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Related Literature
The students’ performance (academic achievement) plays an important role
in producing the best quality graduates who will become great leader and
manpower for the country thus responsible for the country’s economic and social
development (Ali, 2009).

A major distinction of this study from previous studies is that it focuses on

open learning (Abdullah AL-Mutairi, 2011).

They found that the member of educational board will be educated and
their impact on school is positive, for professional development it is essential for
student learning. (Robert & Sampson 2011)

They found that numerous studies have been done to identify those factors
which are affecting student’s academic performance. ( Raychaudhuri, et. al., July

It is assumed that international students from non-English speaking

backgrounds who reside temporarily in a host country for the purpose of
obtaining a degree might take even longer to obtain academic skills in the second
language, and their limited language skills might be one of the determinants
directly or indirectly influencing their academic success. Therefore, their language
proficiency might be a key factor in their academic success (Daller & Phelan,

These factors that were identified in the literature are applicable to both
domestic and international students in higher education. However, there are other
factors involved when it comes to the international students' academic
performance in higher education, since international students have unique
characteristics that distinguish them from domestic students (Li et al., 2010).

Various studies have shown that students first language play an important
part in the learning of target language (Lightbown & Spada, 2013; Rivers, 2011),

However, there is another school of thought that believes that massive

exposure to target language is required in order to maximize the learning process
for the learner (Rawan, 2016)
In social constructionism, we will be discussing the likelihood of role
played by the culture and social realities in the process of learning. This will also
shape up the factors that influence the student in adopting English language as a
medium of instructions and the factors that deviate them from using English
language in the classrooms (Fenton-Smith, 2015).

In addition to English proficiency, some culture-specific and cross-

cultural issues (e.g., academic culture shock associated with a different education
system, lecture style, and relationships between students and lecturers) have been
identified as factors that contribute to the international students' potential for
academic success (Li et al., 2010).

The most significant factor with the positive outcome on the performance
of the students is competence of students in English. Students having good
communication skills it expands the students’ performance (Abdullah, 2011).

Students demonstrate higher academic and behavior levels, have higher

aspirations, and display other positive school behaviors when parents are
knowledgeable, encouraging, and involved. It is agreed that parental involvement
can positively impact student achievement in urban schools. Findings indicate
that two significant factors affecting parents' active involvement are the time
school events or interactions are scheduled, and direct communication from the
school, such as personal invitations to attend events. The study also identifies
effective strategies to increase parental involvement applicable to similar urban
school settings. (Woo, 2009)

The pressure of the parents and other individuals upon teachers and
school administrators to improve the academic performance has enabled schools
to come up with advanced strategies. These include, promoting extra classes for
students, introducing effective teaching learning methods and instructional
strategies, using technology, rewarding students for good performance serves as a
motivating factor and when they achieve low grades, than they usually tend to
work more to make improvements (Nyagosia, 2011).

The student performance plays an important role in producing the best

quality graduates who will become great leaders and manpower for country. Thus,
responsible for the country's economic and social development ( Ali et al., 2009)
Economic and social development of a country is directly associated with
academic performance of students. The students’ academic performance plays a
vital role in creating the finest quality alumnae who will become leader and
manpower of a particular country, consequently responsible for the country’s
social and economic development (Ali et. al, 2009).

Found that there is a close relationship between students' academic

performance and development of a nation. Students with high academic
performance have been found to be more productive and contribute towards the
economic growth of a country.(Boit 2012)

Students were discovered to have a poor idea of how well they

understand the concepts presented in their courses. This lack of an accurate idea
of their own understanding is particularly important because 'student
understanding' correlated to the ratings they gave to the course ( Walker &
Palmer, 2011)

The factors were classified into four groups: family factors, school
factors, course factors, and the personal factors and were answered using a five-
point Likert scale. The highest attributions claimed by the Engineering students
at-risk are in the family factors. Financial support and moral support from the
family show the highest mean. The lowest attribution is on the personal factors.
The nature of people to point the causes of failure on other factors is revealed in
this study. (Emelinda,2016)

Studies in this category examine the effect of variables such as student

characteristics and behaviour.(Walker & Palmer,2009)

Found that many students lack ability to assess their own level of
understanding of course material. This perceived learning effect might be heavily
influenced by the performance of the instructor (Lo,2010)

After conducting factor analysis, all variables are grouped into five
factors which exclude peer influence. The researchers found that four factors are
positively related to students’ performance that are demographic, active learning,
students’ attendance and involvement in extracurricular activities. (Norhidayah &
Jusoff et.al2009)
It was found that the students’ demographic profile, attitude toward
English and grades in math and science subjects were significantly related with
their academic achievement. However, students’ perception on methods and
techniques was not significantly related with their academic achievement in
English, math, and the science subjects. The result showed that the
implementation of English as a medium of instruction was not done well in the
international standard school. This is perhaps due to the difficulty of learning
science and math in English.(Haryanto,2012)

In learning language, learning strategies have become crucial part to

help the students successful in acquiring the language (Abrar & Mukminin, 2016)

Even though teaching English means teaching the four skills

integrative, it would be better to investigate a specific language skill so that the
truth can be elaborated deeper and the result of focus- on-skill research can be
effectively used to improve certain skill achievement. Furthermore, most of the
study involved students in secondary and tertiary levels (Haryanto, 2016)

The focus of this research is that student performance in intermediate

examination is linked with students outline consisted of his approached towards
communication learning facilities, proper guidance and family stress.(Mushtaq &

The findings revealed that many learners could not master the English
and they had very poor knowledge of vocabularies used in various subject, they
had weak English capacity to extent of failing to make good and logical sentence
in English.(Maganga,2016)

In secondary schools, there are numerous factors within school and

outside school that influence the academic performance of the students. The main
areas that have been taken into account include, factors influencing the academic
performance of the students, academic performance and large number of students
in class, parental and associated factors relating to academic achievement,
contribution of school factors towards the academic performance of students,
influence of poverty on academic achievement of students and other causes of low
academic achievement (Kapur,2018)
There are numerous factors that contribute an important part in
enhancing the academic performance of students. The academic performance
determines the future goals and objectives of students.(Kapurt,2018)

Goal-oriented students usually possess positive feelings regarding their

school experiences, they possess the traits of discipline ,diligence, and
resourcefulness, are avid readers and tend to devote less time towards recreation
and leisure activities. It is vital for the students to possess positive thinking in
terms of their schools, teachers and academic subjects. With positive attitude,
they will be able to dedicate themselves wholeheartedly towards learning and
generate the desired academic outcomes (Maina, 2010)

Home is referred to as the place from where the foundation of learning

and education takes place. In order to produce good academic out comes, it is vital
for the parents, children and other family membersto encourage a learning
atmosphere within homes. For instance, when students experience problems in
certain subjects, then parents are responsible for providing help.(Kapur,2018)
Interest in learning, could most probably be a very powerful affective
psychological trait and a very strong knowledge emotion as well as an
overwhelming magnetic positive feeling, a sense of being captivated, enthralled,
invigorated and energized to cognitively process information much faster and
more accurately in addition to most effective application of psychomotor traits
like self-regulatory skills, self-discipline, working harder and smarter with
optimum persistence (Kpolovie, 2010).

These factors that were identified in the literature are applicable to

both domestic and international students in higher education. However, there are
other factors involved when it comes to the international students' academic
performance inhigher education, since international students have unique
characteristics that distinguish them from domestic students (Li et al., 2010).

Academic achievement or performance is simply the outcome of

education. It is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved
their educational goals. In recognition that one has completed a certain level of
education, certificates or formal documents are awarded (Bonga, 2016)
The subject is of much importance and concern to education policy
mechanics and teachers as well as parents and students. It’s generally a measure of
the attainment of educational goals and objectives .Academic achievement is
commonly measured by examinations or continuous assessment but there is no
general agreement on how it is best tested or which aspects are most important.
For the purposes of this study it will be taken as the outcome from end of term
tests and examinations.(Nyoni et al., 2017)

The most significant factor with the positive outcome on the

performance of the students is competence of students in English. Students having
good communication skills it expands the students’ performance (Abdullah, 2011).

Socio economic variables like participation in the class, family salary,

and teacher-student ratio, existence of qualified teachers in school, mother’s and
father’ s education, distance of school and gender of students also influence the
students’ performance (Raychau-duri et al., 2010)

The academic performance of the students’ has gained significant

attention in past researches. Performance of students is affected by psychological,
economic, social, personal and environmental factors. Though these factors
strongly influence the performance of the students, but these factors differ from
country to country and person to person.(Vishwavidyalaya, 2016)

Most of the previous studies on academic performance of students

focused on such issues like teacher education, class environment, gender
difference, teaching style, family educational background and socioeconomic
factor.(Vishwavidyalaya, 2016)

The most significant factor with the positive outcome on the

performance of the students is competence of students in English. Students having
good communication skills it expands the students’ performance (Abdullah, 2011).

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