Outline Bbreakfast

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Breakfast is the most important part of our daily activities.

1. The Benefits when having breakfast

A. Keep mind think and concentrate
B. Increase nutrition and metabolism
C. Preventing Gastric Pains.
2. The Impact whitout breakfast
A. Make it fatter
B. Very easy to stress
3. Must be Considered
A. Nutrition contained in food
B. The right time to breakfast
C. The portion of the meal

In conclusion, we have to realize that breakfast is the most important meal of the day,
and we cannot skip it without consequences for our health, our school and our defense
mechanism. It is better to wake up earlier and have a good breakfast that run to school
without eating anything. It is time for us to do something for our health, and eating
breakfast is the better way to start our day.
The Importance of Breakfast
Breakfast is the most important part of our daily activities. Breakfast should be the
largest meal of the day because it takes the entire day for our body to digest food. Breakfast is
a chance to give our body the food is needed to replenish blood glucose levels of us. Glucose
is our main energy source; it fuels our brain and our body so we have high concentrate.
Breakfast boosts our metabolism in the morning. According to the study, slow metabolism
caused from failing to eat breakfast may increase our risk of diabetes and cardiovascular
diseases. Breakfast boosts our metabolism first thing in the morning. According to the study,
slow metabolism caused from failing to eat breakfast may increase your risk of diabetes and
cardiovascular diseases. Another reason, breakfast makes the stomach filled with food, so
that it can neutralize stomach acid. Breakfast is highly recommended because with an empty
stomach, heavy activity, high work pressure and coupled with the conditions of the weather
will make you easly stressed. In addition we will feel hungry that resulted in a portion of
lunch become more and eat a lot of a snack that can cause obesity. There are some things to
consider first, the menu breakfast should contain high protein and carbohydrate so, nutrition
needs fulfilled every day. Second, experts said that even though portions must be regulated
and limited, make sure we sataisfied, so we won't be tempted to eat a snack before lunchtime.
We have to realize that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and we cannot skip it
without consequences for our health, our school and our defense mechanism. It is time for us
to do something for our health, and eating breakfast is the better way to start our day.

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