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Chapter 15…. Nutrition & Pregnancy… DUE by 11:55 pm Sun. 5/26 and worth a possible 22 points

Matching (Questions 1 – 14 each worth 1 point Except #14 is worth 2 points as it needs 2 answers)
Place the letter below next to the short phrase or description that best matches it. (each only used 1 time and
some not at all)…

_____1. A baby in the womb from the 2nd

week of pregnancy to the 8th week….
_____ 8. A recommended practice to prevent
_____ 2. Upper limit for the recommended or alleviate constipation
number of pounds that a pregnant woman of
normal weight should gain…. _____9. Excess intake of this substance
during pregnancy is known to result in mental
_____3. Fluid in which the fetus floats retardation of the child (FAS)
_____4. An infant born prior to this number _____ 10. A newborn baby is considered
of weeks of pregnancy is classified as preterm average (normal) birthweight if they weigh at
_____ 5. Adequate intakes of this nutrient least how many pounds
within 30 days prior to conception as well as _____ 11. A condition characterized by edema,
the first 30 days of pregnancy are especially hypertension, and protein in the urine
important to lower risk of birth defects
(basically all women of childbearing years _____ 12. A recommended practice to prevent
should make sure to get enough of this nutrient or relieve heartburn
daily as many pregnancies are unplanned
_____ 13. A newly fertilized ovum (egg)
_____6. Ropelike structure that delivers
_____ 14. A craving for non-food substance is
nutrients and oxygen and removes waste from
known as and often caused by a deficiency of
the fetus while in the womb
what mineral (2 answers/letters needed for this
_____ 7. Most reliable indicator of an infant’s question)
(newborn baby) health

A. Colstrum B. Alcohol C. 7 D. 35
E. 38 F. Preeclampsia G. Folate H. Umbilical Cord
I. Calcium J Tobacco K. Embryo L. 25
M. Zygote N. 50 O. 5.5 P. Iron
Q. Pica R. Fetus S. Amniotic T. Birthweight
U. Eat small Frequent meals V. Drink at least 8 glasses of water/liquid per day

15. Briefly define/explain what is meant by the term “Critical Period” and during what
time of pregnancy is considered the critical period? (2)
Amanda and William have been married for 4 years and have decided to start a family. Amanda’s
friend Andrea gives her a book about how to have a successful pregnancy. William and Amanda are
eager to start reading the book and give their baby the best start in life possible. Let’s see how much
you know by answering the following questions. (16 – 18)

16. Amanda and William both smoke cigarettes and know this cannot be good for a developing
fetus, and after reading the book, find out that all of the following are possible consequences of a
smoking during pregnancy except: (1)

A. increased risk for a miscarriage B. delivering a baby pre-term

C. delivering a low-birthweight baby D. increased risk for diabetes

17. Amanda takes a daily pill for acne and hopes to continue using it during her pregnancy. What
advice would you give her? (1)

A. Continue taking it as it won’t affect the outcome of the pregnancy it’s only an acne pill.

B. Stop taking until she consults her doctor.

C. Take half the usual dose and stay out of direct sunlight.

D. Stop taking it until after the first trimester; then it is safe to resume again during the 2 nd and 3rd

18. William is concerned that Amanda is not eating very much even though she is at a healthy weight
for her height and urges her to start eating more food…Which of the following is Correct
about weight gain during pregnancy? (1)

A. Weight gain should be lowest during the first trimester.

B. Amanda should try to not gain more than 15-20 pounds during her pregnancy

C. If a woman gains more than the recommended amount of weight early in pregnancy, she
should try to lose some of that gained weight in the last months

D. It is important that Amanda begin to eat about 500 - 600 extra calories each day as soon as she
realizes she is pregnant.

19. What we normally call “Morning sickness” is something that many women experience during
their 1st trimester…. What is the most probable cause for morning sickness? (please do not
answer being pregnant as that is a given  (1)

20. Your Semester Assignment/Project known as “Major Project” can NOT be accepted late and is
DUE no later than when? (1)

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