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S-TR-GEN-PSTS (Planning & Scheduling TechSpec) (Rev 0-2009) Page 1 of 10

Planning & Scheduling Technical Specifications



1 GENERAL ....................................................................................................................... 3
2 SCOPE.............................................................................................................................. 3
3 CONSULTANT/CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES........................................... 3
4 DEFINITIONS: ............................................................................................................... 3
4.1 Work Break-Down Structure (WBS) ................................................................................ 3
4.2 Level II – Control Schedule. ............................................................................................. 4
5 PLANNING & SCHEDULING: .................................................................................... 4
5.1 Contract Schedule: ............................................................................................................ 4
5.2 Proposal or Summary Project Schedule (Level – I): ......................................................... 4
5.3 Control Schedule (Level II)............................................................................................... 4
5.4 Control Network/Control Bar Charts. ............................................................................... 4
5.5 Manpower Histogram:....................................................................................................... 5
5.6 Progress “S” Curves: ......................................................................................................... 5
5.7 Working Schedule (Level III). .......................................................................................... 6
6 PLANNING DOCUMENTS SUBMITTAL SCHEDULE........................................... 6
7 REVISION OF PLANNING & SCHEDULING DOCUMENTS. .............................. 6
8 PROGRESS MEASUREMENT. ................................................................................... 7
8.1 Responsibility:................................................................................................................... 7
8.2 Basis of Progress Measurement: ....................................................................................... 7
8.3 Progress Calculation:......................................................................................................... 7
9 PROGRESS REPORTING ............................................................................................ 8
9.1 Monthly Progress Reports (MPR):.................................................................................... 8
9.2 Weekly Progress Reports (Construction) .......................................................................... 8
9.3 Daily Report (Construction).............................................................................................. 9
10 COORDINATION PROCEDURE. ............................................................................... 9
10.1 Communication: ................................................................................................................ 9
10.2 Site Instructions:................................................................................................................ 9
10.3 Permits/Permissions (if applicable)................................................................................... 9
10.3.1 Security Passes. ................................................................................................................. 9
10.3.2 Site Work Permits. .......................................................................................................... 10
11 PROGRESS REVIEW MEETING: ............................................................................ 10
12 TRANSCO REVIEW CYCLE..................................................................................... 10
13 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. .................................................................................. 10

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Planning & Scheduling Technical Specifications


The Principal rights and duties of the parties with respect to planning and scheduling are set forth
under any contract however, the following detailed requirements and procedures shall govern the
planning and scheduling activities under this contract:

The scope of this procedure includes the following:
• The development of schedules which represent the plan for execution of the services
consistent with TRANSCO requirement and reflecting the total scope.
• A monitoring system which continually compares actual performance with planned
performance and allows early review and corrective/preventive actions on deviations.

Consultant/Contractor shall be responsible for the overall scheduling system within the
guidelines set forth below. Consultant/Contractor shall utilize a suitable and professional
standard computer system/software package (e.g. Primavera, MS Project) for formulation,
update, reviewing and reporting of schedules and progress reports through out the duration of the
project, including the accommodation of any changes in the scope of work.

Consultant/Contractor may also utilized his in-house developed package(s) suitable for specific
applications (e.g. document control, procurement control, etc.). TRANSCO shall have the right
to review and approve all formats planning package such as, schedules, procedures, Tracking and
commented them to suite its requirements. Consultant/Contractor shall maintain a database
systems which shall be capable of tracking deliverables, assessing progress, producing
manpower histograms and “S” curves by discipline/Area, identifying problems areas and
supporting the decision making process for corrective actions.

The systems shall enable production of all normal exceptional reports as may be required by


4.1 Work Break-Down Structure (WBS)

The work breakdown structure is a project planning and control technique that describes the
project tasks using a frame work. This frame work defines the contract scope of work and shall
be a level by level breakdown for the project phase(s) and continue through the different work
units to identify and code manageable tasks and activities.

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Planning & Scheduling Technical Specifications

4.2 Level II – Control Schedule.

The level II control schedule shall be structured in accordance with the WBS and to an
acceptable level of detail. The schedule shall be logic, linked Network format and shall be
capable of identifying critical activities.

Each activity in the network shall be assigned with appropriate resources and weight factors
based on which manpower histograms and progress “S” curves will be generated and
subsequently monitored. The control schedule is explained in further detail under paragraph 4.3


As part of the overall project monitoring system, TRANSCO shall require a control system based
on a defined hierarchy of control information in respect of time and resources (Area-Wise/phase
and discipline wise) as applicable.

The progression of works shall be guided by and controlled against the approved plans and
schedules which are prepared in line with TRANSCO requirements.

A brief description of the various schedule requirements is give below:

5.1 Contract Schedule:

The work program, overall S-curve and detailed manpower histogram/loading chart submitted
along with the tender shall be included in the awarding document and shall be included in the
awarding document and shall be deemed to represent the contract schedule.

5.2 Proposal or Summary Project Schedule (Level – I):

The Proposal or Summary project schedule shall be rolled up from the level II control schedule
by appropriate grouping of activities, and shall be structured to an acceptable level of details.

The schedule should out line the estimated duration for the main activities covering each phase
by discipline and the project control milestones.

5.3 Control Schedule (Level II).

The main documents comprising the control schedule shall include:

5.4 Control Network/Control Bar Charts.

The control schedule shall be based on the contract schedule and shall be prepared in greater
details to reflect the milestones, sequence and the interrelationships between various activities.
The detailed bar chart shall identify all activities and work to be carried out by all project parties.
i.e. consultant, contract, TRANSCO, sub-contractors (e.g. topographic survey, soil
investigation…etc. as applicable), and third parties if any.

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Planning & Scheduling Technical Specifications

The control schedule shall also clearly indicate the preparation and approval of project co-
ordination procedures, planning dossier, HSE philosophy and plan, vendor manual pre-
commissioning and commissioning manual, etc.

The activity coding structure shall provide reference to project phase/discipline/area…etc, as per
the agreed work breakdown structure (WBS) for ease of identification and report sorting. The
control schedule, after approval by TRANSCO, serve as the management schedule should be
adjusted to comply with the resources levels/levelling by rescheduling the activities within its
slack. Also any schedule adjustments to allow for uniform progress i.e. smooth progress “S”
Curves have to be considered. The control network/control bar charts shall be updated on a
monthly basis.

For updating of the data, percent complete (PC) may be used. Based on the actual progress,
following the network updating, a critical and near critical listing of activities shall be produced.
The critical activity listing shall be reviewed to identify problem areas and ensure timely
effective actions. The critical activity listing shall be included in the monthly progress report
with suggested corrective actions. Early start, early finish, predecessors, successors and float
details shall be indicated in the bar chart for all activities of the control network.

The base bars and milestones targets will be retained for comparison with update.

5.5 Manpower Histogram:

Manpower histogram by discipline and at overall project level shall be produced throughout the
project duration based on networks activities, assigned resources, and levelled level – II control
schedule. Consultant/contractor, to ensure accomplishing the works in accordance with plan,
shall mobilize adequate manpower resources.

The histograms shall be produced to depict the scheduled manpower planned and shall be
compared with actual manpower deployed on a weekly basis for the entire project duration.

The histogram shall be developed for the entire duration of the contract.

5.6 Progress “S” Curves:

Progress “S” Curves shall be developed based on the Level II Control Schedule and the various
activities weight factors (as a minimum one overall progress “S” Curve will be generated) these
curves shall be updated on weekly/monthly basis to display actual progress versus planned
progress as well as projected trends for the remaining period through the project duration “S”
curve shall show early and late profile. Updated “S” Curves, together with updated manpower
histograms to be provided and shall be from the basis of progress reporting and monitoring with
respect to the contract schedule.

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Planning & Scheduling Technical Specifications

5.7 Working Schedule (Level III).

• Working schedules shall include the following documents (as applicable).
• Detailed Bar Chart.
• Deliverable Document Control Register (DCR) (refer to Annexure A) – if applicable.
• Material & Equipment procurement control log (refer to Annexure B).
• Construction Tracking Form.
• One Month look ahead schedule.


In order to meet the above requirements, consultant/contractor shall submit the relevant
documents based on the following time frame from date of contract award:

Type of Planning Document Date Required (from

effective date)
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 1 Week
Summary Project Schedule (Level-I), 2 Weeks
control schedule (Level-II), progress “S”
Curve (s), Manpower Histogram.
Weighting System/Progress measurement 2 Weeks
Working Schedule Level III as per item 2 Weeks after approval of
(4.4) Level II.


In order to meet the above requirements, consultant/contractor shall submit the relevant
documents based on the following time frame from date of contract award:

The Schedules and all documents related to the planning dossier, once approved, shall not be
changed by consultant/contractor without prior approval by TRANSCO.

Consultant/Contractor shall submit along with any variation proposal a detailed evaluation of
schedule impact, if any, due to change in scope/sequence of work. Justification for schedule
impact should be accompanied by a logic network clearly highlighting the impact of such
changes on the completion of intermediate milestones as well as the overall project completion,
if any.

Consultant/Contractor shall note that the submission of any revised program/extension time
request and subsequent approval of same by TRANSCO, during the contract period shall not
relieve the consultant/contractor from his contractual obligations. All such revisions shall only be

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Planning & Scheduling Technical Specifications

treated as a part of the control mechanism for effective monitoring so as to arrest/reduce progress


8.1 Responsibility:
The assessment and reporting of progress shall be the responsibility of consultant/contractor.

8.2 Basis of Progress Measurement:

The progress measurement system shall be developed by consultant/contractor and submitted for
TRANSCO approval prior to implementation. A detailed engineering progress measurement
system shall be developed which will indicate progress results per physical area, per discipline or
as required. The basis for activity weighting shall be man-hours. All activities weight factors in
the procurement control log and the construction tracking form will be assigned on the basis of
item value even supply or construction taking into consideration the BOQ references.

Basis Progress Measurements are shown in the following part of the Standard Technical
Specification, Part 1:

¾ General Requirements - ANNEX 2 – Monthly Progress Report Samples

8.3 Progress Calculation:

At the progress data forwarded by consultant/contractor discipline engineers shall be reviewed
by consultant/contractor’s schedule controllers. Random spot checks shall be made to confirm
the validity of the progress figures being supplied and any discrepancies or miss-reporting shall
be immediately rectified to the satisfaction of TRANSCO. The percentage achieved shall be
agreed with TRANSCO on a regular basis, and all progress calculations shall be made
systematically using consultant/contractor computer system.

The supporting documents, charts & photos relevant to the measurements of the actual field
progress are to be provided by consultant/contractor and shall be attached to the relevant monthly

Progress Calculations are shown in the following part of the Standard Technical Specification,
Part 1:

¾ General Requirements - ANNEX 2 – Monthly Progress Report Samples

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Planning & Scheduling Technical Specifications

Consultant/Contractor shall prepare and maintain a comprehensive set of controls for
documentation. These controls shall enable exception reports to be prepared speedily and to
support management reporting as required by TRANSCO from time to time. Details of various
reports to be submitted by consultant/contractor are given below:

9.1 Monthly Progress Reports (MPR):

Consultant/Contractor shall submit a monthly progress report by 5th of every month as per
TRANSCO agreed format and contents utilizing the details as mentioned at 8.2 below, however,
all progress details/statistics shall be on monthly basis. The report shall include and covers
detailed listing of work performed by consultant/contractor during the past month as well as a
summary of works completed to date, charts and paragraphs and detailed listing of work to be
performed during the coming month. To MPR shall be submitted to TRANSCO covered by the
simplified monthly progress format (refer to Annexure C) and the number of copies shall be (5)

In addition, consultant/contractor shall submit the following as part of the monthly progress
a) Updated level II control schedule showing planned/actual/forecast dates.
b) Progress “S” Curves for each phase (Engineering, procurement or construction)
by discipline/area/system etc. separately.
c) Updated deliverables/control register indicating plan versus actual/forecast
completion dates along with progress status.

9.2 Weekly Progress Reports (Construction)

Contractor shall submit weekly progress report by Sunday every week (Friday cut off date)
providing an are/system/discipline wise narrative description of activities completed during the
reporting week, areas of concern/recommended action plan and list of activities planned for the
subsequent week. The report will also include a list of delayed activities with plan vs. forecast
completion dates.

Weekly progress report shall also include, but not be limited to the following details;

d) Progress statistics (weekly & cumulative) along with reasons for backlog if any,
separately for each area/system/discipline/facility…etc and overall progress.
e) Activities awaiting TRANSCO action/approval.
f) Updated S curve showing planned vs. actual progress (weekly & cumulative) at
the overall project level.
g) Procurement status report.
h) 3 weeks look – ahead program.

A deviation from the agreed schedule shall be identified and two (2) copies of this report shall be
submitted by the contractor to TRANSCO and consultant.

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Planning & Scheduling Technical Specifications

9.3 Daily Report (Construction).

Contractor shall prepare standard form for daily reports which shall be approved by TRANSCO.
It shall be the daily field log and the minimum information required shall be as follows:

a) A breakdown, by craft, of manpower and major equipment utilized by contractor

and his sub-contractors on site.
b) Construction highlights.
c) Any other problem which shall affect the progress of the works.

This log shall be prepared and maintained daily at site and a copy shall be delivered to
Consultant Residence Engineer next morning.


10.1 Communication:
The English Language shall be used for all correspondence, reports, instruction, drawings,
specifications etc.

As far as possible, all written communication shall be SITE level directly between Consultant
and contractor. All efforts shall be made to keep the correspondence to the minimum. If for
expediency, telephonic conversation shall be used; this shall be confirmed in writing two (2)
working days, by both PARTIES.

Consultant shall prepare and issue the Minutes of all his meetings with TRANSCO & Contractor
and shall be responsible for obtaining approval of these minutes prior to release within two (2)
working days.

10.2 Site Instructions:

Instructions shall be confirmed in writing, using a numbered SITE Instruction signed by
Consultant or TRANSCO. Contractor’s representative shall be required to sign one copy of each
instruction as confirmation of its receipt.

10.3 Permits/Permissions (if applicable)

10.3.1 Security Passes.

The ministry of interior issues security passes to contractor’s staff assigned to the project.
Contractor shall contact the Ministry as soon as he receives the Bid Invitation to familiarize
himself with their procedure. Contractor shall familiarize himself with all requirements of the
Ministry well in advance of Agreement, so that on contract award, time delay on account of
passes shall be minimized. TRANSCO shall provide contractor with Assistance Letters to help
Contractor to obtain the passes.

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10.3.2 Site Work Permits.

When undertaking work requiring a permit, Contractor shall assist and co-ordinate with
TRANSCO to comply with requirements for safety and operation until the permit shall be
obtained, in strict compliance with TRANSCO procedure, each morning, before commencing
work in the designated area. Site work permits shall be in accordance with TRANSCO safety
/security regulations.

Any delay or expenses for securing necessary permission/permits/passes from the concerned
authorities shall not entitle Contractor to any claim for extension of completion date or payment.


Progress review meetings shall be conducted on weekly/monthly basis. These meetings shall be
attended by TRANSCO, consultant and contractor personnel, including consultant & contractor’s
project manager, planning engineer and other Engineers as may be required.

The end user (ADDC/AADC/TRANSCO) representative shall attend the progress review
meeting as an observer.

The minutes of meeting shall be prepared by the consultant and submitted to TRANSCO for
review and approval prior distribution to all attendees.


While developing the project planning and control documents package, consultant/contractor
shall consider 3 weeks duration for the review of drawings, documents, procedures,
specifications and any technical submittals by TRANSCO.

TRANSCO reserves the right to add/delete/modify any or all of the scheduling and reporting
requirements if deemed necessary to ensure effective control and monitoring. TRANSCO shall
discuss/explain all such changes/requirement and consultant/contractors shall implement the
same at all times until contract completion.

Consultant/contractor shall submit to TRANSCO electronic file(s) of the schedules and reports at
regular intervals for review & approval as applicable.

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