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SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203





Regulation – 2017
Academic Year: 2019 – 20 (Odd Semester)

Prepared by

Dr. R. Meenakshi, Professor

Dr. S. Narayanan, Assistant Professor (Selection Grade)
Department of IT

RM &SN/IT EC8394 Page | 1

SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur-603203





Introduction to Communication Systems - Modulation – Types - Need for Modulation. Theory of
Amplitude Modulation - Evolution and Description of SSB Techniques - Theory of Frequency and
Phase Modulation – Comparison of Analog Communication Systems (AM – FM – PM).

Q.No Question Level Competence

List the major segments of electromagnetic spectrum and give their

1 BTL1 Remembering
frequency ranges

2 What is the need for modulation? BTL1 Remembering

3 Define amplitude modulation. (OR) Define amplitude and angle modulation BTL1 Remembering

4 Define modulation index. (OR) Define the Degree of modulation in AM BTL1 Remembering

Plot the FM waveform for the given message using a sine wave carrier.

5 BTL3 Applying

6 Compare AM with DSB-SC and SSB-SC. BTL4 Analysing

In an amplitude modulation system, the carrier frequency is 𝑓𝑐 = 100k𝐻𝑧.

7 The maximum frequency of the signal is 5 kHz. Calculate the lower & BTL3 Applying
upper side bands and bandwidth of the AM signal.

8 Summarize the advantages of SSBSC modulation. BTL2 Understanding

Consider an AM signal x(t)=2cos(2πfct) +0.5cos(2πfct).cos(2πf mt). Find the

9 BTL5 Evaluating
modulation index used to generate the signal.

Plan the bandwidth which is needed to transmit voice signal of 4kHz, use
10 BTL6 Creating

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The output voltage of a transmitter is given by 500(1+0.4sin3140t)
11 BTL3 Applying
sin6.28x107 t. Find the carrier frequency and modulating frequency.

Find the modulating frequency and maximum deviation of the PM wave

12 BTL3 Applying
represented by v(t) = 12sin(6x108 t + 5 cos 1250t).

13 Write down the mathematical expression for angle modulated wave. BTL1 Remembering

14 What is the purpose of limiter in FM receiver? BTL4 Analysing

Design the bandwidth of FM signal if the frequency deviation of the

15 BTL6 Creating
modulator is 25kHz per Volt?

16 Differentiate between narrow band and wide band FM signal. BTL4 Analysing

Distinguish between FM and PM. (OR) Differentiate frequency and phase

17 BTL2 Understanding

18 Describe Carson’s rule. BTL2 Understanding

19 Draw the Schematic of generating FM signal using Phase Modulator BTL3 Applying

The maximum frequency deviation in an FM is 10kHz and the signal

20 frequency is 10kHz. Estimate the bandwidth using Carson’s rule and the BTL5 Evaluating
modulation index.

Q.No Question Mark Level Competence
a Illustrate the expression for instantaneous voltage of AM wave 06 BTL2 Understanding
In modulation by several sine waves simultaneously, in AM, the
b bandwidth required is twice the highest modulating frequency. 07 BTL3 Applying
Prove this concept using appropriate expression.
The output modulated wave of a standard AM transmitter is
represented S(t) =500(1+0.4sin3140t)cos(6.28x107)t. This 02+
a Voltage is fed to a load of 600Ω. Analyse the following (a) 02+ BTL4 Analysing
2 Modulating Frequency (b)Carrier Frequency (c) Mean power 02
Derive efficiency ή of standard AM and show that for a single
b 07 BTL4 Analysing
tone AM, ήmax =33.3% at m=1.
With the help of mathematical expression explain about
3 13 BTL2 Understanding
amplitude modulation, its generation and detection.
With the help of neat block diagram explain about the generation
4 13 BTL1 Remembering
of SSBSC wave and demodulation.
Calculate the percentage power saving when the carrier and one
a of the sideband are suppressed in an AM wave modulated to a BTL5 Evaluating
5 depth of (i)100 % (ii) 50 %
Describe the frequency modulation and phase modulation and
b 09 BTL5 Evaluating
their inter-relationship.
Draw the phasor diagram of wide band FM and explain about the
a 07 BTL1 Remembering
bandwidth of FM Signal.
Explain the difference between phase modulation and frequency
b 06 BTL1 Remembering
7 a Derive for carrier power and transmitter power in AM in terms of 06 BTL1 Remembering
RM &SN/IT EC8394 Page | 3
modulation index.
Describe the average power required for an angle modulated
b 07 BTL1 Remembering
wave with mathematical expression.
8 Compare AM, FM and PM. 13 BTL4 Analysing
9 Discuss the various SSB techniques 13 BTL2 Understanding
Outline the generation of SSB wave using phase shift method
a with necessary block diagram, with the expression for the 09 BTL1 Remembering
instantaneous voltage of SSB wave.
Determine the peak frequency deviation and modulation index
b (m) for an FM modulator with a deviation sensitivity kf = 5kHz/V 04 BTL3 Applying
and a modulating signal v(t) = 2cos(2∏2000t).
One input of an AM modulator is a 500 kHz carrier with peak
amplitude of 20 Vp. The second input is a 10 kHz modulating
signal that is of sufficient amplitude to cause a peak change in the
output wave of ±7.5 V. Determine the following:
i)Lower and upper side frequencies 02
11 BTL3 Applying
ii)Modulation index 02
iii)The peak amplitude of the modulated carrier, the upper and 04
lower side frequencies
iv)Maximum and minimum amplitudes of the AM envelope 02
v)The expression for the modulated AM wave. 03
12 Discuss about the Armstrong indirect method of FM generation. 13 BTL2 Understanding
An audio frequency signal 10 sin (2*3.14* 500)t is used to
amplitude modulate a carrier of 50 sin( 5*3.14*10^5 )t. Calculate
and Analyse
(i) Modulation index
13 02 BTL4 Analysing
(ii) Upper and lower side band frequencies
(iii) Peak amplitude and power of side band
(iv) Maximum and minimum amplitudes of envelope
(v) Transmission efficiency
Design an FM modulator operates at carrier signal frequency of
500 kHz with peak amplitude 10 Volts. A modulating frequency
a of 10 kHz modulates it with the peak frequency deviation of 10 BTL6
03 Creating
kHz. Determine the following (i) Modulation index. (ii)
Minimum BW
14 A 25 MHz carrier is modulated by a 400 Hz audio sine wave. If
the carrier Voltage is 4V and the maximum frequency deviation
is 10kHz and phase deviation is 25 radians. Write the equation of
b 02+ BTL6 Creating
this modulated wave for (i) FM (ii) PM. If the modulating
frequency is now changed to 2kHz, all else remaining constant.
Write a new equation for FM and PM.

1 An AM signal has a peak to peak unmodulated carrier voltage is
200V, voice signal range is 300Hz to 3400Hz and a load
resistance is 50Ω. The message is modulated critically. Determine
the following
1. Carrier Power 2. Power of Side bands 02+02 BTL6 Creating
3. Draw the Spectrum of above specification with all components 02
4.Total power for AM 02
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5.Transmission Bandwidth & Efficiency 04
6.Select the suitable AM modulation technique for defence and
entertainment application and justify your answers 03

2 (i)A FM radio link has a frequency deviation of 30kHz.The

modulating frequency is 3kHz.Find the bandwidth needed for the 03
(ii)An angle modulated signal has the form
v(t)=100cos[2πfct+4sin2000πt] where fc=10MHz. BTL4 Analysing
Find: (a)The Average transmitted power 02
(b)Peak phase deviation 03
(c)Peak frequency deviation 03
(d)Is this FM or a PM signal? Explain 04
3 Design a FM broadcasting station by identifying the blocks
involved in that. Discuss the generation, theory involved in the 15 BTL4 Analysing
4 A 400 W carrier is amplitude modulated to a depth of 100%.
Calculate the total power in case of the AM and DSBSC 05+05+05
techniques. How much power saving in watts is achieved for
DSBSC? If the depth of modulation is changed to 75%, then how BTL6 Creating
much power in W is required for transmitting the DSBSC wave?
Compare the power required for DSBSC in both cases and
comment on the reason for change in the power levels.


Pulse Communication: Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) – Pulse Time Modulation (PTM) – Pulse Code
Modulation (PCM) - Comparison of various Pulse Communication System (PAM – PTM – PCM).
Data Communication: History of Data Communication - Standards Organizations for Data
Communication- Data Communication Circuits - Data Communication Codes - Data communication
Hardware –serial and parallel interfaces.
Q.No Question Level Competence
1 Name the standards organizations for data communication? BTL2 Understanding
2 List out all data communication codes BTL1 Remembering
3 Distinguish between half duplex and full duplex transmission. BTL4 Analysing
4 What is data modem? BTL2 Understanding
5 List out the layer presented in ISO-OSI reference model BTL2 Understanding
6 Define USRT, USART. BTL1 Remembering
Determine the odd and even parity bits for the ASCII character R whose
7 BTL5 Evaluating
Hex code is 52.
8 State the sampling theorem for band limited signal of finite energy. BTL3 Applying
9 Prepare the Nyquist rate for analog input frequency of a) 4kHz b) 10kHz. BTL6 Creating
10 Define Aliasing and Aperture effect. BTL1 Remembering
11 Infer about Quantization process. BTL5 Evaluating
12 Define DTE, DCE. BTL1 Remembering
13 Give any two function of UART. BTL2 Understanding

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14 List the advantages of PCM. BTL1 Remembering
15 Identify the steps in pulse code modulation BTL1 Remembering
How many bits are required to represent a sample in a PCM system with
16 BTL3 Applying
32 quantisation levels?
17 Illustrate the regenerative repeaters BTL3 Applying
18 Mention how PPM is derived from PWM BTL4 Analysing
19 Why do we encounter aperture effect in PAM? How will you rectify it? BTL4 Analysing
20 What are the advantages of PWM? BTL2 Understanding


Q.No Question Mark Level Competence
Explain the working of two station data communication circuit with
a 07 BTL2 Understanding
1 a block diagram
b Discuss the various data communication codes and its significance. 06 BTL2 Understanding
Explain the data communication network architecture protocols and
a 07 BTL2 Understanding
standards in details.
Describe the following data communication codes: Baudot, ASCII
b 06 BTL2 Understanding
a Briefly explain about the OSI-reference models 07 BTL1 Remembering
b Write short notes on topologies. 06 BTL1 Remembering
Explain the data communication hardware with neat block diagram
4 13 BTL1 Remembering
and explain all devices.
Explain quantization process in detail and derive the expression for
5 13 BTL4 Analysing
output signal to noise ratio of uniform quantizer.
Discuss in detail about the standards organization for Data
a 06 BTL1 Remembering
6 communication
b Explain the generation of PCM signal with a block diagram. 07 BTL1 Remembering
Discuss about the generation and demodulation of PAM signal with
7 13 BTL2 Understanding
necessary waveforms.
Explain about various operations performed in the transmitter and
8 13 BTL3 Applying
receiver of PCM system.
9 Compare the various Pulse modulation techniques 13 BTL4 Analysing
Design a PCM system with quantization level 8 in the dynamic
range of 2V. Determine the quantization error and mean square error
10 13 BTL6 Creating
for the measured consecutive samples of 1.2V, 1.0V, 0.95V, 1.41V
and 1.65V readings.
Explain the concept of Data communication circuits using a basic
a 07 BTL4 Analysing
block diagram.
Describe the generation and demodulation of PPM signal with
b 06 BTL4 Analysing
necessary waveforms.
12 Illustrate the concepts of PWM in detail. 13 BTL3 Applying
13 Evaluate the RS-232 interface performance. 13 BTL5 Evaluating
Discuss about the serial and parallel interfaces with suitable
14 13 BTL1 Remembering
Construct a digital transmission system with suitable diagrams for
the following conditions 1.Output as samples with constant width
1 and constant amplitude 2. Output as samples with variable width 15 BTL6 Creating
and constant amplitude. Choose the best method for your own
application and justify.

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A Composite video signal with base band frequency range from
zero to 4MHz is transmitted by linear PCM, using 8 bit per sample
and sampling rate of 10 MHz i) Determine the number of 02+
a 02+
2 quantization level ii) Calculate the transmission bit rate iii) What is BTL5 Evaluating
the type of noise introduced in this process. 01

An audio signal, S(t)= 3 cos ( 2*3.14*500 t) is quantized using 10

10bit PCM. Determine the signal to quantization noise ratio.
A base band signal having maximum frequency of 30 kHz is
required to be transmitted using a digital audio system with a
sampling frequency of 44.1 kHz, Estimate the frequency 03
3 BTL5 Evaluating
components available at the output
b How aliasing effects can be overcome. 06
c How is the PCM different from PAM? 06
Design a PCM system with suitable blocks with the maximum
number of bits per sample, minimum sampling rate and bit
4 transmission rate for the following parameters. Information is in an 15 BTL6 Creating
analog waveform with maximum frequency 3 kHz and the number
of pulse level is M=16.
Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) – Frequency Shift Keying (FSK)–Phase Shift Keying (PSK) – BPSK –
QPSK – Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) – 8 QAM – 16 QAM – Bandwidth Efficiency–
Comparison of various Digital Communication System (ASK – FSK – PSK – QAM).
Q.No Question Level Competence

Define Digital Modulation and list out the types of Digital

1 BTL1 Remembering
2 What is M-ary encoding? BTL2 Understanding
3 Define Baud rate and Bit rate. BTL1 Remembering
4 Define bandwidth efficiency. BTL1 Remembering
5 Define Nyquist theorem. BTL1 Remembering
6 Draw the BPSK signal for the given input bit stream 101010. BTL3 Applying
7 Why is FSK and PSK signals are preferred over ASK signals? BTL4 Analysing
Sketch the digitally modulated waveforms for the binary data 1011001
8 BTL6 Creating
using ASK and FSK.
9 Write down the expression for peak frequency deviation of FSK. BTL2 Understanding
Determine the peak frequency deviation for a binary FSK signal with
10 BTL5 Evaluating
a mask frequency of 49 kHz, a space frequency of 51 kHz.
11 Describe the constellation diagram of ASK, FSK signal. BTL2 Understanding
12 Sketch the QPSK signal for the binary sequence 11001100 BTL6 Creating
13 Draw the constellation diagram of PSK, QPSK signal. BTL3 Applying
For 16 PSK and a transmission system with a 10kHZ bandwidth. Find
14 BTL4 Analysing
the maximum bit rate.
15 Differentiate between BPSK from QPSK. BTL4 Analysing
For the given the input binary sequence 100100010, sketch the
16 waveform of the in phase and quadrature components of a modulated BTL3 Applying
wave obtained by using QPSK.
17 What do you meant by I,Q & C Channels? BTL1 Remembering
18 What is QAM? BTL2 Understanding
19 Draw phasor diagram for 8-QAM. BTL3 Applying
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20 Assess the significance of QAM? BTL5 Evaluating


Q.No Question Mark Level Competence
a Explain the working principle of ASK with block diagram 10 BTL1 Remembering
b Calculate Baud rate and Bit rate for ASK 03 BTL4 Evaluating
Describe the generation and detection of binary FSK signal with
2 13 BTL2 Understanding
necessary diagram and equation.
For a QPSK modulator with an input data rate equal to 10Mbps and
a a carrier frequency of 70MHz, find the minimum double sided 07 BTL4 Analysing
Nyquist bandwidth and baud.
b Compare QPSK and BPSK. 06 BTL4 Analysing
Explain the working of BPSK transmitter and receiver with
a 06 BTL4 Analysing
necessary equation and block diagram.
b Differentiate coherent and non-Coherent detection 02 BTL4 Analysing
c Compare the various digital communication systems. 05 BTL4 Analysing
Draw the constellation diagram of QPSK modulation and explain
5 13 BTL3 Applying
QPSK modulation and QPSK demodulation.
With relevant expression and figure, describe QPSK transmitter,
6 13 BTL2 Understanding
QPSK receiver and bandwidth consideration of QPSK.
Draw the ASK, FSK and BPSK wave forms for the bit stream
a 06
For QPSK modulator with an input data rate equal to 12 Mbps and a
7 03+ BTL3 Applying
carrier frequency of 100 MHz. Determine the following.
b 02+
i).Minimum double sided Nyquist bandwidth ii).Baud Rate and
iii). Sketch the output spectrum
Draw and explain the operations of FSK modulator and explain
8 13 BTL2 Understanding
about coherent and Non-coherent demodulators.
a What is the significant of QAM? 03 BTL1 Remembering
9 Explain the operation of 8 QAM transmitter and receiver using a
b 10 BTL1 Remembering
block diagram and truth table.
Explain the method of generation of QAM and the demodulation of
a 08 BTL1 Remembering
the same.
For a BPSK modulator with a Carrier frequency of 70 MHz and an 02+
input bit rate of 10 Mbps, determine the maximum and minimum 01+
b BTL6 Creating
upper and lower side frequencies, draw the output spectrum, 01+
determine the minimum Nyquist bandwidth, and calculate the baud 01
Design its bandwidth efficiency and compare it with other M-ary
11 13 BTL6 Creating
PSK schemes.
Determine the following: (i) Peak frequency (ii) Minimum 01+
a bandwidth (iii) Baud, for FSK signal with a mark frequency of 49 01+ BTL5 Evaluating
12 kHz, space frequency of 51kHz, and input bit rate of 2 kbps. 01
With neat constellation diagram, explain the operation of QAM 08+
b BTL5 Evaluating
transmitter. List out its merits over PSK 02
Explain the working of 16 QAM transmitter with a block diagram
13 and 13 BTL1 Remembering
necessary diagrams.
If a digital message input data rate is 8 kbps and average energy per
14 a bit is 0.01 units. Find the bandwidth required for transmission of the 06 BTL4 Analysing
message through BFSK, BPSK, QPSK.
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b Compare the various digital modulation schemes 07 BTL4 Analysing
Determine the baud, minimum bandwidth and bandwidth efficiency for 08
BTL4 Analysing
1 an 8-PSK system operating with an information bit rate of 24kbps.
Infer the constellation diagram of 8-QAM and 16 QAM. 07 BTL4 Analysing
A data bit sequence consists of the following string of bits 10 11 10 10.
2 Analyze and draw the nature of waveform transmitted by BPSK 15 BTL5 Evaluating
In a digital communication system, the bit rate of a bipolar NRZ data
sequence is 1 Mbps and carrier frequency is 100 MHz. Design by 15
3 BTL6 Creating
determining the symbol rate of transmission and the bandwidth
requirement of the communications channel for M- ary PSK System.
Draw the QPSK and 8-QAM wave forms for the bit stream
4 1001110001010101 15 BTL4 Analysing
Note: If needed discard the bits to a minimum extend.


Entropy, Source encoding theorem, Shannon fano coding, Huffman coding, mutual information, channel
capacity, Error Control Coding, linear block codes, cyclic codes - ARQ Techniques
Q.No Question Level Competence
An event has six possible outcomes with probabilities 1/2,
1/4,1/8,1/16,1/32,1/32.Find the entropy of the system (OR) Consider a
discrete memory less source with source alphabet (s0,s1,s2) and with their
1 BTL5 Evaluating
respective probabilities ( P0=1/4, P1=1/4, P2=1/2). Find the entropy of the
source. (OR) Calculate the entropy of four possible messages {Q 1, Q2, Q3,
Q4} which is transmitted with probability {1/8, 3/8, 3/8, 1/8}
2 Define Entropy. (OR) Write down the expression for entropy BTL1 Remembering
3 Define FEC BTL1 Remembering
4 What is Hamming code? BTL2 Understanding
5 What is prefix coding? BTL2 Understanding
6 Define code redundancy BTL1 Remembering
7 Define code variance BTL1 Remembering
Point out the properties of mutual information. (OR)Define mutual
8 BTL4 Analysing
information and mention its properties.
9 Define channel capacity of a discrete memory less channel BTL1 Remembering
Find the entropy of the source X={x1,x2} with the equal message
10 BTL3 Applying
11 What are linear block codes? BTL2 Understanding
Show that if Ci, and Cj are two code vectors in the (n,k) linear block code,
12 BTL3 Applying
then their sum is also a code vector with an example.
13 Show that C={000,001,101} is not a linear code. BTL3 Applying
Find the hamming weight of 10110 and the hamming distance between
14 BTL5 Evaluating
1010 and 0000.
15 Give the error correcting capability of a linear block code. BTL4 Analysing
16 Check and modify LBC (6,3) for hamming, when d min is 4. BTL6 Creating
17 Point out the properties of cyclic codes. BTL4 Analysing
18 What is error control code? BTL2 Understanding
19 Define syndrome BTL1 Remembering

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20 When a binary code is said to be cyclic code? BTL4 Analysing

UNIT -IV [PART-B] Question Mark Level Competence
a State the Source coding theorem and explain. 06 BTL1 Remembering
b State the properties of mutual information 07 BTL1 Remembering
A Source generates five messages mo,m1,m2,m3,m4 with
probabilities 0.55,0.15,0.15,0.10 and 0.05 respectively. The 04+
2 successive message emitted by the source is statistically 04+ BTL4 Analysing
independent. Determine code words for the message using 05
Shannon Fano Algorithm and Huffman. Compare their efficiency.
Encode the following messages with their respective probability
using basic Huffman algorithm
3 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 BTL2 Understanding
1/2 1/8 1/8 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/32 1/32
Calculate the efficiency of coding and comment on the result.
Give the Huffman code for a discrete memory less source with
4 probability statistics (0.1, 0.1,0.2,0.2,0.4} and discuss about its 13 BTL4 Analysing
code variance
5 Describe the concepts of channel capacity in detail. 13 BTL2 Understanding
The generator polynomial of (7,4) cyclic code is given by
6 a G(D)=1+D+D2.Compute all the non-systematic code words with 13 BTL2 Understanding
necessary steps.
Construct an Encoder for (7,4) Linear block code and also 06+
7 BTL6 Creating
construct a suitable syndrome decoder for the same and explain. 07
Explain a syndrome calculator for (7,4) cyclic code generated by
a the polynomial g(x)=x3+x+1. Calculate the syndrome for received 07 BTL4 Analysing
8 vector 1001101.
Analyse about the cyclic encoder for the same (7,4) cyclic code
b 06 BTL4 Analysing
and obtain code vector for the message vector 1100.
For a (6,3) systematic linear block code, the three parity-check bits
c4,c5 and c6 are formed from the following equations: c4=d1+d3,
c5=d1+d2+d3, c6=d1+d2 03+
9 (i) Write down the generator matrix. (ii) Construct all possible 06+ BTL5 Evaluating
generator matrix. (iii) Suppose that the received word is 01011. 04
Decode this received word by finding the location of the error and
the transmitted data bits.
Consider a systematic block code whose parity check equation are
P1=m1+m2+m4; P2=m1+m3+m4; P3=m1+m2+m3; P4=m2+m3+m4.
Where mi is the message digits and Pi are the parity digits. 06+
10 (i)Find the generator matrix and the parity check matrix for this 02+ BTL5 Evaluating
code 05
(ii)How many errors can be detected and corrected?
(iii)If the received code word is 10101010, find the syndrome.
The generator matrix for a(6,3) block code is given below.
Calculate all possible the code words
11 1 0 0 1 1 0 13 BTL3 Applying
G = 0 1 0 1 0 1
0 0 1 0 1 1
Five source message are probable to appear as m1= 0.4 , m2= 0.15, 06+
12 BTL5 Evaluating
m3= 0.15, m4=0.15 and m5=0.15. Evaluate coding efficiency by 07
RM &SN/IT EC8394 Page | 10
using the following algorithms (i) Shannon - Fano (ii) Huffman .
State the relationship between mutual information and channel
13 13 BTL1 Remembering
capacity and also derive the expression for mutual information.
Write short notes on ARQ Techniques and discuss its merits &
14 13 BTL2 Understanding

The generator polynomial of a (15,11) Hamming code is given by g(a)= 08
1 1+x+x2. Design encoder and syndrome calculator for this code using + BTL5 Evaluating
systematic form. 07
The source of information A generates the symbols { A0, A1, A2, A3
and A4 } with the corresponding probabilities {0.4,0.3,0.15,0.1 and
2 15 BTL5 Evaluating
0.05}. Encoding the source symbols using binary encoder and Shannon-
Fano encoder and compare its efficiency.
Consider a systematic cyclic code (7, 4) with generator polynomial 02
x3+x2+1. Determine the following. 1). Generator Matrix 2). Parity 02
3 BTL5 Creating
Check Matrix 3). Decoding table 4).Verify the received vector 05
1101101 for error and correct it, if any error. 06
The generation polynomial of a (15,11) Hamming code is defined by
g(x)= 1+x+x4. Develop the encoder and syndrome calculator for this
code, using a systematic form for the code. Generate the code word for
4 15 BTL6 Creating
the message vector (1111 1111 111) using the developed encoder. Find
the output of the designed syndrome calculator for the received code
word (1111 1111 1111 111).


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) - Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) – Cellular
Concept and Frequency Reuse - Channel Assignment and Handover Techniques - Overview of Multiple
Access Schemes - Satellite Communication - Bluetooth.
Q.No Question Level Competence
What is near far effect in a CDMA system? (OR) Draw the block diagram
1 BTL2 Understanding
of CDMA transmitter and receiver.
Define the term frequency reuse factor in a cellular communication
2 BTL1 Remembering
Why are hexagons employed to model coverage areas of mobile
3 BTL4 Analysing
4 What are the steps involved in handoff process? BTL3 Applying
5 What is Bluetooth technology?. Mention its application. BTL2 Understanding
6 Differentiate GSM over CDMA. BTL4 Analysing
7 Mention the Coverage range of Bluetooth? BTL3 Applying
8 Compare TDM and FDM. BTL5 Evaluating
9 Compare the function of HLR and VLR. BTL4 Analysing
10 Illustrate the function of MSC. BTL3 Applying
11 Discuss about BSS. (OR) Describe about BTS. BTL2 Understanding
12 Mention the three most commonly used multiple accessing schemes. BTL3 Applying
13 Define BSC. BTL1 Remembering
14 Criticize the need for EIR. BTL5 Evaluating
15 Define OMC. BTL1 Remembering
16 List the Services of GSM. BTL2 Understanding

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17 What is the various handovers carried out in GSM? BTL1 Remembering
18 Formulate the channel assignment. BTL6 Creating
19 What is FDMA? BTL1 Remembering
20 What are all the essential components of GSM? BTL1 Remembering

UNIT -V [PART-B] Question Mark Level Competence
1 Explain the architecture of GSM with a neat diagram. 13 BTL1 Remembering
Explain the function of each block in GSM also the advantages
2 13 BTL2 Understanding
and disadvantages of GSM.
Describe the working of global system for mobile
a 06
3 communication
BTL4 Analysing
Briefly explain the concept of frequency reuse and channel
b 07
4 Illustrate the concepts involved in CDMA Techniques. . 13 BTL3 Applying
Differentiate the important functions of between 1G, 2G and 3G
5 13 BTL4 Analysing
cellular networks.
Explain the concept of cellular topology and cell fundamentals
6 13 BTL1 Remembering
with examples.
Describe about the following : i) Orthogonal codes 03+02+
7 04+04 BTL1 Remembering
ii) Hand off iii) Channel assignment iv)Cell splitting
What is need for multiple access techniques? Explain the various
a 10 BTL4 Analysing
classifications of multiple access techniques in detail.
Briefly discuss the process of channel assignment in cellular
b 03 BTL2 Understanding
9 Compare TDMA, FDMA and CDMA techniques. 13 BTL5 Evaluating
10 Discuss in detail about cellular concept and frequency reuse. 13 BTL2 Understanding
Outline the principles of channel assignment and handover
11 13 BTL2 Understanding
techniques in CDMA.
Explain the principle of working of satellite communication with
a 08 BTL3 Applying
12 a block diagram.
b Briefly explain about the Bluetooth technology. 05 BTL3 Applying
Discuss in detail about Bluetooth technology. Create your own
13 13 BTL6 Creating
application with neat diagram.
Explain in detail about the function of each layer in a Bluetooth
14 13 BTL1 Remembering
Briefly discuss how the cellular communication has evolved over 15
1 BTL5 Evaluating
different generation of technology.
Identify the Multiple Access used in digital cellular system and 15
2 explain in detail and also mention the technique used in analog BTL5 Evaluating
cellular system.
List the various application and types of satellites for satellite
a 06+02
communication and explain with a real time application.
3 BTL6 Creating
Choose one application and recommend the implementation of
b 7
blue tooth technique and explain its working principle.
4 Interpret the protocol architecture of GSM services in detail. 15 BTL6 Creating

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