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Maximum Energy Power Optimum Energy Power Minimum Energy Power Pessimum Energy Power *

● The Maximum Energy functions in this column (positions 1 & 5) are ● The Optimum Energy function in position 2 receives the exact amount of energy ● The Minimum Energy function (applies to position 3 and 7) * = Pessimum is latin for less than minimum. Webster: the least favorable
full of excess power and take the largest portion of energy from the it needs to solve any given problem related to fulfilling the Social Mission. receives minimum energy so it* can regularly solve recurring environmental condition under which an organism can survive.
● The more complicated the problem is, the more energy is available to it. ● The Pessimum Energy function lacks proper energy supply and is
psyche’s energy potential. Dominant takes more than aux uncomplicated problems. - Viktor Gulenko via Andriy Y.
● The Optimum Energy function in position 6 receives the exact amount of energy it unable to solve complicated, or even [simple] recurring problems.
(Demonstrative) which is strongest function at close range. needs to solve any given problem that is on the territory (ie in its wheelhouse) of ● Example of Google Translate of same Viktor Gulenko text:
● These functions are responsible for the constant generation of a the Self-Affirmation Block. “Function is at a minimum for the solution of the corresponding ● It is unable to perform under large loads.
communication field around the person. The more powerful each ● Information vs Energy metabolism: From the yellow highlighted text in the task-level energy consumption, thus it is able to regularly solve ● Its only purpose is to launch a new cycle of psychic activity by
function is, the more its field is felt, and its operation covers a greater Social Adaptation Block, you can see that the real world correlates of information repetitive simple tasks.” turning on the first function: position 4 activates 1 and 8 activates 5.
area. Note: lower row is short range so communicative field of the metabolism require energy. And it is only from these correlates that we can infer
* = But problems related to the function in position 7 (Brake AKA ● Psychic dynamics flow naturally in the direction from a larger
function in position 5 is context-dependent ie on its territory. information was metabolised. We assess genius level information metabolism by energy supply to the smaller one.
results: works of genius. They required energy. See “energy metrics” in IA block. Vulnerable) will be harder to solve than problems related to position 3.

Externalities ie Societal 1 + 2 = Social Mission Block 3 + 4 = Social Adaptation Block

● Mission: to contribute to socion (ie society) showing their specialization*. ● Functions of this block provide stability to a person operating in society. Without these functions,
(positions 1 to 4) ●
* = Compare social-role-playing in Keirsey Temperament Model eg NiFx playing Mentor Counselor: Ni with Fi aid enactment of that social role.
Why “Model G” is arranged differently from “Model 80s” AKA “Model A”: Ausra (socionika founder) made the claim that socion develops thanks to relations of Social Benefit: “Relations of
it is impossible to operate normally in society if the social mission is not performed for any reason.
Social Benefit supply him with cutting-edge human experience and enable the mobilization of the most developed elements of the psyche of each person for the use in accordance to the emerging ● 2012 paper cont’d: “Such groups tend to break apart. Then why should interactions between individual functions within the framework get in the way of productivity and extinguish the energy of
needs of society, like focusing intellectual energy into a sharp ray [into a focused laser beam].” - translated by physics teacher Andriy in 2019. His additions = now black/blue italics in brackets. the psyche?” Dr Gulenko thinks informationists (eg Model A-ers) fail to explain what Model G explains ie how “the type indeed functions differently under various circumstances”.
● Externalities quartet activated by external For Energy Metrics (“Dimensions”) see the fine print in the Inflation-Avoidance block. Dr G continues in the paper ‘2012 Teachers Round Table Thesis’: “So why does the psyche of an ● “... functions are positioned in accordance to their roles in the psyche to solve life’s problems.” Paraphrase: Positioning of functions is guided by two attributes:
individual line up differently? It is logical to suggest that internally the psyche is moved by the [Social] Benefit, not a Revision [Supervision]. Or we we can make the following conclusion [BV: (1) “The Energy Power of a function” and (2) “The Radius of a function’s operation (distance) eg longer range Externalities (upper row) vs shorter range Internalities (lower
stimulation of the function in the Launcher syllogistic inference to be more accurate] that, on a social level, the energy component has a priority over the information component. Experiments on the rings of [Social] Benefit by Shechter row).” “However, each of these actions (not to mention the implementation of the solution) requires certain energy costs. In addition, each form of mental activity (i.e. function) requires a certain level of activity, which means energy costs.
It is the laws and dynamics of these processes that describe the type of energy metabolism.” - from an article titled (via translation): ‘Sociotype, TIM, TEM - connection and differences of concepts in socionics’.
and Kobrinskaya showed that there is an activation within a group, increasing levels of activity. Once this group gets activated members feel and act as one. According to the same experiments,
position. inside the rings of revision [Supervision], the opposite is observed: the group decelerates, activity plummets, weariness accumulates and may cause exhaustion and illness.” See right.
● NB: Each club (SF, ST, NF, NT) has a type in one of the blocks. Type in this block usually enacts a Keirsey Role Variant complementary to Social Mission eg FeSx Supplier with TeNx Mobilizer.

● Title “externalities” indicates that this functional

ring [chain] is directed outward towards the 1 Management 2 2 Creative 3 3 Role-Playing 4 4 Launcher 1
socion (ie society). [I Manage with] [goal definition*] [I Work through] [implementation] [I Train] [output ie result presentation] [I Mobilize self with] [input ie data collection]
● The externalities group takes precedence goal definition* = step in any self-regulatory activity, along 1. “execution of decisions made at stage 1*.” 1. The function that is trained the way an athlete is trained by a 1. The function in this position is triggered from the outside thus
whenever society is involved; therefore we with ‘implementation’, ‘output’, and ‘input’. * = Management. “the function implements or creates; the coach or an actor is rehearsing his part - hence the usual name it is referred to as ‘Launcher’.
placed it above internalities - because when it 1. “government of the psyche, in charge of setting goals and function is flexible and unconventional which is also "Role Function". - VG. 2. It is the most sensitive and is about new data input or
comes to survival and development, socion is of associated with creativity.” - VG. 2. Just like an athlete needs to keep training to maintain muscle collecting the feedback.
making decisions” - Viktor Gulenko AKA VG or “Dr G”. In a
2. Paired with position #7 ie Brake mass, so the person needs to keep training this function or it 3. Because it is very sensitive, the function is this position is
greater importance than a single type. message (via translation) from him in October 2019 about Social Benefit ring: “...
because switching between extraversion and introversion takes extra energy. For 3. What is done rather than what is thought and/or said thus high will lose effectiveness eg the LII (TiNx) needs to keep chronologically first ie it launches the new round of mental
● When external functions work, the internal example, if the ESE [FeSx] is fired up by the idea [Ne], then he can exert serious EEG activity is not necessarily predicted for this function. However, ISTJ (SiTe), monitoring its own behaviour to stop going into bad habits activity.
ones are subdued and suppressed, and vice force pressure in the implementation of his idea*. E-F [Fe -> Se]. It would be ENTP, INFJ (NiFx), ISTP (TiSe), ISFP (FiSe), and INFP (FiNx) all show higher
unproductive after the emotional excitement of E [Fe] to immediately calm down EEG activity for this Creative function than for the auxiliary function. Other types
such as interrupting. In a dual relationship, the TiNx’s Role Fi 4. Paired with position #5 ie Demonstrative
versa*. This is achieved thru the links of revision and relax S [Si].” show more auxiliary activity. [See Launcher Box:“Outlier LSI, SLI, ESI”] is trained by the FeSx’s Control Fi. 5. Popular online 4 function stack: TERTIARY
[Supervision]: the function in the 1st position * = apart from single use, this idea can be a rule, a generalisation, a technique. 3. Function in this position is of the same mindset as the function 6. Cf. Linda Berens: Relief (+) / Unsettling (-). Valued functions are
4. Cf. Linda Berens: Critical (-) / Discovery (+) in the lead position eg Role Se in NeTx is of same mindset as seen by Berens as primarily positive (+) but with a negative (-) flipside.
constrains the function in the 5th, the 2nd From 2012 Teachers Round Table Thesis: “I was always interested in what is going on with a
7. Model A/80s: Mobilising AKA Hidden Agenda.
person when one or another psychological function manifests itself. And the first conclusion that I From 2012 Teachers Round Table Thesis: Many professionals [coaches?] on effective Lead Ne ie both are Flexible Active (Ep) functions.
constrains the 6th, 3rd constrains the 7th and the have arrived to, by watching people, is that extraverted and introverted stances differ from each productivity note that once the work begins, it is not advisable to get distracted by a
4. Paired with position #8 ie Control. TRANSLATING FROM KEIRSEY-BERENS TO HUMANITARIAN SOCIONICS (see Gulenko’s book*):
other energetically. Energetic [extraverted] stances require a lot of energy, introverted stances are conversation of discussion or clarification. Once somebody gets an idea or an opening
4th constrains the 8th. [on the other hand] energy saving. From a perspective of an outside observer that is. For example, presents itself, it necessary to act on it [idea] or take action: I [Ideas or Ne] -> P 5. Cf. Linda Berens: Devilish (-) / Transformative (+). The unvalued
* = “Psychological Types: Why are People so Different” (2019). The book contains 64 DCNH subtype profiles.
ISFJ (SiFe) = SEI N subtype (p94). ISFP (FiSe) ~ ESI H (p248) > SEI (SiFe!) H subtype (p96) [~90% match].
* = That wasn’t in template 1.0. Ben Vaserlan example: on my territory, it by being in an L mode [Ti or Law mode], a person seems to be calm and undisturbed, however, he
[Pragmatism or Te]. System will generate more energy this way without changing its functions are seen by her as primarily negative (-) but with a positive flipside (+). ISTP (TiSe) = LSI C subtype (p155) > SLI (SiTe!) C subtype (p310). ISTJ (SiTe) = LSI (TiSe!) N (p156).
looks like my Ne can constrain my Ti. spends a lot of energy to negate the outside distractions.” Comments on Sensory Introverts (ISXX types) in Humanitarian Socionics:
vertness orientation. It is not productive to act on a formula I [Ne] -> L [Ti]. Once there
2. Paired with position #6 ie Manipulative is motivation, it is not advisable to disrupt it. It is necessary to maximize the output Complementary Role (example from NiFx ie IEI Lyric Poet profile infographic): ● SEI (S- R+) is ~95% Keirsey ISFJ. See my infographic for SEI ‘Mediator’: 1 or 2 lines in Ne+ box seem
MODEL G FULL EXPLANATION MK 3.05 3. Popular online 4 function stack & Jung: DOMINANT before the group runs out of juices. Otherwise it will be necessary to restore the
● These two functions (Si+ & Ti-) are in the Social Mission block of SLI ie ‘Master Craftsman’ in
to contradict the text in Ni- and Ti+ boxes. This is because this profile is an amalgam of 4 subtypes.
● LSI (L+ S-) is more like ISTJ (SiTx) than ISTP (TiSx). LSI N is like ISTJ. LSI C is like ISTP.
readiness to work from the very beginning, spending more energy. For the same reason, ● SLI (S+ L-) is like the ISTP (TiSx) but with some significant ISTJ qualities. But SLI C is like ISTP.
AN INFOGRAPHIC BY BEN VASERLAN 4. Cf. Dr Linda Berens’s Model: Leading (+) / Dominant (-) professionals [coaches?] suggest when brainstorming, it is necessary to separate a stage
Humanitarian Socionika. SLI is in the same Supervision ring and Social Benefit ring as NiFx.
● ESI (R- S+) is a type unto itself: It is arguably like a Social Instinct Enneagram Type 6 ISFJ* (SiFx) but
USING MODEL G TEMPLATE 3.2 (MORE DEPTH THAN 1.0) ● When Ni+ and Fi- cannot get the job done, NiFx (IEI) can switch to Si+ and Ti-. Usually, the role with strong conservative security-focussed moral crusader traits (look up Mary Whitehouse of the National
SUGGESTED READING (all book are on 5. Dr Dario Nardi: of idea generation (I [Ne]) from the stage of analysis (L [Ti]). This is when I realized enacted by the superego type is complementary: the NiFx is called the Lyric Poet and the SLI Master Viewers' and Listeners' Association & see E1 Victor Meldrew in the sitcom “One Foot in the Grave”).
○ high EEG activity in region/s correlated with the Jungian function in this position. Also that alternating an extraverted with an introverted function (regardless of them being Craftsman “performs handwork* with masterly skill” so you can see how both types are creative. If Hence Dr G calls ESI ‘Guardian’. To imagine the ESI, ask yourself: “What would the direct opposite of a
● Victor Gulenko: “Psychological Types: Why Are People So Different? 64 we use Keirsey roles there is also complementarity: Counselor (NiFx) with Inspector (SiTx) where morally relativistic ENTP be like?”
related to function-specific “macro states” ie whole neocortex EEG states. See page 43 either physical or intellectual) only worsens the situation, especially in a busy work. As
Portraits in Socionics. How each of the 16 Jungian types varies in 4 main the Counselor has to inspect/diagnose the issue then monitor the counselee’s progress. * = see Ben * = ISFP E6 is also possible eg Shannon (on my Ben Vaserlan channel) resembles both FiSx
in Neuroscience of Personality by Dario Nardi. they say, if you are running, keep running, if you are hunting, keep hunting [Russian Vaserlan YouTube channel for IEI resembler Sanna who paints art with very good technique. She (Keirsey: Tactical Accommodator) and a phobic Enneagram Type 6. Her Artisan side tends to come
ways” (2019) AKA “64” - includes how to diagnose type (p37-50), type profiles* (p65-314),
○ There is a playlist of Dario Nardi videos on the second playlist shelf/row on the home proverb, with a meaning of keep doing what you are doing]. Constant switching around also counsels. out in counter-phobic moments. Search YouTube for “Tactical Intellect of Artisans”. Shannon now
intertype relations (p315-380), and definitions (381-436). * = includes expanded Model G profiles. tab of my Ben Vaserlan YouTube channel. will get in a way of productive work and will destroy your motivation. identifies as most like Sp-Sx E416 ISFP with a strong 6.
● David Keirsey: “Please Understand Me 2” (1998) then “Personology” (2010).

5 Demonstrative 6 6 Manipulative 7 7 Brake 8 8 Control 5

Internalities ie Personal 1.
[I Demonstrate] [paired with #4]
Is the strongest position at close range.
[I Demand] [paired with #1] [I Force myself to] [paired with #2] [I Control] [paired with #3]
1. “function that is managed or governed from the outside. It is 1. “the function that is created (the one a person should create 1. “the "coach", whose function is to drill others rather than
(positions 5 to 8) 2. “According to it, man is asserting itself. At the same time, it is a signal for
called manipulative because it's easily manipulated.” almost from scratch, in order to survive). The usual name of perform by himself. It is commonly referred to as control
attracting your dual.” “Position used to trigger others’ activity (usual name of the
Demonstrative)” so stimulates the Launcher position of this type’s dual. eg “SEI 2. Example: “SEI [SiFx] feels responsible for managing the function is “Brake”, as its activation tends to slow people function as it keeps monitoring the surroundings.” eg “SEI
● At closer psychological distance, the functions [SiFx] becomes active when he knows the rules or is given a good explanation
comfort and well-being of others (S or Si), while being down and drain them.” [SiFx] trains his ability to predict events; as well as the
(L AKA Ti*), and he will try to get others into action with his display of
easily manipulated by exciting ideas & novelty (I or Ne).” sense of time (T AKA Ni); he looks out for all the ways he
of the lower row start to work. This lower emotion (E AKA Fe).”
3. Popular online 4 function stack & Jung post-PT**: AUXILIARY. 2. Example: “SEI [SiFx] creates new relationships* (R or Fi) can be violated and has to protect* his territory (F AKA
chain (of 4 functions) is called “internalities”. 3. Popular online 4 function stack & Jung: INFERIOR.
4. Cf. Linda Berens: Supporting (+) / Overprotective (-)
by bringing people together (hence the name Mediator) Se).” * = Keirsey’s equivalent type is called the Logistical Accommodator
The meaning behind the name is that these 5. Dario Nardi: high EEG activity like position 1 but not quite as strong. People have which is predisposed to the Provider Protector social role. Keirsey cites many
most comfort for positions 1 and 5.
4. Cf. Linda Berens: Aspirational (+) / Projective (-). and expects the business logic part (P or Te) to be physicians and nurses are this type. However, the most interesting comparison of
functions are directed towards the internal 5. Model A/80s equivalent: Suggestive Function custom-made for his activities so he won't overexert SEI is to the final paragraph of Carl Jung’s Si dom profile in Psychological Types:
** = After Psychological Types was published, Jung did implicitly state that he saw the vertness of the auxiliary “Whereas true extraverted intuition has a characteristic resourcefulness, and a
[closer] territory. as opposite to the dominant’s but Jung did not state the vertness of the auxiliary function in Psychological Types. himself.” * = Fi-based on “connection/identification/rapport” is just one aspect
Taken from Collected Works of CG Jung Vol 6 paragraph 669 where he gives examples of the 16 types: “practical of Fi ie Subjective Feeling: personal ethics/judgement, identity, empathy. ‘good nose’ for every possibility in objective [he meant ‘empirical’] reality, this
6. Dario Nardi: Tandem use with function in Management position confirmed on
● Indicated by down arrows, top functions thinking [Te] allied with sensation [Sx]” so TeSx [ESTJ ie LSE], “speculative thinking [Ti] forging ahead with
intuition [Nx]” so TiNx [INTP ie LII], “artistic intuition [could be Ne or Ni] selecting and presenting its images page 194 of his functions book “8 Keys to Self-Leadership”. Book endorsed by
archaic extraverted intuition has an amazing flair for every ambiguous, gloomy,
dirty, and dangerous possibility in the background of reality.”
suppress lower functions, but on its territory, with the help of feeling values [Fx]” so NeFx or NiFx, “philosophical intuition [could be Ne or Ni] systematizing
its vision into comprehensible thought by means of a powerful intellect [Tx]” so NeTx or NiTx.
Viktor Gulenko. See the video “VICTOR GULENKO #13: ...” on the Ben 3. Cf. Linda Berens: Deceiving (-) / Comedic (+).
Vaserlan YouTube channel. 2. Least energy but biggest information
the bottom functions are free from the Note on information dimensionality: How much Ausra mentioned energy (from 2012 Teachers Round Table Thesis): 4. Model A/80s equivalent: Vulnerable Function (AKA Place of 3. “the actions for which the person is closely monitoring. It is
control of upper functions. Analogy: Dr Victor Gulenko: “As an analogy to the informational dimension, you can use the “Nobody can argue against seeing in Aušra [Augustinavičiūtė]’s works mention of the
Least Resistance). very sensitive. About it the type thinks a lot.”
example of printed information: line (one dimensionality), page (two dimensionality), term “informational metabolism”, but also its opposite, the “energy metabolism”. In a
“Rider-Horse”. book (three dimensionality), library (four dimensionality). In other words, the third collection of Aušra’s works published by the [publishing group] “Black Squirrel”
4. Cf. Linda Berens: Opposing (-) / Backup (+).
● This full explanation comes from communications with Dr G & function [3. Role-Playing] for normal manifestation should take into account [] words sharing the linguistic root with the word “information” 5. Dario Nardi: least preferred function along with function in 5. Model A/80s equivalent: Ignoring Function
translations of Dr Gulenko’s work which are copyright School of information from the previous 3 functions (Position “4. Launcher” is first in sequence).” appear 283 times, whereas the words sharing the linguistic root with the word “energy”
Humanitarian Socionika based in Kyiv (Kiev), Ukrayina.
Role position because of preference for functions in NB: A person cannot ‘be’ a sociotype (individuation pattern). They can only resemble
* = There a good explanation of Ti in ‘Building Blocks of Personality Type’ by Leona Haas and Mark Hunziker. appear less frequently, only 143 times, but still quite often. As we can see, Aušra did
● NB: alternating black and dark blue text = easier to read. Except Ni, their definitions line up with Jung esp introverted functions = subjective. Any socionics definition of not ignore the energetic aspect of the psyche. Over time, however, the energy aspect Management and Demonstrative positions which have one. I, Ben V, refer to myself as a “TiNx resembler” because I only resemble the TiNx
Ti (esp by an NeTx resembler) that states it as “objective” is philosophically misguided if not construct which is modelling the same pattern as Keirsey’s Strategic Accommodator.
● italicised = added by translator (except Jung’s ‘habitual’). Green/Red/Purple disingenuous/mendacious. was pushed to the outskirts and forgotten.” maximum energy.
text = added by Ben Vaserlan. Grey positional headings = unvalued/subdued.

Facebook group: “The Real Socionics Model G Group”
in English:
in Russian:
5 + 6 = Self-Affirmation Block 7 + 8 = Inflation-Avoidance Block
● Search YouTube for the channel ‘Ben Vaserlan’ then ● Individual desires. This block dominates at close range/territory. ● Swelling of information in the absence of real mental energy to digest the info.
● Full quote: Aside from the social mission, a person also has its own individual desires. Through these functions, a person seeks to dominate on its territory. ● From the point of view of society, the person wastes energy in vain.
subscribe for the best typology guests on YouTube: Dr Dario ● Dr G’s closing remarks: Both approaches [energy and information] are, in principle, schemes that explain general tendencies. These are not assembly structures where a precise position, the size ● “Overstraining this block leads to the collapse of the mind, just as monetary inflation* leads to the collapse of the economy.” - Viktor Gulenko. * = increase in supply of money and/or credit (see
Nardi, Dr Viktor Gulenko, Katherine Chernick Fauvre, Thomas Condon, and the real connections between psychological [information] elements are established. We still have a way to go to make our models operational [practical, applicable to the real world]. Peter Schiff & “Human Action” by Ludwig von Mises). There was hyperinflation in Ukrayina in the 1990s.
● ● Victor Gulenko (2019): “There should be a difference between information and energy metrics. For Model G, energy metric is more interesting/applicable/important. This metric is understood as a degree of freedom to
Jonathan the Enneabuff, Dr David M Keirsey (the psychologist’s son) etc. Ontology of individuation patterns: I have used ‘it’ in these profiles to show it’s a gender neutral profile that people resemble rather than a person in itself. A person cannot ‘be’ a TiNx (LII ie LT
perform a function that occupies a certain position. The minimum (value of a) metric is assigned to the energetic pessimum function. For example, the 8th function, which only has one degree of freedom: it is either ON or
Analyst). The most they can ‘be’ is a ‘TiNx resembler’. Jung in Chapter 11 of ‘Psychological Types’: “In so far as such an attitude (thinking, feeling, intuition, & sensation) is habitual, thus
● If your really like this infographic, consider buying my lending a certain stamp to the character of an individual, I speak of a psychological type.” “[based on his own investigation] … we must treat the introversion and extraversion types as
OFF. It is always ON, ie a person cannot stop controlling the environment around themselves. For example, Administrator (TeSx) cannot stop monitoring/controlling the order (in the environment) ie use function L+ [Ti+].
7th function has two extreme values: not showing up, or showing up in force (to its extreme). For example, Mentor most often pays attention of their outer look, ie function S [comfort sensing], but, under certain
“Wilma & Rena” comedy stageplay on or superordinated categories to function types.” “The very conditions of society enforce a man to apply himself first and foremost to the differentiation* of that function with which he is either most circumstances, they may neglect their own looks. Functions with the most degrees of freedom (multi-metric functions) indeed have the most degree of freedom. The maximum function, ie the first one, has the most degree
gifted by nature, or which provides his most effective means of social success.” * = functions develop (see Jung, EEG, & reality). “Before individuation can be taken for a goal [“development of of freedom ie with at least 8 different ways of manifesting itself. If you have an F [Se] function in your first position, you are able to both push and retreat, can perform solo or in a team, join the competition or wait it out,
donating to my paypal: the individual psyche”], the educational aim of adaptation to the necessary minimum of collective standards must first be attained.” - goes with Dr G putting Societal row above Personal row. etc. Functions in multi-metric positions are able to express themselves in a varied and stable fashion.” - Translated by TiNx-like (LII) physics teacher Andriy who told me Victor indeed used the Russian word for ‘metric’.

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