Camera Oscura (Artículo)

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Hanging Out Yonkers:

A Photographic Record

Jane Stein

Jane Stein, Myra Farhy (now Alfreds) and Chantal Akerman met
in 1971 when the filmmaker knocked on the door of Stein’s New
York apartment, referred by a mutual friend. They remained
friends for forty-­five years. In 1972 Akerman worked on a docu-
mentary with youth participants in a citywide drug prevention
and treatment program called RAP (Redirection and Preven-
tion), where Farhy worked. Stein took these photos on a visit to the
RAP lounge in Yonkers, where Akerman was shooting with cin-
ematographer Babette Mangolte and Epp Kotkas. For an account
of the project, see Janet Bergstrom’s interview with Mangolte in
this issue. 
— Patricia White

Camera Obscura 100, Volume 34, Number 1

doi 10.1215/02705346-7264104 © 2019 by Camera Obscura
Published by Duke University Press


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Figure 1. Chantal Akerman

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Figure 2. Chantal Akerman with program participants

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Figure 3. Chantal Akerman and program participant

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Figure 4. Left to right: Myra Farhy, Epp Kotkas,

Chantal Akerman

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Figure 5. Program participant (bottom left foreground), Epp

Kotkas, Babette Mangolte, Chantal Akerman, Myra Farhy

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Figure 6. Chantal Akerman

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