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Transformer Data

Transformer Rated MVA 83 MVA

Transformer rated HV side voltage 220 kV
HV side rated current 217.82 A
CT Ratio (primary) 300 A
CT Ratio( secondary) 1 A
Rated secondary current 0.73 A
Transformer rated LV side voltage 11.5 kV
LV side rated current 4,167 A
CT Ratio (primary) 4500 A
CT Ratio( secondary) 1 A
Rated secondary current 0.93 A

Transformer Maximum Tap Voltage 236.6 kV

Transformer Minimum Tap Voltage 193.6 kV

Transformer Impedance 0.12 pu

Transformer HV Winding Grounding Configuration Direct

Current Transformer Data

(a) Transformer Low Voltage Side
Ratio (Primary) 4500 A
Ratio (Secondary) 1A
Class 5P
Rct 19.245 Ω
ALF 30
Erated (Measured) 948.36 V
Measured Wired resistance 0.878 Ω
VA 10 VA

(In case calcualted lead resistance is used,

Relay Internal Burden 0 VA relay burden shall be added)

(b) Transformer High Voltage Side

Ratio (Primary) 300 A
Ratio (Secondary) 1A
Class 5P
Rct 0.149 Ω
ALF 20
Erated (Measured) 440.04 V
Measured Wired resistance 1.05 Ω
VA 60 VA
Relay Internal Burden 0.02 VA (In case calcualted lead resistance is used,
Relay Internal Burden 0.02 Ω relay burden shall be added)

(c) Transformer HV Neutral

Ratio (Primary) 200 A
Ratio (Secondary) 5A
Vk 278.83 V
Generator Data

Generator rated capacity 75.955 MVA

Sub transient reactance 0.1521 pu
Transient reactance 0.2193 pu
Synchronous reactance 1.683 pu
Negative Sequence reactance 0.16 pu
Zero sequence reactance 0.081 pu
NPS continuous capablity
NPS Short time capablity
Rated Voltage 11.5 kV
Rated current 3,813 A
Rated secondary current (CT) 0.847 A
Number of paralle Generators (Common Bus Operation) 1
Generator Neutral Earthing Grounding Transformer

Grounding Transformer Primary Voltage 6.64 kV

Grounding Transformer Secondary Voltage 110 V
Secondary resistor 0.3 Ω

Current Transformer Data

(a) Generator Star End CT
Ratio (Primary) 4500 A
Ratio (Secondary) 1A
Class 5P
Rct 19.705 Ω
ALF 20
Erated (Measured) 986 V
Measured Wired resistance 0.82 Ω
VA 30 VA

d resistance is used,
added) Relay Internal Burden 0 VA (In case calcualted lead resistance is used, r
Relay Internal Burden 0Ω

(b) Generator Live End CT

Ratio (Primary) 4500 A
Ratio (Secondary) 1 A
Class 5P
Rct 0.763 Ω
ALF 20
Erated (Measured) 144.93 V
Measured Wired resistance 0.29 Ω
VA 30 VA
d resistance is used, Relay Internal Burden 0 VA (In case calcualted lead resistance is used,
added) Relay Internal Burden 0Ω relay burden shall be added)
System Data

Fault current 19.2 kA

Rated voltage 220 kV

Base MVA Generator

alted lead resistance is used, relay burden shall be added)

alted lead resistance is used,
hall be added)
Base MVA 75.955 MVA
Base Current LV 4,167 A
Base Current HV 217.82 A

Generator Subtransient Reactance 0.152 pu Bus Fault Current

Generator Subtransient Reactance
Generator Negative Seqeunce Reactance 0.160 pu

Transformer Impedance 0.1098 pu

Bus Fault Current 96.32 pu
Calculation of System Impedance (Xs)
Eqivalent Generator Subtransient reactance 0.152 pu
Eqivalent Generator transient reactance pu
Eqivalent Generator Negative Seqeunce reactance 0.160 pu
Transformer Impedance 0.1098 pu
Generator and Transformer Impedance 0.262 pu

System Impedance 0.011 pu

Calculation of Minimum Differential Current (Id)
(a) Error due to CT characteristics mismatch

CT rated secondary current 1A

Current error 1%
Phase displacement 1 deg

0.04 A
Differential Current
0.05 pu

(b) Stability against through faults

Maximum through Fault Current 7.895

Maximum Error Percentage 5

Maximum Spill Current 0.7895

Slope 1 of restrain curve ≥ 10

(b) Unrestrained Differential Setting

Maximum Three Phase Fault Current 14.857

Equivalent Positive Sequence Impedance 0.0673

Equivalent Negative Sequence Impedance 0.0688

Postive sequence Fault current 7.35

Negative sequence Fault current -7.35

Phase to Phase Fault Current
Note : selected setting shall less than Maximum three phase and two phase fault currents

Unrestrained differential setting 10







ase and two phase fault currents

pu (This value shall be selected by the designer & Typical value is 10pu)
Internal Fault
Base Current 3,813 A
CT Primary Current 4500 A
CT Secondary Current 1 A
Ktd 1
Maximum internal fault currentn (Live End CT) 9.106 pu
Maximum internal fault currentn (Star End CT) 9.868 pu
Actual burden of CT(Pb) 0.820 VA
Internal burden of CT(Pi) 19.705 VA
Rated burden of CT(Pbn) 30 VA
Rated ALF 20
Effective ALF 48.43

Velf 994.1 V
Measured Vk 986 V

Fault Current Considered for calculation 9.868 pu

Condition 01

CT Secondary Voltage 171.62 V


Condition 02
Calculated (n') 8.36

External Fault
Ktd 5
Fault Current Considered for calculation 9.868 pu
Condition 01

CT Secondary Voltage 858.097 V


Condition 02
Calculated (n') 41.807

Calculation of Minimum Differential Current (Id)
(a) Error due to CT characteristics mismatch

CT rated secondary current 1A

Current error 1%
Phase displacement 1 deg

0.04 A
Differential Current
0.05 pu

(b) Stability against through faults

Maximum through fault current is received by transformer differential protection only when fault occurs

Maximum through fault current 8.278 pu

(c) Unrestrained Differential setting

Minimum internal fault current will be produced when an internal fault occurs in LV zone.
Transformer Ba
Maximum three phase fault current 14.86 pu 13.6
Maximum two phase fault current 12.87 pu 11.78

Unrestrained differential setting 10 pu (This value shall be selected by the

(b) Error due to voltage Mismatch

Maximum tap voltage 236.6 kV

Rated current @ Max Tap 202.54 A
Minumum tap Voltage 193.6 kV
Rated current @ Max Tap 247.52 A
Rated voltage 220 kV
Rated current 217.82 A
Error due to Max tap 15.28 A
Differential Current 0.07 pu
Error due to Min tap 29.7 A
Differential Current 0.14 pu

n only when fault occurs low voltage side of the transformer due to system infeed.

Transformer Base Conversion


e shall be selected by the designer and it shall be less than Minmum value of above)
(a) Transformer Low Voltage Side - CT

Internal Fault
Ktd 1
Maximum internal fault current 41,122 A
Actual burden of CT(Pb) 0.88 VA
Internal burden of CT(Pi) 19.25 VA

Condition 01

Effective accuracy limit factor (n') 43.59

Calculated n' 9.14

Condition is Satisfied

Conditon 02

CT seconday voltage during internal fault 183.89 V

Ecalculated (Ealf) 877.35 V

Emeasured 948.36

Condition is Satisfied

External Fault
Ktd 4
Maximum through fault current 34990 A

Condition 01
Effective accuracy limit factor (n') 43.59

Calculated n' 31.1

Condition is Satisfied

Condition 02
CT seconday voltage during through fault 625.87 V

Ecalculated 877.35 V

Condition is Satisfied
Transformer High Voltage Side - CT
Internal Fault

Ktd 1
Maximum internal fault current 21,782 A
Actual burden of CT(Pb) 1.05 VA
Internal burden of CT(Pi) 0.149 VA

Condition 01

Effective accuracy limit factor (n') 1003.32

Calculated n' 72.61

Condition is Satisfied

Conditon 02

CT seconday voltage during internal fault 88.51 V

Ecalculated 1202.98 V
Emeasured 440.04

Condition is Satisfied

External Fault
Ktd 4
Maximum through fault current 1,829 A

Condition 01
Effective accuracy limit factor (n') 1003.32

Calculated n' 24.38667

Condition is Satisfied

Condition 02
CT seconday voltage during through fault 29.73 V

Ecalculated 1202.98 V

Condition is Satisfied
Positive Sequence Network Calculation of Neutral

Generator & Transformer impedance 0.152 pu Cable Length

System Impedance 0.011 pu Cable Size
Equivalent Impedance 0.0103 pu Number of Cables
Cable Burden Factor
Negative Sequence Network
Generator & Transformer impedance 0.2698 pu Cable Burden
System Impedance 0.011 pu
Equivalent Impedance 0.0106 pu

Zero Sequence Network

Transformer Impedance 0.1098 pu
System Impedance 0.011 pu
Equivalent Impedance 0.0100 pu

I0 =I1=I2=If/3 32.36 pu

8.84 pu
Fault current fed by transformer
1,925.53 A

Neutral CT is consdiered for Saturation during external Fault

Saturated CT Resistance 2Ω
Secondary Voltage (Max Through Fault)
if N CT is Saturated 130.94 V

Requirement of Knee Point Voltage

Rated Knee Point Voltage 278.83 V

Vk ≥ 261.88 V

Condition is Satisfied

Stabilizing Resistor

Operating Current 0.2 pu

43.564 A
Resistance ≥ 120 Ω

Selected Resistance 140 Ω (This Value is required to be selected by the d

Non Linear Resistor

Consider an internal fault

Maximum Internal Fault Current 97.08 pu

Secondary current 528.65 A
Voltage across Stabilizing Resistor 74011 V

Peak transient voltage 12.825 kV

A Non-linear Resistor is required

Calculation of Neutral CT Cable Resistance

Cable Length 100 m

Cable Size 6 mm2
Number of Cables 2
Cable Burden Factor 2

Cable Burden 0.72 Ω

d to be selected by the designer)

(a) Instantaneous overcurrent

In case of 3ph fault in LV bus

Fault current 8.278 pu

Fault current (primary) 1.803 kA
Fault current (secondary) 6.010 A

This protection shall cover 80% of transformer winding against three phase fault and provides backup protection
Fault current 10.12 pu

Setting 9.5 pu (This Value is required to b

Inverse Definite Minimum Time (IDMT)

In case of bolted 3ph fault in HV bus
Fault current 3.820 pu

Discrimination Time (with line protection) 0.5

Pickup current 1.1
Curve Type IEC NI pu
P 0.02
A 0.14
TMS (k) 0.09
nd provides backup protection for transformer differential protection.

(This Value is required to be selected by the designer)

Consider bolted single phase earth fault in High Voltage bus

Fault current fed by transformer & Generator 8.84 pu

Discrimination Time (with line protection) 0.5 sec

Pickup current 0.25 pu

Curve Type IEC NI
P 0.02
A 0.14
TMS (k) 0.26
(a) Instanteneous Overcurrent Stage (50>>)
This provide backup protection for busbar protection

Consider a bolted three phase fault in generator bus

Maximum Fault Current 8.278 pu

Setting 7.5 pu (This Value is required to b

Time delay 0.1 sec

(b) Inverse Definite Minimum Time (IDMT) Stage

Transformer LV side Winding Configuration Delta

Fault in HV side Ph-ph

Equivalent Positive Sequence Impedance 0.0106 pu

Equivalent Negative Sequence Impedance 0.0106 pu

Bolted Ph-Ph Fault in Transformer HV Side

Postive sequence Fault current 47.17 pu
Postive sequence Fault current fed by transformer 1.90 pu

Negative sequence Fault current -47.17 pu

Negative sequence Fault current fed by transformer -1.85 pu

3.25 pu
Fault current fed by transformer Y phase

3.25 pu
Fault current fed by transformer B phase
90.44 pu

Bolted Three Phase Fault in Transformer HV Side

Fault Current 94.73 pu

Fault current fed by transformer 3.82 pu

Fault current applicable for discrimination 3.25 pu

Tripping time of HV Over current function 0.58 sec

Discrimination Time 0.35 sec

Pickup current 1.1 pu

Curve Type IEC NI
P 0.02
A 0.14
TMS (k) 0.17

(a) Definite Time Overcurrent Stage (50>)

This protection provides backup protection for transformer differential protection

Fault current 6.58 pu

Time delay 0.5 sec To discriminate with transfo

(This Value is required to be selected by the designer)
To discriminate with transformer differential protection.
Generator rated Ph-Ph Voltage 11.5 kV
Generator Neutral Grouding Transformer Primary Voltage 6.64 kV
Generator Neutral Grouding Transformer Secondary Voltage 110 V

Maximum Gen. Neutral Voltage for Ground Fault 6.640 kV

Protection Setting 0.05 PU

5.5 V

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