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Local Fishes: Longfin Trevally

Submitted by:
Krisel Pauline C. Bayan
Jeziel Martija

Scomberomorus Cavalla is the scientific name of Longfin Trevally or Carangoides Armatus, it can
also be called as the longfin kingfish, longfin cavalla, or armed trevally. The Carangidae are a
family of ray-finned fish, they have fin rays supported by bony spines known as rays. They live in
all aquatic environments from the deep sea to the highest mountain. The longfin trevally has a
similar body profile to most other jacks, having a deep, strongly compressed body. It is a medium-
sized fish, growing to a maximum known length of 57 cm, and at least 3.5 kg in weight. The profile
of the head is very steep from the mouth to the nape, especially in adults. There is a weak adipose
eyelid covering the eye, which is about equal to or smaller than the snout length. Both jaws are
lined with villiform teeth, although larger specimens have small conical teeth in bands.

The longfin trevally inhabits tropical to subtropical waters of the Indian and west Pacific Oceans.
It is distributed from East London, South Africa in the west, north to Madagascar, eastern Africa,
India, Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan and to Japan in the east. Longfin can also be found in Taal,
Batangas because they are rich in talakitok or the long fin trevally. The longfin trevally's colour is
variable with age, although maintains a general colouration of greyish blue above, fading to a
whitish silver near the belly region. Younger individuals show a more silver blue dorsally, and
have six dark crossbars visible on the body past the pectoral fin base. There is a distinct blackish
blotch on the upper margin of the operculum. The first dorsal fin is pale grey to black, while the
second dorsal fin and anal fin are both hyaline to black. The pectorals are dusty hyaline, the
pelvics are usually black with a white leading edge and the caudal fin is also hyaline, with a dusty
trailing edge. Longfin trevally are commonly found on rocky and coral coastlines, often inhabiting
reef complexes, with solitary individuals or groups of larger fish patrolling the edges of reefs. They
are also found in shallow, sandy bays and lagoons.

Talakitok is the marine trevally while the maliputo is that which is able to swim up the Pansipit
River and adapt to the fresh waters of Taal Lake. This fish harvested from the lake surrounding
Taal volcano is known as maliputo. Muslo is how the giant trevally is referred to in the Taal-Lemery
area. It is said that its flesh is flavored by the sulfur in the lava rocks. Longfin Trevally or Talakitok
Longfin trevally are pelagic predators, taking a variety of small fish, cephalopods and crustaceans,
and reach sexual maturity at around 21 cm. Talakitok or Longfin Trevally can be found in the 50-
peso bill also.

The saltwater fish talakitok is often grilled, fried or steamed. It may also be used as the main
ingredient in such Filipino dishes as the sour stew siniganguses the fishhead Sinigang na
Talakitok Fish - a Filipino Sour soup or stew characterized by sour and savory flavor, Sinigang na
Talakitok Fish One of the best filipino favorite and the vegetable it goes perfectly with the soup,
this dish so delicious specially in rainy days or cold weather you will definitely love this serve.
Sometimes you just want something really easy to cook, that tastes great and is relatively healthy
and good for you. Grilled fresh fish almost always meets those requirements when you are at the
beach. Served with some steamed rice, the delicious white meat of the talakitok. sweet and sour
is a combination that originally came from Asia. Asian food, mostly of Chinese origin, adopted this
blend. Based on articles, the Chinese (particularly the Cantonese) were the ones who originally
came up with the thought of mixing these two different flavors. This Sweet and Sour Tilapia Recipe
is a good example of this. But a talakitok can be a good choice also when it comes to sweet and
sour because of its white meat.

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