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Power (kW)

Q. Design a Solar-Wind Hybrid System in the 7
following power profile requirements: 6 Wind
Asssume, Wind = 6 m/s and Solar= 4.5 hours 5
Soltion: 3
Given: 1

= 6 kW *5 hr +7 kW*4 hr 0 5AM 6AM

E (Wind)= 58 kWh

Total energy generation from Solar is:

= 1/2 *2 hr*4 kW +4kW*5h+1/2 *5hr*4 kW
E(Solar)= 34 kWh

E(Total)= 92 kWh/Day

Step-1 Design of Wind Turbine

Rated Capacity of Wind Turbine (P)= = E(Wind)/(Operating hours *Wind System Efficienc
= 58 kWh/Day /(9 hours *0.33)
= 19.53 kW
Also, (P)= 1/2 * ρ*A*V^3

i.e . 19.53*1000= 1/2 *1.225 kg/m^3 *A*(6 m/s)^3 *Cp Assume, Average wind speed is 6 m/s
So, A= 447.3304 Sq.m
and (D)= 23.9 Meter is the Required Rotor Diameter

Step-2 Design of Solar System

Solar Plant Capacity ( kWp)= kWh/day /( Peaksun * System Efficiency)

= 34 kWh/day /( 4.5 *0.8)
= 9.44 kWp

Step-4 Comparision with Diesel Generator

Here, 1 liter diesel---> 10 kWht---->> 3.3 kWhe energy.

Amount of diesel displaced = Total Energy ( E)/3.3
= 92 kWh/day / (3.3 kWh/liter)
= 27.88 Liter of diesel per day
Cost saves in Diesel (NRs)=
2,509 NRs/Day >> NRs 90/liter
915,818 NRs/Year

Also, Amount of GHG saved being emitted to environment is=

88.655 kg/day >> 1 Liter diesel produce 3.18 kG C
32.359 Tons/year


8 AM 1PM 6PM 8AM 12AM Time (hours)

urs *Wind System Efficiency)

Assume, Overall Efficiency is 33%

speed is 6 m/s
diesel produce 3.18 kG Co2 equivalent green house gasses

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