Dapantask 2 Reading

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1.I woke up early on saturday because i wanted to find a new place to live
2. Before i left the house i checked the newspaper and the internet
3. I found the addresses of four places i wanted to see
4.i chose those four to look at because all the others were too expensive
5. The first one i saw was close to where i work but the kitchen was quite small
6. The next three needed too many repairs and were not as close to my office
7. As i didn’t need a big kitchen i decided on the first place


1. Betty Barr has lived a life touched by the history of China
2. She was born is Shanghai in 1993 to an american mother and father from Scotland
3. At that time, Shanghai was an exciting city filled with people from different
4. But all this changed during the second world war and Betty and her family spent
two and a half years in a prison camp in the city
5. A few years after the war was over, betty went to Wellesley college, a famous
university in America
6. However, Betty missed China and she applied for a job in Hong Kong, where she
taught from 1959 and learnt to speak cantonese, the local language
7. In the early 80´s, she finally returned to Shanghai where still lives with her
Shanghai husband, George Wang.

1. Carol thought that she was very good actress
2. So she decided to go to hollywood to follow her life- long dream
3. She booked her trip to go there before she could change her mind
4. When she arrived she found a very nice hotel right on the middle of the town
5. He next day she made appoitments to see as many directors as possible
6. She saw four on the first day and was offered a part at her last appointment
7. Nobody knows her because she is a really famous film star and is happy
1. I will never forget the first time i drove a car by myself
2. However i didnt have a car, and my parent would not let me drive theirs
3. So when i saw an advertisement in the local paper for a cheap second hand car, i
didnt waste a moment
4. I called the number in the advert and arranged to meet the owner of the other side
5. We agreed a price, and when i handed over the cash, he gave me the keys
6. I had just passed my test and i was the proud owner
7. I drove full of confidence, but unfortunately i hit a lamp post at the end of the

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