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Universidad Tecnológica de Honduras


Rosa Appenzeller


LIC: Lizza Mendieta


English ll



Hi my name is Rosa margarita appenzeller garcia and my parents
are rene appenzeller and rosa isela garcia. I was born in san pedro
sula honduras in the valley hospital in 1999/10/12. I have an older
brother, his name is Kennet and he is 25 years old, my brother
does not live with me he really resides in Spain in the community
of Malaga but i still in communication, he has a baby, his name is
lian, my nephew is so big and is a month older.
I want to tell a brief story of my parents about how they met, the
story is funny because they were neigbors and my mamma hate
him so much but when the hate to love only have one step and well
the rest is history…
I born in 1999 exactly the 12 of october and one fun fact is that my
moms birthday is the october 11 so cake for two consecutive days
not sounds that bad believe me.
My dad birthday oh god this is another case because he has two
birthday dates one is the real and the second one is because my
grandpa in the moment of inscribe my dad in the national register
of people he dont remember the exactly date of the birth of my
poor dad well have two dates of birthday not is doesnt that bad two
My parents graduates of the same school the soledad fernandes
cruz and in all this time neither of them knew of the existence of
the other and then my dad went their separate ways in hight school.
My dad was in the liceo militar del norte in his second promotion
and my mom was in the Maria auxiliadora my dad actually has 48
and my mom 49
well my school history is a bit funny at first because I at the age of
three years enter a kindergarten but because I was so small after
two weeks I stopped going alone because I did not like it and of
course my dad was ok and my mom I was very angry about the
money spent but my dad's phrase was.
-leave her who is only a baby - the daddys girl of course.
later when he turned five he entered kindergarten and
school mother Maria Luisa in which I do my kindergarten and
elementary school then in the college I entered the school of maria
axiliadora young ladies and from there I graduated with great pride
because that school so demanding but I appreciate it because there
they strengthened my character and dedication to my studies. and
I'm currently doing my university studies at the universidad
tecnologica de honduras, studying industrial relations I have the
satisfaction of saying that I have taken twenty classes in four of my
periods In the future I would like to study a master's degree in
human resources management outside the country which would be
excellent for my professional and personal fulfillment.

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