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Saranfihon who stays in langit (the sky or upper world) feels very uneasy and camnot sleep. He knows
that someone is about to sail down the river Bangga-an which he is guarding closely. At early dawn the
following day, with his aide Magkadulon, he rides on a flying kalasay (shield) and goes down below to
see who is approaching. Magkadulon positions himself on the karukayang (outpost) of their boat,
Dinmugtok. Indeed, in the distance, a voyager named Balanakon is coming to take the route of the
guarded Bangga-an River. The two men-Balanakon, the head of, the approaching boat, and Sarandihon-
ask for each others identity. Balanakon befs to be allowed to enter, but Sarandihon argues that it is
against their tradition to let strangers pass through the guarded territory. It turns our that Balanakon's
purpose is to sail toward Labaw Donggon's place to win over his lovely wife, whom many men want to

Since Saranfihon will not give in, Balanakon challenges him to a figjt. Both are skillful fighters and the
fight takes many months. Balanakon does not seem to get weak nor hungry, so Sarandihon asks for helo
from Labaw Donggon (Abaw) through a messenger spirit, Taghoy. Labaw Donggon comea with Paubari
and yakes over the fight from Sarandihon. Balanakon is not the lwast bit intimidated and even challenges
the brave Abaw. A big crowd, comprised of a number of men and binukot(kept maidens), have come to
witness the fight. The two men fight for a long tine and finally have enough fighying at the
kugbuton(aerial fighting space). Balanakon, however, sees down below the lovely long-haired binukot
Kamaging. He is so smitten with her beauty that he suggest to Sarandihon that they stop for a while as
he wants to meet the maiden. Sarandihon respond that they will stop only when his head has been cut
off. Since Balanakon is so determined to pursue Kamaging, he can no longer focus on fighting and gets
hit many times until he lies dead on the seashore, his arms outstretched and his weapon thrown away.
The shouting and shrieking of the people get the attention of Launsina from the upper world where she
has been watching from a far distance. Shr goea down to the beach to settle the fight. She gets so upset
to see Humadapnon trying to stop Sarandihon and arguing with him over Balanakon's body. The
former(Humadapnon) tekls Launsina that there is no more need to cut off the head of Balanakon since
Sarandihon has already defeated him and his name is now renowned. Launsina tells Sarandihon and
Abaw that they all belong ti one famiky line and are of one blood. She brongs Balanakon back to life,
although the latter is not aware he has been vanquished. The settlement is agreeable to all, especially
given the great respect they all have for Launsina.


Labaw Donggon(Abaw) is already fast asleep, but his beautiful wife Matan-ayon (Ayon) is still awake.
Her, thoughts are on her sister, Pinailog sa Pinggan, whom he misses so much and has not seen her for a
lont time. She urges her husband, Abaw, to challenge Sinagnayan to a fight so he can bringa home her
sister Pinailog sa Pinggan (Pinailog)
Ayon is so insistenr in her pleading and to appease her, Abaw gives in. Paubari, Abaw's brother, is
summoned by Taghoy, the duwende(dwarf) together with his qife Surangga-on, who is also the sister of
Ayon, to come to the house of Abaw. Not even the reminder of Paiburong that she might get healous can
appease Ayon. The two, Abaw and Paiburong, proceed with their boat journey, but they have to pass
Bangga-an River. Sarandihon, who lives in the sky, guards Bangga-an river which is his territory. In the
sky, where he lives with his grandmother, Sarandihon cannot sleep as ge feels so uneasy and is shaking.
This is a sign that there is a sea venture which is going to pass Barangga-an river, and that something is
going to happen. Tge following morning, he rides his kalasag (shield) together qith his aide, Magkadulon,
down to watch the coming boat of Abaw and Paubari.

When the boat of Abaw comes near, he is asked to identify himself. Sarandihon will jot allow passage.
The two engage in a fight for a long time, but they prove to be both equally skillful. When their
sandukos) long-bladed knife) clash, both jump into the air. Swarms of buyog(bees) and banog(eagle
hawks) come to help Sarandihon, but Abaw is also skillful fighter. Finally, Sarandihon calls on kalayo (fire)
for help. The latter envelopes Abaw, and he falls on the sandy shore. Sarandihon is then able to cut off
his head.

From the sky, Launsina hears the clash of fighting and sees what is happening. She comes down and
acold Sarandigon, because the man he is beheaded is none other than his own brother. He failed to
recognized him because Sarandihon was a child born from the miscarriage of her mother, and was
brought directly to the sky wherw he stayed with Launsina, his grandmother. Sarandihon apologizes, and
following the instructions of his grandmother, he makes Abaw lean on his bosom. By blowing on his head
and uttering magical prayers, Abaw comes back to life.

Abaw has not forgotten his original mission-to challenge Sinagnayan and bring home Pinailog.
Sarandihon warns Abaw that Sinagnayan will be difficult to defeat, because his life us kept inside an egg
that is kept inside the heart of the kion, hidden inside the house of Manayunmon(Grandmother) who
stays in the sky(langit).

The Hulinday, the swift boat of Abaw, proceeds to the place of Sinagnayan, and the two-Abaw and
Sinagnayan-fight. Both are equal in skill, but in tge end, Abaw's strength wanes. Sarandihon sees what
happens and devise a way to get the heart of the lion where Sinagnayan's life is kept. He also waves
away the parrot, that is also connectef, to the life of Sinagnayan. With the help of Sarandihon, Abaw is
able to defeat Sinagnayan and successfully brings hone Pinailog. Meanwhile, Sarandihon and
Magkadulon are waiting for him and wondering if Pinailog is indeed with Abaw.

The swift of Hulinday sails homeward fg or several months. It stops at the month of Muroburo River.
From there, Abaw is led to the place of the dead. There, he meets his decesed father and mother and
dines with them. Is he able to go back hoke to his waiting wife? The last portion of the epic gives
interesting encounter with his parents in Madya-as, the home of the dead.

Matan-ayon(Ayon) the wife of Labaw Donggon (Abaw), a man of renowned prowess, possesses such
beauty that many men still desire her. Among them is the powerful Masangladon who live s in
Panibyungan, a realm underneath the sea where all waters colkect and rush downward to the other
worl. Masangladon waits for an oppurtune time to steal her.

One day, Abaw leaves Matan-ayon to sail out to the sea for a long trip. Masangladon takes his
opportunity and causes Kalampay(giant crab) to crawl down from the land and position itself where
Matan-ayon frequently bathes. Using his magical power he, causes Matan-ayon to feek uncomfortably
warm so ahe would go to the seaside to bath accompanied by an oripon(slave). Meanwhike, kalampay
positions itself nearby appearing like a small island with trees bearing luscious fruits. Matan-ayon is
attracted by ripe betel nuts and goea to nearby island despite the disapproval of her oripon. Before she
realuzes it, the kalampay has already moved towards the middle of the sea with the helpless woman on
its back. Meanwhike, Masangladon is happily anticipating Ayon in Panibyungan.

Abaw returns home and learns from his spirit, Taghoy, about what hapoened. Enraged, he can only
blame himself for leaving his wife behind. He seeks Paubari, his brother-in-law, to accompany him on a
journey to Panibyungan. After a long trip, they find it impossible to enter Masangladon's realm as it is
guarded by the huge kalampay. So Katnub Magkaruran, another brother-in-law who is panday
(blacksmith/craftsman) ,is sought to make a special device, a hasang(gills) for Abaw's boat to enable it to
plunge beneath the sea. He rides his flying kalasag to reach Abaw and Pubari waiting at Panibyungan.
Magkaruran then bores a hoke in the arm joint of the kalampay and, they are able to pass through to go
the the underworld.

Now, the two contending men meet face-to-face. Masangladon is a brave and powerful challenger but
he cannot defeat the equally brave Abaw. The fight takes seven years as both are skilkful in battle. This
comes to the attention of Luyong Kabig, an arch deity assigned to the undersea world.She goes to
Panibyungan and settles the fight.It is agreed that Abaw can bring his wife,Matan-ayon,home,but every
seven tears,when the ritual buruhisan is oerformed,he should return her to Masangladon.The two agree
and Lavaw Donggon goes home peacefully wuth Matan-ayon and his brothr,Paubari.

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