Running Errands

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Running errands

Martha's Situation
Martha sees bananas are on sale. Bananas are usually 3 dollars per bunch, but they are 1
dollar today. Martha wants 3 bunches of bananas because she is going to make banana
bread. This would normally cost Martha 9 dollars, but today it costs Martha 3 dollars. Martha
saved 6 dollars.
Martha also needs 2 bags of flour and 2 bags of sugar. Flour costs 3 dollars per 5-pound
bag. Sugar costs 4 dollars per 5-pound bag. It costs 6 dollars for the flour and 8 dollars for
the sugar. Together, they cost 14 dollars.
In total, Martha spends 3 dollars on 3 bunches of bananas, 6 dollars on 2 bags of flour, and
8 dollars on 2 bags of sugar. Martha pays 17 dollars for 7 items.
Paul and Sandra's Situation
Paul and Sandra go to a steak restaurant. The steaks are 2 dollars per ounce. A 12-ounce
steak is 24 dollars. Paul and Sandra both want a 12-ounce steak. They pay 48 dollars for
both steaks. Sandra puts 60 dollars on the table, leaving the 12 dollars in change as a tip
for their waiter.
On the way home, they need to get gasoline for Paul’s car. Gas costs 3 dollars a gallon. He
needs to get 15 gallons of gasoline. Paul must 45 dollars at the gas station. Paul pays 50
dollars and he gets 5 dollars of change back in change from the cashier.

Going to a restaurant
Sandra and Paul are at a steak restaurant. A waiter greets them.
"Do you know what you would like to drink?" the waiter asks.
“Water and orange juice,” Sandra says.
"Thank you. Here are your menus," the waiter says.
The waiter brings water for Paul and orange juice for Sandra.
"What would you like to order?" the waiter asks.
"I would like a 12-ounce steak and mashed potatoes," Paul says.
"The same thing, but with green beans," Sandra says.
"And two orders of garlic bread," Paul says.
"Great. You should have it in soon," the waiter says.
The waiter returns after an hour.
“Sorry for your wait. Here are two orders of 12-ounce steaks with mashed potatoes and
garlic bread,” the waiter says.
"I asked for green beans with mine," Sandra says.
"I'm sorry, I’ll get those for you," the waiter says.
The waiter quickly returns with Sandra's green beans.

Did you understand the text?

Please answer the following questions of understanding:
Question 1:
What kind of restaurant did Paul and Sandra go to?
1 an Italian restaurant
2 a steak restaurant
3 a pizza restaurant
4 a fast food restaurant
Question 2:
What did Paul and Sandra order to drink?
1 water for Paul and orange juice for Sandra
2 soda for Paul and beer for Sandra
3 beer for Paul and water for Sandra
4 beer for Paul and orange juice for Sandra
Question 3:
What kind of steaks did Paul and Sandra order?
1 two eight-ounce steaks
2 two twenty-ounce steaks
3 two twelve-ounce steaks
4 two eighteen-ounce steaks
Question 4:
What was wrong with Sandra's order?
1 she got green beans when she wanted a salad
2 she got green beans when she wanted corn
3 she got mashed potatoes when she wanted green beans
4 she got coleslaw when she wanted green beans

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