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A: 7 pare, High school where kids are alfowed fo carry gu TR (3 Coy. IN THE OLD DAYS, THEY USED OLD BALLS! These days, bboreballs ore replaced after every hit. Not so in the 19th century. Bock then, they ured them until they wore out! ‘ONLY IN BROOKLYN! The Brooklyn Atlantics played bbase ball before boseball was coo! —a steagering 136 GENTLEMEN, PLAY BALL! New York's Knickerbocker Nine were a force to reckon with during the Civil Wor — in 1864! NEW YORK — Baseball ain't what it used to be. Vintage base ball — yep, it was originally two words —is baseball the way it was played over 100 years ago. Those were the days when players, called "ballists,*aved the game above ‘money — and would never kick air at an umpire, Players were passionate about the game, but behaved as gentlemen, ‘And today the thousands of fanatics who play vintage base ball are as meticulous about authenticity as hetr counterparts Who reenact Civil Wa bales. ‘They're historians as well as players, reports Smihsonian Magazine. “They reereate the unforns, equipment (a lack UhereoD, the homemade balls, even the language of more than 100 years age.” Batters were called strik crs, pitehors were, hurlers Fans were “erants” — ard the umpires would sometimes consult with a crank before ‘making a call These were the days when the game was played for fan — not blood at Here are some other old- time terms and” today's ‘equivalents: Behind = catch. er; daisy cutler = ground bal; sky ball = pop-up; deed = out; mutt run; huzzah! = hurrah! Vintage baseball is played {in virtually every state. Long Island boasts {wo separale vinkage baseball eagues, one playing according to the rules Of 1866 and the other 1877 ‘Mest vintage teams in Amer ca play by the earlier rules, By WADE DANIEL Weekly Word News restricting pitchers to throw- Ing underhandea "The 1877 game is faster “a exitty, ull speed aiead atiet- fe contest with fasthalls A balter’s allowed four — rot three — sirkkes beiore e's out. And a pitcher's allowed to tarow five balls, not four before walking abatter ‘A vintage ball player in Old Bethpage, told Smidheonian Magazine: "There's no way to Geserbe how much T love haseball, Il play. baseball nti Tdrop deatlon the field” ‘And a player in Ohio ‘old Weekly World News, “Base ball wed te be « game where competing players were gen- tiemen "and stook hands, where they congratulated cach other for fine Belding or fit “he end of he bllganes we play brags Pople togeth “We shake hands, We share stories with friends, old and new, over food and cold ors. “We play base ball” Here are afew mare iner- esting facts, YOU'RE ov i EIS SA ee BETHESDA, Md.— A bag of French fries and two packets of ketchup ... a college ring... . it yeu wanted oimpresspeope but a fake beard and mustache ...ahalfsmoked cigar dit have money enough to buy and a musical condom that plays Wind Beneath the real thing: Wy Wings. ssi deena ae ‘A gold tcoth, “It fl out ofthe "These are just a few of the By SUSAN AMBROSINO surgeons mouth during heart sur weird. and wacky objects highly Wecly Wad Nowe ger sada federal repr. “Ta this trained American surgeons sewed ) and were forced to endure a second | just thinking about it,” said one investi- | patient rather than risk a second up inside patients in operating | Surgical procedure to remove the ob- | gatoc “It's a miracle it didnt kill the | surgery lo remove i. roams in every state in the year | ect, which included Patient 1A “girie show" cigsrette 2000 alone 1 A-small order of McDonalds |" halfsmoked cigar, “Fotuniely| lighter that depicted a fly eed “And the stuatin is getting werse | Fresch ses complete wih no: one, but | there was no ideation thatthe slog | woman vhen held up to ight and rather an better says spstesman | to unused packs of fatehup There | was bt when it fo tnt tho Palen’ | ged to the left" and & near forthe National Insttues fr Heath | slsoappearedto bea piece ofa plate | oper abdomen” a report said. naled woman when eld up tight ul Tm mot here slam decors | cir ad the undigested remnant of|'T. A cologo ring, “Actually” said | andangled tothe night “The doctor ‘Mos. surgeons are hardworking | wha lols to have been a pice slice | invesligators "it was a cheap repro | was qule enbarrssed When the and competent and seldom if ever | anda sesame seed investigators sid | duction of college ring ~the kind | lighter wax removed,” repo make mistakes "A silver key chain witha ol | carnival cra pawn shop | But alt akesis afew bad apples | dol” charm and four key, inciding to ve evertody sbadname” | ear tex house key, a post efice Dox Sugg rom federal satsis, | key andthe key to ast ef haseute bad apples” doesrt begin todeserbe |. A misled condom — ll nits themen and women who paim them. | protective plastic contaner — that's Seacte selves of as beinggvers olif,"but | designed to pay few bars of the ans ailtoo oen as one federal invesign- | stash pop Hi Wind Beneath My iaseusiee torputsit care more intrested in gol | Wings, “approtimalely fe mites af sear anu the shine on thelr Porsches than | ters opened” investigators sald - tenner the patients they are. sworn by | 4A ate beard asd mustache —and a iaesret un a Hippocratic oath te hein tot ihe ceap, Hallween Kd, either Tiere are ast afew ef hundreds of | Accarding to investigators, the set bizare tems that doctrs are report | was of very high quay of ype that ed to have dropped into patents they | you would expect intelligence agents ‘esuneens manne ‘were operation ast year Useto disguise themselves. case Federal heath investigators report | 5. A Hila Popper" brand Sshing a soon over that in all bt one instance, patents | lure — complete with bwe dangling sts acess, became ll or expenenced severe pin [of razorsharp treble hols,“ shiver Sass cance EER VOWED SENS OY NOON Fd waa W feet Nc Ca jsp Anessa te ey aa ene tetsu acai res hp nd eis re Wy ed Ns er {Ei in on Fates Cone GS Resa Se andar Ee Member” || Scemone sey sonsesr greta: peeigiee Se riers icarsartne eter etait malate Heuge stoys in shape by scuba diving ond ‘ond she's an ov Ssnow-skier. So hew dees she relax? By playing the pono and maintaining her 300-gallon saltwater equarim! TRY THESE TOP TONGU BOCA RATON, Fla. — Give your th a workout and be the life of party with these topnotch tongue-twisters, culled from all ‘over the world Here gors: ©The thirty-three [ theiled the throne throughout | pickling cheap cling peaches in en inch Thursdoy. | of Pinch or froming his fomed French (@'Seth ot Sainsbury's sets | Fach photos? thick socks (© When you write copy you have the © If Stu chows shoes, should Sts | right te coprright the copy you write choote the shoes he chews? |" @ How mony coolies could » go ‘Luke's duck kes lokes. Luke Luck | #0k cook a good cook could co licks lakes. Lake's ducklcksloker. Duck | evokies? {oles licks Te lokes Lule Luck ier. Lake | @ How many cons con @ connibal Lick tekes cks in lakes duck likes. | nibble ia cannibal can nibble cons? As ‘@ There those thousasd thinkers | mony cons es 4 cannibal con nibble 6 were thinkieg how did the other three | cannibal con nibble cons. "© One-one wos @ roce horse. Twe- | thoroughbreds thumped Me. Thurber ce. Tro-tve won one feo '@ Four furious friends fought forthe "© Six sleek swans neem swiftly | phon [Pe Plymouth seuths thwart Luther's “Gebbling gargorler gabled | slithering. gobbling goblins — By JANICE FISHMAN is the day you can start making your wildest dreams come true. ‘And, 05 always, Weekly World News is here to help. Below, we've provided information on where you can write or telephone Cr visit the Internet fo get complete rules for sweepstakes offering fabulous prizes worth a fortune. Feel licky? Then get crackin’! Win a vacation for 2 in Jamaica! Sponsor: Flatiron News. Grand Prize: A five-dey, four-night vacation for tvo in Jamaica, valued at approximately $4,000. Deadline: July 15, 2001. For complete rules, write to Flatiron News, Suite 2327, Box 2327, 101 W. 23rd Street, New York, NY 10010. ght Check out these 2. re ech com rend Pe $100.00" VW lucky Web sites: VC Yemstep2vincom — Grend Pre: $10,000, FIND A MONKEY, | ed SET On Re Cnn | a eerie eet eer or eta eer a eens reer Serie Err tare eee Monkex, 5401 NW Broken Sound Bid, Boca Raton, Fla. 33487. ‘WEERY WORLD NEWS Apri 3, 2901 § CL el SOLVES UFO eee z mat ae Bt a enh Hy ecological tT] Li a CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — A famous Harvard professor, who's the world’s top authority on alien abductions, has at last discovered the real reason the strange beings are here: They're warning us that mankind is destroying the environment and unless we make radical changes, we will face an Apocalypse like the one described in the Holy Bible! Pulitzer Prize-winning | audience while on a publelty | writes ir the book “When I askod ‘author Dr. Jobn Mack & pro: | four Tyear-old) Emma what she fessor of psychiatry. at] To answer that question, | thavght these "strange being? Harvard Medical School, | the expert pored aver his | wanted here, she sad, think they reveals that scores of ab | research materals. Want people to inow that we're ucts he's interviewed say | "I took all my boxes of | actually making harm on this world aliens showed them a horric | interview transcripts and sat | and we mustn't gt ton tecmole- fate tht awaits our planet if with them, soring them day’| ged” pollution continues — with Sitar day, to see what ideas | Sven when visiting fanflung Earth’s oceans turned into | and themes seemed ioemerge | Third. World countries, aliens toxic coze, the black, sir | fom that material” he sad. | broughtthe sine message lunbreathable “and millions | “""T began to be struck by | "An Ariean man named Credo dead, how powerful the environmen. | Murwa assodiates the Ts with ‘Sometimes the images of | ial dimension was to this the | beings in his people's mythology planetary destruction present | gvervhelming communication | ealed “martindane” whe ate dito the experiencers are so| gfdanger fo theplanet” | andent guardians of our plane. dramatic, so utterly bleak or | “The aliens’ communication | They value Earth because itis ong cniastrophi, that they reach | takes a variety of forms, trom | ofcnly ahandlulof"mother worlds” ‘apocalyptic proportions,” Dr | telepathy to images on TWike | eapable of sustaining lie. ‘Mack says in his newest bork, | montiors sboard thei space: | Through the mantindane, Passport. to. the -Casmes | ert Mutwa was even visions ofa dving ‘Human Trangjormation axa | “As abductees named Jim | Earth in whieh, te sai, “the shy Alien Encounters, recently | Sparks. received one. such | willbeccme dirty, the animals wil ‘ekased in paperback (Three | ching ‘ien warting, the | varsh, the seas wil turn Ino p= Rivers Press, $10. fexpert wrtes. “On the ships | sorous mud, water wil be even “fost ct the abguctees | he had been shown ‘seene | more precious than gold to human fi believe they are being shown | after scene showing man- | beings.” $ he actual future. although | find'sdestuctive ways andits | "Bernardo Pelxoto, a Brazilian they may fee that this future | impact on the environment,’ | shaman, told Dr Mack of the is already determined, they | aeoompanied by a telepathic | “Ikayas’ — is peoples name fer ‘may nevertheless like biblical | message, You are kiling your | beings similar to the gray-ype propheis, warn us that ve | planet Your planet is ying’ | aliens often reported by pepe n must change our desiructie | The aliens seem tvindeate | the West. ways” that the hoeebe future they | He sai they are nov coming tof cD, Mack oie ge) dec canbe sweet we ae | Earth because yar osc DR ae | femic world in 1994 when | now. Often. abductees are | that we are cestoying ourselves JW he published groundbreaking | Shown scenes cf breathtaking | and they love us and dont ABDUCTED! Untold theusands of retearch on the alion abd | natural beauty — folowed by | watt to Sce this happening” ‘men, women and chilren hove beon Kidnapped ond tion phenomenon. Based on | contrasting images of death, |" But the aliens arent ©x@mined by space olen, experts lke Dr.John Mack contend cexensive intrviews, bo found | Gevastaion anddestructon, "| always lovey-dovey. They're | at us Uke « harmful bacteria | hast be purified” that peeple vho caim io have | "A woman named Nora was | notabove issuing notton-sub- | and twill repel s. It wil ight | "The day of reckoning wil been Kidnapped ty aliens are | shown "fayriaiike gardens | Ue reas to abductees, many | back” be straight out ofthe Book of| nol crary or unusualy prone | en the shige and was tld by | of whom warn of coming | The aliens, who seo them. | Revelation, she said to fantary —but instead shew | the beings thece {s sil the | “cleansing” of Mother Earth. | selves aa the guardians of| “Like in the Bible, There all the signs of having under-| potential to creste such beauty | An abductee named Isabel | Earth — their erigial home | will be tidal waves, terible {one gentine trauma Sn Eerth” De Mack mites. | was toldby the aliens thatthe | — wil play an active role in| weather changes snd lot o Since ther, he's come to the | “" Many’ children who ave | humanrace was ie adanger. | the “ceansng" the abducee | sickness," she said. "The coachision that whether the | cloge encounters with Ets | ous virss or concer’ thot | tld Dr Mace Barth s going e be gone” she | ‘aliens bal from another pla | receive asmilar message. | “might have be removed" to | . “Toere ere ging tobe alot | preits, and not everyone wil et, an alternate universe or | "overal of the ones Finto. | presore the whole bods | ofships tha are goingta come | bo on tho “new Earth” that another plare of really all-| viewed said. they received |" °The Barth has gone | here and I think tha theyre | emerges sparing clean from ether eset matter Information primarily hreugh | through a te,” she told Ds | going to tate us and remove | the mass destruction “Themaia thing forme has | the black eyes of the | Mack."If we're ging ef this | us firs,” she said. "The Earth |. Another abductee named become, What doss this mean | beings, about the canger to | negative energy’ al the time, Karin says she was warned of| for us?” Dr Mack told a rapt | the planets le,” Dr Mack | after awhile, the Earth looks ‘God's wrath exphding” on| Barth “Cites are going to be| lost in the blink of an eye,” she told Dr Mack. “This is the’ stuf the Bible is talking about” ‘Since learning of the peril to WHY ARE YOU HERE? ‘cane from the classic scifi film, Clee Encounters of the Third Kind. ‘activists — and the expert says that's geod thing Says Dt Mack, “Tat kind of shift of consciousness is the only thing, 1 think, whick could possibly arrest the downward spiral of destruction that is | WEEKLY WORLD NEWS Aoi 3, 2004-7 THIS LOUSY PLATE! NEW YORK — A young American graduate Along with other volunteers, they student claims that she had a whirlwind romance with were helping the locals to build wooden Britain's handsome Prince Wi Jvolunteer in South America — carrying his love child! New) Yorker Amy ‘Turlinsky, 23, says the 6 foot, hazebeyed hunk ‘swept her off her feet and promise her the world, but after geting what he want ed, he's cut her of with a feurt goodbye and a single itt — 2 cheap collector's) nosigns of deceit. plate with his pleture on ‘flew all the way from ve written Wiliam and | Australia to debunk this toldhim Im expecting," ass | woman's story, Whien soune Turlinsky said. "I realy need | ed ike an outrageous slur on right new the royal family” declared ‘ve received is | famed expert John Merrey of a collecti's plate wit his | Brisbane. "Tustead, found picture on it that came in the Frail along with «form lete from Buckingham Palace ‘Miss Tutlinsky isn't the | sizing ing took place in first young woman to clam to | early December, while she be carrying Prince Willa’ | was on leave. from grad ove chill — a 22-year-old | sctool doing volunteer work woman, de to give birth ust | inthe coastal lage of Torel day’ from nox, says he got | i Chile, about 950 miles her pregnant last simmer | south of Santiago, There, That young woman may | she claims, she met Prince or may not be telling the | Wiliam, who's taknga year truth, but a ledetector ex-| of from schoo! before at pert who tested Miss tending St Andrew's Turknsky says lie extubits | Unversity in Scotiand she was telling the truth as she beleves ito Be” Miss Turlinsky says the prove Prinee Wllors Tethered Mise “unis bby. as > this poi, i's her Mf WEEKLY WORLD NEWS Apri'5, 2001 liam while working as a ‘and that she’s now Brunette claims she’s pregnant with Wills’ baby! walkways and teaching English to local choolchildren, The 1a-yearold heir tothe throne was surprisingly charming and laid back ‘He made me feel like T was a fairy-tale Princess,” she recalls ‘On the last hight of her stay, Miss ‘Turinsky claims, the smooth talking young aristocrat slipped into her steering bag. [and the pair shared a lorrcnight of remance Palace insiders declined to comment on the allegaton ther than to say Prince Willam denies geting Miss Turlinsky pregnant ~ By KAYE ROSEBURG TRIP-OFF? Amy Turlinshy claims sweet-tolking he werd Snake" Mondel, who's been ploying rock and reenter in seea Lesa ara ona ae] a ea a ms Pee ete ers Coenen ney Poca int a pei Per eres eae Pec iy penn aetna “ Coe kerr rion Peer erred Leifer yee linia eee poe eres open eee ee aed Pena n eOnPTT Ree ore Praereneeys Wak ants Pontes eer te Pare seen tocol eee “Get the Skills Employers-Wan Gain the knowledge you need to sucneed with at-home training from Harcourt Learning Direct! Take the frst step toward more money, better opportunity, and a more rewarding future for yourself and your family Harcourt makes it easy for you to increase your value in the job market. You study at your own pace and on your own schedule, learning 2s fast or as slow as you wish. 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Harcourt ~~ Phen me FREE FACTS on on cnet Learning Direct —-Yeg! tone torte ose ween indent te | Student Service Center 's so obligation CHECK ONE ONLY. | Renae SS eam ——_ Seek 2a veeee io onniay Be Rieter ES Ree a | on Eemuette a Sey mmm a | eRe ese B8 re Se RAT ae | oa a Eaten sac ; SSE eee one | ie mcmacommon Cf Saba Se hci, iy Remertie | GR cbmc oe he Sew teen macau | caseeveee sgn Bate” aca oe ERR tama Ke Gat Programe in BASIC | gee er orn | oyu BUTTERFLIES TASTE WITH THEIR FEET = & OTHER FASCINATING FACTS BOCA RATON, Fla. — Butterflies taste with their feet. The Library of Congress has over 530 miles of bookshelves. The world’s deadliest snake isn't =—S=—-oyqgn the cobra — it's the Russell's viper. A Theseare ust afew ofthe [has more than 18 million fascinating facts you ean find | books, 7 milion recordings, scanning the Intemet and, | 12 million photographs, 4 mil even ifyou're not orline you | lion maps and. St million ean always find the most fas- | manuscripts. inating facts from all over | @ Mafia, Tanzania, on the globe right here in| Africa's east coast is one Weetly Wordd News of the world’s very last ‘Here's more remaining unpoliuted ‘The only person krovn| tropical island paradises, to have been hit by a meteor | viealy free of the mest Was Mrs. Hewlett Hodges of | troublesome ofall pesis Sylacauga, Ala. A 10-pound | — tourists. It is visited ‘meteor cashed through the | by anly 600 outsiders a year Toot of her home in 1994 | and remains unspoiled ‘and brushed and bruised | @ More than 550 billion her thigh as she sat on her | doeuments are available on ‘couch, | the Internet — with 7 milion 1 Jobn Travolt’s faxonte | — that's right, 7 millon — board gime. is Serabble, | Web pages being added dally ‘when wes invented In 1948 juries” taste sen by New York architect and | sors are located in their fee cFossword- puzzle fanatic | and by standing on thet food Alfred Butts (The Library ofCongress By DEAN SAMUEL Weekly World News goats ‘TABLE FOR ONE, Sea otters 2 ‘ore picky about the way e a ») 034 . they can taste it ‘© The worlds deadliest wake, the Russell's: viper, Kills 6900 people a year, fl Towed by the Asian cobra, FASCINATING! Serabble was invented by @ crossword puzzle butt — youll never guess whieh Hotiywood attor loves 10 the game today! ana 900, and the fer-de-lanee at 00. © sea otters always fat on. their backs Ttcontains previous ly unknown’ stories bout Noal, Enoch and Abraham. That. story fy includes. an explans tion of why God asked Abraham to escrifice his only son Isaae ein the Middle Ages, during the Fes {aval of Saint-fohn, eats were burned ‘alive im town squares, Eaitors note: St. Francis of Assisi the patroa saint ‘fanimals, would have ee "YUCK! Butterflies do the craziest things with their foot! hoon outraged, ‘© The equivalent ofa mi thts of water a eueond poursover Niagara Falls A. women's) oF asm — and = man's, feo — isa. powerkul péinkiler. It releases en: oephins, 9. headaches are a bad excuse for avoid Three sex-ckange op erations are performed on average every day inthe US, siagle bolt of light ning filled four elephants in Tanganyila in 1933 as they marcned in line linked tal t (@ Hairs on the legs of a cockroach provide an extra Sense of touch. A cockroach s ‘mouth can smell as well as (©The smallest book in he Library of Congress Is S oa es i about thesize ofthe perisd at the end ofthis sentence #10 April 3-4 1074, the USS. was struck by the worst fury of tornadoes on record with 148 twisters in 11 states, Salling 215. people, injuring ‘more than 9300 and causing ‘damage in excess of $600 mil lion ‘By the time you read this, the worlds talest stone statue of Buddha, 15 stories high and 2,000. years old will probably have been destroyed in Afghanistan by forderof that eaunty's Islam fe boss, Mullah Mohammad ‘Omer. He clsims relizous statues are false idols and, therefore, insult his religion land his God. 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BOX 460 - PLYMOUTH NN 03264 POO A HOLLYWOOD ANSWER GIRL GOSSIP NINJA * CELEBRITY PREDICTIONS | it ee Ro) me aA Ao he) 3 MARTHA HOLLYWOOD ANSWER GIRL! CONNECTION A marriage made in Heaven — or Hell? You be the judge! Hannibal star ANTHONY HOPKINS. divorces his long-estranged wife JENNI LYNTON and weds the high priestess of” homemakers, MARTHA STEWART, ina ceremony aitended by hundreds. of Hollywood's hottest stars. Hopkins files for divorce just nine months lat E fe however, telling reporters he can't ALL SMILES! Top homemaker Mortho Stewart stand his bride's cooking! ‘everves the best — bocoute ei the best. RET A si tes rat a ee ae ey Til yg Predictions! rer’ rumor tha Julia Roberts realy fo dum Qpeccs Benumin Brat and ile wih ome oe rctin Landon ay trth Wo tha net ab shee on ti Foe oni Aucoin rotneeirr hat A erwccasaes otter amos crac ogo ae a etre aune ator ior mews orca maa * * ae nameartyat e ta wea a aah eke at erga gta ‘im rary about that Br, S081 vin K, Laramie, Wy0. California SuperLotto Plus jackpots in a / single month, taking home more than $103. million in cash — alter taxes! The big: | Hearted Phiibin gives the vast majerity of his newfound fortune to charities benefit Ing abused women, children and animals. kkk sve fnnThe 5 tems ace wa involved car St ise ale oe a a Kroc om te rowan. ews a, ‘sae en ain Florence when =, det ee uke a U-turn ant smashed int the car Peet we? ading as and metal ng, Yess behind wher ees stad witenses ruse jhynoed ove tnd he cor singing totes Heal and Bring SI PALL set acs a stint scent aan Londn ws | | (Clase Theron i my ew owe ares x ok thsenlsabcthomtan arate der eyed | | Qe sho some wo wet ad everyting Paes) | Pouty-lipped MICK JAGGER rushes | singer denies having any love interest in | | peen in some pretty hot lave scenes and { was o the reseue of 4 woman trapped in a | his toyal escort. But PRINCE CHARLE ing irae wae col with tht orifsbe's enbarassel to Suing ar and hacked to incmer | hex eit som ino amused “rand gets | | Reto supe ame. ua she) TUSCINE Sretsing letim-= her Sond | Wns n ft water ty Sthag ir ft |_| See mae alone sy hair in flames — is his exwife JERRY | with a right hook in a trendy nightelub! SY parren W, Birmingham, Ala. HALL. The st-vear-old model survives xe west asthey and the story even has a fairy-tale end | AAs of The ents atc ing: The once-wed and divorced couple | | Weirdo filmmaker WOODY ALLEN, 6, and those sizling love scenes make her nerv- falfackin fore -andremarry! | hires a gorgeous lady personal trainer and | —_ ous. hell But the former Sout Ain frm gil S| ae ye begins pumping iron to “beet up” fora | | she's been lucky to have worked with co-stars comedy. role opposite. ARNOLD | | Keanu Keeves who've made her fed comfortable. Former Star Trek commander William | SCHWARZENEGGER’ in an upcoming | | need that, because you're naked and — even if Hs 2) Shaner pays more than $1.5 million to | movie. Soon, he's sporting a physique so | | elosed set— there are five crew gus there you've ever blast off for real in a Russian spacecraft | fabulous that he enters a statewide body ‘tet she told Et Online. “The boom line is is bookies being, Tend your questions 1 Ask Chest, Hollrwood — and dies when the shite explodes | building contest for seniors — and camen moments after leaving the launch pad. | second! But Woody gives up weightlifting No trace of Shatner's body is ever found, | forever and returns 10 the sedentary Ife Send you ee Weekly Workd News S401 NW but his engraved wedding ring is discov: | afler he makes a passat his trainer and the nswer Gi, Raton, Fie. 33487, red months later — inthe belly ef a | irate lady drops a 15 pound berbell on Ms Boban Soom Bird: SS 15-foot shark caught in the Baltic | foct, breaking four toes. ES THAT PSYCHO EMINEM NEEDS HELP — _—i| PTL T Ninja ene preteen cam only dream of uncovering. Watch him impale the eee ies Somebody had better get that boy ‘Eminem to a shrink. And we're talking right now — before he blows 7 Y. some poor stif’s brains out in a fit of age or bumps himself off while wallowing TOOK Guntoting ‘rapper Eminent habe goes toa highfalutin fashion show, t at to eyeball the duds or the dudes. Nab, she's there to checkout the chicks. in a mud hole of self they come. But his mom tells us things ‘be far worse than any of us ever imagined. ‘Atertfied Debbie Mathers says her grammy-winning kid's a schizoid with more personalities than most {lee lute a walking time bomb ‘who's ready to blow sky-high at the drop of ahat ‘Mother Mathers saysher son, ‘aka Marshall Mathers, arries guns and_/ hhasbeen into drugs and boaze big-time. “He's got all these different personalities that 'm trying to deal ‘with right now,” she sage. “It's very Eminem, whose “act” consists | temper. ‘mostly of spewing vile lyrics filled ‘with nightmarish fantasies about rape and murder, already faces a [possible prison term after admitting man he Kissed saying, ‘Nobod loves me" And | appearance on the BBC in in Colorado. ‘chigan mehtcub, | Uats me ty ear December when she insisted that Now Liz Hurey there's a in te pokey wort be | Well, Mrs. M, iit were my i, | thre chefs be flown ino bake her Jaaywhos cool under fie. The anypleneiorasnothesed punk | I woaldt be sting around’ | ravol, tat her sheets be made of Britbeauty showed up for Bly fwivlemade afortane aranguing | wringing my hands find some | Egyptian cotton ard that her Zane's 3th bicthday bash at an homosenuais at every turn Yayo ge hin to adoceorehe | dicing water be pu trough a Cvcbotel wearing ¢ wile har gpg | Hem righinmy ace | mutiior reverse osmosis stm | cot — and was rested a rma ihe aC ery sosick | beore beg brought anywhere serene, bsrmurdering it Pca otJemiter Loper's | nearher Se" and Uirewa glas ofred wine on the brah eames Silalous personal ‘Anyone who's seen | actress cunt Saried, Lis quickly regained Laelia appearance the way Melissa her composure and sauntered on into the Persone Shenanigans tat Ethertige esses | partyas nothing had happened, whe her Lenore re) ocr eats pore oe? Prrerreprper scarce hg cope retin steed ire errs Fecal: eerie es pier eater a Coe eee eres Ce eer Pete ers pity. Souda have lobe s i ogre ou that the potty-mouthed rappers as loony tunes as he ( hard for me, because Pm thinking, | rapper afer along estrangement, | number of demancs thet star, Based on a standard eght-bour day, Ford “Wali alcohol” Is it drugs? Plus | says he doesw't even try to talk "| according to repors, with her vill rake in $156 000 an hour —or about allthe stress... what'she really | any sense intohim anymore | cofiee havingto be stirred counter- | $2,500 per minute. ‘ing through?” because she's afraid of hs vilent | clockwise and go onto pages and | And here's the good pert. Ford says he “Ijust have to sit and try to liste,” she says. "iT say he slartssereaming and| Seltdestructs. He's always producers of her new film The Wedding Planner aro actually praying the demanding diva ‘WON'T want to appoar in Britain to plg the morie when it opens there this month "Normally, movie moguls fll ll cover themselves trying to get ‘Stars to show up aad piteh their new flick But the fat eats who ‘made The Wecding Planner are afraid they just cant afford to hhave of JLo anywhere in the vicinity. They're hoping Jennifer Lopez tums into Jennifer Nopez ‘come premiere time “They're al frantically trying to persuade her not tofly to London. Eminem's mom, who recently reconciled with the bad-boy ‘AtCalvin Klein's latest show in the Big Appl, famed fashion photog Patricle ‘MeMllan spotted the lesbian rocker fitkng in th front row and ackod her if cho ‘thought she'd find anything she liked on the runway. "Oh, Thope 20," she ceoed, “Do you wear a ict of Calvin's clothes?” MeMllan arked “Oh,” the galerazy lady replied. “You ‘meant clethes?™ ‘Chew on this the next time \ ‘you're busting your but to keep foodon the table and a roof over \ your head. Indiana Jones hero Harrison Fordis set to pill down an insane £25 milion for jst 20 days work on his new movie K-19: The Widawmaker, breaking the alltime Hollywood pay-per-day record, / Ik to attend the premiere,” one insider said, “She has a breathtaking bagesoffoierous request. fs 8 ‘whole lt easier net to have her round, pt ike that” ‘nis are sil smarting over Jemnifers seven minite didn’ take the rote forall hat money. “Tae cash didnt tempt me,” he says. “I took the part because ofthe gripping plot’ ‘Yeah, Harry And next, you'll want us to make you an ofer ot sonie oceangront land knows that when this LESS Co Pook tar bain rr ea saved the legendery director's becon by throwing herself in Lee re Pearce ras Pore eras sefety of his tre Coe arene oe Pane oe pare este are) area Cred coer erred pear geet Pee os eas foie Cee en ae the thig into the can when tera rene peer ere cers ed PU Eee Use LUG The Secret Is In The Revolutionary “POWER ARC” Motion! Phe, saupt Outer ROCKYOURWAYTO —Ttahs! 4 | Tone Up LEAN, TONED, SHAPELY “Quads! HIPS, THIGHS & BUNS — IN JUST Lifts & MINUTES A DAY! Tighten In 5 easy Firm & Strengthen Pa aes enc iit) ‘The "Near Perfect” Biokinetic POWER ARC Movement * Variable Resistance! + Compact & Portable! ‘Musde | * Safe ‘Motion! '* Easy Storage! wie a neers — 1 Sitand Rock = Fis iar Resistance Exerdsing! Wory-Free Warranty! Allin One Safe, Easy, Natural Arcing Motion! —« Fully Adjustable Fit! si ee aed ae Sn oe fot | LS eee UB cy OP SSB | buns into a seek shapely fg- | _"\“stevel) Tal TO: Preferred Customers Guld® Dept. PES20-WC | Pete dea! pee minutes a day! Jake's fantastic, e ! t rea a i (EI |! hace nipnccerinon sont helps you trim and tone your ALSO AVAILABLE! 1 Ties apa tngrs'= rm angen your rear get 1__Je’sRockn Uper dy Ste oh S955 S85 sleek, shapely legs and buns! Now you don't have to. | (Compl wi Etclnne Upper Ba Stapp iden, Sean tapers | pattesicte ioe a Sores Ose icy eaves Wanessmony, las Cocdte cain ck hy cal Sav ahiaGls SAE ot ONE sige “one a’ Hgumeraert unten eres raey me mamceeaioesit OR Orde yos fo [rape ny (visa: [_] MASTERCARD [| DISCOVER Also Available: (acl LILI L II LI Titi Lt fepoue ‘cer A GREAT UPPER BODY WORKOUT, TOO! Joke's Name ae eee ee | Grenvony Sten cnptow wovciuie Upper oody Ladies fii “noe Body" Resta % city [emai Adsress —— Special “Upper ody” Resistance Tubes fe an ab buna, aon ot yo dec orsign ey omc prov) _| ayy ses a fas baming upper body cargo & bebie workout! WASHINGTON — Weekly World readers are the best drivers in the world — or are they? Find out where YOU stand by taking the amazingly imple—and accurate test below. For the record. the quiz ‘was devised by Jim Baxter of the National Motorists, Association, And in less time than it takes to visit the restroom during a com: mercial break, you'll find out once and. for all whether you're an excel lent, gon average oF poor Equally exciting, you'll find out in the privacy and safety of your home! So get yourself a pen or penell-and scrap of paper and jot down your answers to tie 10 questions below. Rate yourself when you fir |shaeoraing to the legend that folbws the questions. Heaay! Lets go! 1. Ifyou're in @ residen tual ares where 0. speed Ca stand for Internal Refund Service — and if you're Tooking to get cash back, it’s important to plan ‘ahead 69 you can make the ‘mest of YOUR windfall! The typical refund that nallions of taxpayers get Dek fromthe Tnernal Rey. enue Service is between 31000 10 $2000," declares financial planner Lawrence Krnuse “And the last thing you wont to do i talo all that ‘meney and blow it on a new toy or a vacation, “Other things will give {you more lasting stisfaction GGeting your refund check is great opportunity to do Something that wil make a al fference in yore” YOU A All ‘BySUSAN AMBROSINO Westy World ews Timit signs are posted, you shouldnt drive faster than ©) 30 mph. b) 40 mph; © 0 mph ‘True or false: To avoid a collision, it's usually better to ‘swerve right than let. 2, When yout intond to make a turn off a highway, what minimum - distance hefore the tum should you Start signaling? a) 50 feet: ) eet; 0 100 feet {Ifo are traveling 50 mph. in dry conditions, you Should bo ai least how many seconds behind the vehicle ia front of you? a) 1:6) 2:0 5 5. True or false: At twilight, its 0.K. to drive wih just your sidelights or parking lighis oa instead of fall headlights True or false: When a trafic light turns from green to yellow it means accelerate though the intersection be foreit turns red 7. When eriving at aight within how many feet of an ‘oncoming vehicle should vou ddim your bright headlights? 100 feet; b) 590 feet; e) 800 feet 'S, What do triangular road signs always mean? ‘9, True or false: You should turn on your headlights in La, 2. True. Swerving left eon {0k you into oncoming traf. ae 4B. The “two-second ule" opps te all peede ia sweat Folie. Driving with Berkng lights only Fong ight is unsete end agar the law in some states.” erat yr te ears sop sl, 7. 6. Same sate recon: mend 500 feet, bet woth fodoy’s high beams there seoly out e dove sys Bese 8. Yield, 9. True. I's the low in fome states, but even where 1's the law in daytime | du ‘smoke or fo 10. True orfalse. Ifyou have a tre blowout, You. should irmediately brake hard to try to stop as soon ss possi ng rain, _ANSWERS | Hint, you should sti doi | tebe sate sors Barter 10. Fone. instead, toke | you: foot off the som‘ pea nsec of eng Thee brake selly when ars under contol ond pa complete eit the ae you 90 all the answers t you're an excellent | Six o move correct enews fill i gud Pour neverge "But below two i he says, “and you show stop by your local drive's fcense’ofice to pick up ¢ free Driver's Handa which you moy not : here Ia took your driver's teat" hed at since you original. UP AND AWAY! This goa attracts attention — but isn't funny... it cen ill you! GETTING A TAX REFUND? READ THIS Here, especially for Weekly Worit News! eash-sawy family of readers, is Kralse's fdvice othe beat ways to spend or invest sour ta rf 1. Toke ait tle ond indulee yousel. "Since it Ee windiall there's Pihond — ole ‘iow gift: Maybe buy covnle of lottery tekets Whe knows? You might bit the jeeloot. But even you dont ‘rohan let to spend or sane wisely. e would be my No.1 pi- "ocause you're pay: ing es much or 14 to. 24 percent interes.” And that he ods "a financial merdet! 3. Buy US. Sov. Ings Bonds This iso greot woy to sock roy. money. were ou won't be tempted oud “Ad ith ell hove trest of your Pay down credit cord till, “Thot_ Sy th rt ty SSeS ery oie carton Son Sy ls Fig Soh CR eo don caine 5 Mae ne hea teher ier Sica ee eee Beg aes Retas are Spesicor oe superheroes worldwide, say Hurry these are rare and will sell fast! superherosse pe Get this collectible showpiece Sey ns nee at hee NOW while supplies last! comin, da. fos of ei he ig nds ar world over have donned handmade tneduatng eer oppr By at ote costumes and set out to take a bite ean be out of ce scoring te Sy CcreDrr CARD OnDENS CALL 1.#80-722.6776 conduc International :00At- 4S0PW MONDAY THRU FRAY 24 HOUR Astocaton for the Stag of Law FOC(t6) e642 or Ema retatptretsynene: || [E and Justice. ‘The seifprocisimed superheroes On SEND HSTO. eRSTOAN Er isa include. Crme-Fighter "Manin ‘Justice in Indonesia Span, captain oun lan in Peru. vi SH atc el and Jaguar Man in Per The vig Jamestown, NY 14701-0019 Vitus onthe webat www, Tantes, overwhelmingly male, are TO THE RESCUEI TV Superman George Reeves. Raed Prat Liat are pope es same token, I tave to admit fone of us Have any idea how the face of the old man got there,” ‘When Mrs. Beyworth went hhome, she showed the strange ultrasound picture to her hus band Roger, who was just as {usted the high-tech scanner | flabbergasted as she vas. for several minutes and when hhe was unable to make the face go away, he called in technicians for assistance. ‘ie could never aecertain the origin ofthe image," he re- vealed. “I certainly don't be- lieve in ghosts — but by the Romembors Mrz. Bey. worth, “He studied it fora ‘minute and sald “That's Dad, inti Roger Bayworth's father Henry Beyworth died of can cer a the age of67 in 1903 By BRETT ANNISTON worldwide! credited with helping cops ‘make at least 1,700 arrests since 1985. Mexico leads the world in superheroes, with 902 ‘known eaped crusaders. "Nove of these Individu- als have special powers, as far as we know, but many of them Rave spent a good deal of time conditioning ‘their bodies and are very strong and agile,” @ re- Searcher said. They con be amnasitgs” LAND YACHTS like this 1973 Caddy roaerny Gas-guzzling road I'm madder than a grease monkey witha paireeernt made America GREAT crooked dipstick over all the fuss about the so-called “gas-guzzlers” that are back on America’s roads. People all rer the Urited States are complaining that these new SUVs se too much as, are too big, destroy the environment and damage four brains because ot all the emission fumes they put out ‘These tree huggers are out of their ever lovin minds. Gas-guzzlers are ‘Wat made america great The US. of A. has al ways known that bigger Is 1 — and this was nev er more true than in the fine line of American automebiles It used to be a big event in the neighborhood ‘when someone brought home a new ear. Folks would line the streets for blocks to get the first look And if you came puttering around the comer in one of thase pany little ‘compact ears some people are driving rowadays, vour neigh bors would laugh their heads off at you. Tm proul to say every car eas. guzz My Hall of Fame inchides the leg endary Henry J, the Nash Rambler, the Hudson, the Studebaker Champion and the Edsel ‘When you put the pedal to the metal_on these babies, ‘gas would come pouring ‘tof te exhast pipe, Yor heaven's sake. ‘And dont forget | the King Daddy of them all the great AP sinned 1959 Cadiz Naw those are cats Y) But the erewn jewel in ny personal Hall of Fame ‘is the 1973 "THE 1947 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION was no stranger fo the ges pune! Tve ever owned has been a | Cadillac 1 Dorado Tt was 23-and-arhalf feubieindh engine Other ears would pull off to the sideat the road to show respect when the Bl Dorado came chugging down © the street nd now panty-wais Sunday drivers want Us all to drive litle putt otlles about the size a tissue box. But the next time you take your family en the Interstate Highway and come up aganst an 18 Wheeler carrying, 49 to Of plutonium or some thing, T promise you'l feel a lot sofer if you have the strength, pote CLASSIC EDSEL wor ugly — and i sure did burn the fuel. ‘and peace of mind that only ‘ears. the size of the El Dorado ean provide. 1 ofl d Anger Gas-Gotbler | driving comfort with 466 ed Angee Le ae Roeser ste ANCIENT AS ma TT PARIS — The startling discovery by NASA scientists that a meteorite from Mars contains tiny wormlike “micro-fossils,” is being hailed by top researchers as absolute proof that ancient astronauts colonized Earth. "sp, fom sate na = any Seeded ur panel with | Study of Intergalactic Cola thet own Kind. but incase. | ization. told a reporter for | fairs by extraterrestrals ahercase they passed ox | Ancient Gade and. Greys | eam, be found all over the ther sobistisstel tecinola | mayan, the space alien | Sor according to Dr Cusset. cs aad rete cultae fo | brought cinlision to our | These area few examples fhe primluves, who. were | panctaleast ten thousands | © Enigmatic gant sone already nere®actordng fo | Svea ago seals Bast and that Dr Purvis Cusset ‘End “Sven though the | re 60 lage they cou only There is “considerable | Golden age’ ended. when | hvebeenconsructed and st evidence Earth was wracked by repeat | inplace wth the help of ghy Edwordidecacyon te | iteligent and ochrelogeally seeds. of cilzaion were | advanced eis rom the Ieadrs fanoher ciation | ing back “The rene Paci and i a a | ela cl | tle roman Br, cuss crsor othe | te eater crat aaa | sation The agit othe tnteatonal Insitute forthe fneresion in human | "Iai stone lbs St in Wie ban eta “Sraneporig. then est ing monalths ot such size woud have’ been” totaly Beyond the capblies ofthe Small popalatin of primitive ‘lana pele of eve a centr ‘vagy’ De Cuset si Rad wy would the status have been carved with suet long leit noses, low foreheads and ‘essing Sh ypt — Travelers from outer space built the amazing pyramids at Giza, laccording to a leading expert on ancient eat bulk of the | vat ind the mathe only withthe help of ‘matical precision with technologlealy me, Which they were | advanced rice,” according to feel, “constructed is | Dr Purvis Cusctt ‘an engineering | Directorof the Paris-bas achievement | International Institute for kd have been accent ‘tists interpretation of a vision the prophet Ezekiel described in the Bible ‘Study of Intergalactic Colon uation, Dr. Cusett sald the ‘capable ote challenging ‘witout ot ven today it ‘any contractor in the word ‘could duplicate & cor tion praject like the Cheops ‘amid, whieh coatal = some weighing 609 tons — | buil ‘and covers the equivaler of |" Dr. Cusett cited these | tee tight city bloeks of central | facts as addtional proo! that ram's consiructon ex ding the great that measure of accuracy. | stone slats flat before they Paris the researcher said, "| visitors from space buil Tfall the stone in the | the pyramids — or helped the pyramid. were | cheope pyramid were cut into | Egyptians do the jo: ‘oxeteot cubes aad placed end. | ® Contemporary builders to-eng, the blocks would crcle | using medern tools Earth And with the single | a tderance within onetenth | ‘exception of the Hoover Dam, | of an inch nc the lowering pram isthe | contrucion pees sure of 2.00 scmehew moved froma quat= | was ao know fy 600 miles. avy. Yet, the | that time cap ree end eart were not vel: | ing ouch pressure able to the Egyptians urtil| "The cement used in falmost 1,008 years alter the | the pyramids is 50 pow: pyramid is believed to have | that casing stones shatier been com EXTRATERRESTRIAL SIGNPOSTS? From left: Easter Island monolith and eerie drawings of what appear to be space aliens in Itely end Peru, followed by depiction of something that looks like 6 starship on the wall of 0 yremid in Esypt. EWS Ae High school where kids VICKIE YORK, reeky World Nowe wk a come CASPER. Wyo. — Americans were sme horrified when a San Diego student went | {¢ in the ROTC sro. on a shooting rampage in his high| gram are actually } school, killing two people and wounding | given classes in which 13 on March 5. The tragic incident, | they're taught how to the latest in a string of lethal school | "Se rifles. shootings, has sparked new calls |..." from parents across the nation for authorities to do everything possible to keep guns out of| schools. But in Casper, school officials arm some kids to the teeth! BON POWNT THAT Responsible people hondle thelr gun caret rneestacs emcees. Specilzes in INDIAN meh Revniting Lover Prbartimir Attention Advertisers: Place your direct response ad in WWN hia ‘and reach over 1 Eo a million readers weekly. For information call: 212-755-6974 are taught to shoot ‘ guns! _ es "Sore Jand encouraging them to usc | But defenders of the gun ‘weapons I te worst thing | classes isist the tesons ao /we can do, given the wave of | may actually save some (mass murders. teens’ lives — and they can't | While serving in the U.S. Crities say it's impossi. | understand what all the fuss he voted against ble to tell whe canbe “safely” | is about. plastic guns that | shown how to use a weapon | “They Ioarn gun safety" | could elude detection ky air. PRACTICE MAKES ‘noting that the U.S.| Paulson pointed out. “This | port metal detectors — a Secret Service, which did | is part of the curriculum in | measure even the NRA sup. Jan extensive study on | an ROTC program that has | ported! School shooters, fouund no | heen in practice for many clear pattern that can be years.” i “Many graduates of the according to the Washinton, (D.C-hased advocacy group )Common Sense, which ts| Cheney, a graduate of ig to keep guns out of| Natrona, isa staunch fers inds of kids. opponent of gun laws, 3 or of ' Sea horses ae , Wi ag < ; - don’t have ° Ax “ted sucess alll id this le stomachs & & adie tae and it can work for you, too!” males give <* imine a ih! LAST Ses v Don't spend hours at the gym | ar le eeepc | ‘7 No further purchases necessary JOCA RATON, Fla. — It’s got a head like a horse, a | v oe money ie Eouateeey coveensteers tre Male sea horses are the ing belly against solid ¥ only "guys" inthe enimel| objects to help expel the tiny a a Dennen tice oh erat naten | Scsiarhe a | cee eens Seek own babies ‘Some. 150 to 200 babies | fit your lifestyle. Se pee | e FS plus $2.00 ee eee “$ 09 Sp Peegeet |jrub against each other, pre- | including the shallow grassy | © handing ifieesecondd tar for sie nat | ‘6 fash, 1101 Tropicana Ave,, Suite 2121, Las Vegas, NV 89119 Forget all the crooks Bill Clinton let off the hook, RONALD REAGAN PARDONED A TRUE HERO... President Bill Clinton's last-minute pardons have caused a firestorm of controversy that hos Hi DID THE ‘enraged millions. But back in 1960, Americans rejpiced when Ronald Reagan granted one of * RIGHT THING: the most deserved pardons in U.S. history — to the old Okie from Muskogee, Merle Hoggard BAKERSFIELD, Calif. — When California Governor Ronald | prisons that landed him in San Reagan issued a full pardon to picker, singer and songwriter Merle | Quentinon an armed robbery rap Haggard, down-home patriotic Americans were rejoicing and | betore he was 21 ingpai, dor mut parotie Americans were redoing and! ir he mantged Nobouy was taking about BY CUFFLINEDECKER int more rable" eho wes Ring eit yen sates eins oy pardons, and country’music | Fig in Soubeast Asa and the | making prune pret con Ristonars agree that Hogar | ect Soh At | a rete obtained his the old-fashioned | fuse “flag waving” with dirty | any available fruit — and some wee one ‘epiiios Taya st, etn | Need vas wan iewon | toting Sea Quen nte se OE | ae eee | ere ee eet oie Joven ts teueeer laos | emenaies aid abe te at Ta ae vanity a crs ot | De neways tater: | leet ee maison we pmlc mcctenae ties | Bu eats wile tine ty] enone eons nua ee ace ee eee Side eoare eB crc | gout sal tes © al eel | chloe ar nan Oa ae | aan ees | « eee ae Hint tee neue a te tana Seae anaes bye idepanaal ‘The patriotic tune spoke to the ‘Born in a boxcar in Oildale, Calif., | released on parole, WUSKOGEE! soul of common Americans, who | to a mother who was widewed | "More than 10 years later, th ae ee veer |G Lee oe Succerrs | amis ee Greeks alia et alters soe | suey ome andy | grand a flan incon Sones [tae eee | Eies Maken ger Wessiiaee Ans | "i eis te tafusing if a| Goveartacy kwon cs a Oe lite eel reas | ea SMART KID! poets ae KESWICK, Va. — Brilliant Gregory youd of Gregory and his accom sooond jour bGasrs,stident who ‘oxsos pishments, but most important SSeS EaNaen tse cate Rakts | th nd lsat bject at Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, Va! csrpasin for others He has re and he's only 1 years eld! SS GNDREA ROLLING. shes fn al ete whe oe. ho TAN REL NY Speak not only to youth groups, bt French an histo isco brainy, ~~ esky Word News SRM rns a he's already being recruited by| Gregory. “I am working ven’ | eorporate leaders edhate school, and he’ net] part ane thoroupiy eajying | "The pinesie academie super feta ior my questo mowiege star isativey ioe in sever] The Hlond_ bey genius] "dregory’s mom, Janet (sa | youth organieatons, incuding breeze fam secon thug |microbibgst His dat Bobs | the United Youth Congress, You ithe m te | general manger fain | Dreamers and. Nr ou He and gesduated fom high school|companyThey re proud of ther | exvisions himsel being two days afer his 1th birtiday!| sons aeadenie accomplish | pointed ambassador te ihe [programs Gregory hopes thal by the By he tine most Bdsarekar| ments—and astonshedat how | CitedStatesand-benga owe |" ey en ved to Vii | time be cores hisses, ‘hg tse ARC's Gregory Smith | wellscanded fs hasbecome.”” | evior he gcd nthe morta” | to be Gwe to Haminlph Macon | ar age 35, he wil ave armed was solving algebra equations. | ""“Attenting colle: hasbeen | "When Gregory was 7, the | Colegeinashland where Grege | tree Ph.Ds — in biomedical monn er preva senal| twenties erertons tics | Smuts merel tom Perey | eiecdag ts wood ors | seearac cocoplysis sad pr itch gves ne the ined | Hes morng rapid throug: | vania to Orange Park Fa, | 17(00agearsboieship- the | biel scence That vill ve Ee cupsntfyts enn nd rtain| schol compli 3 reds | oatede Jeckaosile thei | nly Allston scholreip the | beats proper fv aS nhat'T have’ learned” says| three semesters’ says Jane | ite Einten could attend a| scl avarded his fredhmaa | gal at age 35° ruming ir. Tin extremely school with special gitted (year Sort ote at So hat Jarets saying and o- | COIN 5 whe ‘Oh fants So sedi" and tut like that tow |, D&&r Sneaky tn at Sr tcatiny Sor | woman west Mata: Th at to bug off and get a life? | Mer lips home ina buckey, “* carried » ri tara = nage ke spur proilem i es nla at | BOSS ~'as long an you wes gone rise on my face: Tel | When you dere mask diel he's wartleg he tone . trying to be friendly with a IN aT ey oR : GP ind ice yon Hell get the OUTSPOKEN ay iy gurantee | spanee Connect My hubby cheats | matonscactn!er at Monopoly! snlcionn e e x oom ice waar eae id mv wife :22222 ==: ‘The only thing I don't | pocket watch! ceep your at board games. We'll be tch you. | just turned ave an eee | herman] aeeris when I come back he'll have taken out a “loan” from the s ° Dank. Sometimes 1M be cleaning only one who's noticed Judy's up and I'llfind.a stash of play $506 | exercises — recently, I sawa couple bills he tucked away under a sofa | male colleagues snicker at her cushion and forgot to put back | and siart whispering when she ‘And don't oven mention chess! | passed hy. Td like fo tell Jady Aiea’ go te hadoons hel | want's golag on and to knock Meer Sead ie amet Ben | cut Feary abou er maybe Bava bette! Siang | faking che wrong way and me ethers me conmechtat Tey x | etn In toute, What shod © rrowerpiayng amet Bu et | do? Lary in Benesivania Says twit my arm we dt | Dear Lory: TU ie you the oe ime | bavert confronted him about this | some advice my Daddy, Big Dear Dotti: My wife and are longtime | jecause I dont want to hurt his | Primrose, gave fo mewhen was a Democrats and we've volunteered on | feelings. What do you st st? — | girl of 3: If you must watch some- gs you sugges pe ves every presidential campaign in the last | Mandy inNew wrk) "0°" | buy ut fs alums preseable 12 years. My wife even got to go to Se ee ee Oe ace’ track osh Monopoly let him si Washington and meet then-President | ‘tier “just make sure you sock | Fitmess freak neighbor Clinton a few years ago. ‘nto your bedroom while e's ebbing | iS driving me nuts! We were his staunchest defenders during the | the ty bout aud lit REAL BILLS nanpaiel whole Meni hing, Whitewater apd all that Ruta. Ie $10 ard Sts ou his wat! Prices paint {er he left office and it came out that he was selling who lives "four TT Dow fardons. | gotfed up with the guvandsodvialorone | What should I say to Mocks Sey Seer On in Vente friends The only one who stil teks up forhimis my | my cheeky co-worker? Saami in Virginio. wife in actif [on = Sind wage. A fife infact if Feching him, “Td really lke wo to | | Dear Dotti: 1 work in a large aways stops You dare say one Bad thing about | Stay good friends” Dat, he took | office next to an alractive young for a “stretching?” {linton, she goes alled in the face | me ileraly? Now, Ucant get thei | woman TH call Jane, Tve naticed break in front of {nd gets so angry she can barely | iot off the phone. He'll call me up | she has a weird habit. As she si ZL, gar house. She'll talk, cart igure it — and ay | tie everynight and spend an hour | at her deal she repeatedly clench: | juagy yy iUSt stand there, mind keeps going back to that trip. | chewing my ear off, telling me all | es and unclenches the cheeks of | qMmcvs" touching her toes Pu ~~ ee ins pee wee about his problems with his parents | her heinie. At first, [thought it was = se ou Spandex ponte ‘him for sbout 15 minutes. I knew | and at school, and what gris he | a tic, then 1 began to observe a | — Tight outside our window where {hig sounds crazy but what are the | ites now acklag me foradvice and | definite pattern She'll do 12 repe- | MV husband can see, Shell spend dds that she had an affair with | everything’ Can you believe i | titions, stop, then detwomore sets | te of four minutes holding her Bill Clinton? — John in Virginia | tike't care! W's really annoying, | Intern the day Tasked apal about | feet and stretching fom side to pear John: Onc Nigh not. | wecause its cutting into my phone | itandhe said ste's probably doing | Sie, while he, drinks nis coffee, you've got goed instincts — ol Bll | time with boys 1 want to date and | those firm-your-fanny exercises | head buried in the newspaper Probably dia try something On a | with my REAL friends ~ none ef | you see in women's magazines. No | preventing not to notice, Maybe low note he's othe Prasident om | hemex-beyiends a Veareie, | tne’ supposed to ne wnat ure | KActncdenc, bath des she Fk moseten wart Degesting GAY | | have to stay on the line, nodding | doing— bat trust me, Dotti, in this | Fatike to marchout taere and ve nish money and pretending Y'm listening to | case they do. Tm sure I'm not the | Pike fo marchout there and give Dumb ex-beau thinks | WRITE TO DOTTI PRIMROSE sure what to say. How would you want to be his friend! ne ee ‘Dear Dotti: broke up with this || ,. Std Dotti your fetters and questions — and let her tell it ike || || Dear Mary: Maybe you ought to boy same are about a moms || Hl Weite t Dear Doth c/o Weekly World Mews, 5401 NW Broken || eyeder ge ere youre ago and I made the mistake of ses nnltrn nar ancace that hussy’s face! Devil’s face seen in earthquakes ° mu SATE SPOTT IN DISASTERS WORLD VATICAN CITY — The terrifying image of Satan has | image caught on video by a TV been seen by thousands of eyewitnesses at natural disasters | newserew worldwide over the past decade — most recently at the | PUMOUM, tentsrat, Sap. 17, Seattle earthquake, where 16 people claim they saw the | 896 = Once a tropical paracise, Devils flery head emerge trom a erack in the concrete! | US sland tad to be, evacuated ‘The strange sightings have spawned videspread panie — and | Srupted. Story before the largest Pope John Paul i has taken them seriously enough to qulety aispates | Explosion, rightened evacsees sa panel to probe the mystery Sitar grimaciag face in sulphut Whe te inguiry is hot yet com. ude spewed out bythe vleato plete the Vatican panel has verified uaz, a1, 97 — Brorine signings, according to the When af avalanche buried24 siers lead investigator Father Antonio inthe Austrian Alp, rescuers were Fracin, We, the experts say the Surmed to find that the ley tomb face of Sata phenorenen i oth covering the dead haformed ihe ing to panic about and wey are Se | spe of te Devils head appealing for calm. Frasini says. "We do not believe | "5% PEYIRSBONG, Fay, June 25, PSurrendering to panis is the | Satan is responsible for these | 9a Ploiars were bombarded worst thing people can do,” Fr.| catastrophes "Rather, the Devi | by tering electrical storms that Charies Bronson’s brain is for sale! LONDON — Charles Bronsos, ‘the most feared man in the prison ‘system, is pitching te sale of his brain and’ other “souvenirs” on the Internet lo raise funds for s charity he calls Bronson's Children. The muscular Io convict who. changed his birth fame to that of the Hollywood star of the Death Wish movies, hhas Spent 20 of his 47 years Behind bars Let's give Bill Gates MORE money? WASEINGTON — If a bold new economic revival plan goes through, Microsoft chairman Bill Gates will get @ whopping $1.8 trillion tax rebate from the gov- ernment “The plan, proposed by a coi- servative thnk ta, is based 0 the concept cf “trickle down ece- homies" that. Presidest Honald Reagan used to sapercharge the nation’s economy back in the 18805. “imagine what a gealus lke Gates wil be abe to do with that Kind of mone; the number ef new jobshe'llereste— it makes much Tore sense than forking outa few dollars to every taxpayer in ‘Amerion” enthused a spokesman for the Gructman Free intorprise Group, which came up ‘With the recession busting idea. rejcee hs figitonog image ot | kiled at leat ‘sb During on & Great new piano Ereses ofthese trie ots | Housewife took a. snapshot of for lefties Goa twinci fear andewe | Seta tac ina thandorebud only? “ite wants people to turn | GHMANDEGA, Wear, Oc. 3% ROME — Inventor Carlo away from the Lord and bow | #98 — Already battered by Hurri ‘Covone has built piano for lefties. It’s got the keys in reverse, or the Jow notes on the righthand side and high notes on the left. “What it does,” says Carlo, “is allow left-handers to play the ‘melody with thetr strong hand.” oven and worship him.” cane Mitch, 1200 villagers were Here are some of the sight. | buried alive” by mudslides ings that the hush-hush panel | Survivors saw the face of Satan in Ins already authenticated: the charning oove MAM, Fi, og. 24, 1992 — | SAM JUIN DICAQUIXTLA, taxi, When Hurricane Andrew ripped | June 15,1999 — Moments after 27.0 through South Morida, kiling @ | killer quake struck Mexico Ci, a and causing $20 billim in dam: | photographer stapped a picture of ‘ge, 112 winesses saw Satan's | Satan's face in actoud. Nearly 1,000 face swirling in douds overhead. | others claim to have seen i. RONTHNIDGE, Cait, Jan. 1, | KZA, Turkey, ABQ. 7, 1799 — At 1994 — Following the devastating | least 2200 people dropped to their eartnquake that killed 97, as | kiees and prayed to Satan to pro fireman battled the blaze, a pho- | tect them when his igure appeared tographer captured the ceric | during aftershocks of a quake ‘hat image of a bat-vinged Devil in | left 17000 others dead the interne behind him ‘CURIA, india, Jen. 26 2001 — KORE, Japan, dan 17, 1995 — |The 69 carthquake that killed ‘More than 3,000 peopie perished | 19,000 people lao. robbed many in this megaquake and’ least | Indians’ of their faith. When they 40 others say they were terror | saw the hideous face of the Evil ined by the sight of Satan | One, hundreds of panicked people Toomin over the devastation —an | pleaded tohim for meets. aecoriing SEATTLE — The days of freedom for. mystery creature Bigot may be numbered ifplans Dyrateam of sclenists workout Members of a so-called Global pighot Seareh ‘Team are boplng to catch one with a 12: footlong, toot ie trap net to spring ask ‘when anything weighing over 00 Pounds stepeon i ‘rts pot out the trap might cote an cheer hnman—or same DCS CE ta Ct) es Utd © burning buildings as : . Sal COL TES WINGATE, NC. — Payctologsis confirm doing something you haven't done for years wil revive dormant memories, yourbrain that can make you {your hip, climbing a tree is a el ike a kid again. Derfect’ way to revisit your “as long as you dott fal out | youth” one exdted researcher ef the tree andbreake an arm of | Tenors DETROIT, Mich. — General Motors has reportedly developed an amazing new superfast “bullet car” that can streak along the highway at a blinding 260 miles per hour: Details aboat the extraordinary automo- bile, whieh ie deing kept underwraps Unt its planned unveiling later this year, are ‘ifult to obtsin. From executives down to assemblyline workers, GM people are Ieeeping mum shovt the “topseere” pro} cect unt the marketing eampaign for the ‘Year 2002 model cars ofiealy launches. But a source close tp the auto giatt's design wing says that when it springs upat showrooms this fal, it will be the fastest production car inthe world ‘GM's new bullet ear will evoltionize the auto industry” predicts the source “Tye heard it can go from 0 to 60 mph. in 12 seconds — fast enough to snap your neck ifyou put the pedalto the metal wiz ‘out your neek anid head brace The average car Is about 10 times less responsive, taking about 12 seconds to reach oD mip. from a Sands ‘While the technology behind the sleek new car is a closely guarded secret the Source says, it takes advantage of ad ‘vances in fuel injection. Gomile commute that used to take you an hour will take you just minute’ joked the source. “And you don't have to ‘worry about cops catching you!” | See Sow ier na | Seether ee Ste ‘ite: erearorneer Pons Sess 22 |= ‘ane toca Bis igen menogemeed one somes ‘atta crm ect So Suge emcee eran a eee ee ‘Sion taco cance casio OU am og 3 10 | seg Sess ace aa ‘Sigrott wo) ovo rs ‘Semnnee 160 UTRmarage. apenas ahem Sigs Be wang nar aay Sa srymoe re ae Sao see Syne ‘orm ict ey eto rg ceo anyone wom 180 = aeatome ‘i rene syne base gee Saspeiaenie svman Love te a letter away! Rew Sintticeanietgmamnewene™ Canta Re Che 4) SSSR Be es (Eaowg onares S050(7R roca Sosa Tpereeeces re incr meso on ats ‘Shove ake ey noun emaatns reeonas et Py PAOMMESAR man. As you might imagine | and has done similar things BH ins situtton is most els: | wit more hana dozen gris erin’ Me Aeiatiad tressing. Please help me | in te past thee months He RPMI RAMAN wiske Some sense of it | wil never be fit lo your Scoala Serera. — Penny in Little | sister — and i's best if she Boca Raton. Fin. SO inl this oud nov ral ‘Dear Penny: One of my + * RRR cosisiante wil tclaphone | Dear Serena: Who gave POSSE 20u later this week tol me the green lamp for peavey Srrange our eit te ms birthday? Wt was BAPE your hone. Dont [i diivered in an un: Par 4 PSYCHIC MM Once ce cr T'dont know who T plained the situation [ap should send a thank ° © nd i impliaion you mote. to. — il be mast hag Putzled in Sherman Pond anon |p ‘bear Puzaled Sour ave these precious [aber duct Nancy sent sto wot fast ok ke e e e a i done a teribie thing’ | my team finally win the step wit HS a | Wor Seen! They oft i s ance. By {bad start agin ts year x weir Serta: 1 ave st apartwontlogether and | tn foo Hc they might TTvat alvays used to lm | never return tothe vd Blo- Dear Serena: This might sound ‘ied and loving and | hangdag around and sccing | cy that they enjoyed when 1 crazy, but will I go to the electric Rigpes to pel or | es eran eet oe eur [Reda chair if I kill my wife? I think she is faith in the Devil. | bathing toplesson our patio | Dear Prank They'll win suffering from Alzheimer’s disease non in Los = te aes aa gm the vd Series ery oo fn ice ougit anything of But | 2011, Bebween acu and she’s in terrible @ vitamin deficiency Dear Zenith: You | then one day he came over | they'll lose the Series three aha e ie and does not have couldn't be more | when my sister was at ove my wife more| aiheiner's Pease ‘Song, Sazea wor | scot ome we coded tan It Wael and would | ger" dati’ nant Sip io cod ‘ced | parked tr ho terwer wll on her hand and foot | soy" Wik mesper: Soian worshipers | after that we Jumped in Tor tne rest of my le tt ose heatment ne con ape missed Te | bet lngeter ft eit an | realy Lave owed the tas thought that there was a| cure your tie in" fev | begin you foetine your | bout admit was Bret, | of Your creams and T see oe SEER? Wnedatey “rte | bee“Tan sa aiek vet | tat your earage wil Be $k ____ | fu of stanton ove eta | gut. He’ and my sister | ongand happy By tre way, Zong and kiting her] — Dear Serch: Please te [nl dositon Ere paning on geting | tog your Ree movie Seems to be the oof way| peopie that Satan werehip| fe Fee [mareled the sumer “| "Broke ta” Harrisburg seem ae sO rey | BaP cee hag ie | Dear *seMoa* 1 just | should et ner whee a | Play he lover ont ee apes = Pieter "ta | cmcked opto. be, Sure | frandout atin pregnant | "Sorry in Gamesvile "| birtay with ke numbers Bie: fits aro aloe wacios wis | with trine andl Gace get | Deo! Surry. tho tl der | on tae cone pate of ot Dear Walter: Thank| use it as an excuse to be evil | excited about this pregnan- | She needs to find out about | car plus your age. The jack- es Matte Dom Be ice stacy sua | Turenenericetbertncs | ketenes sc tea te ce [eae cee as ic Se te eat | wernipers lke mya are | bis never even Kssed a | fig wih you plowed ut | ou to soe week. 234567 rat's your secret message from the Fortune Cooke tis wee? "cay ad fant decipher Her’ the key 1 Gecoting our message: It the numberof etters In your firstname Is 5 ols, sutract that under om 7.1 there ae more than B ettersin your test name, suatract the total from 3, Now toke the result and find your key ttr in he wore ORIENT above Starting tthe upper leftcorer of he box at lef, check each ove of our key letters ait appears fom iste ran Theletter Your letters Tal cut message fr you. t Ie laalem|nzlrolmmlom ely ord News hes purchased ce teow pe ent "The Swiss bull computer, called Bright Groen, has the bility to caeaate which 1 PP eter nombers ore most ikl to come pales les |on ne wulrolnulomlacloolen ez|pzlozjon|zmlomiaz -wlon|zez|aulanjaa|az WHERE WORLD NEWS Apel 3.2901 27 Weekly World News exclusive: The WORLD’S BIGGEST CROSSWORD! 94 Unsuspected obstacle eokly 60 Actor Alan 150 Forests ACROSS 86 Rowers x 1 Famous tretighter Red 181 Stonmed smokers 4 Arpor srctre (2 ws) 97 Sound ofa bot 187 Footbal feld increments 62 Arab prince 182. Wimp 8 Not enough: inadequate 98 Country road (Asoo £64 Faatoned ith cord 488 Colores 13 Raciodial 100 Arche Bunkers wife 189 Hindu garment 65 kuthor Ferber 185 Name fora brother's Before 0 2 poet 410% Outburst at controversy 180 Native of Riyadh 87 Sparka flame Sauahter? 135 Compiss ot 102 Expration date words 191 Love deeply 83 Aapen vacaioners, 157 Lie down Presldentia helper 4103 Agjust a garment 182 Took to cour perhaps 4188 Climbed up Noides beet aisn 104 Efe being 72 Recumulate, as interest 160 One town ‘Spoons 106 Before ranger or wolf 14 hromes 188 Munich Mrs. i | hercing 4107 Englander Yor short 78 Manytimes grotor 164 Grosk ator Perplexing 408 Barring locale 76 Astronaut Shepard 4165 Machine gun sound 35 Tenor Ennco 171 Disrespectful and {0 Wren’ roost (yeh 28 paint center of ‘mouthy 81 Rofutng, dscaiming 186 Briel note ‘ionton 112 Water purifier 82 Dental accvssory 170 Fabled monster's mato Sticky 144 Seventh planet 89 consumers 172 chron ome Bone; by — 116 Palm tuts 84 Friendship, harmony 173 Air Foreo trainee ‘fooolides 117 Used a garden toot 85 Diahoartor 175 Lines of vavel He Pat gont 215 Tonia obstacl. 88 Soverth sign of the zodi- 178 Business schoo! class 118 Actos thurran, 218 Cocoon creatures ee (abbr, 4120 Wimbledon str Stet 217 Yuletide season (Abbr) 89 Passe +10 Gape Canaveral group 122 Logeabin President” 220 Stark variety 90 Ear through deeds ‘182 Home, in Mexico 126 Rapped 222 Brysdale and Matingly 91 Yearoa greatly 184 Gutarist Clapton 128 Bullding addition 223 Throo, n Milan 83 Phonograph inventor 186 Gook 130 Army vehicle 228 Outrch rolativo 834. 188 Passo away 130 Chiled a drink 227 Tenis great Arthur 7 Actross Winger 194 Ghinese cariage 131 Drunk drver's charge 269 Poker stake 99 Now Jersey city 182 Humorous 251 Most unfavorable 108 Jack and item 135 Voloane erator 242 Passed with fying colers 108 Property chim 128 eed oe ay BS Leary 498 faa hte stat ie 387 Seodads 419 egies productions 238 Warehouse pallets 113 Knoching on 208 Jokyiister-e90 Ungen 239 New York Amerindian 114 Referee cousins 207 Kemedy daugtter 146 Stop on —— 2at Grave nak 115 Unt foctwoar 206 Ghision| 447 Cutting wood 242 Dan ganish 117 Grabe tight 448 Storm traine 243 Discourages, provents 12 Ghickone. 4151 Sat or an artist, 245 Pert of NRA 123 Wedding words 4354 Arabian Nighis” hero 248 Rubber piping 124 Average grade, 186 Gola war ore. 247 Palnt orig 128 Spanish hero, E! — 188 Spiled the beans, 248 Convention épleys 127 Continent (br 460 ety 249 “co — young man 132 tustn judge 161 Fictional toy makers 250 Stato Rep. 135 Utter undo’ one's breath 220 Dads partner 462 Astor ethan 221 informant (8) 194 Actor James 22 Sioux ang 167 Computer drive (Hyph) 282 Grade schodl basics 135 Birthcay malig 188 Runs with an easy gait 289 Ssion employees 136 Woars away ferent day 4 Bal—hammer 254 Rrangemon ns 137 Adams son nie allmont reas 139 Atiean langue Used tos and eet 114 Subst tor DOWN 149 wintery 88 Calo cousin 124 German ver 1 Temporary beds 14 Subway systom 250 Melanon and Sulivan 87 fetor Brosnan 176 2 Shapedine football 143 Footbal hate 324 Stnetore support 88 Aavanced somecash 177 Tit for — 5 Instruct 144 Fancy te 236 Manims, sayings 90 —demer:seasickness 179 Al by oneself 4 Give presty authority, 145 Incompetent 240 “Wen 82 Tractor waler 161 Trace unon chapters 8 Aint was 148 Roof sverrangs 7 Non-com rark 148 Boot shaped lard 8 Labor ayanizations ‘ACTION CROSSWORDS | 10 lore idocooy WEEKLY WORLD NEWS ONLINE ‘het sea Hone anton pe | 11 Pinball word games masse! Thttps// 25 Chicago atnete 29 Evergreen type o999 2 Tum wetor sine "Gls G1 ota Gime Gist Gao S33 Fibteliere sciatic 435 Hospital unit (abt?) 37 Calla day 438 Ferotols 39 itary branch ‘Shipyng 8. jac TOTALS. 53 Sripped 55 Comodan’s lempo 57 Scocer score 59 Paci salmon VO 2) By RAGAN DUNN / Weekiy World News: wac They may not be the smartest guys and gals in the world, WILD AN AND but at least they died the way they lived — dumb! And that’s why they've earned a spot in infamy on the rib-tickling Web site, “The site chronicles the weird lives —and bizarre deaths — of people who prove beyond the shadow of any doubt thet Charles Darvin, the father of evolution, was ght: The strong an smart are better equipped to survive inthis old world than the stupid, who terd te. get themselves into major het water through nobody's Ree ° Attention EO oc eg ‘@ A North Carolina wo: u onsider these tidbits | protestor down! man stoned on. marjuana eS CasH Aatoartiaara from th way se Atuctsteskaton tin | made 1 syaiicant err ras A Seyear-old man |iot of a Ford dealership in | judgment when ste clmbedto 'seasy toplace GRANTS! your Display Ad in Up to $94,600 in indi- vidual awards. Never || Weekly World News ‘who considered himself to | London, Obio, dead set on | the steeply pitched roof of @ be ultra macho accepted a | stealing « few tres off a new | metel and fell scund asleep, dare to stand under a tor. | car: Unfortunately, the car he | Sho slid off at some point, std nets nest while his laughing | was “working on” slipped off | cops —and fll feet io her Dbuddies threw rocks al it | the jack and erushed him lke | dent. repay! You COULD be ‘The homets swarmed and | pancake. He apparenly ~~| ""'® Aman died when eligible! FREE consul- For direct response aete: gacesed it — stung | for reasons unknown — had | heand a buddy decid- tation. Customized ||| rates ane information || "eidiotto deat rawied under the. vehicle | ed to reenact the ‘© What happens when | during the heist-that-wasn't| Wiliam Tell scene youhavesexina sportscar |‘"e A ss-year-old tourist | where the famous Traveling at speeds up to 0 | posing mide for his tripod: | archer shoots an mph. on a winding moun- | mouated camera in picturesque | apple of his son's tain road? For at least one | Rothemberg, Germany, sipped | head. They used « yyouug Tlalian couple vho | rom the stone wall while et-| beer’ can’ instead tried it, you run offthe side | ting up the shot —and fel 160 | of an apple — and ofthe mountain —and die! | feet to his death the archer? “He ©A man who threat- | ~@ Duct tape Ses every-| driled an. arrow ‘ened to punish his wife nd | thing except clumsiness and | into his tends herlover aceitentally blew | bad luck, as a man found out | head, iling him J himself up with « home. |whea his 12 foot aluminum | instant! ‘made bomb while he tried | dinghy, which had been heavi. | A 29-year. to attach it to the door of | ly repaired ‘with duct tape, | old Nevada woman their ove nest capsized during a ishing trip. | died horribly wher she triedto (©.A Middle Bast protes. | He drowned. calm her highly spirited tor standing in the road | " @A man with the bizarre | Arabian horse by roping her throwing, rocks at oncom. | dream to jump off every river | seif tothe excited animal's Ingears died horribly when | bridge in Engand ended his | head. The horse responded grant finding service. ‘call Free report. Pou (661) 997-7733 eet ea are i ple 9 to 5 eastem time. Find the Magic for Love, Luck and Riches! iene re SS terrorist SSieciaervgetoriggeee sco To Keep or | Gehan 7a. ee ‘one of his targets swerved | career with an il-conceived and | by dragging her around the | BS Gain Love | “ke? to svlda rock span of | eta Tot leap inom soak | paddock tramoling "ber Sg) tenet fas | Herren _ S| | conrol and sowed ine | tut waon tres te! | beneath ts hover, Wintwintwint Whenever Gambling ederl Lack Brings Money = TOO SICK ‘By MARSHA RADEMACHER Wee ew omer bass as Soc @Ss ieee SEF ‘Genin Jewelers Pewier Magi’ Taigman’s [ae Meigen (ema Pd “LOS ANGELES — You can tettit-| . your child is really sick or just»| Tpobiog te pitt Boel from actual with tips from leading experts. Toes ee mscie oe cone | toe coat tariee ee as ace | Se eae ae a HELP ME, MOMMY i steKt chil to omarion sssemn | oa aS "The sisyhome symptoms i eocumeee >see fever sore throat orredness ofthe "Parents certainly show’ Keep tele a 2 ’ WHAT'S WRONG WITH. « a THIS PICTURE? T SS) close loo and yu : j j Lb? drowsiness should ‘adds Dr. Robert Hoekelman, ' 9 Dont Tet a child with | For a bactenal infec. cildren at home for every | c a diarrhea become detvdrat- | tion, doctors a Title sneeze and sniff, if fev with listlessnese oF | ed. And remember” that | child can usually ret said Dr Connie Bartlett a inthe diar- | to class 24 to 48 hours “Send the Kids to school if stands, after starting antibiotic a | treatment ‘Viral infections usual | ly take longer, says Dr. Hoekelmar. If you have bt, Find Friendship WEEKLY WORLD | NEWS now offers you a great way to find that special someone... | rc a%% L-O-V-E sar L--N-K-S | HOW TOPLACE AN AD* re ma sie src ac - HOW TO WRITE YOUR AD- ter ey 1398 au 025 won wert 78 er Se wen as ‘Clearwater, FL33757-1428 a) SRST PSYCHG HOTLINE ‘> i s Euretitar tS cil Rolin i Dorit be afraid, Call now taxe | 9100 Find out how to place these pages eit. | FREE when you register your zal) credit card to save 20% “itor || at top retailers like.. Ine Home Depot Od Naw SSrosenssranl| The Ove Garden ly ie Seb ee ena Wad ive (Rkerasaserciesel| Foot Locter “WIS zee || KMart = tee | Cire Cry wai Rs sna KB Tos Tie Gap Vitoria Seret snd mary mre Reet cocina | OR eee tad |paroon” itr [Tae we Won Powel of ALL | as! er Rca BROOM MAGIC! Working out with simple household tools wil help hurry. POTS, LOS ANGELES — You can get as fit as a fiddle just in time for BRICK HOUSE! Ordinary Moms just bout everbody hosing oround the howe con help you shape up for summer. PARE TIRES §& other junk lying around summer without joining a gym or buying pricey exercise equipment — h an ens om eeyne ener eee en YOUr house! plants, a clothesline, paint cans and spare tires, an expert says. “Youu rally don’tneed to spend big money to say’ ii," reveals exereise guru Janine Bisley, a personal irainer to many top Holly- ‘wood celebrities. “To tone usdes, you have toresist| 2 weight — and it doesnt matter what kindof weight ia Here, fom Miss Bisley, are some terre exercises Sou can using everyday Fousehold items ‘BICEPS ~ Geta par of gaint cans. If they're empty, fil thee with water standing with your fet shoulders ‘loth Spar, hold dhe cans in Font of ye by the handes, gg, mith your palms out Gy Bending your elbows, 2 false the cans Nowy up to your chest. Keep them thete for'a count of thre, then slovly. lower them Repest 12 mes ‘@DELTOIDS — Take] sour paint cane and instead ttbringing them straight up, {alae them slowiy fo. the fides, ‘uni you're in_the scarvcrow” position. ‘Then slowly lower them. "This orks your shoulder ms ‘des, Repeat 12 mes, ‘© TRICEPS — Get apair ef od tires and old ther at Jour sides. Bring them up Howiy a8 high ‘sincer your srmpis. as you can. DO 12 reps. If $ou tnd ures 00 Heavy. use telephone books inset ‘® PECS — Lie down on your back and place a puted plant on_your chest ‘Using our hands, hit the plant as high as you can. Then geatly lbwerit backontoyour chast By KAYE ROSEBURG Weekly Wold News Repeat this 12 times. 1f you have difcalty doing 12 reps, use a lighter plant it feels 00 easy, use a heavier one. ‘SARDOMEN — Lie on| your back and use your! hande to dlagp a large cook. book to your chest. Hold in| your stomach ‘and sit up| Slowly. Then sit back down Doll reps CALVES — Fill a large pot with water and hold it with both hands, standing with your feet shoulder's width apart, Then fo up on your tiptoes, Hold this posit fra count of five, then slowly go, back| down. Do 12 reps. its too hard, use less water, if its too easy, use more, '@ QUADS — Holdng your pot of water, squat flown ‘as far as you can, bending your knees, thes come up. Do 12 reps "© GLUTEALS — Stand ing up, place a plastic cup| between your "buttocks CCensh your cheeks togetier| tocrath it fat Then release slighaly, without leting the| up tll Repeat 12 times, each time crushing the eup firmly enough that: you can hear| the cup crackle ‘@ AEROBICS — Don't] forget to do same aeroties| every dayto keep your hear and lungs in good shape. An| ordisary clothesline 1s the| Single best aerobics too! in| the world, “Use it as 2 jump rope,’ Miss Bisley sad. “Try jump: ing for a slid minute, iaking| ‘minute break, then jumping ‘gai, untl youve jumped a| {otalof 20 minutes.” eeu ys ms Believe In ““ Your Future 1-800-653-4737 [P=5| USE YOUR CREDIT CARDS FOR VERY SPECIAL RATES = 1-800-669-3915« gg Mal tw gemma sop Po Sectors WEEKLY WORLD NEWS e BULLETIN BOARD “22:25 Join us on the Web! www.wi Pe ASTROLOGY | Lovers Reunited (0) SOMN AAT. (Gosia. ‘Ge “aor sec, Oi eco. snvine LOVERS Sevan, Godghed worse grat Deyo Sohor proba oF ie ‘woicou, FREE PSYCHIC READING. Sez pais and etaoge MAGICAL LOVE SECRETS! sarivergernen" 141 GUARANTEED LOVERBACK Sit Fr, Seog pov a **DREAMS** ted ines aan! 0S Bin Sina FREE LOVE SOLUTIONS: Heiss all sroblons. ture overt. Iomecat muta 20 78k REV EVETTE, soe ho sotto? El asec Cosa HIGH PRESTESS. Aosta snl lee Eons meme Din one Fp an ol ease REV TAYLOR. 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Campy sus. ‘CONTROL PEOPLE! fre guide Your NENA, GOD 36 sy: ss (5012660. anonciine cor EXPERIENCE THE rane Croc Joy ad px tl yar Sanna tee FF OUR RADERS Teena: dat ha pc anual You [MAIL ORDER sas ts al ie Sie Fo mere intrstor 201 ‘CARS FROM $500 Coe CASHIN as For as vata SCHEMES, SCAMS wo cre 800 Sets ora Sx nore So £100 = £500 wen pons! Care tae Pema aite Sind sary ‘Sevaton PB ter EXTRA MONEY! ia a ron estrone. Surpis tree Eanes sa eta ee, $2500 WEERIY pass Pome ot sonora tamed erage SR 1 te Bn. Pos Rape ‘$2000 WEEKIY pach peo lope ANGC, PN 268, 3273 Lae #80, NUMBERS string = #20, No IMONEYMAKING CATALOG Won & ee Ory $10 Cal S138 $2800 WEEILY scone ootel Goran. Porm ota Sand Spe nvetje Tne PS SE A Chen, eae FETIEE FINDS soot 1 woth js $82,800 GUARANTEED income pew Becta one tea EVEN LOCAL NUMBERS! 0) ooze, xi s2ssinnge be 20 We START DATING org Poy aon [MEET SOMEONE seg 0) 2. Soran AST ina sc. 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WINES Necatanet Geet oprave ooh cog aes WEALTHY FAMILIES tig ions BORROW 5%0°~ $100,000 ew ‘ten net Uines Bon 27, Ena Ont. Poon sence Sree EN. a MOM IONS, ginmtcan shen treet oats FECA yous Gonsaas Heivioe Foy taped rege’ Aon Rlecnitee tat “re cama! ven a FREE MONEY! Fs ive too any. PW Bs eh Mor ado haetet Ses fu trina Mere td cred! Fron recorded mssge: 181) you ead! Ehses Box 23164. Sun oss nm dgcuaccee con borin, CASE STOP DEBT csinon one is for ae ‘rept you badonde Sed TO ese Romesh stse: Pused 28 Spl Er D0 Ear Boa, aca a1 a brs 6, Enviro ine vee carfeaes er aos Sate” Needs eae Expert Sarason cm or ct Ree oa micardis = Minow mane one IDEAS, INVENTIONS, ew osc, ators Ca SER Gav arsom Reach ove 2 Mition ‘readers when jou “0: 4 eee BegraPO eee Yay werd News MK | voter pons FREE OCCULT cig. keener | Cal (800) 223-8558 70 Sutin aseen tate Se ae (Continued from Page 18) cement is mot nearly as good ‘© Engineers who construct: ed the Cheops pyramid had Sophisticated knowledge of geometry and trigonometry. But ‘advanced mathematics were isknown in Rgypt until 1.000 years after the greatest of the ‘Dyramids were bal ‘@ Recurring mathematical codes built nto the Cheops pyra faid are tied to Barth's density, distance from the sur, length of the year, speed of light and the cereumferezce of our planet. Yet, ‘even tae mast advanced people ‘of that era are not believed to have mnown te Earthevenhad 2 ccreunference, fe Perhaps most ting ofall ypt was a small, ightly pop lated country that seemingly ‘would have been incapable of producing enough food to food the horde of hungry workers ‘nsedad to build te pyramids, PYRAMIDS (Continued from Poge 18) ‘thin ipa when no one among the islanders had features like that? ‘Therois noquostion xtrateros ‘rials were involved” ‘© Gigantic statues at Tule near Mexico City which in many ‘ways look like modern astro raul, ‘Aulhor-engineer Gerardo Levet prepared a repert for pres entatan to the World Conference ‘on Andlent Astronauts in Zarich, Switzerland, coniending the stat ues depict 'space travelers. of ants from the lost continent of ‘tian ‘The heads on the remarkable carvings are topped ty a helmet With photoelectre eels for con Yering solar energy to electrical energy, Levet said. And the elon- fitod cars are realy earphones {o maintain contact with a space shies '¢ Early man in the Middle ast and in South America mew thousands of years ago that the Earth was a sphere that orbited the sun in precisely 366.282 days ‘© Descriptions in the mythol ogy and religious ‘writings of people around the worl tell of Fyous" or ether superior beings residing in the heavens or travel Ing rough the sk: "The extraterrestrials are be- lieved to have returned to their abode in the stars afer skaring technelogy and epiriual truthe that greatly infuenced human and cilturs evolution, Ea a a ae | PSA NASA aerospace engineer Josef caer weer Even the Bible's Ezekiel Blumrich set out to Erich von Danniken’s trail-blazing book Chariot of the Gods as a hoax — and discovered proof in the Bible’s book of Ezekiel that ancient astronauts did in- deed visit earth. Examinieg Ezekiel with scientine scrutiny he became convinced te bib- lical prophet encountered a fying ‘sale eons ago, Blumrich reported the astounding ‘conclusions “in his own ‘Spaceships of Ezekiel and joined the atvisory councl of the’ Ancient ‘Astronaut Society. When Blumrich tured to Ezekiel 1:45, this is what he read: And I loaked, and behold, a whirl wind came out of the north, a great ‘oud, and a fire unfolding keelf, snd a Weekly World News report — and studying the Top 10 Warning below. iS fst sion youre NOT to be foots — and TO ‘Even if your doctar seems to be cold uncaring and in competent, you. should at ‘east gwe him @ etance to make’ amends by looking sim straight in wie eves and declaring: “Doctor, fm tired fof you teeing me ie dt. 1 deserve better than tis” ‘Baieveitor not he may be so overworked tat he doesnt von realie he's ging you short shrift. "Good communication be tween docior and patient is had a close encounter! brightness was about it, and aut of | _ The author pointed out that in 1964 the midst thereof as the edlor of am- | Roger Anderson, an engineer of the ‘er, out of the midst ofthe fire. Langley Research Center in Norfolk. “Also out of the midst therefore | Va, designed a vehicle witha similar ‘came the likeness of four ling crea- | configuration. Anderson had been ‘ures. And this was their appearance; | asked to help create a conveyance for ‘they had the likeness ofa man, eniry into planetary atmospheres ‘ivan interview at the MarshGeld | “""Kowing that coniguration was ‘Space Flight Center in Huntsville | the key to reconstructing Eveliel's ook | Ala, Elumrich said reading the rst | spaceship,” Stumrich said. chapter of Ezekiel “triggered it for | » ‘The bookof Ezekiel was writen, or tne, I started changing my mind.” | ected ing after the prophet's death “The main body of the spaceship | and he had all is encounters with described in the Bible was taped | spaceships in Babylonia diring the like anice cream cone, he said ‘It's | Jewish captivity rather wide cone with some inward | "He defiaitely was fying three faurves — and that main body iscar-| tines, probebly four times, with the od by four helicopter units” vila” Blumrich said WARNING SIGNS YOU : SHOULD SWITCH DOCTORS WASHINGTON — If you're unhappy with your doctor, it might be time to give “Marcus Un-Welby” the boot. You can find out for sure by reading this groundbreaking By HENRY WEBER eekly Word Neos ceseontal,” says Dr. Richard Sribrick, co-author ofthe book Smart Patient, Good Medicine “If you feel there's a problem, bring it up in a onconfroatatienal way atthe fend of your next regular visi Dorf do itat the begnning be: ‘cause he may get defensive.” ‘Switching dectors because of a onetine problem isnt a: ways @ good idea, he adds. Doctors are human and have bad days lke everybody ese ‘hudge your doctor based fon a consistert pattern, not simply” beeause he seemed ‘rushed one day oF you hed to spend an hourin the waiting eom,” he adv Here. ere 10 worming sls to watch out fer f you have any ne of these problems with your doctor, i {eoson enough fo switch, soy Shibscke 1."Seere inaccessible and rarely retums phone calle. Certinly, office [ofl 'com ‘answer some question Such os test results or medication Soca open A doctor should never have a defensive othude LOS ANGELES — Pound for pound, at. S-foot-G inch and 110, Lucia Rijker is considered “the She's. a world champion women's professional boer anda Tour-ime world champion kickboxer ita unurtusate he's abt le to fight ats ran beets she'd be the Seger Ray Leonard of boxing ght now spe Hal of'Fane ter Ena! Slowed two trained Tommy Hearns, Oscar De La Wen Deectae Navaeld sa Lees ror Her toprecd deat Chsty arin sage ofher Tink Lucia Rijker is ; ofr to ight Hert yea ad one leieh lady the two exchanged bare knuckle ee = — inside th Peebale raed inside the a Be er es ; Fing and out! Sei foramateh this Fe 30 Inockouts, but insiders say | record, with 28 wins by knockout Ty DENNIS DUNTONIO. uprer body teorntha ce ited eek LAS VEGAS — An exciting new athletic event | poxing, it’s losta lot of the| while your competitors | Sou along decades Turce'eayGalag’ "| Salve eam | at ensign ol ‘but if you don’t keep your | cess in three-way = defeat. lus the nowhere and clobber| Boxers must con- PROMOTER out of you Youve fy” ‘Knorman has put on} best position to Kaermon. and mix it up. Sasi [eames | cee ee FIGHTERS SLUG IT OUT UNTIL Bee Perens pee mee aims ‘might be quickly defeat: | man pitting hi ONLY ONE IS LEFT STANDING! 3! 335.600 oes nw tow| a etece aren, (BE WEDRLY WORLD NEWS AoA, 2007 ' The Rock” Teaches Post Office A New Attitude The Rock™ Rules the Stamp World Menrovi, Liberia — All ‘once tame wold of samp call ell broke loose inthe.“ Withmilions of sports aed entertainment stamps ing ithe nation on the marke today find these few thasend esligg Feseaton stamp ill con be fora neeilein a haysac,” sai 2 for the Ierational starThe Rock”. Now wresling fans, samp colle: Colectors Soca, exclusive woldwide dstbutor ton, and an assorment of otberwise ofthe stamps. “Collecors kro tha this perctly wel ajused indvidals are ray be thir oniy opportuni too trashing any obsacle that comes these firsever stamps honor beween themselves and the work's Rock onthe open mati. Infact, we've fir stamps with “Ati ac of the nie coleful sampsis corde, and orders will be taken on 2 but four times the sizeof « U.S. postage samp. firs-come, firs-served bas” All orders All are recogsized by sta suhoriies arouné_ ered by the ICS 60-day 100% o-rsk guarantee the world and come with an individually num- They are available fra limited time for just tered Certificate of Autentcty and the free $995 (plus $3 p&h. Mail your check or money pocket guide 99 Linle Known Fact About the order to ICS, 10085 Red Run Blvd, Suite a 350WWWWC, Onings Mill, MD 21117, To se limit of jot six sets of taps per Word Wrestling Feder order by credit car, call toll free 1-800-876-4145. Each het features The Rook's signe (isi ae aie won eso cam) Simply Irresistible! y\ La 24 kt Embellished Gold Omament Dee U ees M OE MMM sess msnh sn bas poled boson then exe ished with rich 24kt gold. Pose firatiously, she's sue to steal many a heart. Limited Edition Collectible ‘This is a limited edition of onk fiom the International Collect 100% wally n 0,000 ornaments available exclusively tive storage fou need send no money i. ‘ before she saw the ight — ond hooked up with Jesus. [BE MEFRIY WORLD NEWS Ap 2007 EVE MAY NOT hove Beg been in her right mind when she plucked ond tte fruit from the Teoe Good ond Evi ‘BAD GIRLS Eve, Delilah & Lot's wife By CLIFF LINEDECKEE/ ety or Neu oflto con SAN FRANCISCO — Bi Lot's wife and other naughty girls of the Bible may not have deserved an eternity of snike ihe Stan, the bea hotoriety Scholar says he conelusion of leading biblical ces oe — ee ‘That's the conclusion of leading biblical! ° “tthe Bible didet ev x - fother to record the jood Book's bad gel enforunate woman's cme ard victim than mischievous "hee are some ofthe Bible's naughty gle whom Dr. Oruder says cecund ok nme trate ene rogers ee fdtheanges command Sodom ‘and. Gomorrah And that led to al kinds of | were being cestrovet she as teouble for mankind | stant tirsed eo a pir Jot on her | sal iy another | ""i5en death row mates be Old ah DELILAH cut Samson's hole — E OF THE BIBLE don't deserve their naughty: © reputations, says expert! “mn Texas get an appeal and a J naira In onder to cement a pottl bunch of free lawyers before | “Samson was a womanizer, | cal alliance, Jezebel was they're strapped down and | 2 drinker and disobedieat to | married to bab, king of the given 2 hot shot,” the former | the Lord,” Dr. Orudjev said | Israelites, and tried to replace ‘eftsssian Orthodox priest said | "Dellal was the tol that He | the Hebrew god, Jchoveh, from his home here. chose to put the ungodly | with her own favorite deities. "Based on today’s standards, | strongman in his place — soit | Those were the fertility god the poor woman's punshment | can be said that she was doing | Baal and the love goddess vag at extreme! Goats wore” Ashorab, and Jezsbel quickly ‘That's especially true Jezebel is one of the| tured Ahat’s palace into & because Lot wat allowed to | Bible's bad girls that even Dr | swinger’ paradise, walk away Sect-free after | Orudjev admits he can't| In response to Jecebel's ‘fering his” two. virginal | defond urging, the weak Ahab daughters to a sexcrazed || A” rich, power-crazed | embraced her religion and exe: mob to save his angelic | Sidonian princess, Jezebel is| cuted hundreds of Israelite houseguests from rape, | known tc. sclolars as the | holy mea, belore she was final ‘cording te Dr. Orudiew. | Bible's Lady Macketh. She | ly pitched out 2 window to her ‘© Delilah — The sexy | truly deserved to have her| desth — then trampled by siren may have been a prosti- | name enter the English lan-| horses. Setorjats tented ame | gage as suomi an _ eA DID YOU .ie'-cinic ct Sotom ond Gomorroh.Cariusy tear who accepted a fortune | impudent, shameless. or fom Philistine bigshots 10 ‘corrup. wortan, he MOMOW? 27222" 802 ite on character of nore @ mentioned in the Bible whose name is not given! Ex=con loves life in the Big House! SEVILLE, Spain — An old man released from prison after spending most of his behind bars is camping out in front of the gates and threatening to return to crime if authorities don't allow him back in. “The inmates and guards are my real family” @ newspaper quoted Eduardo Tagua as saying. Tagua, 62, who was born in jail while his! mother was serving time, said he can't get a job becaise no one wants to hire an “if they dont lock me up,” he said, “I'l have to steal Some- | thing the only "bod 9} really vas bod, Scholars soy WASHINGTON — Five “megastorms” including a rare June hurricane — will strike the US. this spring with devastating effects, warns a top government meteorologist. ‘Conditonsin the jet stream and in El Nino arw creat. ing the potential for an extremely dangerous spring. Neather systems are flowing toward each other — imagine speeding cars coming from every direction about to colide in a four-vay inter Section and you've got a good picture of wiat’s About t) happen,” said the weather professional who Fequested avonytaty ‘Mexico, holds the Ukethood of "The Weather Service | spawning more than 10 torn won't stick ts neck out on | dbes — "in a single mega fnalyses extending. beyond | siorm” — upon the following fo oF three day 1 coaid be | siatos: Alabama, Louisiana, fired for leaking this long- | Mississippi, Texas, Georgia, range ferecast — but Ive get | Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tn ids and a family and I know | see, North Carolina, Missou how eriical itis that people | Tlinois Kentucky Indiana, the like us get sulicient warning” | Virginias and Oho. Heres whats in store | "Some of these tomadces before suramer: are likely to be F3s on the ‘© Atmospheric conaitions | Fujité scale — with winds are Setting up acruss the U.S. | above 261 mpi,” said the midsection that are ideal for | Weather Service meteorao- Spawning “severe tomade | gst thunderstorms.” Cold air | @ More than 100 towns sweeping over’ the northern | face catastrophic flocding in Rockies, collding with a het | the Mississippi and Missoari the Quad Cities, Quiney and Chester in lines; Burlington, | towa and St.Louis, Mo. High | ask owns slong the issu Kansas City, Jefferson city, and St. Charles in Missouri Des Moines, Iowa, along the Des Moines’ River is also at rave risk Eight counties in Oregon face severe. spring’ flooding Baker Clackamas, Jackson, Josephine, Lake,” Wallowa, Columbia and Klmath, Also look ‘or foods along the Red River bordering Grand Forks, and humid weatter sistem | Fiver basins Migh risk towns Surging out of the Gulf ef | along the Nississippt include Minn at nL eeu Innid June, abnormally hot and humid conditions wit be favorable for spawning an early Gulf of Mexico ‘Category 2” hurricane with 4 aorti-moving tendency putting the following states at nisk ‘Tews, Louisiana, “Mississippi. lords ‘© Umeascnablycold weath fr in early April likely wil bring “torrential sleet rai and blizzards” to the Rockies, arts cf Appalachia, the Midwest and the Bast includ ing New ‘England. "This jegastorm promises to be severe enough to slut down airports in’ Chicago, New ‘York, Boston, Washington and Denver” the meteorologist si © Look ‘or powerful Pa clic atneme to real havoc ‘wth winds tepping 90 mp hin» ‘Sen Franeisto and along the Oregon coast and other parts ofthe Pacife Northwest from fave March through mid-June California, including Los ” Angeles, is in for torrential rains, possibly” triggering mudslides. Southern Nevada including Las Vegns likely wil experience severe ash flood ing. And there are indications Unt Lake “Tahoe will be hit wala spring blizzard This time, they've gone too far: ea Ata ‘TWISTER FURY! Mother Noture — or the CIA, for that matter — ls i] ot her deodtiest when she stirs up LANGLEY, Va. — Could a CIA-engineered weather-control device be responsible for the | weather pauerns five deadly megastorms now threatening to see ee ee wreak havoc? ByERENT ANNISTON ~—=St0W, which way the winds blow, pretty Seay. sie ato BLORENT ANNISTON eee clains ‘that an experimenval MevklyWoriews____ or Baith” explained the insider “By Se aoe a ee ee Se ca at |man ue Ge See ee or alates te | aes ee rece es| einen ae te cae | Ce ares atl ee vt cae Cen ee ceria | wea canes sep ones et fone eter ares | "as tia aia | Se ne Bie hee wate tee | apwmnendl eons same oe oe ees ee eee cnc ba | cca ry cee | ae, crass and pas Be ose mavcr mus [sts aay meee Naat nee | ee eee ts Se eA SRE | Ga atable be to eee o| Se hee nar ee Vi seu ic te onl |W Ga ery ‘ae page lng | Sera Ney compe as pos ace duct mee eee re ee cotta ES |e eae a nae | el Outs se, te teres Se catevite el | Sane seas aas| ee Se oe ee | ae ee | ee aces ee Rebcme same | site seme anal Seer eres ee aon ti es trol way te eco See juke soneiel Sesualy Bese lactase oat ao Stasis maemen shersnk ye tenses eating Tene ea ar ema a nansets [ae ane A ents are thinking me suo : ied altar Uneeseosebt-wonther P weaken the megastorms,” said the CIA. See TORRENTIAL RAINS — DEADLY FOODS Sapertormsleve death ure “ule Whe House yry eee td destruction in her wake, Serene reluctant to et anyone, use the thing ‘MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! =~“ 1 Weekly World News, RO. Box 421027, Palm Coast, FL 32142-1027 1 YES! Send me WEEKLY WORLD NEWS for 16 weeks for $16.97. (U.S. only) "Nae t stReer ‘cary STATE ze [i Poyment Enclosed 1B Me (U.S. only) Charge My: []Visa []MosterCord Ame [pi Card Expires 121027, Polen Coos, FL 32142-1027 Have WEEKLY WORLD NEWS delivered to your door every week and you'll SAVE more than 37% OFF the regular single copy price, Order your subscription today! 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Buy a smal bot and cary t y SUSAN AMBROSINO / vty Nowr doesn wd Eon pal hen en lace ‘You can rely on Mother Naiure’s healing herbs to | —Asasupplementtoyourdittry one | onthe ay snathaniy Saad aude” help fight illnesses and afflictions of every description, | cup «ne to three times deily until you | confirm that the powder ‘ragers even the most insidious known to man! fet te happy, healthy result you are | memories of saety and security ren the most insidious kno aking fo nen wing bulk hers | dived hat wi eve panies. rs Suneaae intel fea bags sat vith cow va | quuaree Pook Bir, Bnger ~ French herbalist Dr Rita Genet,| |, POMPSIMES © | Soor ofr pe cap of tang water. | UDroct tweed, panaxor Sern author of the enlightening new book, Natural People, Natural Medicine — Everyman's Guide to Herbs and the Illnesses They Fight. Tn the repert that folows, from De Geret’s book, youll find 101 medical complaiets falowed by 4 listing of tho Simple herbs that traditionally have bee toed to battle them “You. can purchase these herbs in bulkfor teas or preprocessed and ready to use in capsules end extracts — o,f ‘youhavea green thumb and sunny win- ows, you actually can grow mazy’ of them yoursell” says Dr. Genet oil svete, te | Be a ota | goa erie Sa MC | ns» ey olan | 9 anEMeseuRe, amhre Rie te oe ue ae |e * Rey “hows | Wieser tt ‘When using whole herbs as a food sup- eae ee ened rene See aaa ant | rs ramen mecire | quicis. exxnae, orn | Aer, Uo e ae teat oo oe alto | Petre ardareegiaaee” | Wier Nukence See soos poten | DASE "halve bales | nw rma be, do cn Sie De ope nee end | Docraanincin tet | een cage mere sein sc rc | BG te av an |e pes wer eed one month of therapy for each | juice daily. Internally, milk thistie, | The amino sugar — glucosamine sul- Seng creo | bere et a See rece Bare | fim etc ot acta | gum Le a Stn tet ey Lae a ee you bv cored Yack pa Br 8 | eta ge ato sabes | mada ee Thor mpc harbour ted you| zap TA med 18 noi Eilon: free TENTION DEneT_biseeDE capo etn ee ae, | pacomuie ie te, hudn, | Wain twee ci nn Sal chery nro pretense | ni ummm ap aterm stasp, ETES POS TCS tee il to aa enrcs Ts he way docs | Fe iptews. Nees, una de gato, | LWDetecd area" Daub wilt 12 the avaiabiliy of the herbs in your ‘And dosing yourself is easy. Here's Dr Gene's handy guide, whch takes into acceunt varying potencies of the heros ‘extremely concentrated, drug-like | S¥ ephedra, bee pollen. on cotton ball. el erent, S288 | Fate waka bit, | fe Ale vee ad sy aod tential de | eco Stern acne see nen nsirctiogs on he bate oF ie eens Squawvine, nee Fries — nue oni le ore | Ramer ee peear cat gs, rer hetene | amar? awe mae Vaoran | Werle pei fowes S Jos war dunia, ber | TBtocin janper berces,pusioz ge li | mamta pepe aa Sy cpuis otek tas | piace aay iach th in| ant oo: opal. ae ine gar Internally, sage err PREATIONG DEFFICULTES. Malein, Experts ogree: Herbs and Sanne = : Reatemctate ms LO pera. seu,” patyodan, congue 12 ain ‘morus root, fitllary, asparagus root, Schizandra, garéenia, dong quai Dees em aS. Gas awitorn, una de gato, apple cider vizegar antler velvet. Tele, bromelan, ginger + Fo, echinacea. Qyrmsaewn, Jeslendula, che ‘mon, vtamin E. 2h he meric, jatobs, W pa aa Mi lack wal | AST JBN wes seg Renae Fae et | WO@nut ul uhade to com rot, Siberian ginseng royal | AQQPENC ‘mRLAMBLATORY ‘pbiianierotsaroxdongaia | FU eshinaces,cldessel red cover whamomie tea, | Si ateran, passe Soret BOT esease,_ sense hops mouth with goldenseal and © Impotence ¢ Cancer ¢ Stress © Burns 5 ee fren nto | Say use ‘lass se = Simca the ds oFlueUlcers...& much, much more gijmanini soe |ssicteweteitreasvel ra gee er Qe eto s,m gy ae Ta | Bere ne a FREE one | MOS ca fecrwtinas = Se ae |qgeme sae |gD sen | Pee eo Sea cee | Aisa peers (BE ee ata | pee eae [Cm ct ake | Ame cen Pa SS ames we ei rege | Aimer ss | ee ce | BA : bird pepper, chickweed. gato, bee pollen, guarana, ephedra, | ha, ginseng, gotu kola. eee meee: eet megs ree wiseast, heb ane eet Cayenne, una de gato, Seacee asc sa PSE ce | Mara ne, | Ore ee artes | BBs eater Oh, Sede a ee |wgucerinesics pee pt sw | OB eer | BT se ih We ron sree | Ae i, |S SO nan OPercec |g, meoe. oe BEF nna | beatae om | BQ oa wsease. tina ce ato, | BOnaces, rd clover. 3 Feverfey Aican Fierro Mie ia |G se a ma aineas ware | AT aca | Byer er eta. | BO See sons | eee Ree Soe pounce | eotenoen fon cetc | 9D Ste Been S| anager” | BUR cena aoe sees Bi | OTe mi pema en | QQ ane toe | Temenos eer asin Tiere areas | OZ Baty Sone tt Soon Oe | Agee a mm oa | nnesontt eae | eae nee ak ts SEE Sion to | Sic anata | hierar: | ert a Seere ay rvexDaon fos: | aac pase Seek te adie o | QQEpSONEH. Bromedin ana sin |p cele | Galednatnare ples "| QBs rs a a sense anger Teo, lorce ro $B gjoerstnmn Damiana St ese Sian ng | ma ra anor be, cereorocers. von Ceres eu | RESSUnaTre, WRAL Nk tis, Mere eens Sipey cm, goldenseal, an Gras enigie | OOlcores omic srs, | PR rime oct | Ghee earnne, fam Geng pdrahure a Aan | a dg cambria, | pment iter akan aie oe Cayenne, pasion tower, | OD ripen soci akon bioee 39 come tao sbi ay ‘Aten is. yg Avante aca arapeppes bertherm, Geach” | palmetto, prec, potency Toot Sueetnen oteracre WOO Oxts rretyscucssca gue Ly ios Ot eee oe ot THE PSYCHIC PAGE SLL ANTHON e 2 erin OF GALEN = = Hove Foi and Cour Documented] pont Hes» CALLNOW! 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