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The event

EASA [European Architecture Students Assembly] is an international architecture stu-

dents network that collaborates with architects and investigates today’s architecture and
the city. EASA is a platform for the exchange of ideas, experiences and thoughts, a start-
ing point for interactions in the city.

EASA was founded on 1981 when students of architecture from Liverpool invited fellow
students from all over Europe to come, discuss and propose solutions to the problems
that in the city had arised. The meeting gathered 300 students of architecture that con-
stituted the first EASA. From that moment, students of architecture from Europe get to-
gether in a different point of the continent with the aim of exchanging ideas and points of
view in architecture, and then discuss proposals to certain local demands.


23 jul. - 7 ago. 2011
Meeting during incm006 in Moscow

Support EASA
Within the architectural realm of Spain, easa011 will be an event of massive scale with almost no
precedent. Interest in the event is high, through both our own industry and the natural magnetism
of the event itself. The assembly will be watched over with much interest from those not directly in-
volved, and any association with the assembly will offer potential sponsors an opportunity at posi-
tive promotion amongst the architectural, construction and artistic societies in Spain. Ultimately
EASA is always a very enjoyable event, always remembered fondly by all involved, and to get behind
this assembly is to associate yourselves with positive memories amongst literally hundreds of fu-
ture and budding professionals in what is a highly influencial professional body across Europe.

As an organization we have been doing our utmost to promote awareness of the assembly across
the country. Presentations have and will be given to universities located all across the country. Our
final exhibition, showcasing the fruits of the assembly as well as promotional information about
the sponsors will travel the country. In the months after the event we will create our final report
which will be sent out to national contacts in over forty countries, offering your company exposure
to students all over Europe.

easa011 has already been featured in local and national press. Furthermore, television, architec-
tural press and newspapers will be covering the event in the future. As well a documentary will be
produced to be projected in European universities and television, as it has been done over the past
editions of EASA.

Because of that, we would like to let you know the impact that sponsoring EASA has at a local,
national and European level.

The easa011 organizers.

Presentation during easa008, held in Ireland

Every Assembly counts with 400 architecture students gathered around a very sucessful event composed
of workshops, lectures, discussions and exhibitions related with the proposed theme for the city in which
the event is held. The theme is always linked with thoughts and facts closely related to the location and
the proposals given can be practical or theoretical.

The XXXI edition of EASA will be organized during two weeks in the summer of 2011 under the theme
‘deCOASTruction‘. The objective of easa011 is to produce and provide a wide understanding on the com-
plexity of the place to allow the participants to respond through actions.

The selected places to host the event are Madrid and Cadiz. Through that we intend to provide the partici-
pants with a wide vision of the current architectonic and urban reality in Spain, in the interior and in the
coast. Madrid will be the starting point for the meeting because it holds an interesting and active archi-
tectonic panorama and because it provides an easy access from most of the European capitals. However,
most of the Assembly will be held in Cadiz, where the participants will be able to stay in contact with a
second urban reality that will see the results of all the work produced during the Assembly.
sesam010 Istanbul, sesam010 Manchester and canteen at easa009

The EASA network

In addition to the EASA summer meetings, EASA actively supports international communication and
exchange through its National Contacts. These representatives [2 per country] are in permanent contact
throughout the year and meet every autumm during a week at the INCM [Intermediate National Contacts
Meeting] in a different country. During these meetings the representatives perform reviews of the past
events and decide where the next ones will be held.

Other activities
The active EASA network, organizes as well several SESAMs [Small Euorpena Students of Architecture
Meetings]. These meetings take place throughout the year in different countries and gather around 100
architecture international students. It comprises workshops, lectures, etc. EASA also organizes other
events as contests and exhibitions along the year.

Legal framework
EASA, from its beginnings, is an organization that takes legal character every year in the country that
organizes the summer Assembly. It is every country’s representative who defines the seletion criteria
to selects its participants. The National Contacts meetings are the decision making instrument in the
organization. These meetings take place at least twice a year: in the summer Assemblies and during the
INCM every autumm.
Archive images: easa1983 & easa1997

EASA and its Assemblies

1981_ England LIVERPOOL / Starting up the EASA Experience
1982_ Netherlands DELFT / Architecture of an Uncertain Future
1983_ Portugal LISBOA / Social Spaces
1984_ Denmark AARHUS / Turning point in Architecture
1985_ Greece ATENAS / Interpretation and Action in the City
1986_ Italy TURÍN / Architecturi Latenti
1987_ Finland HELSINKI / Architecture and Nature
1988_ Germany BERLÍN / The Dimension Between
1989_ France MARSELLA / Heritage et Creativé
1990_ Sweden KARLSKRONA / Exploration
1991_ USSR KOLOMNA / Regeneration
1992_ Turkey / ÜRGÜP / Vision 2000 Environment
1993_ Scotland SANDWICK / The Isle
1994_ Belgium LIEJA / Consommer l’Inconsumable
1995_ Poland ZAMOSC / Beyond the Borders
1996_ France CLERMONT L’HERAULT / Dream Builders!
1997_ Scandinavia THE TRAIN / Advancing Architecture
1998_ Malta VALETTA / Living on the Edge
1999_ Greece KAVALA / Osmosis
2000_ Belgium/Netherlands AMBERES/ROTTERDAM / Dis-Similarities
2001_ Turkey GÖKEADA / No Theme
2002_ Croatia VIS / Senses
2003_ Denmark FRILAND / Sustainable Living
2004_ France ROUBAIX / Metropolitain- Micropolitain
2005_ Switzerland BERGUN / Tran, Trans, Transit
2006_ Hungary BUDAPEST / Common Place
2007_ Greece ELEFSINA / city_index
2008_ Ireland LETTERFRACK / Adaptation
2009_ Italy DARFO / SpermARCHet
2010_ United Kingdom MANCHESTER / ID
2011_ Spain MADRID-CADIZ / deCOASTruction
Civic reception at easa005 & retrospective exhibition in Manchester 2010

The lectures that take place during EASA always constitute a big input for the understanding of the theme
and to get to know architects and architecture from the country where the Assembly takes place. Emer-
gent and internationally known architect have their place in EASA, that always looks for the inclussion
of people that can be of great value for the understanding of the theme. Often, also lectures carried out
by former members of the organization take place, putting into value the personal achievements and the
contribution to the Assembly. In this occassion, we are organizing a symposium with relevant architects
in Madrid during the first days. As well some lectures will take place in Cadiz over the two weeks event.
For this reason we are aiming to allocate the Madrid lectures in venues with great capacity and with rel-
evance because of its architectonical quality or its institutional interest (Reina Sofia Museum Auditorium,
ETSAM auditorium, La Casa Encendida, etc). The lectures in Cadiz will intend to show the attendees the
urban reality in the Spanish coast and at the same time help to a better understanding of the theme.

EASA is a European scale cultural experience by definition. Because of that it is frequent to involve
companies and relevant institutions because of its relevant educative character or because of its cultural
program, that can represent interesting incorporations to the event. Because of that EASA opens itself to
the surroundings to show to its participants the peculiarities of our country.
Some of the exhibitions shown during the easaDay at easa010, United Kingdom

Every year, the last day of the Assembly is used to present to the rest of the participants, architects, artists
and other interested colectives the outputs of every single workshop. During this day tutors and partici-
pants from every workshop perform an exhibition supported by presentations, videos and images, etc

Final report
After the end of every EASA, the results of all the activities [constructive workshops, lectures, theo-
retical workshops, exhibitions, etc.] are gathered and published in a special edtion. The rinal reports of
every EASA are published and given to its participants, involved institutions and for architects, students,
profesionals and artists. Copies also go to the EASA archive, located in Copenhagen and to be used as
guidelines for future organizers.
More infomation

EASA Spain
ETS de arquitectura de Valencia
UPV, Camino de la Vera s/n
46022 Valencia

+34 620304618 (Francisco)
+34 667623965 (Jesús)


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