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Provide the participants with knowledge on programmatic and operational approaches of

successful local governments in the Philippines in addressing stunting prevention and reduction,
as well as other experiences in planning, budgeting, and management of local nutrition programs,
with results

Content of the Presentation:

1. Why Invest in Nutrition (Rationale)
2. Updates on Successful Countries in Stunting Reduction
3. The Experience of a Province, City, Municipality in the Philippines
a. State of Six Critical Interventions (Philippines?)
i. Anong ginagawa nila?
b. Concrete Actions Taken to Address Gaps in the Six Critical Interventions
i. Prenatal care
ii. IFA
iii. DSP for pregnant
iv. Exclusive breastfeeding
v. DSP for 6-23
vi. MS
c. Other Actions in Support to Improvement in the Six Critical Interventions
d. Results
4. Issues and Implications on Planning and Budgeting for Stunting Prevention and Reduction
5. Questions for Reflection
1. Audio-visual Presentation
2. PowerPoint

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