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Welcome to the additional testing for a writer’s position.

This test will assess your knowledge of

English spelling, grammar and vocabulary.
For each question, choose the correct option to fill in the blank. Each question has only one
correct option. Questions with multiple answers will be counted as incorrect.

1. I’m going to have to apologize to him, _____

A. Am I?
B. Don’t I?
C. Aren’t I?
D. Won’t I?

2. The road was _____ up and she couldn’t concentrate because of the noise.
A. was digging
B. was being dug
C. was been dug
D. has been digging

3. Some pipelines ____ and they’ve closed the road until the work _____
A. are laying / has been finished.
B. are being laid / has been finished.
C. have laid / is finished.
D. are laid / is being finished.

4. It’s not worth _____ him to give us a hand. He never helps anyone!
A. to ask
B. that we are asking
C. to have asked
D. asking

5. _____ suffering from jet-lag, he wanted to go out and do some sightseeing around Sydney.
A. In spite of
B. Although
C. However
D. Nevertheless

6. He ____ on the go since the alarm clock ____ off this morning!
A. has been / went
B. was / was going
C. would have been / is going
D. has been / is going

7. He turned off his mobile phone ____ disturbed during the meeting.
A. for not being
B. so as not to be
C. for not to be
D. not being
8. She _____ out the cellar when she _____ across an old painting which may be valuable.
A. cleaned / was coming
B. has cleaned / came
C. was cleaning / came
D. has been cleaning / was coming

9. She couldn’t help _____ sorry for the man as he was so embarrassed by his mistake.
A. to feel
B. to feeling
C. that she was
D. feeling

10. The expense of a new car would mean _____ less money for our holiday!
A. having
B. to have
C. to having
D. that we are having

11. I _____ all of August with my parents in Wales this year.

A. spend
B. will be spending
C. have been spending
D. will have spent

12. He _____ for hours so it was time he took a break.

A. has been driving
B. would drive
C. had been driving
D. is driving

13. Yes, I thought this morning I might need a new watch, but they just changed the battery in my old
watch and it was working perfectly after all. So, I ____ a new one.
A. should not buy
B. had to buy
C. must have bought
D. didn’t need to buy

14. Paul: How come Jake isn’t here? Didn’t you send him an invitation?
Matt: I _____ send him one, but I think it _____ in the mail.
A. would / was lost
B. did / must have got lost
C. should / got lost
D. might / must be lost
15. I understand you did send him an e-mail message, but somehow it got lost on the way and he
didn't turn up for the interview. I think you _____ him instead.
A. ought to have phoned
B. should phone
C. had not phoned
D. must have phoned
16. Have you heard the news? The man _____ refused your proposal last year has been arrested.
A. while he
B. whom
C. whose daughter
D. which daughter

17. You don’t believe every citizen is born free and equal and shares the same inherent human
dignity, _____
A. aren’t they?
B. don’t they?
C. do they?
D. do you?

18. You _____ another job pretty soon. I have a feeling that you're going to get fired before long.
A. would rather start looking for
B. ‘d better start looking for
C. would start looking for
D. ‘d better to start to look for

19. _____, he went to collect his payment.

A. Having finished his work successfully
B. Although he has completed his work
C. Despite the fact that the work was successfully completed
D. In view of the work was completed with success

20. It seems to me that they never gave a thought to probable future problems when the plans
_____ five years ago.
A. they laid down
B. were not laid down
C. had been laid down
D. were being laid down

21. On top of the hill _____

A. an Ottoman citadel stood enormous.
B. an enormous Ottoman citadel stood.
C. stood an enormous Ottoman citadel.
D. the enormous Ottoman citadel stood.

22. He dyed his hair and wore dark glasses _____ people wouldn't recognize him.
A. if only
B. so that
C. in order to
D. for

23. I’m surprised to hear that you’ve seen him here in New York, because he is supposed _____
abroad for some time now.
A. to be
B. being
C. having been
D. to have been
24. I remember _____ to a big mosque in Istanbul as a small child.
A. being taken
B. to take them
C. to be taken
D. to have been taken

25. Never before in my life _____ before a cruel tyrant!

A. had I have bowed
B. have I had to bow
C. must I have bowed
D. should I have to bow

26. They were wondering what _____

A. was it that the man wanted to have.
B. did the man want to say.
C. was it that the man said.
D. it was that the man wanted to have.

27. Oh, I am really sorry. I wish I _____ that vase.

A. had never attempted to lift
B. would buy
C. wouldn’t have
D. won’t have needed

28. Ok, boys. It’s high time we all _____ home now.
A. have gone
B. go
C. will go
D. went

29. Not only _____ our display windows, but they also choose the different kinds of materials to be
used in the background.
A. design professional interior decorators do
B. do design professional interior decorators
C. do professional interior decorators design
D. design do professional interior decorators

30. The doctor recommended that I _____ more careful with my diet.
A. am
B. were
C. be
D. was

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