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The system design project, automated enrollment system that will provide theneeded
and storing information in a faster, more convenient way by storing file of thestudent
enrollees in a computer system that will lessen the effort of faculty staff in storingfiles
of each student every now and then. This will also serve as information especially
forthe irregular students, freshmen, transferee, and professor/instructor in able to get
accessin course, subject, professor, and student enrollees.This information here can
be viewed in just a second without worrying that a singlefile
is lost. The idea behind an automated enrollment
system is not a new concept. Asstudent enrollees increase every year, enrollment
procedure become harder to deal. Thiswill only serve to increase the problem facing
enrollment that provides more easy way inenrolling.This will also be a big help to all
the enrollment staff especially under themanagement information system because
they are the one who are entitled to touch andread the information from here. It
will help our institution to have another system that willupgrade the enrollment
processes so as to meet the quality that our institutions are trying tomeet.Today, the
use of technology has been an effective tool on improving such kind ofenrolment
system. In this study, the use of Visual Basic 6.0 and MS Access database willhelp to
improve the efficiency of the enrolment in the Palompon Institute of Technology-
Tabango Campus.
Far Eastern University Enrollment System

With its 25,000 students, Far Eastern University (FEU) ranks among the
biggestuniversities in the country in terms of population. And with a
large population comesmultiple problems in enrollment, student records
and related data. Wanting a lastingsolution to the problem, FEU asked
consultants for recommendations. The result was adecision to automate FEU's
enrollment system.FEU decided to automate the enrollment system in two phases:
(1), the developmentof a system for enrollment and student records for Phase
I, and (2) the integration of thestudent's financial records for. They worked
closely with SQL*Wizard to pilot E*Wizard, anintegrated system for student
enrollment that contains modules with extensive inquiry andreporting
capabilities. They also tapped FEU's Computer Services Department to iron
outkinks. They reviewed organizational structures, assigned people to
support groups andasked faculty advisers and staff to train. She also met with
the representatives of individualinstitutes and with the support of the
academic managers and SQL*Wizard's technicalgroup, plotted the move to
launch an integrated system during the second semester. The preparation
involved cleaning the database, standardizing labels for subject and preparing the

subject requirements.
Samar State University Automated Enrollment System

Technology innovations had influenced man's work, from data processing,

businesstransactions, research, planning, monitoring and even in medical operation
of man’s body isnow entrusted to computer technology. Samar State
University (SSU) as one of the

University in Samar Island aims to be the center of excellence in education

had recentlymade changes to some of its existing systems. The enrollment
system of the university isnow computerized, and other systems are on its way.
This only show that they are copingwith the latest technology.The Automated
Enrollment System of Samar State University aims for an accurate,user friendly,
efficient system that can help both the student and personnel for fast
dataprocessing of enrollment. Engr. Hediki Hashimoto, a Japanese
volunteer headed thecreation and conceptualization of the system. The
information technology faculty from theCollege of Engineering and Arts and
Sciences assisted him. The system that is web baseduses PHP programming
language with data stored in MySQL is run through the intranet ofSSU.

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