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SY 2018-2019

PAULYN: Good afternoon! Our dear parents please occupy the vacant seats. Thank you!
JOJO: May we request all the awardees of each grade level to proceed now here at the quadri-court. Please be
with your parents. Thank you.
PAULYN: “Education is our passport to the future for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it
today.” – Malcolm the Tenth
JOJO: The First Convocation Ceremony is the culmination of all hard work and study of our students for the
First Grading Period. It is the day when you, students, can say, “I’ve done it”.
PAULYN: It is the one of the most important date in our academic calendar as it is the time when our
administrators and faculty can gather with students and their parents to celebrate academic achievement.
Remember that the First Convocation Ceremony is not the end but just the beginning of your journey for this
school year.
JOJO: Dear parents, students, our dedicated faculty and staff, and our dynamic administrators…
BOTH: Welcome to the First Convocation Ceremony of St. James School of Subic, Inc., SY 2018-2019!
Jojo: May we request everyone to stand as we offer the day’s celebration to the hands of our Almighty Father
with a doxology to be led by the select students from Grade 7, followed by the singing of our national anthem
to be led by the SJS Chorale.
***after the doxology
PAULYN: Please remain standing for the singing of the Philippine National Anthem.
***after singing
JOJO: You may now be seated! Thank you.
JOJO: Today is indeed a day to celebrate for today we recognize and commend our students’ achievements for
the First Grading Period. It is a great time for achievers to show how thankful they are to their parents and
teachers that have undeniably given them the best support toward the attainment of their desired goal.
PAULYN: To give us a brief introduction, let us all welcome our energetic school principal, Sr. Gracia O. Abejo,
SFIC. Let’s give her a big round of applause for her welcome address!
***after the welcome remarks
JOJO: Our warmest gratitude for that inspiring address, Sr. Grace. Now, let us proceed to the highlights of this
PAULYN: To recognize the accomplishments that our pupils and students have fruitfully worked for this
quarter, let us proceed to the awarding of certificates to the awardees from the Elementary, to be led by our
school principal, Sr. Gracia O. Abejo, SFIC, together with the teacher-advisers!
Before we proceed to the awarding, allow me to read the content of the certificate…
***Academic Excellence Award (Performance Awards for Kindergarten)
***Perfect Attendance Award
JOJO: May we call on the teacher-advisers from the Elementary Department to present the awardees of their
respective advisory classes.
***presentation of awardees from the elementary department
JOJO: Thank you Sr. Grace and advisers from the elementary! Our warm congratulations to our awardees and
their parents!
Now, let us continue our awarding of certificates to outstanding Junior High School students, to be given by Sr.
Gracia O. Abejo, SFIC, with the assistance of their advisers.
PAULYN: May we call on the teacher-advisers from Junior High School to present the awardees of their
respective advisory classes.
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
PAULYN: Thank you Sr. Grace and advisers from the Junior High School! Congratulations to our awardees and
their parents!
JOJO: Now, let us continue our awarding of certificates to outstanding Senior High School students, to be
given by Sr. Gracia O. Abejo, SFIC, with the assistance of their advisers.
May we call on the teacher-advisers from Senior High School to present the awardees of their respective
advisory classes.
Grade 11
Grade 12
JOJO: Thank you Sr. Grace and advisers from the Junior High School! Congratulations to our awardees and
their parents!
JOJO: Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the
PAULYN: Of course, today is also the perfect day to say “thank you” to people behind your success. It is always
best to acknowledge your parents and also our dear teachers! Most of all, thanks to God! Let us offer
everything we had and have to Him.
JOJO: Dear Jamesian achievers, teachers and parents…
BOTH: Congratulations to all of us for a job well done!
PAULYN: Now, for the second part of our assembly, may we request our dear parents to proceed to their
respective classrooms for the parents’ meeting. (Repeat). Thank you.

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