Communication Through Persuasion

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Communication through Persuasion

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My Company of choice is Best Buy, a multinational corporation that prides itself in

selling electronics, software and entertainment devices to consumers in the retail business. The

companies dedication to its customers is through their over a hundred thousand employees in the

United States, Canada and China. Therefore, Best Buy does an outstanding job in persuading its

customers because of its services and feedback on either a complaint or enquiry from a customer

(Ferrari, 2018). However, it is essential to understand that Best Buy has put measures to

persuade it, customers, through various methods.


In terms of scarcity, Best buy has developed a mechanism to offer a variety of products

on their social platforms, advising customers that the functionality and quality are still the same,

even at a lower price. Scarcity is primarily responsible for the value of goods. Furthermore,

commodities that lack supply are generally attractive. This is a common scenario in real life, as

sometimes people want what they cannot get. Therefore, the marketers benefit from the fact that

people tend to perceive the short supply to be valuable to boost sales. The necessary action for

Best Buy is to use a resource manager or merely agree on the use and assignment of resources to

specific projects between the different parties especially in the delivery section. In this case, it is

crucial to ensure that the prioritization of projects is clear and allows preferential treatment for

the most important or critical projects over the less important.

The priority factors to deal with scarcity in the organization include checking on risk,

financial engagement and the profile of expenditure, complexity and time frames. Furthermore,

the use of the most important resources and dependencies to create customer satisfaction puts the

company ahead in terms of ratings and feedback. Moreover, the focus needs to be given to each

program's and department initiatives and, if appropriate, the company has a responsibility to push

the product to its final step of delivery to customers. Best buy organization is ahead of its game

in dealing with scarcity as the management focuses on growth by opening new branches to meet

the need of the wide range of customers all over the world.

Commitment and Consistency

Commitment and consistency are one of the values that the Company considers a lot.

The Company has been in the industry for nearly thirty years and without scandals and major

complains from buyers. The delivery option to customers explains their consistency to try to

interact with their customers. In addition, according to Norton, & Norton (2015), the Company’s

tagline motto is “Expert Service unbeatable Price.” The best way to secure customers loyalty and

prospects is to engage them. The reason is because most of the customers use their previous

choice of satisfaction to make a decision because of the consistent of the company thus they

become loyal. The fact that the website delivers beautiful, consistency and commitment pictures

it is apparent of the existence of the product they advertise. Consequently, the customer who

accesses the platform will automatically assess the quality of the products. Thus, the company

was able to measure their commitment and consistency in the market based on the people who

graced the event.

The concept of dedication and continuity relates to marketing strategies in many respects.

Encourage customers to make a small commitment to your brand or site (Levy, McKoy, Poast, &

Wallace, 2015). Efficient ways of influencing your employees and creating a better working

environment for all people are the commitment and coherence principles. Alignment is based on

the principle of commitment and consistency. The determination to reconcile our beliefs and

actions often stems from the desire to appear consistent with others. Furthermore, for the

concept of loyalty and continuity to function, dedication has to be completely inspired.


The reciprocity of the company achievement with the retailers is through an agreement of

offers in order to lure the customers back to purchase more items. An example is how they give

free products or at a low price to market the product and create awareness. While promoting

unconditional presents pre-buy is an incredible method to drive first-time buys and tap into the

brain research of shopping (Clauset, & Hurtley, 2018). Therefore, Best buy adopts an

increasingly subliminal strategy to utilizing unconditional presents to drive online deals. A

shock and joy way to deal with this strategy in the brain research of selling implies that you do

not enlighten clients early concerning what they are getting for nothing. Rather, they will

discover when they get the item that you have tossed in an additional complimentary gift.

The correspondence rule is one of the fundamental laws of social brain research: It says

that in numerous social circumstances we take care of what we got from others. An example is

that Best buy includes a customized thank you when the request is sent and at whatever point

possible to satisfy the customer. The Principle of Reciprocity portrays a human requirement for

a give and take in a relationship. Therefore, the Principle of reciprocity ought to be based on

trust by offering motivating forces to clients, yet in addition by offering client support and

achievement goals strategies that rouse trust among the clients. The accomplishment of the

company through reciprocity creates a mode of participation with every partner to the

organization thus showing and creating a space within the competitive market.


Best Buy Company has the authority in the market industry with competitors such as

Amazon doing better in sales. However, I can say that best buy has authority over its customers

who have in turn been loyal to the brands they sell. The principle of authority is also established

because people with little knowledge about Best buy products prefer to visit the website because

they are sure the best product is available on this site. A strategy to improve the appeal of the

client is feasible. If a person has no knowledge of a certain area or is not an expert, people who

look like will imitate him and will ask what they do. Most people respect authority and monitor

real experts ' leaders.

Best Buy Company must associate itself with leading brands for example use celebrities

promote a product that they have to create an authoritative mindset amongst potential customers.

The potential customers in time will become loyal customers and in the market, most people will

feel satisfied with what they get from the company. In addition, the company can reap from the

benefits due to their authority place in a competitive market. Another aspect of stamping

authority is using promotion content as the process by which the company creates an identity.

The position of the Best buy company identity provides relevant information to solve any issue

and meets the needs of customer when they order their merchandise. Recently the company

organized an event inviting customers just as a form of appreciation and a way to engage with

them to improve their services based on the feedback they receive.

Social Proof

The social proof of the Company is through their Best Buy Facebook fan page, Instagram

and Twitter platforms where clients can provide feedback and as a form of digital marketing to

the world. Customers will have more faith in things famous and things which modern people

support (Hu, Li, Zhang, & Zhu, 2018). It is very important to approve the knowledge of

expert’s, celebrities, users and peers. If people are not sure of a course, they look at the people

around them so that they can guide them in decision-making. The company marketers and other

business people should know how to persuade clients to buy their products.

One of the techniques to persuade customers is by differentiating companies and

customers’ needs and wants. Thus, the business using the most efficient methods ends up

winning a large market for its products. In addition, it is important to understand that social

proof is associated with the concept of liking because people are social creatures and therefore

tend to favor things like other people, whether they are identified or not. For example, the Best

buy website advertisement on products is a psychological trigger. According to Ferrari (2018),

83% of consumers trust their friends and family's product recommendations, which is far more

credible than you can say about yourself. Another example is how people will tend to find

opinions on social media posts by checking on the number of followers and comments.

Therefore, Best Buy Company gives most of the customers a chance to rate and critic what they



The Liking aspects of the corporation speaks volumes through the number of subscribers

in addition, sales they make annually. In 2018, they made a total revenue of 42.1 billion. Many

people meet a request made by people that they like, from close friends to total strangers who

attract people. The principle of functioning liking must be physical attraction, similarity,

compliments, cooperation and conditioning. A good example is the Best buy, which looks

amazing as its products are displayed. Many people today prefer an attractive website.

Through experience, we know that the theory of like works: if we like someone, they are more

likely to convince us. Whether or not the praise is the result of a stranger or an acquaintance, he

has the potential to tell us that he or she agrees with them if we find a friend.

The ability to convince is advantage on the workplace; the more the workers, like you,

can listen to you, the more they like each other, the more they work together. People prefer to

say yes to the people they want. Therefore, in the case o Best Buy Company the purpose in

order to grow in the industry is to put information on their website for customers to find easily.

The About us ' page plays an important role and chance to share the similarities between your

team and site visitors attracting potential buyers. In addition, it is important to take note of the

fact that some businesses are successful on a large scale with the like concept. Thus, working

together to achieve a goal and to work together helps people to overcome their differences due to

the task.


Clauset, A., & Hurtley, Stella. (2018). Global reciprocity drives cooperation. Science, 359(6371),


Ferrari, F. (2018). Persuasion Analysis. Metaphor and Persuasion in Strategic Communication,

71–103. doi: 10.4324/9781315188461-3

Hu, S., Li, Z., Zhang, J., & Zhu, J. (2018). Engaging scientists in science communication: The

effect of social proof and meaning. Journal of Cleaner Production, 170, 1044-1051.

Levy, J., McKoy, M., Poast, P., & Wallace, G. (2015). Backing Out or Backing In? Commitment

and Consistency in Audience Costs Theory. American Journal of Political Science, 59(4),


Norton, C., & Norton, C. (2015). Best Buy Sales Online. SciVee. doi: 10.4016/29085.01

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