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pa r t o n e of a Three-part s er i es

The following article was published in High Performing Buildings, Spring

2008. ©Copyright 2008 American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and
Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. It is presented for educational purposes
only. This article may not be copied and/or distributed electronically or
in paper form without permission of ASHRAE.

Strategies That Maximize Benefits
B y M i c h a e l N i c k l a s , FAIA

Low energy bills, high quality indoor environment, low construction costs — 
daylighting is one sustainable building strategy that can help achieve all these goals.
Based on a calculation I did for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL),
daylighting strategies can potentially reduce our nation’s total energy consumption
by 1% with a one- to three-year simple payback. When approaching daylighting
design, the project design team needs to understand and consider the various ele-
ments that can help maximize daylighting benefits. This is part one of a three-part
series on sustainable strategies. The first part focuses on daylighting; subsequent
parts discuss water and integrated design.

30 High Performing B u i l d i n g s  S p r i n g 2 0 0 8
For Chattanooga Convention Center, south-facing roof monitors provide natural lighting into the 100,000 ft2 main exhibit
area. The daylighting strategy and color selection reduced the load by 40 tons in just this one space.

Site Maximization as well as the landscaping and archi- provide passive heating benefits,
The most obvious site consideration tectural design. To fully integrate and effectively diffuse and filter
is orientation. Elongating the building daylighting strategies, they cannot be lighting. Unfortunately, roof moni-
on an east-west axis and locating high regarded as alternative strategies. tors can only be used in single-
priority spaces on the north and south story designs or on the top floor
exposures can enhance cost-effective Roof Monitors and Lightshelves of multistory designs.
daylighting. Account for shading from Roof monitors or side lighting with
With south-facing roof monitors:
adjacent buildings and trees and con- south-facing lightshelves or high,
sider the reflectance of the materials north transoms can reduce lighting •  se light-colored roofing material
in front of glazing areas. and cooling loads. to reflect sunlight into the glazing.
When placed in front and to the
Integrated Design South-Facing Roof Monitors sides of the south-facing roof mon-
The most cost-effective, energy- Roof monitors with vertical south itors, the glazing area in the moni-
efficient daylighting strategies are glazing, interior baffles and properly tors can be reduced by up to 30%,
integrated into the overall design and sized overhangs can create uniform according to a study of my projects
take into account all impacts, not just lighting having less contrast, by North Carolina State University
lighting. They consider the structural, provide daylight in spaces far graduate students.
mechanical and electrical systems, from the perimeter of the building,

The lightshelf reflects daylight deep into the The south-facing roof monitor with baffles blocks direct beams.
space and shades the lower view window.

S p r i n g 2 0 0 8   H i g h Performing Buildings 31
•  ely on stratification of heat within
the monitor itself to help reduce
cooling loads. Do not place sup-
ply and return grilles in this area;
instead, let the heat stratify.
•  inimize the depth of the ceiling
cavity. The depth of the well is
important. The deeper the well, the
harder it is for light to reflect down
into the space. Figure at left shows
the theoretical decrease in effi-
Smith Middle School was constructed at $750,000 under budget. The Lighting
Research Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute analyzed the daylighting
ciency resulting from deep wells.
performance and found that electric lighting was reduced by 64% and 78 tons of According to an IESNA workshop,
cooling were saved. The facility is 128,000 ft2 and the area daylit is 63,000 ft2. a 7 ft deep, square sky well with
70% reflectance loses 50% effec-
tiveness because of well depth.
i m pac t o f c e i l i n g c av i t y

North-Facing Roof Monitors

North-facing monitors, although
effective in providing natural light,
typically require at least 25% more
glazing than south-facing monitors
to achieve the same annual daylight-
ing contribution. Because of the
additional glazing needed and the
lack of passive heat benefits in win-
ter, they are not as cost-effective
as south-facing monitors.
In many spaces, baffles can be
eliminated when using north-facing
Light lost when depth of ceiling cavity increases. roof monitors because direct beam

•  se fire-retardant and ultraviolet-

U bottom of the light well, contrast is
resistant baffles to diffuse light. greatly lessened if there is a transi-
Space white baffles, hanging par- tion between the vertical and hori-
allel to the glass, to block direct zontal plane surfaces. A 45-degree
beams from entering the space. angled plane is good, but a curved
transition is better.
• Design the south-facing monitor to
capture passive heating in the winter •  ake sure the colors used within
months. This helps to replace the heat the monitor well are very light with
usually provided by electric lights. high reflectance. If acoustical ceil-
ing material is used, ensure that
•  inimize contrast at the intersec-
the total assembly’s reflectance and
tion of the well and ceiling. At the
acoustical properties are high.

32 High Performing B u i l d i n g s  S p r i n g 2 0 0 8
Lightshelves can shade lower view glass.
Advertisement formerly in this space.
light enters early or late in the day
during the summer. If baffles are
needed, consider vertically sus-
pended baffles, such as banners,
that can intercept the light during
these key times.

South-Facing Lightshelves
Lightshelves are typically the system
of choice for multistory buildings
because they can bounce sunlight
deep into moderately sized rooms
through high glazing areas on the
south side of buildings. Typically,
lightshelves cost less than moni-
tors. The downside of this approach
is that the light comes from one
side of the room, making it harder
to achieve uniform lighting. Also,
contrast between the brighter glazed
wall and the opposite side of the
room must be addressed.
When optimizing lightshelf design:
•  ecognize the limitations of side
daylighting. In typical windows,
light levels drop considerably mov-
ing away from low view windows. Baffles inside south-facing monitor.
It is common for the light level to

T h e r m a l G a i n s b y W i n d o w O r i e n tat i o n

Btu/ft2 of unprotected glass/day at 35°N Latitude. Btu/ft2 of unprotected glass/day at 48°N Latitude.

34 High Performing B u i l d i n g s  S p r i n g 2 0 0 8
Advertisement formerly in this space.

Architectural detail intentionally darkens the projection screen while still allowing daylight to the rest of the classroom.

be 120 footcandles at a low window lighting strategy in rooms with 10 ceiling must be. The daylighting
and 20 footcandles at a distance 8 ft ceilings and no more than 15 to windows should be placed as close
ft away. However, with lightshelves, 20 ft deep from the window. The to the ceiling as possible.
this is an effective multistory day- deeper the room, the higher the
• Select durable but reflective lightshelf
material. Aluminum is a good option.

Glass-to-Floor Area Guidelines

• S hade low view glass. The exterior
lightshelves can shade the windows
Small to Midsize Large Volume below. If using window treatments,
Spaces (Classrooms) Spaces (Gymnasium) do not install one continuous blind
South-Facing Roof Monitor 8% to 11% 5% to 8% that covers the top lightshelf glass
and the low view glass.
South Lightshelf 8% to 11%

South Lightshelf With Blinds Between Glazing 10% to 18% • S top direct beam light with blinds
North-Facing Roof Monitor 12% to 15% 7% to 10% between the glass. An interior
High North-Facing Transom Glazing 15% to 20%
lightshelf usually cannot stop
direct beam light from entering
Until detailed daylighting analysis is conducted, these guidelines, developed the top section of glazing when the
based on my experience, can be useful in estimating daylighting glazing amounts
for particular approaches.
sun has a low altitude. One option
is to incorporate an extended inte-
rior lightshelf, but this requires a

36 High Performing B u i l d i n g s  S p r i n g 2 0 0 8
deep shelf. Another option is to
incorporate blinds between the E n e r g y R a m i f i c at i o n s
glass to intercept this problematic
light and reflect it up to the ceil- A daylighting strategy that is not typically Reduce cooling loads. In the warmer
ing. When sizing the amount of superior to electric lighting will create a months, cooling loads can be reduced by
glazing required, account for the negative energy situation. Insufficient day- providing just the right amount of daylight
light results in the lights being turned on, to meet the footcandle objective. When
loss in transmission due to blinds meaning heat is produced from the lights the electric lights are off, the cooling load
between the glass. Most blinds as well as from the sunlight. If designed is less because daylight can produce the
between the glass can be closed if correctly, a daylighting strategy can reduce same lumens as fluorescent fixtures but
desired. However, if the space does electricity for lighting and peak electrical with only half the heat. To achieve these
demand, cooling energy and peak cooling cooling reductions, use south- and north-fac-
not need this option, the blinds’ loads, maintenance costs associated with ing strategies with automated dimming.
position can be permanently set to lamp replacement, and electrical service
Consider passive solar gain to offset
angle up to the ceiling. to the building.
winter heat previously provided by lights.
Good daylighting strategies result in the
• I ncrease the performance of the Maximize south glazing and minimize east- lights being out the majority of the time
lightshelf by implementing a and west-facing glass. The accompanying year-round. This means that the winter heat
sloped ceiling from the top of the charts indicate the amount of thermal gain typically produced by lights is significantly
on different flat surfaces without a south less. South-facing, vertically placed daylight-
lightshelf glass downward to the overhang. To maximize winter heat gain and ing strategies naturally increase heat enter-
back, north wall. In my experience, minimize summer heat gain, use south- ing into the space during the winter months
this improves reflectance and can facing apertures. It is easy to add glazing and can compensate for the heat that was
reduce glazing up to 10%. By slop- and achieve a high daylighting contribu- provided by lights.
tion. The key is implementing glazing that
ing the ceiling from the outside wall Select the right glazing. It is important to
provides superior daylighting for 60% to
minimize the size and maximize the visible
to the back of the space, it is often 70% of the time without increasing cooling
light transmission of daylighting apertures.
possible to encroach into the ceiling loads during peak. The best design can be
Windows should be made of high-quality
determined by simulating the varying glazing
cavity above the window area and construction, incorporate thermal breaks,
amounts and overhang lengths during peak
gain needed space for mechanical and include the appropriate glazing for
cooling times. Because of the sun’s low
the application. Make a clear distinction
systems on the north side without azimuthal angles that hit the east and west
between glazing for views and/or ventilation
increasing floor-to-floor dimensions. elevations, it is difficult and can be expen-
and glazing for daylighting. For daylight-
sive to produce a controlled daylighting solu-
The benefits of the sloped ceiling tion using east- and west-facing glazing.
ing windows, clear glass typically has an
advantage over glazing with a low-e coat-
are apparent when comparing a
Avoid uncontrolled horizontal skylights. ing. Because a 10% to 40% reduction in
room with a flat, 10 ft ceiling to Skylights provide the least daylighting visible light transmission characteristics
one with a ceiling that is 11 ft 4 benefits from an energy perspective. More of most low-e coatings exists, 10% to 40%
in. at the lightshelf and 9 ft at the than twice the heat will enter into a building more glass is required to attain the same
through a flat skylight in the summer than daylighting benefit. When comparing the
back of the space. in the winter, just the opposite of what is thermal benefits of low-e coatings to the
desired. If the size of a flat skylight is opti- benefits of visible light transmission, con-
mized to reduce heat during the summer, sider the cost of lightshelf or roof monitor
North-Facing Transom Glazing it will not provide the necessary daylight components that would be added if more
In spaces located on the north side during the rest of the year and can become glazing is required. However, wherever low
problematic from a direct beam standpoint. view glass windows are incorporated, low-e
of the building, high transom glaz-
Although skylights can be designed with coating should be used to improve comfort
ing can be an effective strategy, internal tracking louvers and produce good and save energy.
specifically in narrow rooms or large quality daylighting, it is difficult to justify
spaces, when used in combination their use when considering cooling peak
loads. Only in a few areas of the country,
with south-side lightshelves or roof where the climate is mild and sky conditions
monitors. High north-facing transom are optimal, should skylights be considered
glazing can provide good daylight- a better energy choice than roof monitors or
ing in spaces that are not too deep lightshelves.

without the problem of direct beam

S p r i n g 2 0 0 8   H i g h Performing Buildings 37
light. However, like north-facing
roof monitors, it is necessary to
increase the glass area to achieve the
same contribution as south-facing
When optimizing north-facing
transom glazing:
•  on’t use lightshelves. Because
of the lack of direct beam light on
the north side, lightshelves do not
provide any benefit and should not
be used. Eliminate direct beam light by bouncing, redirecting and filtering sunlight.
•  se high, sloped ceilings. Place the
glazing high in the room, with the
ceiling plane starting at the window
head and sloping to the opposite
wall, to enhance performance.
•  se high glass instead of view
windows. High, horizontally placed
glass is, from a daylighting per-
spective, superior to low view
•  rovide proper glass-to-floor
area ratios.

Human Factors
Understanding human nature is
essential to designing good day-
lighting solutions. Quality, energy-
efficient daylighting cannot be
accomplished by installing many
uncontrolled windows. For example,
if direct beam light enters a space,
it quickly will irritate occupants,
leading them to block the light,
negating the daylighting strategy.
•  liminate direct beam light.
A key component of good daylight-
ing, which essentially eliminates
commonly used view windows, is
the elimination of uncontrolled,
direct beam light. In all spaces
where light quality is critical, the

The south-facing monitors with baffles provide daylight to the gymnasium.
Advertisement formerly in this space.
shades or blinds. Using blinds
G l a z i n g f o r D i f f e r e n t A p p l i c at i o n s
results in decreased performance,
Application Exposure Glazing Type increased first costs, and greater
long-term maintenance expenses.
Try designing the space so that
View Windows South Clear Double (or Tinted), Low-e
areas that need to be dark, such
View Windows North Clear Double, Low-e as a projection screen, television
View Windows East or West, Unshaded Tinted Double, Low-e monitor and computer monitor,
View Windows East or West, Shaded Clear Double, Low-e
are in a shaded area, while the
majority of the space remains lit.
Daylighting Apertures
Televisions can be located in a
corner, not adjacent to a window, to
Glass Above Lightshelves South Clear Double
avoid glare.
High Glass Above View Windows North Clear Double

Roof Monitor Glass South or North Clear Double

General Recommendations
Blinds Between the Glass South Clear Double
•  inimize contrast between bright
surfaces and dark surfaces. Avoid
This chart does not apply to the coldest climates, which may require triple glazing. bright, visually exposed windows.
• S elect light colors for interior
strategies used should bounce, space and turning on the lights
finishes. The color of the ceiling,
redirect or filter the sunlight so that will never be broken.
walls, floor, and furniture has a
direct beam light does not enter.
•  onsider the need to darken indi-
C major impact on the effectiveness
• Develop daylighting strategies vidual spaces. The success of of a daylighting strategy. Finishes
to provide superior lighting for daylighting strategies is greatly should be white or light colored
two-thirds of the daylit hours. influenced by how the occupants with good reflectance. Color is
Daylighting must be superior to interact with the components of not the only factor to consider.
electrical lighting the majority of the strategy, especially blinds or Account for fissures or holes
the time the space is occupied. shades. If periodic darkening of a within acoustical tiles that will
If not, the habit of walking into a space is not required, do not install absorb light.

A south-facing lightshelf with blinds between the glass can Sloping the ceiling downward from the head of the win-
reflect problematic light to the ceiling and back into the space. dow to the back of the room improves reflectance.

40 High Performing B u i l d i n g s  S p r i n g 2 0 0 8
•  se dimming controls. To enhance
U patibility between ballast, lamps and • S elect compatible electric light fix-
the economic benefits and provide controls. Mount the photosensors in tures. Use indirect lighting fixtures
for a smoother transition between a location that closely simulates the that more closely represent daylight.
light conditions, use dimmable or light level (or can be set by being
•  onsider the furniture and space
multistepped lighting controlled by proportional to the light level) at the
layout. Notice the light direction
photosensors. There should be com- work plane.
and the potential for glare. This is
particularly important when decid-
ing the location of computers.
Subsequent articles by the author,
discussing water and integrated design,
will be published in future issues. •

Ab o u t t h e A u t h o r

Michael Nicklas, FAIA, is president, cofounder

and design principal at Innovative Design,
Inc., in Raleigh, N.C. He is past president
of the International Solar Energy Society.
Recently, he served on the project commit-
Durant Road Middle School was constructed under budget. The first year
tee of ASHRAE’s publication, Advanced Energy
savings attributed to the daylighting and roof assembly were over $0.50/ft2.
Design Guide for K–12 School Buildings:
The additional cost for the 150,000 ft2 facility was $115,000, and the simple
Achieving 30% Energy Savings Toward a Net
payback was less than two years.
Zero Energy Building.

Advertisement formerly in this space.

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