Q scale and the C, value on C,-C, scale. Mark intersection with |, indox fine. 7 4. Pivot the straight edge at this point of intersection with 1, index line to inlet pressure on P, scale (vertical scale), Mark intersection with F scale. Note I intersection on F scale 1s above 1.0, the valve will not pass the given flow, and a larger velve will be required. Nomograph sible Fluid Sizing Continued Comp 5. Proceed horizontally {rom intersection with F scale ‘and mark intersection with propor C, curve. (Interpolate if C, value falls between labeled curves.) 6. Proceed vertically downward from intersection with C, curve and mark intersection: with OP/P, scale. 7. Lay 2 stiaight edge on this point of intosection with AP/P, scale and the inlet pressure on P, scale (horizontal scalel. Read the pressure drop on AP scale. Gas and Steam Equations® Equation 1—Gas Flow 20, 3417 AP FB, e, sin | 247 ra ores [5s P, | Des. Equation 2—Steam Flow (intet pressure is 1000 psig or less) i‘ Sst gy [402 AE Trooo0ser,S" |~c, vp foes Equation 3—Steam and Vapor Flow lai vapors, including steam under any pressure conditions) a in oe Varro [2 AE cv Joes When the bracketed quantity in the equations equals or exceeds 90 degrees, critical flow is indicated, and the quantity must be limited to this value of 90 degrees. This then becomes unity since the sine of 90 degrees is 1. Nomenclature c, = CC, C= gas sizing coefficient C, = steam sizing coefficient C, = liquid sizing coefficient d, = density of steam or vapor at inlet, Ibs /eu. ft. (988 specific gravity (air = 1.0) valve inlet pressure, psiot pressure drop across valve, psi gas flow rate, scfh steam ot vapor flow rate, b./br. absolute temperature of gas at inlet, Dog. Rankine? Ton = degrees of superh | | I Phéssune Rano ap ia di id Jvdad FERENTIAL CES PER SQ.“ IMLET sere gst ag ui pe eli ul ye Ftd aad {UL ala Faull eld Latlib RET PRESSURE es Pen 0 ce-steam cgecas wave game cocrricent Nomograph Compressible Fluid Sizing Continued ep €U3381 Page 2-32/ 2-33

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