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Conquest of Makkah

Reasons for The conquest of Makkah:

 According to the clauses of treaty of Hudaibyah, both Muslims and Quraysh
were allowed to enter into a treaty or alliance with any tribe. A tribe called
Banu Khuzah entered into an alliance with Muslims while Banu bakr entered
into an alliance with the Quraysh
 Two years after treaty signing(8th year of hijrah), Banu Bakr attacked Banu
Khuzah. In this battle, the Quraysh helped Banu Bakr and provided them with
weapons in a show of hostility after battle of mautah. Some Quraysh leaders
also fought alongside with Banu Bakr secretly, hence a violation of the Treaty
of Hudaibyah as both sides had to observe peace
 Banu Bakr killed several people of Banu Khuzah and their chief came to
Madinah seeking refuge and protection from the prophet.
 The prophet demanded any of the three alternatives for the Quraysh:
o Blood Money to the families of the deceased
o To dissolve alliance with Banu Bakr
o To dissolve the treaty of hudaibyah
 The Quraysh chose the third alternative as the first two would hurt their pride
and respect, but they soon realized that they were no match for the Muslims
 Abu Sufyan came to Madinah to settle the affair but they refused to do anything
with him and rejected his offers
 An army of 10,000 men was prepared by the Prophet and they were operated In
complete secrecy and they set out for Makkah on 10th Ramadan 8 A.H-Prophet
said,” O Allah, conceal the news and blind their eyes from watching us”
 The Muslim camped outside Makkah in secrecy; Prophet ordered his followers
to light up torches outside their tents. The sight of so many fires magnified the
size of the Muslim army which made the Quraysh demoralized
 Abu Sufyan came to the Muslim camp to spy, was captured by Hazrat Abbas
and then he accepted Islam
 Before entering Makkah, the Prophet proclaimed that whosoever remained in
his house would be safe, whoever stayed in the Kabah would be safe and
whoever stayed in Abu Sufyan’s house would be safe. And this safety was
without exception
 He divided his army into 4 columns, one headed by himself, one by Khalid Bin
Waleed, one by Abu-Ubaidah, and one by Saad bin Ubiadah
 Prophet gave explicit instruction to his army to:
o Avoid bloodshed
o Not hurt the old, women and children
 The Muslims entered Makkah peacefully except Khalid Bin Waleed’s column
where they were attacked by Quraysh. 13 Quraysh died and 2 Muslims
embraced martyrdom in this skirmish
 The Prophet went to Kabah and performed Tawaf. He also destroyed the 360
idols inside the Kabah and all the while recited, “And say the truth has come
and falsehood has banished. Surely falsehood is bound to perish.”(Al Israa
 After that, Prophet gave sermon to the Quraysh people and majority of the
Quraysh converted to Islam. Prophet also forgave his worst enemies such as
Hind, Wahshi, Ikarma bin Abi Jahl and Suhail bin Amr
 After sermon, Prophet said,”O people of Quraysh! What do you think I will do
with you” They replied, “We think (you will treat us) well, noble brother, son
of a noble brother.” He said,” I shall speak to you as Yusuf spoke to his
brothers, “There is no reproach against you today; God will forgive. He is the
most merciful and the most compassionate.”
 He added, “No more responsibility burdens you today. Go, for you are free.”
 Verse regarding conversion of Makkans,”When comes the help of Allah and the
victory and you see people entering the religion of Allah in crowd.”(Al Nasr)
 Prophet gave keys of Kaaba to Usama bin Talha and his family are still the
custodians of the Kabah to this day.
 For the first time, the call to prayer was heard in Makkah echoed by Hazrat
 Prophet stayed for 20 days there, destroyed idol temples, appointed governor,
redefined boundaries of Haram and returned back
 Southern expansion of Muslims started along with their goal of unification of
 Prophet won the heart of Quraysh leaders and citizens as well of those of other
tribes. Many of them delayed their conversion. Amr bin salamah reported, “The
Arabs delayed their conversion to Islam till the conquest of Makkah. They used
to say, “Leave him and hi s people Quraysh, if he overpowers them then he is a
true prophet. So when Makkah was conquered, then every tribe rushed to
embrace Islam.”
 Aside from that, the Quraysh knew whoever would change arrangement of
Makkah would be destroyed by Allah as in the case of the Year of Elephant,
when no punishment came, the Quraysh knew Hazrat Muhammad was true
Battle of Hunain
The victory of Makkah astonished both the Arabs and the other tribes. The ruling of
Taif, Banu Saqeef and Hawazin were still enemies of Islam. Besides them, Banu Nasr,
Banu Jusham and Banu Saad bin Bakr all were disturbed by the rise of Islam and now
the fall of Makkah which greatly endangered their religion.
Malik bin Awf, the general alliance leader had been waiting for weakening of both
Quraysh and Muslims so that they could attack. When Quraysh surrendered, they
became furious and dispatched 20000 men and brought their families and livestock
Muslim army was 12,000 in number including 2000 newly converted Makkans and
with these numbers, prophet marched towards the valley of Hunain.
 The allied forces of disbelievers had encamped at Hunain and had posted
archers covering the pass in the valley which prophet’s forces had to cross to
reach other side
 As soon as Muslims entered the pass, they were met with showers of arrows
from all sides while the Hawazin’s army attacked them from front
 Not able to withstand attack Muslims retreated and began running away in
 The reason for early defeat of Muslims was that some of them were
overconfident due to their numbers. Allah says, “Assuredly, Allah did help you
in many battlefields and on the day of Hunain: Behold! Your great numbers
elated you but they availed you naught: the land for all that it is wide did
constrain you and you turned back in retreat. But Allah did pour His calm on
the apostle and on the believers and sent down forces which you saw not: He
punished the unbelievers”(Quran 9:25-26)
 Only few Muslims left with prophet. Prophet rallied everyone and said, “Truly
saying I am the Prophet; I am the son of Abdul-Muttalib.”(Al-Tabari)
 Muslims then fought furiously.Prophe threw a handful of dust at the face of the
enemy and their eyes became thick with dust and they began to retreat in utter
 They fled and encamped themselves in Taif and left their families and children
behind as well as large war booty consisting of 6000 PoW’s, 28000
camels,4000 sheep and 4000 pieces of silver. One of the PoW’s was Shyma,
Prophet’s foster sister
 To strengthen faith of new converts, Prophet distributed all the booty amongst
them (delayed distribution at first). Ansar were disappointed and angry
regarding this but Prophet convinced them and said,” O Allah, forgive Al
Ansar, the sons of Al Ansar, the grandsons of Al Ansar(ONLY IN AHMED
 In result, hostility of Hawazin was quilled and their defeat also restrained other
nomadic tribes
 Power of Madinah established all over Arabia
Siege of Taif:
 Taif campaign was an extension into the battle of Hunain.
 Defeated troops of Hawazin and Saqif took refuge in Taif and fortified
themselves there
 Prophet led troops toward Taif and laid siege to it. Siege was unsuccessful as
Taif was a well-fortified city with provisions and the Muslims were deficient in
 Their defense was so strong that the companions said to the Prophet,”
Messenger of Allah, Saqif’s arrows have scorched us, so supplicate Allah to
punish them,” he said,” O Allah, give guidance to Saqif.”(Tirmidhi)
 After 20 days, Prophet raised siege and returned. Later in 9 A.H whole of Taif
accepted Islam
 Prophet delayed distribution in hope that Hawazin would come to claim their
families. When not(see bullet 8 of Battle of Hunain)
 After distribution of booty, Hawazin delegation came and accepted Islam and
asked return of booty and captives
 Prophet gave them option, either to demand booty or their families. Hawazin
chose their families
 Prophet freed captives in his share and asked other companions to free them if
they liked and they did so
Tabuk Expedition(9 AH):
 Relationship between Muslims and Christians strained since Battle of Mautah
 As well as that, Byzantines were afraid of the growing power of Arabia, the
spread of Islam and unity of Muslims
 Heraclius planned to attack Madinah with 40,000 men
 Two options, either fight at Madinah or go out and meet them
 Arabs were hesitant to fight for a number of reasons:
o Famine and drought in Arabia
o Summer was extremely hot
o Date crops ready to be harvested
o Hypocrites under leadership of Abdullah bin Ubay spread
discontentment and fear among Muslims and sought excuses not to go.
Allah says of them,” Those who were left behind rejoiced in tarrying
behind the Messenger of Allah and were averse to struggling with their
possessions and themselves in the way of Allah. They said,” Go not
forth in the heat. “Say,” The Fire of Jahannam is hotter, did they but
understand.”(Taubah 9:81)
 Prophet asked for charity. Abu Bakr gave all his possessions, Umar gave half
of his possessions while Uthman gave 900 camels and 100 horses and 1000
gold dinar and women donated ornaments
 Prophet left behind Ali as leader. Ali uncertain and thought he was
unimportant. Prophet consoled him and said,” O Ali, does it not please you to
be to me as Haroon was to Moosa, except there will be no Prophet after me.”
 Muslim army 30,000 reached Tabuk in 7 days. 20,000 foot and 10,000 cavalry.
 When the Romans heard that Muslims were arriving with such a huge force,
hey dispersed and retreated
 Prophet did not pursue them in their own territory but sent small expeditions
against various Christian and Jewish rulers.
 Many Christian tribes entered into alliance with Muslims, came under their
protection and agreed to pay Jizyah.(Protection of territories, caravans)
 Khalid bin Waleed advanced to Damatul-Jandal and Yuhannah bin Rau’bah
made peace pact
 Prophet returned to Madinah after 20 days
 Results:
o New allies in the region
o Strengthened military and political power of Muslims in Arabian
o Indicated future danger facing Muslims: Christians
o Extinction of hypocrites-Destruction of masjid Darar: it was a mosque
the hypocrites had built where they did not worship but made
conspiracies against Muslims. Prophet on return journey ordered
Muslims to destroy the place. Allah says,” And there are those who put
up a mosque by way of mischief and infidelity to disunite the
o Abdullah bin Ubay died
o Last military campaign of prophet’s life
o Pilgrimage obligatory in 9 A.H with revelation,” Pilgrimage thereto is a
duty men owe to Allah those who can afford the journey.”(Al Imran
The Farewell Pilgrimage:
 In 10th year of hijrah, Prophet declared his intention of going for pilgrimage
and people from all over Arabia joined the prophet and were 114,000 in
 Left Madinah on 25th Zul Qada and explained rites of pilgrimage
 Along journey, he recited Talbiyah,” At your service, O Allah! At Your service!
You have no partner. At Your service! Praise and blessings are Yours and the
kingdom. You have no associate.”
 Reached after 9 days on 4th Dul Hajj and immediately preformed tawaf and
 8th Dul Hajj went to Mina
 9th Dul Hajj left for Arafat. It was Friday and prophet delivered a sermon while
sitting on camel
 The subjects dealt with in this farewell sermon lay down the essence of what
the holy prophet had communicated and taught during his lifetime. It explains
basic duties of Islam and one of the most important teachings that the Quran
and Hadith are the foundation upon which Muslims should lead their lives
 Prophet warned people about his impending death and said,” O People! Listen
to my words; for I do not know whether I shall be in your midst after this year.”
 First of all, prophet told about sanctity of life and property:
o “O people! Just as you regard this month, this day and this city as
sacred, so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred
 The Prophet emphasized upon fulfilling the rights of Allah by worshiping him
alone and by performing the pillars of Islam.
o “Behold, worship your Lord; after praying 5 times a day; observe fast in
the month of Ramadan; pay Zakat on your property; and perform
pilgrimage to the House of Allah.”
 He also taught about equality in all human beings:
o “All Mankind is from Adam and an Arab has no superiority over a non-
Arab, nor has a non-Arab over the Arab. Similarly, no white ha
superiority over the black; nor black over white; except by piety and
good action.”
 Prophet also said that every Muslim is brother to another Muslim and that the
Muslims constitute one brotherhood.
 Regarding the taking of interest, he said:
o “Allah has forbidden you to take usury therefore all interest obligations
will henceforth be waived.”
 He introduced for the first time in history, the rights of women and slaves and
stressed on their good treatment. He said:
o “O People! You have rights over your wives and your wives have rights
over you. Treat you wives with kindness. Verily, you have taken them on
the security of Allah and made the lawful unto you but the words of
Allah. And feed your slaves as you feed yourselves and cloth them as you
cloth yourselves. If they omit a fault which you are unwilling to forgive,
sell them.”
 Prophet reminded his people of the day of judgement and the finality of
o “Remember, one day you will appear before Allah and answer for your
deeds” and “O People! No prophet or apostle will come after me and no
new faith will be born.”
 The holy prophet also obliged the Muslims to transmit his teaching to future
generations. “Let him who is present tell it to him who is absent.”
 Prophet advised his nation,” I leave behind me two things, the Quran and my
example, the Sunnah and if you follow these you will never go astray.”
 After sermon, offered combined zuhr and asr prayer
 Last revelation of Surah Maida revealed,” This day I have perfected your
religion for you, completed my favour upon you and chosen Islam as your
 Performed rituals of Hajj and after spending three days in Mina from 10 th, left
for Madina

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