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Macmillan Education

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openMind Starter Teacher’s Resource Center

ISBN: 9780230459038
openMind Starter Student’s Resource Center
ISBN: 9780230459021

Text, design and illustration © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014

Student’s Book written by Dorothy E. Zemach

Video worksheets written by Rachael Roberts

The authors have asserted their rights to be identified as the authors of this work in accordance with
the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

First published 2014

All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers.

Audio produced and recorded by John Marshall Media Limited

Video produced by Oxford Digital Media
Worksheet material designed by emc design limited
Video worksheets illustrations by Sally Elford and Tony Wilkins

The authors and publishers wish to thank the copyright holders of the photographs from openMind
Starter Student’s Book for allowing them to be used within this product. Full details can be found in
the openMind Starter Student’s Book and in the IPTC of the images:
Alamy/Purestock p65; Corbis/Blend Images p41(cl); Corbis/Hugh Sitton p41; Thinkstock/iStockphoto
41(tr), 41(cl), 41(cr), 41(b)

Video media supplied by Alamy, Audio Network, BBC, Corbis Images, Corbis Motion, ITN Source, ITN
Source/Reuters, Getty, Getty Images

These materials may contain links for third party websites. We have no control over, and are not
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