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Demolish an existing food court and construct a high rise building.

The first project is to demolish an existing food court and construct blocks of
high rise multi-purpose buildings on the site. The target site is a 5-acre food court
named as New World Park along Swatow Lane in George Town. New World Park is
demolished to build 3 blocks of high rise multi-purpose buildings that consists of
hotel, residential blocks and restaurant. Among the buildings, one of them will be a
22-storey hotels with 260 rooms; two blocks will be built for residential purpose
which have 48-storey and 436 units; and just below the residential tower will be the

This project involves a change of purpose of using of the land. Hence, the zoning
law by state government is a factor that should be considered when carrying out this
project. New World Park is a commercial building, while the new project involves a
construction of 2 blocks of residential towers. In this case, an application of rezoning
need to be made to the state government. This process takes time because the state
government need to discuss the application with the Technical Department about the
land use around the site.

Different from a brand new construction project, this project requires a demolish
of existing building first before the high-rise buildings can be constructed. Demolition
work can be very dangerous and risky if using method like implosion, which may
cause injuries or death to the labour if the work is not conducted properly. The
construction duration will be longer and work will be delayed if labour injured or die.
Besides, the removal of waste from after demolishing is also a costly part because the
waste can not be thrown anywhere, it must be disposed properly which will not harm
the environment and human.

Swatow Lane located in the centre of Georgetown which a historical cities, the
buildings and the layout of the city do not change much to maintain the historical feel.
The centre of the city is full of shop lots, hotels and eateries which the source of
material is a bit hard to acquire. Thus, the materials for construction need to be
transported from other places. This will affect the project performance because the
transportation takes time ,consume more cost and more labors needed. Along Swatow
Lane, there are many historical old shop lots. When we are doing construction around
the old building, it is important that we our project do not affect the old buildings. As
a result, we need much more care when transporting material or machinery to the site.

Politics is one of the factors that affect the performance of this project. In an
country which has a high risk of terrorist attack or racism, the construction project
within the country will have a high possibility to failure. This is because, it affects the
trustworthy of foreign investors that invest in our country, when they feel insecure
with our country condition that may bring loss to their investment, they will leave our
country and we will lose a source of income. Our currency exchange rate will be
lowered which in terms affect our modal for the project. Level of corruption increases
the price of the project, when corruption takes place during the construction, the price
will be added to the final amount that will be paid by the client. However, this brings
disgrace to the company and country.

Besides, the implementation of technology in the construction will also affect the
performance of the project. Technology is introduced to the construction to speed up
the construction activities, reduce labour force and increase productivity. Hence, the
implementation of high technology will improve the project performance. Hence,
Industrialized Building System (IBS) introduced by Construction Industry
Development Board (CIDB) is believed to bring many benefits to the construction,
clients, and the environment too. IBS is a construction method using pre-cast building
components such as staircase, wall panel and slab from factory and assemble on the
site. The IBS building components have higher quality because it is made in the
factory and the quality is controlled, no labour error will be found in the component.
Next, the total cost for the project can be reduced because the pre-cast components
can replace machinery in the construction site. Most importantly, IBS is
environment-friendly because the production of pre-cast component in factory can
solve the waste disposal problem in the site. Besides, we can totally forget about the
usage of form work if we implement IBS construction method in the project. In
addition, the buildings can apply for Green Building Index (GBI) certification if is
IBS is used. The GBI measures how eco-friendly the building is and the building will
be awarded with a score. This can build trustworthy of clients towards compony for
using a better construction choice, the green building is a more healthy choice to
occupants too.

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