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Institution Snapshot - Hannah Simpson

Presentation: ​

Name of Institution: ​Athens County Public Library.

What is the purpose and role of the institution in its environment?: ​The Athens County
Public Library believes it gives the people in its community a chance to blossom and become
their best selves through their collections, programming, and physical spaces. It aims to
facilitate the growth and prosperity of Athens County and its residents.

What are some principles or values the institution upholds? (Many institutions write
values statements or belief statements that describe the ethical principles important to
the organization.): ​The ACPL values a commitment to the public library as a community
stepping stone for growth. This is not only for the individuals who attends programming or seek
information, but also as a place to facilitate community growth as a meeting place and more.

“​ACPL believes that public libraries facilitate a vital role empowering individuals and
communities to grow into the best versions of themselves. Whether through providing access to
collections and information, adult and youth programming, technology training, or simply safe
and pleasant spaces where multiple generations can gather, ACPL strives to welcome all
patrons with respect and hospitality.

Athens County is appreciated for its natural beauty, rich history, and proven record of both
creativity and resiliency among its residents. The partnerships between the libraries and area
businesses, schools and organizations is crucial to our ongoing mission.

ACPL is also deeply committed to feeding curious minds and continued education; arts
appreciation and professional/work skill development; diversity and sustainability; and healthy
individuals and communities.” (via the ACPL Mission, Vision, and Values at

Describe the user base: ​The patrons of Athens county library vary greatly, due to the fact that
the library serves extremely rural areas and areas with high density of connections to the local

Describe the sources of funding for the institution: ​ACPL operates primarily on a levy. They
passed a 5 year 1-mill operating levy. As a public library in Ohio they also receive a small
portion of funding through the Public Library Fund. It is likely that they will be on the ballot in the
next year or two.

Describe or draw the organization structure of the institution. (This refers to the internal
structure of units within the organization and the relationship among position holders in
the organization.) Identify 3 issues or trends that are likely affecting your institution.
The ACPL is comprised of 7 locations, with the main branch located in Nelsonville. The
administrative offices and cataloging/technical services departments are located at the main
branch. Each of the subsequent 6 branches have at very minimum a branch manager. Most
branches also have a children’s librarian and a few are home to librarians of other specialties,
like local history librarian.

Here are three main issues/trends that ACPL should take into consideration in future offerings to
the community:

1. This area is particularly affected by the opiate addiction currently facing the US. This will
affect the needs of patrons across the county if not already affecting them.
2. The internet gap is particularly crucial in rural and appalachian areas like those served
by ACPL.
3. Another trends in information institutions that ACPL should consider is collaboration and
partnership with other community organizations as it aligns with goals in their strategic
plan created for 2016 - 2019.

What will the institution need to consider in order to address these trends and issues?
1. In keeping with its mission to be a facilitator of growth and improvement in its
community, ACPL should consider training staff on signs of opiate addiction and
overdose. Also in conjunction with item 3, there are community organizations that ACPL
could partner with, like the Athens City-County Health Department which has a
multi-agency effort to work on addressing this issue in Athens County. In 2017, ACPL
partnered with OhioHealth, AthensHOPE, and the OHIO College of Health Sciences and
Professions to create a community summit about the opioid epidemic hosted author Sam
Quinones. (Athens County Public Library, 2018)
2. The issue of the internet gap is addressed in the first goal of the ACPL strategic plan. IT
is broken up into four objectives but is nicely summed up in the broad statement of the
goal: “Provide convenient access to library resources and services that reflect the needs
of our communities.” (Athens County Public Library, 2015) They specifically mention the
objective to improve internet access across the county and outside the library walls with
hotspots. ACPL should also consider internet literacy programming to help people in
their areas stay up to date with how to be utilize the internet in the modern world.
3. ACPL is on trend with community partners. In 2017, they worked with nearly a dozen
community organizations to extend their relationship with their patrons to the community
at large. (Athens County Public Library, 2018) Some of these projects included working
on an outdoor community space and fountain in Nelsonville, working with an Ohio
University Service Learning group to create a Cooks and Books series in Chauncey, and
creating a library-themed coloring books with Passion Works Studio.

What might happen if they are not addressed?

ACPL is due to go on the ballot for levy money within the next year or two. They last passed a
1-mil 5 year levy in 2014. Failing to deliver on promises made in that campaign to falter in their
service to the community in the near future would put them in jeopardy of not passing a levy in
the next year or so. This is the most immediate and serious potential consequence. Although
less obvious, failure to address these trends would result in a loss of trust and possible decline
in use of library services by their patrons. Thankfully, ACPL is well ahead of the game in
addressing the above trends.

Are those trends likely to affect other information institutions that are geographically
located nearby?
These trends are absolutely going to affect other public libraries in Ohio and nearby in West
Virginia. There are two of the states most affected by the opiate epidemic, with the top two drug
overdose death increases in 2016. The issue of internet gap is a library trend we’ve discussed
in class and is also being addressed in libraries around Ohio. This also applies to the trend of
community partnership and it often falls in line with the idea of public libraries as community
hubs for growth.

How are these 3 issues or trends affected by the values and ethics of this institution?
The Athens County Public Library embraces all three of these trends with its core mission to “
facilitate a vital role empowering individuals and communities to grow into the best versions of
themselves.” (Athens County Public Library, 2015) The three directs goals of closing the internet
gap, growing partnerships in the community, and addressing the opiate crisis are strong
examples of how committed this institution is to helping their patrons and community become
the best they can be.

Given these 3 trends or issues, what expertise and skills or competencies do employees
in the institution need to address these trends while fulfilling the institution’s mission?
Athens County Public Library staff should be trained first on the basics of identifying opiate
issues like drug use, overdoses, and identifying drugs in materials or on the premises. A policy
for dealing with incidents like these should be put in place for all ACPL locations. ACPL should
also be encouraged to explore continuing education in the form of professional organization
memberships, conference attendance, and community organization membership. As outlined in
the ACPL strategic plan (2015) and in the most recent annual report (2018), ACPL is already
taking great steps in all three of these trends in alignment with their values and mission.


Athens County Public Library. (2018). ​2017 annual report: libraries lead. ​Retrieved from:

​ etrieved from:
Athens County Public Library. (2015). ​2016-2019 • Building on Success. R
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017, December 19). Opioid Overdose. Retrieved
from ​

Morris, C. (2018, February 01). Waging the war against overdose deaths in Athens County.
Retrieved July 10, 2018, from

Roman, K. (2015, November 25). Athens County Public Library Asks For 1-Mil 5 Year Levy.
Retrieved July 10, 2018, from

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