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Instructions on how to run the test


1. Open the invitation email​ (i.e: [Project code] - Test case invitation)

2. Confirm your participation by replying to the email.

● If you don’t want to / if you can’t participate please send a message explaining why you
don’t want to participate or why you can’t.
● This step is very important, if we will not have your confirmation in a couple of hours you
will be replaced with another tester.

3. In the invitation email you will see:

● The ​device​ which was assigned to you (if you don’t have that device anymore or if you
made an update to the OS please let the Cycle Manager know by sending an email)

● The link to your ​Test Case​ document


● The ​Tester Spec​ (the Tester Spec contains all the details about the project: info about
the app, the link to the app, the link to the bug tracker, the Known Issues list and
additional details. ​PLEASE make sure to read this document carefully before you start to
run the test cases.

● The ​deadline​.​ In order to be paid you will have to finish the test cases before the
deadline. If you have any problems or questions please contact the Cycle Manager
4. Install the app​ (you will find the link in the Tester Spec).

5.Go to the Bug Tracker​ (you will find the link in the Tester Spec).

6.Open the Known Issues list.

● Please note that the images are just an example. You will find all the details in the Tester
Spec that was sent to you, Known issues might not be present in all the projects.

7. Read the Tester Spec​ ​very carefully

● (there you will find all the details about the project and what the bug report should
● All the issues that will not have all the details that are specified in the Tester Spec will be
put under “Investigation” and when the cycle will be over will be rejected (if the details
will not be added in the meantime)

8. Open the Test Case document

● (Please only follow the steps that are mentioned in the document)

9. If the step is ok and you don’t find an issue please mark the step with “Pass”
● (in the Result column there is a drop down list with the following resolutions: Ready to
start, Pass, Fail, Skip)

10. If you find an issue follow the steps below:

● Search for the issue in the known issues list and in the issues that were already
reported. If the issue is in the known issues list or in the list of the issues that were
already reported you will not have to create a new bug report (if you will create a new
bug report your issue will be rejected). Mark the step as “Fail” and just add the bug id of
the issue in the Test Case document in the Bug ID column. The Bug ID if the code
displayed in front of the title (i.e: LSI005-1, LSI005-12, etc)
● If you don’t find the issue in the known issues list or in the issues that were already
reported please submit a bug report, mark the steps as “Fail” and add the bug id in the
“Bug ID” column


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