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CCS – Contact Center Servicing

2 types of CCS
 Contact Center Services
 Call Center Services

Call centers handle a variety of inbound or outbound calls for a specific company. Call centers can have divided labor
between inbound and outbound agents or blended agents that handle both types of calling. Call center communicates
only by voice.
Contact centers process customer requests from a variety of means. Contact centers feature agents that can handle
all its forms of communication. In addition to phone calls, contact centers use email, text chat, and web interfaces to
communicate with clients or customers.

Inbound Call Center Services

1. Answering Service
An answering service is a business service that basically answers telephone calls and conveys messages to the clients.
2. Direct Response Marketing
The product and services are being broadcast through print and electronic media. And then the agents will ensure that
every call results in sales.
3. Appointment Setting
This is one of the call center services that firms offer for office appointments, reservations and service schedulers for
various forms of transportation, dinners, seats, concerts, special events, seminars and others.
4. Helpdesk Solutions
The help desk is the central hub through which problems and issues are reported.
5. Inquiry Handling
All inquiries of the customers are handled appropriately and the detailed information about a particular service or
product is given.
6. Tech Support Solutions
Tech support is the central hub through which computer problems and issues are reported. Certified engineers provide
tailor-made tech support solutions in a quick and efficient way so that customers can enjoy greater peace of mind.
7. Email and Chat Support
Provides management of client's email traffic on behalf of our clients. The call center had to successfully and
competently handled email support.
Outbound Call Center Services
1. Market Research & Survey
Market research is essential to gather vital information and current market trends, buying pattern of customers,
competitors and potential area of growth.
2. Product or Service Promotion
Product promotion involves informing, reminding and persuading the customers to buy a particular product or service.
Qualities of a Successful Call Center Agent
1. Emotional Stability and Calmness:
 This is the x factor, which distinguishes an ordinary and an outstanding customer service agent.
 An agent should be able to stay calm under the different pressures he or she may experience during the
course of his work- and that is almost on daily basis.
 The agent has to respond with patience and tact to an irate customer, who may be screaming their heads off
over the phone or shooting off angry e-mails.
 Possessing great listening skills is a great asset as it is the right of a customer to be heard and his
request/issues attended. Hence, it is essential that contact center agents remain detached while actively
participating in the conversation and do not take things personally.
2. Critical Thinking and Creativity:
 An exceptional contact center agent should have the ability to think critically and come up with creative
solutions for the resolution of tricky customer issues.
 Sticking to a given script has its benefits but it usually falls flat in certain unpredictable situations. Hence, the
second top call center agent trait is the ability to examine situations and come up with solutions that best fit
3. Empathy and Friendliness:
 An exceptional customer service agent has to reflect genuine interest and empathy when dealing with
 Customer service agents are the face of the company and hence need to radiate warmth, genuine interest,
concern and understanding of customers and their issues. An empathetic agent is able to establish a strong
rapport with the customer, which helps in cementing the relationship. This also helps them in addressing
customer concerns in a more effective way.
4. Effective Communication Skills:
 All top class contact center agents must possess effective communication skills.
 Excellent communication skills really make a difference to the quality of customer service.
 Communication skills include not just good diction and speaking skills but also good listening abilities.
5. Patience and Positivity:
 A contact center agent must exhibit a combination of patience and positive attitude when interacting with
 A positive attitude helps in reassuring customers and keeping them motivated; a patient attitude helps in
preventing escalation of customer hostility and frustration when issues are taking too long to be resolved.
6. Knowledge Retention and Good Memory:
 Ability to remember details is an absolute necessity in customer service.
A contact center agent has to deal with numerous clients and customers on a daily basis. To provide accurate and
effective help, they should have all the relevant information related to company, their practices, services and products,
troubleshooting answers and other information at their fingertips.
7. Organize and Well-coordinated:
 This includes ability to multitask and to manage multiple activities like managing conversations while detailing
records and carrying out post-call duties.
8. Speed and Accuracy:
 A good quality contact center agent must demonstrate speed and skill in handling calls and other tasks- prompt
responses and follow-up actions, ability to take critical decisions and knowing when to escalate the issue.
9. Team Player:
 An agent’s role may appear to be individualistic in nature but the overall success of a contact center depends on
the team spirit of its team of agents.
10. Adaptable and Able to see the big picture
 A contact center agent should be able to see how their role is tied in the company’s brand image and reputation.
Seeing the big picture and how they fit into the company’s success will drive them to do their best.

Call center agent

 -is the person who handles incoming or
outgoing customer calls for a business. A
call center agent might handle account
inquiries, customer complaints or support
 Other names for a call center agent
include customer service representative
(CSR), telephone sales or service
representative (TSR), attendant, associate,
operator, advisor, account executive or
team member.
Team Leader - often known as a supervisor or a Team Manager, is responsible for managing a team of advisors.
The Team Leader’s role is to ensure individual Advisors are performing against targets, while reviewing their
performance and coaching them to do so.
Call Center Manager -the person who is ultimately responsible for the overall performance and budget of the center.
The Customer Service Director -is a key strategic and operational leadership role. Whoever is in this position will be
responsible for the development, continuous improvement and delivery of customer service.
Human Resource - are responsible for ensuring that terms and conditions of employment and job descriptions are all in
place, as well as organizing recruitment and possibly training for the call center.
Trainer -They are responsible for preparing and delivering training to the agents in the center.
Coach -In each team may have a team coach who will provide additional support and technical knowledge to the agents.

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