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Ice cream… you scream...

We all scream for Ice Cream

Who does not love Ice cream? Now imagine having a designated month every year when even your
mother doesn’t mind buying you Ice cream. This is the case in USA where July is observed as
National Ice cream month, this amazing tradition was started by the then US President Ronald
Raegan in 1984 who believed that it is a nourishing and wholesome treat. Third Sunday of this
month is specifically celebrated as National Ice cream Day—now isn’t that fun?

Dr. Alan Hirsch who is the founder of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation also
believes that your choice of Ice cream flavor tells a lot about your personality. Chocolate Lovers her
says are charming, lively and tad dramatic whereas strawberry lovers are introverts, interesting, isn’t

So enjoy your Ice cream, but make sure it is in limits and with your mother’s permission.

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Quiz: Q1. When is Ice cream Day celebrated?

Options: a. Third Sunday of every month

b. Second Sunday of July

c. Third Sunday of July

d. Third Sunday of September

Correct answer: (c) Third Sunday of July

Q2. Who started the tradition of observing an Ice cream Month?

Options: a) Dr. Alan Hirsch

b) Ronald Raegan

c) USA

d) Bill Clinton

Just adding an activity here

Objective: Using adjectives to describe different Ice cream flavours
Cognitive Level : Creating
Difficulty level : Medium

Ask your family members their favorite Ice Cream
Make a list of favorite ice cream flavors of each of the
family members’
Now describe each of the flavours in first person using
adjectives you think best describe them

For example: Strawberry- I am pink, fruity and

creamy ,children of all ages love me.

All white Giant Panda: Cuteness Alert!

Giant Panda who not only a symbol of WWF but is also one of the cutest animals that we all
love. Unfortunately this cute and cuddly animal is almost on the verge of extinction that
means no more giant pandas in the world. There are about 2000 pandas left in the world so
efforts are being done to increase their population.
Recently for the first time a 1-2 year old albino panda which is completely white in colour
was photographed at Wolong National Nature Reserve, Sichuan China. The picture was
captured by an infrared camera that gets activated and clicks pictures when it senses

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Quiz: Q1. Where was the world’s first picture of an albino Panda taken?

Options: a. WWF
b. Woolong National Nature Reserve

c. Beijing

d. India

Correct answer (b) Woolong National Nature Reserve

Plant Trees save lives

Trees not only give us oxygen to breathe but also take up carbon dioxide and other harmful
gases and clean the air we breathe in. They also prove food and shelter for many birds and
even human beings.
To clean the polluted air of Delhi, the government of Delhi has decided to plant 300,000 tree
saplings and shurbs all over Delhi on 9th august 2019.Last year this number was even more
when the government planted 500,000 trees.
Many varieties of trees that give us fruits like Ber, jamun,guava as well as trees that bear
flowers like Gulmohar and Arjun will be planted .

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Quiz: Q1. Which of the following is a fruit bearing tree?

Options: a.Arjun

b. Gulmohar

c. Jamun

d. Ashoka

Correct answer (c) Jamun

Say No to Feeding Pigeons

Who has not seen flocks of pigeons in different parts of the cities? Most of us not only
recognize pigeons but also enjoy feeding large flocks of them at different spots where
shopkeepers also sell food and seeds to feed them.
But scientists say that feeding the birds makes them really lazy and incapable of finding their
own food and not only that but the waste produced by these birds destroy our buildings and
monuments. This waste also has harmful bacteria like E.coli which can make us sick if it
contaminates our water or food. So the next time when you want to feed these birds think

Quiz: Q1. What bacteria is found in pigeon waste?

Options: a.E.coli

b. Lactobacillus

c. salmonella

Correct answer (a) E.coli

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