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Higher 2



PHYSICS 9646/01
Paper 1 Multiple Choice 20 September 2010
Additional Materials: Multiple Choice Answer Sheet 1 hour 15 minutes


Write in soft pencil.

Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
Write your name, Centre number and index number on the Answer Sheet in the
spaces provided unless this has been done for you.

There are forty questions on this paper. Answer all questions. For each question there
are four possible answers A, B, C and D.
Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft pencil on the
separate Answer Sheet.

Read the instructions on the Answer Sheet very carefully.

Each correct answer will score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong
Any rough working should be done in this booklet.

This document consists of 17 printed pages.

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speed of light in free space, c = 3.00 x 108 ms-1

permeability of free space, µ0 = 4π x 10-7 Hm-1

permittivity of free space, ε0 = 8.85 x 10-12 Fm-1

elementary charge, e = 1.60 x 10-19 C

the Planck constant, h = 6.63 x 10-34 Js

unified atomic mass constant, u = 1.66 x 10-27 kg

rest mass of electron, me = 9.11 x 10-31 kg

rest mass of proton, mp = 1.67 x 10-27 kg

molar gas constant, R = 8.31 JK-1mol-1

the Avogadro constant, NA = 6.02 x 1023 mol-1

the Boltzmann constant, k = 1.38 x 10-23 JK-1

gravitational constant, G = 6.67 x 10-11 Nm2kg-2

acceleration of free fall, g = 9.81 ms-2

1 2
uniformly accelerated motion, s = ut + at
work done on/by a gas, W = p∆V

hydrostatic pressure p = ρgh

gravitational potential, φ =−
displacement of particle in s.h.m., x = x0 sin ωt

v = v 0 cos ωt and v = ±ω x0 − x 2
velocity of particle in s.h.m.,
resistors in series, R = R1 + R2 + …
1 1 1
resistors in parallel, = + + ...
R R1 R2
electric potential, V =
4πε 0 r
alternating current/voltage, x = x0 sin ωt

T = ex p(-2kd) Where k = 8π m(U − E )

Transmission coefficient 2
radioactive decay, x = x0 exp (-λt)
0 . 693
λ =
decay constant, t1

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1 A stationary charged object is accelerated from rest through an electric field. Given the data
below, what is the final velocity of the object (with its uncertainty)?

Charge on the object = 0.200 ± 0.001 C

Mass of the object = 200 ± 1 g
Potential Difference across the electric field = 1000 ± 20 V

A 44.721 ± 0.015 ms-1

B 44.72 ± 0.03 ms-1
C 44.7 ± 0.7 ms-1
D 45 ± 1 ms-1

2 Which of the following estimations is correct?

A The weight of a pair of school shoes is 2.0 N.

B The surface area of a standard soccer ball is 0.15 m2.
C The current drawn by a laptop is 15 A.
D The volume of a pen is 4.0 x10-3 m3.

3 A car is travelling along a straight road from rest. The graph shows the variation with time t of
its acceleration a during part of the journey.

0 V Z
X t

At which points on the graph does the car have its greatest velocity and greatest
Greatest Greatest
velocity displacement

4 A body is thrown vertically upwards in a medium in which the viscous drag cannot be
neglected. If the times of flight for the upward motion tU and the downward motion td (to return
to the same level) are compared, then

A td > tU , because the body moves faster on its downward flight and therefore the viscous
force is greater.
B td = tU, because the effect of the viscous force is the same whether the body is moving
upwards or downwards
C td < tU, because at a given speed the net force when the body is moving downwards is
greater than the net force when it is moving upwards.
D td > tU, because at a given speed the net force when the body is moving downwards is
smaller than the net force when it is moving upwards.
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5 In the figure below, a helicopter is flying with a constant horizontal speed 35.0 ms-1 and 100
m above the ground and the tank is traveling with a constant horizontal speed 15.0 ms-1 and
is 550 m away from the helicopter.


100 m

550 m

Assuming at t= 0, the helicopter and the tank is at the above position, how many seconds
later should the helicopter drop a bomb so that it will hit the tank? Ignore air resistance.

A 4.51 s B 10.2 s C 23.0 s D 27.5 s

6 Water is ejected at a speed of 50 cms-1 on a wall from the nozzle of a hose with a
diameter of 1.0 cm. Find the force exerted on the wall, assuming that the water does not
rebound. The density of water is 1.0 gcm-3.

A 5.0 x 10-3 N
B 2.0 x 10-2 N
C 2.5 x 10-2 N
D 7.9 x 10-2 N

7 A bob hangs from the ceiling of a train when the train is moving at a constant velocity. After
some time later, the train accelerates forward at 4.91 ms-2. Determine the angle of inclination
of the bob to the vertical. The mass of the bob is 200 g.

A 26.6o, with the bob moved forward

B 26.6o, with the bob moved backward
C 63.4o, with the bob moved forward
D 63.4o, with the bob moved backward

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8 Smith and Jones are skating on ice (assumed frictionless) so that they are moving with equal
speeds in the same straight line. Smith is skating backwards facing Jones. Smith throws a
ball to Jones at time t1 and receives it back at time t2. Assuming that the time of flight of the
ball is negligible, which one of the sketches below gives the correct speed-time relationship
for the two skaters?

Speed Speed

Smith Smith


t1 t2 time t1 t2

C Speed D Speed



t1 t2
time t1 t2 time

9 A uniform rod of weight 10 N is freely hinged to a wall as shown below. The rod is supported
at the other end by a cable perpendicular to the rod. If a load of 18 N is suspended at the
other end of the rod, what is the tension in the cable?



18 N

A 12 N B 16 N C 20 N D 28 N

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10 One reason why the Titanic sank was because the captain ordered that the ship continued
its course despite knowing that there were icebergs ahead. Unfortunately icebergs are much
bigger than they appear, in fact only about 10% of the entire iceberg is actually above the
sea-level. What can be said about the density of sea water as compared with ice?

A Ice has a density which is about 0.9 times that of sea water.
B Ice has a density which is about 0.1 times that of sea water.
C Sea water has a density 0.9 times that of ice.
D Ice has a lower density than water but nothing more can be said about
their relative densities.

11 The graphs below were obtained from four different experiments. Which of the shaded areas
does not have units of energy?

Experiment Graph obtained

A Power output of a
lamp Power


B Compressing a gas

0 volume
C A ball thrown
horizontally Force of air

D Motion of a space
craft away from the
Earth Gravitational field


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12 With the effect of air resistance, a cyclist and his bicycle of mass 80.0 kg can coast down a
5.0o (with respect to the horizontal) hill at a steady speed of 1.38 ms-1. If the air resistance,
Fair is proportional to the speed v so that Fair = cv (where c is a constant), then the additional
force that the cyclist must apply in order to descend the hill at a steady speed of 5.55 ms-1 is

A 107 N B 207 N C 307 N D 407 N

13 A mass m, attached to the end of an unstretched spring, is initially supported by a platform

as shown in Figure 13.1. This platform is then removed and the mass falls, eventually
coming to rest at the position shown in Figure 13. 2.

Figure 13.1 Figure 13.2

Which of the following correctly relates the changes in potential energy and heat dissipation
which may occur during the process?

A Decrease of gravitational potential = increase of elastic potential energy

energy + energy dissipated as heat
B Decrease of gravitational potential = decrease of elastic potential energy + energy
energy dissipated as heat
C Decrease of gravitational potential = increase of elastic potential energy
D Decrease of gravitational potential = increase of elastic potential energy
energy + energy dissipated as heat

14 The earth has a radius of 6.38 x106 m, and rotates on its axis once every 24 hours. At what
latitude (i.e., the angle θ in the drawing) is the tangential speed one third that of a person
living at the equator?

A 20.5o
B 30.5o
C 60.5o θ
D 70.5o

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15 Which one of the following diagrams shows the variation of gravitational force F on a point
mass and gravitational potential energy U of the mass at a distance r from another point


16 An experimental satellite on Earth is found to have a weight W when assembled before

launching from a rocket site. It is placed in a circular orbit at a height h = 5R above the
surface of the Earth (of radius R).
What is the gravitational force acting on the satellite whilst in orbit?

5 6 25 36

17 The acceleration due to free fall at the surface of Planet X was found to be equal to that at
the surface of Earth. If the diameter of Planet X were twice the diameter of Earth, what is the
ratio of the mean density of the planet to that of Earth?

A 0.25 B 0.5 C 2 D 4

18 The diagram below shows a displacement-time graph of a body performing simple harmonic




At which one of the points, U, V, W, X, Y or Z, is the body travelling and accelerating in

the opposite direction?

A U, Y B V, X C W, Z D X, Z
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19 Which of the statements is not true for a body vibrating in oscillations when damping is

A The damping force is in the opposite direction to the velocity.

B The damping force is in the opposite direction to the acceleration.
C The presence of damping gradually reduces the maximum potential energy of the
D The presence of damping gradually reduces the maximum kinetic energy of the

20 A water tank of heat capacity 5000 J K-1 contains 10 kg of water at 25 oC. What is the time
taken to raise the temperature of the water to 45 °C using a heater coil of power of 3.0 kW,
given that the specific heat capacity of 4200 J kg-1 K-1 ?

A 61 s B 280 s C 310 s D 610 s

21 A fixed mass of ideal gas undergoes a cycle of changes as shown in the figure. At which
point on the graph is the gas hottest?

22 The figure below shows a setup where a laser beam is directed towards two polaroids. The
polaroids are adjusted such that zero intensity is detected by the light sensor. Without
changing the orientation of either Polaroid A or Polaroid B, how may we adjust the setup
such that the sensor detects a non-zero intensity?

Polaroid A Polaroid B

Laser Light sensor

A Place another Polaroid between the laser and Polaroid A.

B Place another Polaroid between Polaroid A and Polaroid B.
C Place another Polaroid between Polaroid B and the light sensor.
D There is no possible method.

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23 A vibrating string fixed at two ends has a fundamental frequency of 250 Hz. When the same
string is vibrating in 750 Hz,

A it has 4 nodes.
B its wavelength is 3 times the original wavelength.
C it is vibrating in the second mode.
D its wave speed has increased by 3 times.

24 Which of the following methods would result in no change in fringe separation in a

double slit experiment, as shown below?

Light source

Single slit Double slit


A Conduct the double slit experiment in water.

B Use light of the same intensity but of different frequency.
C Keep the distance between the single slit and the screen constant, but move the double
slit closer to the single slit.
D Increasing the slit width of the double slits.

25 Which graph correctly relates the electric field strength or electric potential in the field of a
positive point charge, with a distance r from the charge?


Field Field
strength strength

0 r2


Potential Potential

0 0
1/r r
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26 Two large parallel metal plates X and Y are situated in a vacuum as shown. The potential
difference between plate X and Y is V. A negatively charged particle with charge –q is
suspended stationary midway between the 2 plates. Which of the following statements is

Plate X

charged V

Plate Y

A When V is halved, the particle will accelerate downwards with an acceleration of 0.5 g.
B When V is halved, the particle will reach plate X with kinetic energy equals 0.5 qV.
C When V is doubled, the particle will accelerate upwards with an acceleration of g.
D When V is doubled, the particle will reach plate X with kinetic energy equals qV.

27 The figure below shows a network of three resistance wires marked R1, R2 and R3. All three
wires have the same cross-sectional area A. Wire R1 has resistivity ρ and length l. Wire R2
has resistivity 2ρ and length 2 l, while wire R3 has resistivity 0.5ρ and length 2l What is the
resistance between X and Y?

ρl ρl ρl ρl
A 0.75 B 0.83 C 1.3 D 4.0

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28 Five light bulbs with difference resistances as indicated in terms of R in the diagram below
are connected to a constant voltage d.c. supply, E, as shown below. If bulb 1 blows as
shown below, what happens to the brightness of the remaining bulbs?

R 2R
Bulb 1 Bulb 2
R 2R
Bulb 5
Bulb 3 Bulb 4

Bulb 2 Bulb 3 Bulb 4 Bulb 5

A Decreases Increases Decreases Decreases
B Increases Decreases Increases Decreases
C Decreases Decreases Decreases Decreases
D Decreases Increases Decreases Increases

29 Which of the following statements is false about the circuit shown?

A When switch K is closed, as the resistance R2 increases, the balanced length l

B When switch K is open, as the resistance R2 increases, the balanced length l, remains
C When switch K is open, as resistance R1 increases, the balanced length l increases.
D Whether switch K is open or closed, changes in the internal resistance of E2 will
produce no change in the balanced length l.

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30 An electron enters a region where there are uniform electric field and magnetic field of 0.50 T
acting at right angles to its horizontal velocity v, as shown in the figure below. The electron
remained undeflected when it enters the region. When the magnetic field is switched off, the
electron immediately moved a vertical displacement of 0.15 mm in 1.0 ns. Calculate the
speed of the electron v.

A 0.85 x 103 ms-1 B 3.4 x 103 ms-1 C 150 x 103 ms-1 D None of the above

31 Five straight and parallel wires are arranged as shown in the diagram below. Wire A, C and
D carry a steady current I. Wire at B and E (at centre of wire) carry a steady current 2I.
Which of the following statements about the wire at E is correct?

A d B


A It does not experience any force.
B It experiences a force in the direction of A
C It experiences a force in the direction of B.
D It experiences a force in the direction of D.

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32 A wire of length 0.50 m, forming part of a complete circuit, is positioned at right angles to a
uniform magnetic field. The graph shows how the force acting on the wire due to the
magnetic field varies as the current in the wire is increased.


The circuit is switched off. The same piece of wire is then strummed such that it vibrates with
an amplitude of 1.5 mm and at 100 Hz.
Calculate the maximum emf induced across the wire.

A 3.00 x 10-4 V B 1.88 x 10-3 V C 1.18 V D 1.88 V


Three vertical tubes, made from copper, lead and rubber respectively have identical
dimensions. Identical, strong cylindrical magnets P, Q and R are released simultaneously
from the same distance above each tube. The magnets are observed to emerge from the
bottom of the tubes at different times.

Which line, A to D, in the table shows the correct order in which they will emerge?
Resistivity of copper = 1.7 x 10-8 Ωm
Resistivity of lead = 22 x 10-8 Ωm
Resistivity of rubber = 50 x 1013 Ωm

Emerges first Emerges second Emerges last


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34 The figure below shows the variation with time of a periodic current.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 time / ms

What is the root mean square value of the current?

A 2.50 A B 2.65 A C 2.82 A D 3.00 A

35 The diagram below shows a typical X-ray spectrum produced by a X-ray tube.

Which of the following statements is true about the x-ray spectrum?

A The continous background radiation is formed as incoming electrons lose different

amount of kinetic energy thus the wavelength of X-ray photons emitted span across a
continous spectrum.
B A high speed electron collides and knocks off an electron in an outer shell of the atom.
The vacancy in the outer shell is filled by an electron in the inner shell. A photon of
wavelength λ2 is emitted as a result of this de-excitation.
C Presence of λ1 is due to electrons losing some of its kinetic energy to be radiated out
as a single X-ray photon when it collide with the metal surface.
D The peak at λ2 in the figure above is known as K β .

36 Which of the following statements is true about excitation of electron in an atom?

A An electron will be excited as long as the incoming free electron kinetic energy is
greater than the energy difference between the initial and any other energy states of
the atom.
B Electron will be excited as long as the photon’s energy is of the same value as any of
the energy state of the atom.
C When visible white light is shone onto an insulator, electrons are excited.
D Excitation of electrons will only take place when two hydrogen atoms collide elastically.

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37 An electron whose total energy E is 6.0 eV is approaching a barrier whose height is 7.0 eV
and whose thickness is 0.60 nm. What is the transmission coefficient T for this electron?

A 3.13 x 10-4 B 5.63 x 10-4 C 2.15 x 10-3 D 4.63 x 10-3

38 A photodiode is a doped semiconductor to detect light. Which of the following statements is

true of a photodiode detector?

A Electron-hole pairs are created by each light photon absorbed in the depletion region
and the electrons will drift to the n-side and the holes will drift to the p-side.

B Electron-hole pairs are created by each light photon absorbed in the depletion region
and the electrons will drift to the p-side and the holes will drift to the n-side.

C Electron-hole pairs are created by each light photon absorbed in the entire p-n
semiconductor and the electrons will diffuse along the p-side and the holes will diffuse
along to the n-side.

D Electron-hole pairs are created by each light photon absorbed in the entire p-n
semiconductor and the electrons will diffuse along the n-side and the holes will diffuse
along to the p-side.

39 When a detector is pointed towards a radioactive sample that is 80.0 cm away and has a
half-life of 20 minutes, it gives an average count-rate of 78 s−1. In the absence of the source,
the average count-rate is 10 s−1. What average count-rate is expected 40 minutes later, with
the detector still pointed towards the sample but now located 40.0 cm away? Regard the
sample to be a point source of radiation.

A 17 s−1 B 27 s−1 C 68 s−1 D 78 s−1

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40 The nucleus of an unstable element decays by α-particle emission into a stable daughter.
The process is observed in an experiment.
y y

x x
Graph 1 Graph 2
y y

x x
Graph 3 Graph 4

Number of daughter nuclei vs time Rate of alpha emissions vs number of

parent nuclei present
A Graph 2 Graph 3
B Graph 2 Graph 1
C Graph 4 Graph 3
D Graph 4 Graph 1

End of Paper

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