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EMAE 450 Syllabus

Course Number and Title: EMAE 450: Advanced Engineering Analysis
Credits: 3

The course covers topics related to analytical and computational approaches to problems categorized
in a variety of ways including:
1. Linear versus nonlinear problems; 2) finite degrees of freedom v. infinite degrees of freedom; 3)
equilibrium v. propagation v. eigenvalue problems; 4) direct formulations v. indirect formulations; 5)
analytical v. numerical solutions.
The course will be built around specific examples from solid mechanics, dynamics, vibrations, heat
transfer, and fluid mechanics. The significance of the various categorizations will be developed as an
ongoing part of the approach to solving the problems.

Course Outcomes
By the end of the course, students will be able to:
• Properly categorize mechanical system analysis problems with respect to dimensionality,
degrees of freedom, and degree of nonlinearity.
• Understand requirements for adequate mathematical formulation of the problem in terms of
appropriate physical principles, conservation laws, constitutive properties, and constraints.
• Identify the viable approaches to solving the mathematical problem.
• Understand prototypical closed-form and numerical solutions for the problem.
• Apply common numerical techniques to solve problems.
• Understand and apply basic energy methods and variational methods to problem formulations.
• Apply approximation methods to achieve the solving of problems based on energy and
variational formulations.
• Have a basic understanding of common numerical approximation techniques based on finite
difference and finite element approaches.
EMAE 450 Syllabus

Mission of the Case School of Engineering
The Case School of Engineering prepares and challenges its students to take positions of leadership
in the professions of engineering and computer science. Recognizing the increasing role of
technology in virtually every facet of our society, it is vital that engineering students have access to
progressive and cutting-edge programs stressing five areas of excellence:
• Mastery of fundamentals
• Creativity
• Societal awareness
• Leadership skills
• Professionalism
Emphasizing these core values helps ensure that tomorrow’s graduates are valued and contributing
members of our global society and that they will carry out the tradition of engineering leadership
established by our alumni.
The undergraduate program aims to create life-long learners by emphasizing engineering
fundamentals based on mathematics, physical, and natural sciences. Curricular programs are infused
with engineering innovation, professionalism (including engineering ethics and the role of engineering
in society), professional communications, and multi-disciplinary experiences to encourage and
develop leadership skills. To encourage societal awareness, students are exposed to and have the
opportunity for in-depth study in the humanities, social sciences, and business aspects of
engineering. Undergraduate students are encouraged to develop as professionals. Opportunities
include the Cooperative Education Program, on-campus research activities, and participation in the
student chapters of professional societies. Graduates are prepared to enter the workforce and be
strong contributors as practicing engineers, or continue for advanced study in engineering.
At the graduate level, the Case School of Engineering combines advanced classroom study with a
rigorous independent research experience leading to significant results appropriate for publication in
archival journals and/or presentation at leading technical conferences. Scientific integrity, engineering
ethics, and communication skills are emphasized throughout the program.

Text and Resource List
Required Books
• Gockenbach, M.S. (2010). Partial differential equations: Analytical and numerical methods
(2nd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. ISBN-13: 978-
EMAE 450 Syllabus

Recommended Books
• Canale, C. & Canale, R.P. (2001). Numerical methods for engineers (4th ed.). New York City:
McGraw-Hill. ISBN-13: 978-0071121804
• Cassel, K.W. (2013). Variational methods with applications in science and engineering.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN-13: 978-1107022584

Course Structure
The course will follow this general pattern:
• Readings are to be done early in the week
• In all modules additional information is provided by the professor in the form of short video
lectures, which will help students clarify difficult points, work through problem sets, and
summarize the week
• There will be problem sets due at the end of all weeks on the material covered.
• There are tri-weekly discussion topics posted to which students must post both an initial
contribution by the dates specified on the assignment.
• There will be a midterm exam and a final exam.

Outline of Course
This course will be broken up into fourteen, weeklong modules. The following outline presents the
topics to be covered each module.
Module 1: Introductory Concepts
Module 2: Linear Algebra
Module 3: Boundary Value Problems and Ordinary Differential Equations, Part 1
Module 4: Boundary Value Problems and Ordinary Differential Equations, Part 2
Module 5: Continuous Systems: Continuum Mechanics, One-Dimensional Problems, and
Multi-Dimensional Problems
Module 6: Continuous Systems: Multi-Dimensional Problems, Part 1
Module 7: Continuous Systems: Multi-Dimensional Problems, Part 2
Module 8: Indirect Approach: Work-Energy and Variational Methods
Module 9: Boundary Value Problems and Partial Differential Equations
Module 10: Boundary Value Problems in Multiple Dimensions
Module 11: Boundary Value Problems in Multiple Dimensions, Weighted Residual Methods
Module 12: Weighted Residual Methods
Module 13: Finite Element Method
Module 14: Finite Difference Methods, Review
EMAE 450 Syllabus

Grading Methodology
Achievement in this course will be assessed through completion of the following activities:

Assignment Name Weighted


Homework 50%

Midterm Exam 20%

Final Exam 20%

Discussion Participation 10%

Total 100%

The homework questions assigned leading up to the exams will help to build upon your
understanding from the lectures and recommended readings and are critical to help check your
understanding and to prepare for the exams.
NOTE: Weekly homework assignments are due at 11:59 PM ET at the end of each module. It is
important that you get them in to receive at least partial credit. Solutions will be posted the next
week, and after which you can obtain no credit.
You will have a midterm exam and a final exam over the 14-week course to help test your
understanding of the content. The exams will feature in-depth problems similar to the homework that
require application of the content from the lectures and recommended readings.
Discussion Participation
This course focuses on the development and solution of mathematical models of problems
encountered in Mechanical Engineering. Group interactions among the students are intended to
provide help to the students and useful feedback to the instructor. The format will be Q and A. The
first priority of the sessions will be to address questions from the students related to lectures,
homework, and exams. A question for consideration by the students will be posted prior to each
session. As time permits, this question will be the focus of further interaction among the students and
the instructor.
Successful online learning requires active discussion participation. The instructor expects you to join
the session and be an active participant.
EMAE 450 Syllabus

Grading Scale
Grades are determined by a cumulative point total as follows:

Letter Range

A 90% -100%

B 80-89%

C 70-79%

D 60-69%

F 60% or less

Any student must earn a grade of C or higher to progress in this program. Click here to learn more
about Case Western’s academic policies.

Late Assignment Policy
Exams must be taken and assignments turned in on the date specified by the instructor. Exceptions
are rare and may be accommodated by making prior arrangements to schedule alternate exam or
due dates. Emergencies will require some form of documentation in the absence of prior
arrangements. Conflict with work schedules does not constitute an emergency and must be planned
for in advance.

Faculty Communication and Feedback

At the beginning of each course, make sure that you understand the instructor’s preferred mode of
communication and any specific communication protocol. One of the best ways to be effective as a
graduate student is to understand the instructor’s expectations and operate within those boundaries.
Student should give the instructor 48 hours to get back to them on any communication and one week
for grading turnaround time. If students have concerns about communication or feedback, they should
always go to the professor first. Students should explain their concern as clearly as possible without
judgment or emotion. Effective communication is an important graduate-level skill, and every
interaction in their Master’s program is an opportunity to develop this skill.
EMAE 450 Syllabus

Missed Exams and Assignments
Exams are to be taken and assignments turned in on the date specified by the instructor. Exceptions
are rare and may be accommodated by making prior arrangements to schedule alternate exam or
due dates. Emergencies will require some form of documentation in the absence of prior
arrangements. Conflict with work schedules does not constitute an emergency, and you must plan
for this in advance. Late assignments will not be accepted.
Individually written assignments should be submitted to the appropriate assignment dropbox. Unless
otherwise noted, assignments will be due by 11:59 pm ET on the date noted on the course calendar.

Citation Expectations
All research work submitted should be properly cited using APA standards. For more information and
tools to assist you, refer to the information available through the (university here) Center. There are
many resources available at: (URL here).

Technology Requirements
This is an online course, and you must have some obvious technological resources. You will need
access to a computer with the following:
• Internet access (high-speed preferred)
• Microphone/headphones for synchronous sessions
• Word processing software (Microsoft Word preferred)
• Presentation software (Microsoft PowerPoint preferred)
• Audio recording tool
• Scanner (will need to scan documents to upload and submit) (You may use a scanner or
download an app such as Genius Scan or Evernote on your phone to scan the documents)
• MatLab
• MultiSim
See Module 0 for more information on accessing and using the technology resources.

Academic Integrity and the Honor Code

Academic honesty is expected at all times. Academic dishonesty includes claiming someone else's
work as your own (e.g., plagiarism), seeking an unfair advantage over other students in taking a test
or fulfilling an assignment, and fraud. Any offense will result in 0 points for the exam or assignment in
question and may result in failure of the course. Infractions will be reported to the student's advisor
and to the Associated Provost. To learn more, go to:
EMAE 450 Syllabus

Accessibility Services
Academic accommodations are available to students with documented disabilities. In order to access
the accommodations for which you may be qualified, please register with the office of Disability
Resources (ESS, Sears 470). The staff there will verify your need for specific accommodations and
provide you with a memo to inform me of your needs. Once you have received this memo, please
make an appointment to see me privately to discuss your needs. Please be aware that any needed
accommodations cannot be implemented retroactively; therefore timely notification of your needs is in
your best interest.
Students with disabilities are encouraged to meet with Grace Clifford to discuss your need for
academic accommodations in this course. If you have not done so already, please be sure to also
contact the office of Disability Resources in ESS. To set up an appointment, call 216.368.5230 or
stop by their office in Sears 470.

Contact Information
Educational Services for Students
Case Western Reserve University
10900 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44106-7062
Phone 216-368-5230
Fax 216-368-8826

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