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UEMK4253 Petroleum Chemistry and Petrochemicals

Assignment 1

 FOUR students in a group.

 Students are required to choose ONE title from the following list of titles.
 Prepare a summary report of NOT MORE THAN 50 PAGES with 1.5 spacing.
 Submission deadline : Week 7 of the semester

1. Petrochemical Products from Methane

·Production of:
o Ammonia compounds
o Nitric acid
o Fertilizer
o Plastic
o Methanol and
o Formaldehyde

2. Petrochemical Products from Ethane-Ethylene

·Production of:-
o Polyethylene
o Ethylene Glycol
o Ethanol
o Ethylbenzene for styrene and polystyrene
o Ethylene chloride and ethylene dichloride

3. Petrochemical Products from Propane-Propylene

·Production of:
o Methanol
o Formaldehyde
o Acetaldehyde
o Acetone
o Ethylene and propylene from propane
o Alcohol and Acetone from Propylene
o Propylene Chlorinisation
o Preparation of Polypropylene

4. Petrochemical Products from Butane-Butylene

·Butane Oxidation
o Butane Dehydrogenation to n-butylene
o Production of Synthetic Rubber and Solvent

5. Petrochemical Products from Aromatic Hydrocarbon

·Benzene Derivatives:
o Ethyl-benzene
o Styrene
o Cumene
o Nylon
o Zylene
UEMK4253 Petroleum Chemistry and Petrochemicals

o Toluene
o Fibre
o Isophthalic and Phthalic Anhydride
o Detergen
o Alkylbenzene

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