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FS 3

Crafting the Curriculum:
Learning The Teacher as a Designer
Episode 8

My Learning Task Overview

This episode illustrates the vital role of teachers as curriculum designers, It

enumerates the ten (10) axioms for curriculum designers and explains the
elements/components of curriculum design.

My Intended Learning Outcome

 Identify the fundamentals of curriculum design;

 Cite the important roles of teachers in curriculum designing;

 Explain the elements/components of curriculum design..

My Performance Criteria

I will be rated along the following:

 Quality of my observations and document,

 Completeness and depth of analysis,

 Depth and clarity of classroom observation-based reflection,

 Completeness, organization, clarity of portfolio and

 Time of submission of portfolio.

My Learning Essentials
Peter Oliva’s 10 Axioms (An axiom is defined as self-evident or universally recognized
truth; a maxim) for curriculum designers.

Curriculum changes made

Curriculum change is Curriculum change
Curriculum is a product of earlier can exist
inevitable, necesary and depends of people who will
its time. concurrently with newer
desirable. implement the change.
curriculum changes.

Curriculum development is Curriculum development is

Curriculum development is
more effective if it is a Curriculum development is a decision-making process
a cooperative group
comprehensive process, an ongoing process made from choices of
rather than "piecemeal". alternatives.

Curriculum development is
Curriculum development
more effective when it
starts from where the
follows a systematic
curriculum is.

My Map

To ensure that I will be able to do this activity, I must follow the steps bellow.

Step 1
•Interview an administrator and ask how the ten (10) axioms are realized
in the school setting.

Step 2
•Observe a class and request for a sample lesson.

Step 3
•Analyze the components of the sample lesson plan.

Step 4
•Cite the similarities in different components.

Step 5
•Prepare your own portfolio.
My Learning Activities

Activity 1: Accomplish the matrix by interviewing an administrator and a teacher to

explain how the ten (10) axioms are realized in the school setting, the administrator or the
teacher has the option to choose the axiom that she/he wishes to explain.

Interviewed Dr. Consolacion C. Unabia on her knowledge about the different axioms of

Ten (10) Axioms for Curriclum Situations/Samples on How these

Designers Axioms are realized in the school

1. Curriculum change is inevitable Teachers should respond to the

necessary and desirable. changes that occur in schools and in
its context. Societal development and
knowledge revolution come so fast
that the need to address the changing
condition requires new curriculum

2. Curriculum reflectes its own Teachers should consider the

time. It is a product of its time. changes brought about by current
social forces, philosophical positions,
psychological principles, new
knowledge, and educational reforms.

3. Curriculum changes made Teacher who will help design the

earlier can exist concurrently curriculum must do and enhancement
with newer curriculum changes. of the curriculum and not change it or
remover some of it parts that already
exist. The change that occurs in
curriculum development can co-exist,
oftentimes overlaps for long period of

4. Curriculum change depends on Teachers who will implement the

people who will implement the curriculum should be involved in its
change. development, hence should know how
to design a curriculum. Because the
teachers are the implementers of the
curriculum, it is best that they should
design and own the changes to
ensure effective and long lasting

5. Curriculum development is a Teachers must consider consultations

cooperative group activity to stakeholders and students to make
any significant change in the
6. Curriculum development is a Teachers must decide what contents
decision-making process made to teach, philosophy or point of view to
from choices or alternatives. support, how to provide for
multicultural groups, what methods or
strategies, and what type of evaluation
to use.

7. Curriculum development is an There must be continuous monitoring,

on-going process. examinations, evaluation, and
improvement of curricula in the design
of the curriculum. As the needs of
learners change as society changes
and as new knowledge and
technology appear the curriculum
must change.

8. Curriculum development is Teachers must not make curriculum in

more effective if it is a a hasty manner. Instead, a curriculum
comprehensive process not must be carefully planned, should
clearly establish intended outcomes,
support resources and needs time
available and should equip teaching
staff pedagogically.

9. Curriculum development is Just like solving a problem, it requires

more effective when it follows a scientific method to answer it. Same in
systematic process. the world of teaching, designing a
curriculum also follows a systematic
process, a curriculum must be
composed of the necessary
requirements for it to be successful
these include the desired outcomes,
subject matter content complemented
with references, set of procedures,
needed materials and resources and
evaluation procedure which can be
placed in a matrix.

10. Curriculum development starts Curriculum planners and designers

from where the curriculum is. should begin with existing curriculum.
An existing design is a good starting
point for any teacher who plans to
enhance and enrich a curriculum.
Activity 2:Observe a class or get a sample lesson. Using the elements/component, write
a sample curriculum using the template given below.

Intended Subject Teaching/Learning Assessment/Evaluation

Learning Matter or Methods
Outcomes Learning

Define Direct Explain the Direct Seatwork:

direct Variations Variation and its
variations rules through a A workers paycheck (p)
series of varies directly as the
Solve examples and members of hours (h)
problem equations. worked. For working 24
involving hours the payment is
direct P1, 200. Find the
variations payment for working 48
Value the
importance 1. Find the equation of
of direct a variation.
in real life 2. The value asked.

Activity 3: Request a sample lesson plan. Analyze the components present in

the lesson plan. Put the lesson plan below.

Mr. John Aseño has a well prepared lesson plan though it is not clear to me of what
method he using.

If I may base it to the way he delivers his lesson, he has a Deductive Method for he
define first Direct Variation to the class and stated the different rule it consist. After which,
he sets different examples and equation proving the rules of Direct Variation. In his lesson
plan, he have Generalization in which is not a part of Deductive Method but instead

In this lesson plan, in the TLA process, it is not clear if he is using the 5As for some
of its step is not stated like the abstraction and like I mention, there is a generalization
which is supposed to be part of Abstraction (if he is using the 5As method.
My Reflections
Though the delivery of the lesson is well done but there is no clear direction of the
lesson for the reason that the method used is not clear thus also affect the attainment of the
objective; Put
it was yourself
not in the place of the teacher. What would you do similarly and what
fully achieved.
would you do differently if you would teach the same lesson to the same group of
students? Why?
Integrating Theory and Practice
Directions: read the items given below and encircle the correct answer.

Integrating Theory and Practice

Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer.

1. What axiom emphasizes that curriculum design should be based on a careful plan,
intended outcomes clearly established, etc.?

a. Curriculum change is inevitable, necessary and desirable.

b. Curriculum, is a product of its time.

c. Curriculum development is more effective when it follows a systematic


d. Curriculum development is more effective if it is a comprehensive process

rather than “piecemeal”.

2. In order to have an effective teaching and learning, there must be an adequate

utilization of learning materials. What type of curriculum is this?

a. Curriculum changes made earlier can exist concurrently with newer

curriculum changes.

b. Curriculum development starts from where curriculum is.

c. Curriculum design should always be SMART.

d. Curriculum development is a cooperative group activity.

3. Who are the primary movers in the implementation of the changes made on

a. Teachers

b. Learners

c. Parents

d. Community Officials
My Learning Portfolio
Collect two (2) sample lesson plans from various schools. Evaluate the
similarities and differences using the Venn diagram.

Mr. Edjohn  Both have Ms. Sarah Ayo

Diputado the 5
components  Uses the
 Uses the of a Lesson 3P’s
5A’s plan which Method
Method are ILO, LC,  Uses
 Uses a TLA, Collabora
Reflective Assessment tive
Approach and Approach
in Assignment
Teaching  Both have
the 3
domains for
the Intended
My Learning Rubric
Field Study 3, Episode 8– Crafting the Curriculum: The Teacher as a Designer
Focused on:
 Identifying the fundamentals of curriculum design
 Citing the important roles of a teachers in curriculum designing
 Explaining the elements/components of curriculum design

Name of FS Student: Racquel T. Alcroriza Date Submitted: October 16, 2019

Year& Section: III Course:BSED
Learning Episodes Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Needs Improvement
4 3 2 1
All tasks were done with All or nearly all tasks were Nearly all tasks were done Fewer than half of tasks
outstanding quality; work done with high quality. with acceptable quality. were done; or most
Learning Activities exceeds expectations objectives were met but
need improvement.

All questions were Analysis questions were Analysis questions were Analysis questions were
answered completely; in answered completely. not answered completely. not answered.
Analysis of the depth answers; thoroughly
Learning Episode grounded on theories. Clear connection with Vaguely related to the Grammar and spelling
theories. theories. unsatisfactory.
Exemplary grammar and
spelling Grammar and spelling are Grammar and spelling
superior. acceptable

Reflection statements are Reflection statements are Reflection statements are Ref lection statements are
clear, but not clearly; clear, but not clearly shallow; supported by unclear and shallow and
Reflections/ insights supported by experiences supported by experiences experiences from the are not supported by
from the learning episodes from the learning episodes learning episodes experiences from the
learning episodes

Portfolio is complete, clear, Portfolio is complete, clear, Portfolio is incomplete; Analysis questions were
well-organized and all well-organized; most supporting documentations not answered
Learning Portfolio supporting; supporting documentations are organized but are
documentations are located are available and logical and lacking Grammar and spelling
in sections clearly clearly marked locations unsatisfactory

Submission of Submitted before the Submitted on the deadline Submitted a day after the Submitted two days or
Learning Episodes deadline deadline more after the deadline

Over-all Score
(Based on

Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-Below

Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00

99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Below

______________________________ __________________________
Signature of FS Teacher Date

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