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Approved for
EX-DE 02 16/12/14 G.W. Kim R. Bielma J.R. Lee M.T.Suh D. De Marzo
EX-DE 01 05/12/14 Issued for Design G.W. Kim R. Bielma J.R. Lee M.T.Suh D. De Marzo
EX-DE 00 29/10/14 Issued for Design K.J. Ryu R. Bielma J.R. Lee M.T.Suh D. De Marzo
Validity Rev.
Status number Prepared Checked Approved Contractor Company
Date Description
by by by Approval Approval
Revision Index
Company logo and business name Project name Company Document ID
eni iraq b.v. PROJECT Job N.
Contractor logo and business name Contractor Document ID

Contract N. 252/2011/DK/ZU
Vendor logo and business name Vendor Document ID

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Document Title Supersedes N.


MISHRIF DGS Plant Area Plant Unit
n.a. n.a.
Software: Microsoft Word 2007 File No. 00251210DBQRJA027_EXDE02_08.doc

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eni iraq b.v.


Rev. Date Nr. of Description

EX-DE 00 29/10/2014 8 Issued for Design
EX-DE 01 05/12/2014 8 Issued for Design (Revised as per Comments)
EX-DE 02 16/12/2014 8 Approved for Design

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1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 4
2 DEFINITIONS & ACRONYMS ......................................................................................................... 4
3 SCOPE OF APPLICATION .............................................................................................................. 5
4 NORMATIVE REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 5
5 RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................................................................................................ 5
5.1 Site Quality Manager (SQM): ................................................................................................... 5
5.2 Subcontractors:........................................................................................................................ 6
6 TYPE OF QUALIFICATION ............................................................................................................. 6
7 PROCEDURE................................................................................................................................... 6
7.1 Qualification ............................................................................................................................. 6
7.2 Record of Qualification ............................................................................................................ 7
7.3 Maintenance of Qualification ................................................................................................... 7
7.4 Training .................................................................................................................................... 8
8 APPENDICES .................................................................................................................................. 8
8.1 Attachment 1 – Record of Qualification ................................................................................... 8
8.2 Attachment 2 – List of Qualified Personnel ............................................................................. 8
8.3 Attachment 3 – Job Interview Evaluation Form ....................................................................... 8
8.4 Attachment 4 – Inspector Training Record .............................................................................. 8

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This procedure provides the methods and requirements for qualification of
inspection and test personnel at the site that performs verification activities to
assure conformance with the specified quality requirements and specifications,
and thus comply with a management in conformance with the Project.


For the purpose of this Training and Qualification Procedure, the following
definitions and acronyms shall be applicable and have the meaning herewith
described, in addition to those definitions described in the Contract, General
Conditions Section 1 Definitions and Interpretation, and ISO 9000:2005 -

CONTRACT Binding agreement composed by the documents

listed in the Form of Agreement (with contract
number 252/2011/DK/ZU) and any amendments.

COMPANY Eni Iraq B.V. (Operator), Occidental, Korea Gas and

Missan Oil Company (or as defined in the Form of
Agreement and Contract conditions).

CONTRACTOR Samsung Engineering Co. Ltd.

Process Set of interrelated or interacting activities which

transform inputs into outputs (ISO 9000:2005).

Procedure Specific and sequential way to carry out an activity

or a process (ISO 9000:2005).

Project, the New North (Hammar Mishirif) Degassing Station,

Zubair Project, Iraq.

QA Quality Assurance, Part of quality management

focused on providing confidence that quality
requirements shall be fulfilled (ISO 9000:2005)

QC Quality Control, Part of quality management focused

on fulfilling quality requirements (ISO 9000:2005)

QMS Quality Management System, set of processes and

activities of the performing organization that
determine quality policies, objectives, and
responsibilities so that the project shall satisfy the
needs for which it was undertaken.

Record Document stating results achieved or providing

evidence of activities performed (ISO 9000:2005).

Site Location where the construction activities are

executed as defined in the Scope of Work for the
EPC for North (Hammar Mishirif) Degassing Station.

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Specification Document stating requirements (ISO 9000:2005).

Sub-Contractor While the term subcontractor refers to both vendor

and supplier in accordance with the Contract, for
purposes of differentiation between manufacturing /
vendor subcontractors and construction, the term
“sub-contractor” in this Quality Plan shall refer to
those companies entering into a sub-contract
agreement with CONTRACTOR for ‘construction’
related activities only.

Work All activities performed for the Project throughout

the Project execution.

This procedure will be used to determine the minimum qualification requirements
of personnel performing inspections at the site, and it will be applicable to
CONTRACTOR’s quality personnel in order to ensure that management and
supervision are compliant with the project requirements.

The following references shall govern the inspector training qualification

 Attachment “F” Quality Management Specification:

Requirements for Supply Typology: (EPC)-
(EPIC) (No. SGI-QUAL-14).
 00251210DBQAJA001 Project Quality Plan
 00251210DBQAJA006 Field Quality Control Plan
 ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management Systems – Requirements.
 SMQ0001E CONTRACTOR’s QMS Quality Management
 SPQ0012ENN CONTRACTOR standard ‘Instruction for
Inspection / Test Personnel Qualification’


5.1 Site Quality Manager (SQM):

The Site Quality Manager will be responsible for:

1) Record the education, experience and performance of the inspection /

test personnel.
2) Establishment and implementation of the training plan for the inspection /
test personnel.
3) Periodical evaluation of inspection / test personnel.
4) Record and maintain the documentation regarding the qualification of
inspectors and test personnel.
5) Certifying all qualified inspection and test personnel.

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5.2 Subcontractors:

1) Each subcontractor will be responsible for issuing and maintaining all

records issued by their organization, and shall cooperate with
CONTRACTOR in order to maintain their records for handover to

The type of qualification for personnel conducting inspections will be classified in
the areas of Mechanical, Electrical, Instrument, Civil and Architecture.

The qualified person shall have the expertise in one of the above areas.

Area Description
Mechanical Area: Inspection/Test of piping, welding, equipment
installation ,insulation and painting
Electrical/Instrument Area: Inspection/Test of electrical& instrument equipment
installation and instrument calibration
Civil Area: Inspection/Test of civil construction & structure,
Architecture Area: Inspection/Test of architecture construction
& structure, coating
Common Area: Receiving inspection at warehouse, etc.

Inspections and tests to be performed by qualified personnel shall be in

accordance with the requirements of the approved inspection and test plans.

Copies of personnel’s qualification will be maintained by the Quality Team at the



7.1 Qualification

In order to qualify an inspector, the following items must be observed and the
score shall be divided as follows.

Test Item Score Assigned

Experience 30
Education Degree 20
Interview 20
Test 30
Total 100

The tested items are subdivided as follows:

1) Experience

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Experience Score Assigned

11 years and over (or similar Project) 11
6~10 years 9
3~5 years 8
1~2 years 2
0 year 0

2) Education Degree
Grade Score Assigned
University 12
High school 8
Post-Grade (master) +5

3) Interview

Interview value is 20% of the overall value and it will be carried out in accordance
with the attached interview format prepared for this purpose included in Appendix

4) Test

Test value will be 30% of the overall qualification value and it will be carried out in
accordance with the specific testing procedure in respect to the qualification area.

For special processes, the entire qualification for a particular person shall be
made by an authorized testing/ qualification agency (i.e. CWI, AI, NDE level).

The copy of the qualification given by these agencies will be maintained and kept
by the site quality team.

A candidate who wants to be qualified should meet the following requirements:

1) A candidate has a high school degree.

2) A candidate has experience in a related field, or has certificate or
qualification from a related industry or recognized agency.
3) Qualification of Inspection/Test personnel shall be evaluated and
approved by the Quality control manager, Site Administration Manager
and site manager.

7.2 Record of Qualification

The documentation concerned with qualification and evaluation of Inspection /

Test personnel shall be recorded on Attachment - 1 "Record of Qualification".

Maintenance of Qualification record will be done by the Site Quality Manager.

7.3 Maintenance of Qualification

Field /Quality control manager should prepare and maintain the Attachment - 2
“List of Qualified Personnel".

For the purpose of assuring qualification of Inspection / Test personnel, an

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evaluation by the Quality Control Manager shall be performed annually based on

the Inspection/Test personnel's performance, capability and physical examination,
if needed.

7.4 Training

Field /Quality control manager are responsible for verifying execution of training
and training shall be performed periodically by one of the following methods:
Lecture, Circulation or On the Job Training (OJT).

After training, trainees shall sign on the Attachment – 4 “Inspector Training



8.1 Attachment 1 – Record of Qualification

8.2 Attachment 2 – List of Qualified Personnel

8.3 Attachment 3 – Job Interview Evaluation Form

8.4 Attachment 4 – Inspector Training Record

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