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journal of indian college of cardiology xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

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Short Communication

Radiation-associated cataracts among

interventional physicians and support staff

Gerald R. Schultz *
Associate Clinical Professor, Loma Linda University School of Medicine, United States

article info abstract

Article history: The lens is especially sensitive to ionization from radiation which alters the protein in its
Received 31 August 2015 organized collagen fibers, making them opaque. Professional and ancillary personnel are at
Accepted 26 October 2015 risk for developing radiation-induced cataracts since the radiation can have an accumula-
Available online xxx tive effect. Appropriate detection devices, protective clothing, and shields in the exam area
as well as safe techniquest can reduce, if not eliminate this danger.
Keywords: # 2015 Indian College of Cardiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Ionizing radiation

1. Introduction 2. Dosages of radiation

Interventional cardiologists and their staff are in particular Dose measurements are generally measured through the use
danger of developing radiation-induced cataracts because of individual dosimeters. These devices may have limited
their work necessitates their being close to the patient during value based upon the individuals' compliance in wearing
catheterizations. Threshold values for visually significant them, and how they are worn, whether they are in a
cataracts have been established by the International Commis- radiation exposed area or behind a protective lead apron.
sion of Radiological Protection (ICRP)1 and by the U.S. National The units of measurements are in Grays and Sieverts. A Gray
Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP),2 (Gy) is a unit of absorbed ionizing radiation, based on one
and are constantly being revised as new data are accumulated. joule/kilogram of irradiated tissue of an exposed individual.
Variability in the minimum radiation dosage that causes A Sievert (Sv) is a unit of ionizing radiation to which an
cataracts is also based upon age, illnesses, medications, use of individual is exposed, weighted for the quality of radiation
protective apparatus, and an otherwise normal individual's and an individual's tissue response. Sieverts are subdivided
propensity to normally develop cataracts in the absence of into equivalent dose and effective dose (ED). An equivalent
radiation exposure. Studies performed have been based on an dose is the absorbed dose averaged over a tissue and
individual's perception of visual disability and the presence of weighted for the quality of the radiation. The ED is the
even the smallest opacity detected by trained professionals sum of all the equivalent doses weighted for their effect on
using the biomicroscope, aka slit lamp. the body's tissue.

* Tel.: +1 7603429991; fax: +1 7603427958.

E-mail address:
1561-8811/# 2015 Indian College of Cardiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Schultz G.R. Radiation-associated cataracts among interventional physicians and support staff, J Indian
Coll Cardiol. (2016),
JICC-286; No. of Pages 3

2 journal of indian college of cardiology xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

For the human lens, the ICRP now recommends a complexity of the clinical problem which translated into
maximum equivalent dose limit of 20 milli-Sieverts (mSv) fluoroscopy time and the number images made, and the size of
per year, averaged over 5 years, with no single year exceeding the patient. Equipment-related factors include the position of
50 mSv. This is a considerable reduction from the previous the X-ray tube, whether it is over or under the table, the use
limit of 150 mSv for the equivalent dose. of biplane systems, the setting of doses in the machine, the
distribution of scatter radiation, and the use of personal
protective devices for the staff.
3. Cataract development

5. Pathogenesis of cataract development

Individuals at risk are interventional cardiologists and radi-
ologists and their support personnel. Also at risk are surgeons
and their support personnel who use fluoroscopy in operating In the pathogenesis of radiation-induced cataracts, ionizing
rooms who use fluoroscopy. They can be within a high-scatter radiation is generally, but not exclusively, associated with
X-ray field for several hours a day during procedures. posterior sub-capsular, and sometimes, cortical opacities. The
The incidence and types of lens opacities in cardio-vascular damage starts at the anterior surface, where dividing cells
lab personnel vary, based upon the usage of X-ray fluoroscopic normally form a clear crystalline protein fiber that migrates
guidance in angioplasty, the individual's medical and ocular toward the posterior pole of the lens in the PSC region. This
history, the age of the individual and years of exposure, the differentiation is altered by exposure to ionizing radiation. The
types of exam equipment, the protective equipment used, and fiber cells elongate and align with each other prematurely,
the types of procedures being performed. causing the lens to lose its transparency. Specifically, the
Various studies have been performed to track the incidence communication between the transmembrane cell adhesion
of lens opacities in cardio-vascular lab personnel. A study at molecules and the remodeling proteases, such as metallopro-
Columbia University headed by Kleiman3 involved 42 cardiol- teinases and their tissue inhibitors, is damaged, causing the
ogists (mean age 46.7), 18 of whom (43%) had dots and vacuoles abnormal growth and differentiation of the lens fibers.7–11 On a
on the back surface of the lens cortex adjacent to the posterior molecular level, the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor
capsule characteristic of nascent posterior subcapsular (PSC) (CDKN1A) gene, which regulates the cell cycles and DNA
cataracts. The authors found that the frequency and severity synthesis, is particularly vulnerable to radiation.7
of the posterior lens changes increased with age and years in Descriptions of the level of radiation-induced cataract
practice. The rate of progression of such radiation associated formation are generally based on the Merriam–Focht grading
lens changes was assumed to be slow. The authors also system.12 Stage 1+ is the lowest level usually seen in radiation-
documented the incidence in cardiology suite nurses and exposed individuals. It is a discrete PCS or cortical opacity of
technicians (mean age 32.2). Of the 34 studied, 3 (9%) had early aggregates of dots, or vacuoles. Stage 2+ has more extensive
onset cataracts. For a control group, 42 unexposed non- PSC opacities. Stage 3+ has a denser PSC opacity that blocks
medical professionals (mean age 40.5 years) were studied. Of the path of light. Stage 4+ involves the anterior cortical fibers,
this group, 4 (10%) had the cortical dots and vacuoles, the same with some areas of transparency. Stage 5+ is a totally opacified
incidence as cardiology suite personnel, but one-quarter the pearly white lens.
incidence of the physicians in the same age group. The support
personnel also had one-quarter of the incidence as the
6. Prevention
physicians probably because they work further away from
the patient and the radiation emitter, and since their age
cohort is 15 years less than the doctors, their cumulative dose Prevention of damage from radiation has been proposed by the
exposure is less. ICRP and the U.S. NCRP. The occupational dose limit for eye
Another study by the same group found that the cumula- exposure has been set at 150 mSv/year.1,2 To achieve this goal,
tive median values of lens doses in cardiologists was 6.0 Sv and equipment and facility modifications, as well as positioning of
that of nurses and technicians to be 1.5 Sv, or one-fourth less. personnel, have been recommended. These include ceiling
The same study determined the threshold values for visually suspended lead screens that can reduce the dose rate by a
disabling cataracts after a single brief exposure to be 2–10 Sv factor of 5 to 25 and the wearing of leaded glass eyewear which
and after protracted exposure to be about 8 Sv.4 can reduce the rate by a factor of 5 to 10. Further reduction can
be achieved by positioning the X-ray tube below the table as far
away from the patient as possible and position personnel
4. Radiation exposure
as far away as clinically possible from the X-ray tube and
patient. The X-ray equipment should always be in optimum
Non-compliance in wearing the dosimeter radiation badges is operating condition, fluoroscopy should be pulsed, and the
from 20%5,6 to 67% as determined in surveys during various usage minimized.13
radiation protection training courses in which cardiologists
from countries around the world participated.
7. Conclusion
Exposure to radiation varies, dependent upon the patient
being examined and the equipment and the workload in the
examination facility, as well as the experience and skill of Exposure to low doses of ionizing radiation can have a
the professional staff. Patient-related factors include the cumulative effect that may result in visually disabling

Please cite this article in press as: Schultz G.R. Radiation-associated cataracts among interventional physicians and support staff, J Indian
Coll Cardiol. (2016),
JICC-286; No. of Pages 3

journal of indian college of cardiology xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 3

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Please cite this article in press as: Schultz G.R. Radiation-associated cataracts among interventional physicians and support staff, J Indian
Coll Cardiol. (2016),

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