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Souassi Middle School

October 27th, 2018

Classes: 9 Basic 1 & 2 Teacher : Kaies El Heni

Edward: Are you ok Lucy? You don’t look very Edward: So you don’t have to do anything for this
happy. pocket money?

Lucy: oh Edward! I have argued with my mum Lucy: I keep asking my mum to pay me to do things
again. I am always complaining about not getting for her around the house; then I could buy clothes
enough pocket money. with the extra money and spend my pocket money on
things for school.
Edward: how much do you get?
Edward: That would be good for both of you. But I
Lucy: 5£ a week.
can see why your mum is not keen because you will
Edward: That sounds reasonable to me. never have time to do your school work. But has your
mum said to you can have more next year when you
Lucy: Well. I am 14 and if you’re going into town
are 15.
shopping you could never have enough money
because everything’s so expensive. Lucy: Well. Mum just says she’ll decide when I am
ready to have more; and I just got to wait.
Edward: But is it a fair amount of money compared
to what your friends get? Edward: Well. Perhaps your mum thinks it’s a
question of being grown up. May be, you should sit
Lucy: Well we all get the same but you can’t
down with her and say: “what signs are you looking
compare my 5£ with my friends’ 5£. You see. I play
for? How can I prove that I am old enough to get
guitar and I have to buy all my music myself as well
as things I need for school. I think that’s a bit unfair.
I have hardly anything left to spend on clothes and Lucy: So I should talk to her again
make up.
Edward: Yes. But don’t complain and get angry.
Edward: Right. Do you have to help around the Just discuss it calmly as you have with me.
Lucy: OK. Thanks.
Lucy: Umm. Not really.
Edward: That’s all right. Let me know how you get

Selem Bchir Prep
NAME : …………………
November 8th, 2018
Classes: 9 Basic 7 Teacher: Samia Sayadi

 Listening Skills: (8 Marks)

1 –Complete the table with information from the listening passage: (2 marks)

Name Age Problem

Lucy ___________________ ___________________________________________________

2_ Listen to the passage and tick (✓) the right option : (1 marks)

 Lucy spends her pocket money on : a) Cds and books b) fastfood c) clothes and make up

3_ Answer the following questions :

a) How much pocket money does Lucy get? (1 mark):

b) What does she need the extra money for? (1 mark):
c) What does the underlined statement express? Circle the right alternative: (1 mark)

“May be, you should sit down with her”: Asking for permission / Giving advice / Thanking.

4) Listen and complete with words from the text: (1 mark)

Edward” :May be, you should sit down with her and say: “what signs are you ______________

_________? How can I prove that I am old ___________________ to get more?”

d) Circle the words you hear: (1 mark)

Pie / buy said / paid

 LANGUAGE Skills : (12 Marks)

1- Circle the right option in : (2 marks)

I wonder how many accidents I’ve had in my life. I’ve had a few serious ones where I’ve ended up in
hospital. Traffic accidents are 1{the worst/ bad / worse} They’re always painful. I haven’t had too many
work-related accidents. I suppose that’s because I do office work and that’s not so2 {dangerous / risks /
hazards}. Most of my accidents are those around the house. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve
hit my thumb with a hammer. I’m also really good at standing up and hitting my head on something. I’m
not as 3{so / than / as} my friend though. He’s a real accident looking for somewhere to happen. Almost
every time we meet, he 4 {have / having/ has} some story to tell about his latest accident.

2- Fill in the blanks with words from the list. There are 2 extra words: (4 marks)
are – social – along – miserable – enough – strict – teenager –supportive –argue–caring

I am a 15-year-old girl and I have very 1________________ parents. They don't let me go out to meet
friends. They know very well that I am a responsible and mature 2______________________but they 3
______________overprotective. Whenever friends say, "Do you want to sleep over?" it's always 100%
certain that I'll Never be allowed. They spoil my 4 ______________ life and I never have
5_______________freedom. I always have to be there when they call me. I really feel
6___________________ . I often 7_______________with them. I can’t get 8______________. With
conservative ,old-fashioned parents.

3-Put the bracketed words into the right form or tense: (3 marks)

Two weeks ago, my parents had an 1 (argue)-------------------------- and they stopped speaking to each
other since. Instead I had to give 2 (they) ----------- messages all the time. I have always been obedient
but yesterday, I refused to do this, you ‘ll never believe what 3 (happen) -----------. My father said if I
didn’t do it he wouldn’t give me any pocket money. My mother said she wouldn’t let me go out. I 4 (feel)
----------------- very angry and5 (think) _______________of leaving the house. They are selfish ; I
thought they love me 6 (much) ---------- than that but I was wrong !

4)Match parts in A with parts in B to get a meaningful coherent paragraph: (3 marks)

1- I think being a housewife is a a- from the time they wake up to the time 1-
they go to bed.
2- Most housewives have a lot to do, b- then they have to do the dishes, the 2-
washing, iron and then go shopping.
3- Most housewives are working pretty much c- a very demanding job. 3-

4- They have to get up the earliest to cook d- especially if they have children. 4-
everyone’s breakfast,
5- Before their children go to school, e- every single day can be pretty tiring. 5-

6- I think cooking three meals a day f- housewives have to make their packed 6-
Language Activities Sources:

 Activity 1:
 Activity 2:
 Activity 3:
 Activity 4:

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