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Lesson Plan in English II

at the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to:
a. write the names of pictures with the short a, e words.
b. read word with short/a/ and short/e/
c. participate actively during discussion and group activities

Topic : writing the name of the pictures with the short a,e words
References : Curriculum Guide tg pp.7-9
Materials : charts,laptop,pictures,video


Teacher activity Learners activity

A. Preparatory

1. Daily routine

Good morning class? Goodmorning sir!

Everybody stand up let us pray ____ lead the ( In the name of the Father the Son the Holy
prayer Spirit Amen)

Before you take your sit kindly pick up the Student will pick up pieces of paper under their
pieces of paper under your chair. chair

Warm up drill

Dance with the Song “ Chicken Dance ”

Before we start let’s have a review regarding our We discussed all about preposition
previous topic ? anyone

Very good!

Can you give an example of sentence with The book is on the table

B. Unlocking of difficulties
Do you know what animal is this? A Hen!

Very good!

Who among you loves to eat egg at breakfast? Sir , I love to eat eggs at breakfast

Do you know that the hen produces eggs

Eating eggs makes you healthy because it has Vitamin D

What is this picture ? Net

Very good!

It is used to catch something

What is this picture? Nest

Nest is the place where animals lays their eggs
C. Developmental activities

a. Motivation

Picture analysis
What is in the picture? The man trying to catch the hen

Very good!

b. Presentation

Let us read the poem “ The Hen”

“ The Hen ’’

I saw a little hen

Lay under its nest
The man try to catch ( The pupil will read the poem The Hen)
The hen with his net
Yet is quiet enough
And figure it out to catch
But hen run too fast with it’s leg
And he failed to catch

Do you like the poem? Yes Sir!

Who is trying to catch the hen? The man is trying to cat the hen

Very good!

Did he catch the hen? No!

Why? The mam didn’t catch the hen because it run

so fast

From the poem that we read “ the hen ’’ which word Hen , nest , net
has a short a and e?

Very good! Whatelse? Saw , lay leg

Very good!

c. Discussion
What is this?
An apple

Can you write the spelling of apple at the blank a-p-p-l-e

Do you eat apple? Yes sir!

Do you know that an apple a day keeps the doctor


Very good!

How about this picture,what is this? A Cat

Who can write the spelling of it? C-A-T

Very good!

What is the sound of the cat? Meow meow meow

Very good!
What is this ?
The bed is soft
What is the texture of it?

Very good!

What is this? An egg

Who can write the spelling of the word “egg’’ E-G-G

Do you know that the egg is the only food that contains
Vitamin D.

Let us read the picture word with short /a/

( The pupils will read the following words.)

What have you notice about the picture word that we read? It has vowel /a/
Those picture words are words with short /a/

Again what are those words? Those are picture words with short /a/ or short
/a/ words
Very good!

Let us read the following picture words with short/e/

(The pupils will read the following words. )

What have you notice about the picture word that we read?
All the picture word have vowel /e/
Those picture words are words with short /e/

Again what are those words? Those are picture words with short /e/ or short
/e/ words

Very good!


Let us name the pictures and write the missing lette

1. Fan
2. Pen
3. Van
4. Pan
5. Ten
6. Man

Very good!


a. Choose the short /a/ and short /e/ pictures from

the box and put it on the pocket chart
D. Generalization

Words like egg, elf, bed are words with short /e/ words.

Who can give an example of short e words Pen, ten ,egg , ten ,hen

Very good!

Words like cat , hat ,bat, apple are word with short /a/

Give an example of short /a/ words Hand, cap ,sat , bag

Very good!

E. Application

I will group you into three groups

Your point will be based on our rubrics

Cooperation Teacher Members Members
interventi work well work well
on needed together together
often to some of all of the
help the the time time
Contribution One or all All
more members members
members contribute contribute
do not ,but some equally
contribute contribute
more than
On task Needs is on task on task all
frequent most of of the
teacher the time . time.
reminder does not Does not
to get on need any need any
the task. teachers teacher
reminder reminder
Group 1
Encircle the pictures with short a and e words

Group 2
Give an example of short /a/ and short /e/ word Red
and use it in a sentence The rose is color red.

He is wearing a cap.

The wed is created by a spider

Group 3
Write the name of the pictures with short /a/ and
short /e/ and read each
Presentation of group one

Very good !

Presentation of group two

“All the groups will present their works”
Very good!

Presentation of group three

Very good!

IV. Evaluation

Direction : Write the name of the pictures,then read





V. Assignment

Direction: Cut out pictures from magazine with short /a/

and short /e/ and write the spelling of its words in your

Prepared by :
Student teacher

Checked by :

Cooperating Teacher


Principal III

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