Management Science Unit 1 PDF

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iL “ Ont-5 oO : ponceraietey mtd eee ee Srtvoduction + Ot hadbean o Commen Sight Hat alt those who wert tn fa business Wwers not Successhul. Similadly , those who were top once ase no where today - Ex: HMT worckes, NOKIA, VIDEOCON, BPL, Hindustam Motors OC + Commented, these who were novice once Upen a time ase today onthe Pinnacles of Success. Cai- RTNL Cvizeg steel Plant)» sce (aS, 0" °F + wohy does this hopper f is eae roe dight duccnuen will PUA Yo upin Lhe , mate do, in businan, + Wwe abso tind Hat certain businen heute , as oth as Contuary, Continue ke be Auccumbul trepectiue % charges dn Lustre entan- _yrant. Exi- Cocacola, pepsi, 3M, Gm ee - ~Momagterant Skille & Practicns enbust hary fucen- @ of [ Debinittions rt prensa tetany 2s* fen Si ae a ASIN pate ‘ na manage dot. 9 Sayer to Ha body ob Peoria en Comcasnad eveth daciston weatod i ; _— Henry Poget > 4 Managierunt hots o Aetukion te He day to — 45, eee in ous Chactic wold. ___ Tom peters a a Soviet prown of, Planning » Ogenisi ai Nature amd Featus Seapeeegggee oe loEt) Fallp ia te Kiners nota datath of ‘whak mamagerant 2 (W Momagement i a Serial Protx we p ony D Managment i mecact Science WO Mamagement i Situational in nakist- (D Mawagemant tt Onniprosent ¢ Onivessal - 6 Moma gerne vt am ‘Art’ and “Sciente’ - WD Momagement 21 a Profersion. SB Management is tompler- WD Mamogement Ss inter disccplinory to) Monogiment sos fous types of Adscusces+ W Managemant % a Social Procys -— : & . Bear Ten a fou 4 coiled Social prrcare Any civety takes place ae ae Management is a Serial pown ax Accidy Comprais e Ailperent Propeniens nuts on dectoys, ergivunts, Lawyers, Poleticians, hewrewives , Student ard aduninistratorg User Principles 12 planning , cootdimadtig , Commnmumicating amd cortlling in Hair dog te doy Like te baceme Auccenbull. Wy Momagement 14 on integral port of the Aerie, ie Wetheut manasomed He Acciety and Peeple are not fuceembul- Conuartely, WetHeut Peeple, you can't sen anc Practin ef managamant « Uh Thind Yeaters ts sory \ Ja a dottol Prewin’ Gs ONL the managers in ditterent Lovals Gy ofgamiotion coetk with and HRteugh te People. Management ig not temeiting ushich Fappers amneng fous walls. @ Mowagernant alte denstes o bely of people involial Sm decision-making . When an institution i very well tun, He whele cretld Heightaht, Ye deciaions made by ha teplaval mramagnentnt « Exi- Snbetys aed Musity, Facebook *Zukapbusg , pepsi s Indea Nuyl ond TeIcr's chamda kochus , ese ase atl admired dist Heor quodity decision-making + @ Mamogeront u tnexack Science >— Manogemint Princtples ase not Lika as track as 4ciaince ot may, Df you WALb a Progtamme fot a Given Problem , it will werk and gene same eutpat $e% a given inpak- Menta Science) mates 4 accurate « Buk 22 not accutotn + Exe A Supermasket which t not Yurning Succerpul, launched a Schama te attvact wove nord, Customers. The Customer coho buys Rt 2000 coorth goods will be Fiuena PMA Gupen. 3b hay collock spcoupera) wil Get, Robt cae) AS Yk is cethya chive » old tha house holds bought prem this eee ee 2 a Aucterpul. De you think if there 1 _— Leones Aecienbel Shan eet Ooh ca gnuaeree i , Pinreigely, we » oes ae — Managemart if not ch exack 4 a oo pe aa end as Cecenca + but ty mancgemtnd 14172 (ia ceteee 8 tase inate é washe dha oe Bede el CH) Managemtnt Ht Situational i nabseei— toat-) e8 ia he same style of management Comnot wtk pipseben all the Hime the Chowge tothe tdu)k het tte Aowre en calls oe tha Uunque achen- Extn Initiodad a Price ot ef, 207. on Hee medalr te enhonca Gables . ob H wetkseut, doesn’t maa that dales weld mount Ne detuakeral Pnxnatuad- youmadr GS ctanshul wamagonnent Primctples a om et gorstoken one implionencted ory wht re din His wet + ‘ Exi- EDLP CEvenydog Lee prea) Shelter by toalmost Copred by mony distantStoves ond improved Rain Loler . ©) Management i both geen amd Ave F— Chagauerishck of Sbnte + th 9bi8 a body of Knowledge of faces @ Ob establishes care h elpeck Selo bership ui 9 BR Logie, Keiedtidic ig GOrQrd iy 9 trvetwas bosic principles rb a Lrinersatly applicable Ww F aapa de: predcek He dates overs e | Monagernent otso Srvolves 14 Principia of mramagernenr (Ab nragas, you | cal Onity A command = Cnebett & one Command - aa rould Lecivs Ko Inatosuctions fone tie Sem . fe Each Subpetdinate 4 ~ Db a aubetdancts gobs bubruction “Rot ehcs seas jl rat gob Ba tea - Mamagereacd establishes Conse efpect Velaro ie uh He oubpik it nd os thay expected undur a situaken thok daleaion ont. nik peid Bfrtints Heve etbet = Employee olf i not upts He expectation Sh Comm = didn’ pay dabasiae ontimt (oyt fauauymenth) . Bila lata gone aces it tah ganas Unni opplicalele , arenes a a $Oo + Chena cheaish's of om Ay i— Art it Chasactenised by Practical knowladge , cvaadivily and Skil). acide gem Prnciice , one baton. ee cactistic. £0, Management i abo an ost psyou den'r get principles unlen you Practice well Prac Every eA Te not a vnotew im mawagemenh. NM ore PhD 0. 8Ces wove » will) bolomre matter In mansgierest Hone mawagoenonh Yh GIA Acionte g Avs They art foe Aidan df “Aame Coin: ca) 7 Tt ik Compler 7 sor ‘ La comoptee AMS Managers Se vey Aticulr to take - Lascaienk one Aifhicutt boacctune 4 a Fuse Rearens wp wiak— chi 4 (GB Uncertain — Unpredictable Yesult » : pila Co*) maamuspechusing Exi- Chih Technica! offices (Cre) af a Autom Company 14 im a position te “aelad- ove 4 te bast ston WH Deesel version which grees Sy as kmpl UW Lew Priced Petri version ch Electoie Cat - Leck 1 Como Smagcne if you BRE in CTD'S place, hich ome eee dactrivn give omy jumsanciue wn dusters Yor SMM Mids will decide the tate 4 your burinin: O decision. Hence , Momagerntns ia Complae (D Momagemnrank a Profession? — Ma ie a Profarsion Lika Enginaasing and maedicing + Dt genes a cope fet advantad R2ICAtCH cin a Becartigic momnsh + Managenint ka Propenienal on tb gouatnad ley Code f airichs Sh avramager Victatas He code coduck, he Con be digminted thom og” @ Mamagenntrt i iterdisciplinoty eps eee Discipline woons, 4ebgect a field Shady toh how 1. a. bane ad rr RPE eT Management £0 Combination G douatal sbsecte bike EConentcs + acres § consumption £ Production from eerromies + (Dierentiation & Swbegtation duew io Raeedsess : » cema PERT prem oparakers Remeatch le Phycholagy (Study of ann individual's behowiey), | Hance aulita cistiplinsn ate ebigdble to apply ® Shady! (>) Mamagament haa -fouw types of Yebouscas 2 + Mamagowint has Ip i's — Men , Machiinss tha job @, cary movaye te Se meena thane ums te ackiewe Cvganisakenc! goals. Tmnpottama of Managemnamt We facilitates He ach @ a : sake ety te abun Se eee ‘ suet sar x 7 Miler he! ete se hart yeseutcas id eres ae: Hence , effective - Su x With Stary Diese : 4 ensuee -efhectiue eae een G ) 9b traures wing & Ovgoniaing skulle on Q Mesourcen Amooky Sailing Rites gps Aa Leng as og” Bi Q ditsicutties — ee ee eae yn naa! ee ; ads much Significant . But Bnby ae mawagerr ap dilbiclprthaabions. As Like Pp Ly mamayers Cam tningorst 9 Gail @ Skip ohen Rou ace no-tdes « Ae et a ee eee Jousney cron Ib More are ony ake Sete Smecth $ HRasw vole im ovg™ H also Eke o chines + £0, Managers GB) St trauses Contivusily & We O79”: — tohow key De, rae nanespy, iNew eon boing @ 42huakion hot am org collapac. “rty tnsuse Contant finding tbat fot cuory ghtasens Bea tly by ag Exe Retam Tate jderdifiad Sysus muster o+ Ata veplacemenh Mp Yxs advan, (Ht Lnsusen economy & epeccenty i= sha mamagers the Plan , Crotdinats cond conted) He Pregsen vetk and 4 ri Continusmraly Yorolls £6 real Spicienty Comore dr) PY LS © St focureren grorp elect 7 Ob gach prdaviduol 6 ‘allewad to Plan and organise indopendarstly Q whak otters are dow Fpiaaa wal aot shee aes , sdar amd divect gouP ether = (6) aes the kay te Leoremic geroth t— aha tomer caveleprart Qa country Leagaly deponds on te quality dQ mamagemninl Gy ih Apeoatin Capited investmenh oF Jateat technology atone con't lead the nahon to economic grout « So, Managers prduces jaatth log Hraiy economic actuitios LKQ uperts yeoults 1 | clined eategh eee ee and od of Living « Challenges to Management + jcinatien : fe te Li jor Privoctinan,, : Qacveosing OP; o> ob ae cera) ; BH changing Likedyles and values - Ch Srevensing Like-eepactanty — sonte diyrenty Bb 284 Pearle no) Blip enna eed one a ; W3 Exeding businim etic (WH Dephating fmencel and Tm rantie) Searet Ge’ o>) Predick un catheiviches cat speak response nO pars Cartee, leer ree eae © Fumetions of Management i ote oh ramager are dome ivvespective of rakes (manu of sacwee) SERS ( Svmalll | mediuws) Lasge Scale) of om ovganitah St 24 mecemary te undutttand and Practica the ¢ ers mramagemant furck Eo Probersional win enalt sight. Ps ieee + Ditkesent Manageynent Hinkees, Prachonans, pleneam and Scholes ProPesed ditbtrent funchens Q managemimt differently « + Accesdimgle keowta + Mgmt funchons art Planning organising, stabbing divecking ) Leading £ Controlling « Foyd\ Planning, Organising , Copvdinak , divekag @ Commoners Omd hwy ys Motivation, Leadurttup @ Communt calion “ are mdispensiblefunchons € manogch. + Buk “Lucker Gullick Proposed mumagerntnt funchions enith on albravici SPospcora’ i.e Planning, Organising, Galting , Divechvy , Coreelleng, Reporting amd Budgehing - » AS Gullick merdionad fumchions im cluded oll chee Pospcora become Move Pepulow. ; se R all takes place > + Hewenat, Ropeching A Budgeting art youtinapemcions : a all Pospe. 40, We Com Ondasstond Hot managemtsb funchers P, 0) SB, fo- Elton mayo, } Pienaoss Vierod, Se fmportert functions : ‘ a Planning i 9 Athens te deciding vow what it te be done tn Ke fulare Es 1 Sb byidges the gap betwear Present & fibuin- sf ee . The corporate goals set he ditechen for Phunning- Rett + Planning invelves trsertially A= Stages - ae ) Selecting he best Course @ achion + Plamning tds with Selection o” decision-making : + Planning 1A alto debined as teleching th best Counse Gatien fe 2S geen goals: $ df sta flan 3 Fine, it Lendl ta poor vesudls, Lek mo Homnirg 4 Vaty dangerous - Tt ‘dds fue) to five. » Plams should be ofyarionad , Hlecble ( acwineble + Plans ose Peavastive jnvadvye { Grist of all levels im 0g") “Types of Plana 2— a am Fotecom ; Be cc palnie ae sa) Futuse based on Prasert & Past G objedives: tay specihy what & tebe dors See dk peor Re det tet both aa depen ee B Policies : Tey speriby whet to de and oh as : Sli an ea guidelines tee, 2 ) Programmes: Rey ane Saties of achvit - Schedssdes : They Speciby activities t be ss (WY Strategies :- St ie a Lest Counse of action ionplonented 4 wn "vaste competitor Lo : : chieve plyectives. (ew Budget :- Plows eee in Quantitative gears fae cabled Rudgeta(oo Plam df, expendstase/yy Called budge. Q Organtang db Veber to He Pree *% grouping He ek Bi iiing Hatta revere et nS ee oe + 94 wan anentios -fusctirm Hat di vik by idectitying and lanibytng necasy AFRO. ae : » Rospensrbili, be bined om eaomy oat be Bo wh Sek He Gamdond peshermanca Y Expected peafpemanta) Gy Mensuse the achuat present peer ee vz Compare athial Us Standard Pospotnance » Pore are daria ors » ae Untknr yok means « Sciewlibic Managemint yy . + Applying sciamcifce prrmecpls do aetue busnen Managem, Problors 4 catled Seber fee ed « : ° 3t U moan te develop Uwameg ge, omer hun ap ger Letter vesult,- diseosdt pule > = Two 2mincnt pier we ted te Sciertibte managimers. Two 2 pieneess rk 1 ( Fattes 4 ete mgt) Ww Few. Toyo & Henny Foye ie E apprene, Eee . Fw Tayleh who Stasted is cases o+ eh fle to He level & Cy la wined fhe eng) rere Seton te “chop supesttonders OL a werk oriented oppreach- : «Henry Fayel, whe wos avin Sr Bee ee tethe Career as a errgirest i hy dads mh Om fern toh devel of Céo- He understood Kes CALA O-~ Tayler gave 607. higher ws: ee eee ee he areal Ay. OVo8 a period J -fe, a whe 42 im both Ne&mal me, all Yho poople a Houp & Lxporimental : sodewnes) day output. group achiened « Management olio bovehihed Wwitk materi! hamdleng cost Yeductien by spy and the coorkess hecoume hi producltve. With Ye Yesult, a work}erce d, Iyo coutd-ake case £ enhive work (hich wor rasliey done by yoo—boe Workast). Ouécones of this expertrant 2 Toylor wards te demonstrate omouttye world that anauctege Wworko® Can pesbeton béttar i, trey weae given propor training: (From the above exph, we Should Understand tot He oubpot (was increased from 2stenrus te Zotennss, not because ce Ztke shovel, ib war becouse training ) GD Replace Thre wage vate Slew (employens ons paid based or Terms) by Pree wage vate sytem ( Poy it based on a piecad oosk dens) iy Taylor Cevvidet thot opemiens cund quan nerk has te ba aeplaced by fact. ‘ Civ) Al Unnecomang adivddics matte pe eliminated boy emqloyng ent best method 4 doe ha yet : i ae Beige wclcliby he dene A eae Ww Management 4 u EL aieudd nok Lebh Ie wrotheds 2 doing jot bet inbliahen G worker x aun orgr should divicle ite wv ini ek = reir De Hone, sperlineton “i Fe icthiogpee = aarti e wa Eps by sciecttic monogemunk « os ag domonstrated & Proved iw pee cae : (1 Oey Pal Ralnges veduaah oy Sh) WW drion Whirns & forties must be avoided . dy Madual trush & Cooperation ase Yoguired te get benahie trem Siectdie manasemeik + WH Disasd vole § thule» wv amararrainerince re i net Sees) ee : seiavdific remagemnert ve prijch ore Shared by), & To step worryorg abe wager & Prdth « ® Work more . €atn me abitionas A WH Digcard vote Btu 7 ae W) Acaph tha now meireds & Benihits from Sciewtibic managortnt vw aa Gy Positive leadeuhip at shepfleer: ace Ws dt helpe to moasuse tothe A procter es (Wy Tt the base for mang « wosk Shudy ea thaony X AY + . work design & Dob 4s a theory Z by oucht: Grikcio of seitmlibic Menagpentet he aoa Such O% 9 Ignores chad only Production 2°2 - @ Si Abuisn a Seeds ey» ercligic Mawagerreyy j General principles iy ‘Fahey 9 Modstw pangytert Piers Foye) S a f o| whe was popular o* les to be -follewed boy Princ pls Reavy For developed Iq Prinete new art called geruel W Diviter of work }= ja to be a i i chilly H Om ot vejers te ight te give mes , Rosper® ne pask dae evnploy 24 by Complcte 0. gusta dets aucioitly & Raspormebility held Convo eee enh ie Rosponsibility ule ——? jRe ge leas , Responsibility H move —7 Frustration te ahenld be im -2gurlibet inn « accomplish goals: nity of divection 2- y 3 Ae crguntad ol ge lOO etait Ha de —rents , thane theuld be Goanign action Har ie Sigle acts 9 9 cach dapactment set their independant poth to achiou, og” goals, no fruitfd Sasi occemst- As ~ cooperahion fi Coots, nation among Adperet acher plan Ly dilhorent depostrant. Everybody gach to achieve off” goats. Hence, Hare thould Bk Stegle Common action plan foe all He depastrerts in 0%'- ) ) Suberdinationd, individual ntessir te Rou pbesost F— the tnterest 4 ona ompleyes theuld nih doke preotky over the interest J an otg% at a Whole . pn chat words, O19” geols theuld bo given more inpettance hom Pessenal goals @) Scalar chain :- % K a -fotmel vreprese tobion fh how authorify flows from Hop te bottem. President ot Céo Pekses tighe® curthevily than divatling Supasriser. 9+ also expleins Aa upword, devenwasd and Crem Comrruricobon ‘goalabenshp stability of tenmure of Portennel -— gt stverses to averd frapuant trametem J awpleyoes elects Hay get sottte in date gel. Fragusrt tramsfess males ‘ee Jnyee rs rd few mekale In gol- Peahetmownte « olisah authority ?— one ee eye cadrolisad only usher uncaben i= Oe the senso ot bi attest cord Ueeraete tice possible, commie tine pes ee ha tea standard o% ving, Quotity a Lalous, usiner Condriions seaceetd 4 buenos should be comadased In daterminirg sate 2 Poy oc aan tag er ight place - At packentel. cdi perrla valebes te Scere theutd pur sogaties placing right mar in aight jot bring. best Results « Ae \ RY WD Equity :— Deeling wih fe employers theuld be 4o-faiy and do spon hak Wey will reinferca Keir Commitmant Ae the etganiration. Be Kind and foiv 40 em. Managae should be equidistant rom the 4uberdinatir . @ W) Cervtrabtation of ardhoriby >— (repeated) Ar Oganisction i dald to be Cantralized only when he decision makerg Prwoss O42 Yetaineds at Re top level. he degace ob Crtralization 4 detetninad by Ye needs f ha Company = Ae sire, quali, 2 Workers, Corbrilling mottnds , Wamogdment policy Oe. ee be Lower Leuels it called decantve— Advantages , Contvalizehon dies, e Gui detinien—waking os auttorly ¥ net delegated diy Onifetin inplimertation § policies diy Motivate do mancgelt - git -da-Ccotps °— sens C4 Espirs rai Hanan cork, implying hot ose ie urihy eit de—coepe 5% french army Slogan * din stvengh- Espe® aie pad EN a Serna perpetin othan Tears by bringing 13. Sitative “the atafe Shoulda be Enouraged +o ghow = enfitio’ ive , with tthe \imits + and alls cplfone.. author t4 Moslow's Heory ~ Maslow 4 & paycholegist - he waantified human needs me bet of, ge ashe Re Concluded Hak one tol needs WO Scdishied , this Kind d need cavik eee molvaly any More. ayp ze 71 © Mrignabe cause, cha Pblum on dsawing nfo iach » <~ ©

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