Questionnaire For Ecotourism

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Appendix A

Visitors to the Adiangao Cave

1. What are your motivations for visiting the Adiangao Cave?

(Please circle one or more.)

a. Handicrafts, souvenirs
b. Fruit cultivation and consumption
c. Natural landscapes, environment
d. Local people, way of life
e. Village history
f. Overnight in the village
g. Cultural activities
h. Other______________________________________________

2. What did you like most about the village stay?

a. Experiencing new and different lifestyles
b. Trying local foods
c. Hospitality of villagers
d. Rainforest scenery
e. Nice weather
f. Being daring and adventuresome
g. New things and knowledge
h. New kind of tourism
i. Meeting people with similar interests
j. Other______________________________________________

3. What did you dislike about the village stay?


4. What kind of gifts, souvenirs and services would you like to have available?
Gifts and souvenirs
a. Shirts printed Adiangao Cave
b. Key holders
c. Books and other printed materials about Adiangao Cave
d. Other____________________________________________________

a. Grocery stores g. Post office
b. Laundry service h. Car rental
c. Pubs and bars i. Weather forecasts
d. Internet café j. Gambling

e. Local and long distance telephones k. Other____________________________
f. Popular franchised fast food service like McDonalds

5. What are you expectations from the trips to the village?

a. True relaxation
b. Learning about way of life and culture
c. Viewing new landscapes
d. Meeting new people
e. Being close to nature
f. Doing something new
g. Having fun and being entertained
h. Other_________________________________________________

6. Which two (2) of the following elements of sustainable ecotourism do you believe
the village best meets:
Please select two (2) elements.
a. Tourism which has social equity and community involvement
b. Tourism which maintains the full range of recreational, educational and cultural
opportunities within and across generations
c. Tourism which allows the guest to gain an understanding of the region visited
d. Tourism which encourages guests to be concerned about, the protective of the host
community and environment
e. Tourism which is concerned with the quality of experiences
f. Tourism which is based upon activities or designs which reflect the character of an area
g. Other__________________________________________________

7. What is the local guides’ training and ability?

a. Friendly
b. Knowledgeable about ecology and environment
c. Knowledgeable about the plants and animals
d. Knowledgeable about the local culture
e. Helpful
f. Other________________________________________________________

8. How did you travel to the Province of Nakhon Si Thammarat?

a. Bus
b. Car
c. Train
d. Plane
e. Other_________________________________________________
9. How did you travel to the village?
a. Bus
b. Car
c. Walk
d. Other_____________________________________________________

10. What is your length of stay in the village?
a. Less than one day
b. One day
c. Two days
d. Three to five days
e. One week
f. More than one week
g. Other____________________________

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