Práctica Profesional Last Report

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Práctica Profesional

Pedagogía en Inglés

Formato de reuniones de Padres y Apoderados

I. Datos Generales:

1. Nombre del Establecimiento Educacional: Colegio Fénix

2. Curso: 8° Básico
3. Profesor jefe: Ariel Bravo
4. Profesor en Práctica: Gabriel Orrego Wieschollek
5. Fecha: 06/10/2010
6. Hora (inicio y término): 5:30 pm- 7:00pm
7. Tabla de la reunión:
• Student´s behavior inside and outside the classroom
• Bad Marks (students in danger)
• Student´s motivation to study
• “Directiva de curso” and future arrangements

II. Instrucciones:

1. Complete la información que encontrará a continuación.

2. Escriba sucintamente los temas propuestos en la tabla de la reunión,
destacando el tema principal que la convocó.

• Student´s behavior inside and outside the classroom

• Bad Marks (students in danger)
• Student´s motivation to study: This was the main topic of the meeting
because there were students with mark problems; the idea was to encourage
parents to talk with their pupils.
• “Directiva de curso” and future arrangements
3. Comente sus impresiones de la reunión. Puede referirse a:
• Aquellos temas que estaban en Tabla y no fueron tratados.

The topic about “Bad marks” wasn´t treated. After the meting the teacher told me
that it could be better to call student´s parents one by one in another situation to
avoid embarrassment.

• Conducción de la reunión por parte del profesor jefe.

The teacher started the meeting writing on the whiteboard the topics that were
going to be treated. Then, with the first topic, the teacher talked about some events
that were happening in the school such as bad behavior especially with students
from 8° Básico. He started to name some students with negative annotations and he
reinforced their parents to talk with them and make them understand the
importance of respect. Then he started to listen to parents arguments about their
student’s behavior. They were trying to come to an agreement about how to make
students comprehend the idea of preserve order.
As I could see the teacher tried to do the same as the “consejo de curso”. He started
to talk with parents as if it was a constructive conversation between the teacher and
student’s parents. The teacher was very kind, because he didn´t act as a ruler of the
meeting, he just started to propose topics and make parents think about the
teaching tasks that they have.

• Intervenciones de los apoderados (presidente de curso, secretario (a),

tesorero (a).

The last 20 minutes were used to talk about future arrangements such as how to
earn money for future traveling, activities outside the school, etc. Not much to say
about it. “Presidente de curso” started to talk about future plans for the end of
semester, then “el secretario” and the “tesorero” started to talk about money and
what to do for earning money.
• Clima de la reunión (participación de los apoderados, situaciones
inesperadas, manejo del tiempo, atmósfera de la reunión, etc.)

The student´s parents were very respectful in terms of listen to the teacher
exposing the topics. Thanks to this, the time management was a perfect match
(taking into account that the teacher avoided one topic related to the poorest
students in terms of marks). The atmosphere was completely warm. It seems to be
like the teacher had a great relationship with student´s parents. As I told you
before, there was a respectful atmosphere among them.

• Tratamiento de los OFT del nivel en la reunión.

I didn´t see something structured about it. Everything was like a forum in which
everyone exposed the “problems” and everyone talked about how to solve those

The climax of the meeting I could say that was the part in which the teacher
encouraged parents to talk with their children about respect and how to behave in
some places such as school. The importance was in make them comprehend their
role as parents and that the teaching stage is not only school´s duty, but also their
own duty.

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