Detailed Lesson Plan in English MQA-GROUP 6

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Detailed Lesson Plan in English

(MQA Method / 4A’s LP)

I. Objectives: At the end of the discussion the students are expected to:
1. identify the gerunds in the sentences;
2. define the gerunds and their functions;
3.use the correct gerunds to complete the sentences; and
4. play the educational games incorporating gerunds.
II. Subject Matter: Gerunds
References: The Grammar Book by Celce Murcia
Curriculum Software:

Materials: Laptop, LCD projector, Speaker

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preparatory Activity
1. Drill
Good morning, class! Good morning, teachers!
How are you this morning? We are fine, teachers!
Good to hear that! This morning
we will be your teachers. Before
we will start our new lesson, we will
have first an activity. I will divide the class
into four(4) groups. I am going to show you
some pictures and you shall identify what
actions they are portraying. Am I clear, class? Yes, ma’am

What can you say about the first picture? They are running teacher.
How about the second picture? They are dancing
How about the last one? She is eating, ma’am!
What do these pictures have in common? They show action, ma’am!

2. Review (PowerPoint Presentation)

Last meeting, we have learned about verbs.
To test your understanding from what we have
discussed, we will have a game. This game is called
Act and Tell. I will divide the class into two groups
One (1) representative will act out the given words
And the rest will guess the correct answer.
3. New Lesson
3.1 Motivation (Video Presentation)
I would like to request everybody to stand and
choose a partner. Together you will sing the song
that will be played.
Class, did you enjoy singing along with the video? Yes, ma’am.
As you have observed, there are gerunds
present in the video. Can you enumerate them? Drinking, eating, reading,
sleeping, dreaming and
writing, ma’am.
B. Developmental activities (MQA method)
1. Presentation of the task
This morning, we are going to discuss about
gerunds. But before that, we will first have an activity.
a. Group Task
The class will be divided according to the color of
their bracelets. Each group will answer the following
based on the video that you are going to watch.
Group 1- What is gerund?
Group 2- How do gerund functions?
b. Standards
Class, we will have a virtual exploration.
What should the students do during our
virtual exploration?
Behave and listen, teacher.
Sit properly teacher!
Very good!
Can I expect that from you, class? Yes, teacher!
Now I have here an attitude chart to give you
points if you will behave well throughout the
2. Virtual Exploration
Class, this time we will watch a video about gerunds.

3. Processing Learning/Reflecting
Class, I will give you 5 minutes to brainstorm
with your members of the group before you
will report your answers.
What is the video all about?
The video is about gerunds and
its function teacher.
What are gerunds?
Gerunds are verb which functions
as a noun, subject of the
preposition and as an adjective.
How are gerunds formed?
Gerunds are formed through
adding -ing.
What are the different functions of gerunds?
It functions as the subject
complement, direct object,
indirect object.
4. Generalization
This morning class, we have discussed
about gerunds and how it functions in a
sentence. It was clearly presented in the
video the things you need to know about gerunds.
Now class, how do gerunds function?
Gerunds function as subject,
direct object, subject complement
and object of the preposition.
That’s right. Very good!
It seems like you really understand our lesson
this morning.
C. Culminating Activities
Are gerunds important in our daily interaction? Why? Yes, ma’am
Does gerund give more vivid description on the
sentences you construct? Yes, it does, because
gerund gives more specific
description about an act.
To test your understanding about the topic,
we will have another activity. The group will
be given pieces of paper containing different
gerunds. All you have to do is to use the different
gerunds in sentences.

Analyzing Teaching Texting

Inquiring Encoding Editing
Programming Conferencing
Educating Chatting
Choose the correct gerunds to complete
the sentence.

1. ______ in the ocean has been Sharon’s passion swimming

since she was five years old.
2. Let’s go _______ at the club tonight. dancing
3. I’ve been _______ of summer all winter long.
4. Holly decided that ________ above the clouds
was the most incredible experience she’d ever flying
IV. Evaluation
5. Bill avoided ______ his math assignment because
the World timewas
Series class,
on. we will play a game.
D. Evaluation
This time class, we will play an educational game through virtual exploration. I
have here an online game about gerunds which will measure your understanding about
our lesson today. The whole class is expected to participate in the game.
IV. Assignment
Construct five (5) sentences incorporating the use of gerunds and indicates how
gerunds function in each sentences. Write it in a ½ crosswise paper.

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