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I come from a business family and my business revolves around manufacturing

and processing of fabrics. . Mahabir Dyeing and Printing Mills is a family run
private limited company. Its primary business operations include trading and
manufacturing of cotton textiles The main products manufactured by the
company include cotton – printed sarees, dyed and printed blouse pieces and
ROLL NO: 117
FMB and1st yeardress
printed DIV: B
TOPIC: What are the various skills required to manage employees in your family busines
The company is situated in India, Mumbai. The two factories manufacturing its
products are located in a district close to Mumbai named Dombivali. The firm not
only operates domestically but also has management operations internationally.
The business is run by my father Mr. Subhash Ganeriwal as he is the Managing
Director of the company and the family is in business for more than 25 years.

Employees are the backbone of any business therefore it is essential to

understand their requirements and manage them in an efficient manner for the
growth of the business. Managing employees is the most difficult task for any
business. My firm is characterized by the determination of employee’s tasks and

As managing employees is a tedious task, hence there are various skills a firm
has to adapt in order to effectively administer employees. The most basic skill
required is to understand what motivates the workforce, build employee
productivity and satisfaction. As my firm has various employees hence it is vital
to plan, organize and delegate work to them according to their caliber so that
they are able to do the task proficiently. The various types of skills required by
Mahabir Dyeing & Printing Mills are mentioned below:

Leadership skills- It is the ability of a firm to influence, motivate and lead

employees towards achieving a common goal. The manager should possess the
right leadership skills so as to lead their staff towards the growth and
development of business. The firm can have supportive leadership as this could
facilitate employees to work in different situations. The manager of the company
needs to be democratic leader wherein employee participation is given great
importance and they are a part of decision-making process. The manager of my
firm must encompass Transformational leadership style given that the people
who possess this style are true leaders and inspire and support employees with a
shared vision of future business.

Management skills- There are 4 basic management skills that lead to successful
business namely planning, organizing the teams, tasks in order to get the work
done, directing employees the method in which the work should be done and
lastly control or supervising the work done. Firstly creating a positive and
pleasing enviournment in the firm will instinctively make the employees enjoy
their job and be motivated to perform better. Checking the performance of
employees is also important so as to improve their productivity. Secondly,
communicating effectively with employees plays a vital role in managing and
operating a business. The hub of any firm are its people and their functions,
henceforth it is imperative to assign duties to them that are clearly defined. This
is one way of managing employees in my company. The key to successful
management lies in controlling conflict. Conflict cannot be eliminated from either the
business or the interpersonal activities of the enterprise. A measure of the
organization's success is the degree to which conflict can be exposed and procedures
applied to evade them. It is essential to balance the needs of the employees as
individuals with those of the company so as to keep the employees pleased and
productive. The firm provides its staff with safety equipment and the machinery are
properly maintained so that the employees feel safe at the workplace. Issues like
racism and rudeness among peers is not accepted by the firm and immediate measures
are taken if issues related to employees occur.

Motivational skills- It is one of the four drivers of individual behaviour and

performance and an integral component of employee engagement. Thus it leads to
company’s competitiveness. This skill is required since it inspires individuals to work
both individually and in groups. Motivational skills that includes Maslow’s Needs
Hierarchy Theory has been used by the organization to a great extent. It comprises of
five basic factors i.e. physiological needs like basic amenities of food, air, water etc at
the bottom. Then comes the safety need that includes secure and stable working
enviournment and protection from danger. In my firm safety needs refers to the need
for safe job, fringe benefits and job security. Next stage up is Belongingness wherein
the management interacts with employees and understands their feelings. In the firm
this need affects the desire for good relationship with peers, participation in group and
a positive relationship with supervisors. Esteem needs include self-esteem, which the
firm gives its employees in the form of recognition for there is any personal
achievement along with respect from the management. In my firm this need reflects a
motivation for recognition, an increase in responsibility, high status and appreciation
for contribution to the firm. And on the top is self- actualization wherein the
employees realize their own potential and capabilities and are desire for self-
fulfillment. The organization gives opportunities to employees to grow and be
creative to meet the needs of the organization. Employees perform in an efficient
manner only if managers motivate them effectively. By combining good motivational
practices with meaningful work, the setting of performance goals along with valuable
reward system, a good atmosphere and culture can be created that is required to excel.
Motivating employees through monetary and non-monetary incentives is a method
that is applied by my firm for the employees to be satisfied with their job and be more
prolific. There are some people who get motivated by monetary incentives which
involves granting reward in terms of money such as a commissions, bonuses whereas
some get motivated by encouraging them by providing autonomy in their job and
participation in decision making, assigning challenging tasks, improving working
conditions and getting recognition for their hard work. People are motivated by unmet
needs and these varies from person to person according to their particular
circumstances, values and beliefs, family, education, personality, and work experience
etc. It is important to consider the role of individual characteristics because different
individual needs and interests have to be compromised with the organizations.
The management should practice interpersonal communication given that it is a
foundation for all actions in the organization and it gives the manager an opportunity
to build relationships with the overall workgroup. Working with diverse group of
individuals requires tremendous amount of interaction. This would lead to a friendly
atmosphere in the firm. Managing employees is a complicated task but if done in
well-organized manner could be handled effortlessly. Thus taking all the factors in
consideration it is clear that there are three types of skills that are required in my
organization in order to manage employees namely leadership, management and
motivational skills.

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