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Chapter 1



Every day, a lot of people all over the world participate in games and sports

activities or competitions. Participation in sports improves physical fitness and overall

health and wellness. Games and sports can also result in injuries, some minor, some

serious and still other in lifelong medical problem. Sports injuries result from acute

trauma or repetitive stress associated with athletic activities. Sports injuries can affect

bones or soft tissue (ligaments, muscles, tendons). There are numerous sports injuries

happened in the field of sports. It is very important for all coaches, trainers and players to

know the causes symptoms, prevention and treatment for all these common injuries in

order to avoid most of these types of injuries, also to update the poor training methods.

In the process to determine what exactly happened in the body and the standing

effects most medical professionals choose a method of technological medical devices to

acquire a credible solution to the site of injury. Prevention helps reduce potential sport

injuries. It is important to establish participation in warm-ups, stretching, and exercises

that focus on main muscle groups commonly used in the sport of interest. Also, creating

an injury prevention program as a team, which includes education on rehydration,

nutrition, monitoring team members “at risk”, monitoring behavior, skills, and

techniques. Season analysis reviews and preseason screenings are also beneficial reviews

for preventing player sport injuries. Adults are less likely to suffer sports injuries than

children, whose vulnerability is heightened by immature reflexes, an inability to

recognize and evaluate risks, and underdeveloped coordination. Injury rates are highest

for athletes who participate in contact sports, but the most serious injuries are associated

with individual activities. Between one half and two-thirds of childhood sports injuries

occur during practice, or in the course of unorganized athletic activity. Baseball and

softball are the leading causes of sports-related facial trauma in the United States, with

68% of these injuries caused by contact with the ball rather than player-player collision or

being hit by a swung bat.

In some vein, students from Jose Rizal Memorial State University, Dapitan

Campus are known to its flexibility on sports like soccer, basketball, volleyball, Sepak

Takraw, badminton etc. To address the physical fitness and socio-cultural aspects of

education, the school conducts a campus wide and system wide intramurals every school

year and participates in the Mindanao Association of State Tertiary Schools (MASTS)

Games and the State Colleges and Universities Athletic Association (SCUAA) National

Olympics. Sports varsity clubs were also organized to facilitate the participation of

students in sports activities. In a certain circumstances, players are subjected to any

sports injuries which cause long-term effects. Thus, to dissuade problems on sports

accidents students’ knowledge and awareness in sport should be sufficient in order to

become more flexible on operating the sport program.

With this, the study was conducted a survey to determine the first aid

awareness in sport injuries of Jose Rizal Memorial State University, Dapitan Campus

during the School Year 2019-2020. Specifically, the present investigation focusing on the

awareness of the students on the sports activities as part of their developing skills in

Physical Education. Hence, this study would be ground for the athletes, students and

teachers to become aware on the sports activities and the do’s and don’ts when operating

any event or program.

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework of the Study

This study is anchored on the Vroom's theory of expectancy as cited by (Chen et.

al 2011) which states that “individual undergoes to make choices on their own”. A key

role when athletes are returning to sports after having injuries based on the belief that

athletes effort will lead to performance and performance will lead to rewards. Rewards

may be either positive or negative. The more positive the reward the more likely the

student will be highly motivated. Conversely, the more negative the reward the less likely

the person will be motivated. Fortunately, each of these ingredients can be changed in a

positive way-usually when a new comer replaces an individual whose management style

has not been conducive to bringing out the very best in each person in the team.

According to this theory, the reward of a person determines its eloquent way of

achieving goals towards the motivation to push through. The internees factors considers

in the theory of Vroom which are growth, opportunities, achievements and health. These

factors determine the usual belief of a certain athlete to extend their hearts in joining

sports activities. Moreover, in contrast with the internees factors the extraneous factors

determines the external motivation of an athletes to continue achieving its will by a

certain reward which considers money, social interaction, recognition, responsibility and

significance of the sports. These factors imbued in the study are the common factors

experience when an athlete motivates to join in the sports activities.

Moreover, First aid awareness in sport injuries is applied to injured athletes or ill

students in any health threatening setting in order to save life, prevent degradation of the

situation, or contribute to a treatment process before professional medical care is

available. First aid refers to assessments and interventions that can be performed by a

bystander (or by the victim) with minimal or no medical equipment. This allows for the

understanding on complex sport organizations by the study of strategies and power

relationships within them. Hence, phenomenological method that can be used to discover

the material, structural, and human conditions that limit and define the rationality of

organizational actors, and thereby the meaning of their observable behaviors. Thus,

Vroom's expectancy theory of motivation is not about self-interest in rewards but about

the associations people make towards expected outcomes and the contribution they feel

they can make towards those outcomes.

The cited theory is strongly connected to the present study since the present study

embraces first aid awareness in sports injuries of JRMSU student - Dapitan campus: A

survey who are believed to motivates students and awareness in an sports event. Thus, the

study expect to reveal the students’ capabilities to produce designated levels of

performance that exercise influence one events that definitely affect their lives.

The figure that follows on the next page shows the schema of the study. The first

box which is the independent variable contains the JRMSU students. The second box

denotes from the first box which the dependent variable of the study contains the first aid

awareness. The dependent variable was theoretically and conceptually stated by Vroom's

theory of motivation as cited by (Chen 2011). The third box which is the intervening

variable contains the profile of the respondents as to age and sex.


JRMSU Students First Aid Awareness


Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of Study


Statement of the problem

This study aimed to find out the first aid awareness in sports injuries of JRMSU

students-Dapitan campus: A survey during the first semester of School Year 2019– 2020.

Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions.

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of;

1.1 Age; and

1.2 Sex?

2. What are the common injuries experienced by the students during sport activities?

3. What is the level of first aid awareness in terms of;

3.1 Indoor Sports; and

3.2 Outdoor Sports?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the level of first aid awareness and sports

injuries when analyzed according to their profile?

5. Is there a significant relationship between the level of first aid awareness and the

common injuries experienced?


Ho. There is no significant relationship between the level of first aid awareness

and sport injuries when analyzed according to their profile.

Ho2. There is no significant relationship between the level of awareness and the

common injuries experienced.


Scope and Delimitation of the study

The focus of this study was to find out the student first aid awareness in sports

injuries of JRMSU Dapitan campus during the first semester of Academic Year 2019-

2020. Likewise, the study attempted to find out the significant relationship between the

level of awareness and the common injuries experienced. The first aid awareness in

sports injuries were restricted to the students of Jose Rizal Memorial State University,

Dapitan Campus.

The respondent of this study were the CED students of Jose Rizal Memorial State

University, Dapitan Campus, Dapitan City during the School Year 2019-2020. The

descriptive survey method was utilized in the study. The researchers use a researcher

made questionnaire to attain the main objective of the study. The instrument was pre-

tested to ensure the validity of the questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of two parts

wherein the first part included the personal profile of the respondents as age and sex. The

second part tackled on the first aid awareness on sport injuries and activities.

Significance of the study

This study is important in many ways particularly to the following:

CED Students. Gaining a better understanding of the first aid awareness on

sports injuries of the college students who possess for participating in a collegiate club

sport will not only aid campus recreational sports administrators to foster a club sport

environment on their campus that is appealing and beneficial to the students, but will also

help illustrate why recreational sport programs in general and club sports, specifically,

are such an important component of students’ college experience.


The result of the study will help students’ to motivate in joining sports activities.

This would also help them to be aware on first aid on sports injuries and were they are

motivated to join the sports activities and to know their strength and weaknesses.

Understanding the fundamental aid will guide our students to become aware and

knowledge when some circumstances happened.

College Teachers. To foster students awareness on sport injuries on different

sports activities. This study is beneficial to the teachers on acquiring some information

and knowledge on aid activities during sports recreations. In addition, the result of the

study would be a ground of awareness among teachers handling sports and/or Physical

Education subjects as the matter of preserving health consciousness in education.

School Dean. As part of developing and creating essential matters on molding

students holistically. The result of the study is important to the School Dean in

determining their students and give motivation in their chosen field. More so,

encouraging students to join sports recreations and developing their individual skills and

talents on different fields of sports is a vital on achieving the vision of the University.

Hence, School Dean could recommend to the stakeholders and other heads to encourage

students to join sport as well as giving them their needs on sports activities. .

Future Researchers. Through this study, the future researchers may be able to

gather more information and elaborate furthermore that first aid awareness in joining

sports activities are crucial for the students to be prepared all the time.

Operational Definition of Terms

For a common frame of reference the following terms are hereby operationally


Awareness. In this study the term refers to an understanding about well-informed

interest in a particular situation or development in sports activities.

First Aid. In this study this refers to the provision of immediate care to a victim

with an injury of illness, usually effected by a lay person, and performed within a limited

skill range. First aid is normally performed until the injury or illness is satisfactorily dealt

with (such as in the case of small cuts, minor bruises, and blisters) or until the next level

of care, such as an ambulance or doctor, arrives.

Injuries. In this study the term refers to the damage/injuries of the body caused by

external force. This may be caused by accidents, falls, hits, weapons, and other causes.

Indoor Sports. In this study the term refers to the variety of structured forms of

play or competitive physical activity typically carried out either in the home or in

specially constructed indoor facilities.

Outdoor Sports. In this study the term refers to a team sport game or practice

held in an outdoor setting involves excitement, physical challenge, or risk, such as

in rafting or climbing, it is sometimes referred to as adventure recreation.

Sports Injuries. In this study the terms refers to the injuries that occur in athletic

activities or exercising. Sports injuries are usually the first signs of the body telling you

that the body was impacted.

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